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Dissection of the human body for educational purposes became officially permitted in the Ottoman Empire only after a long, difficult process. In the West, studies based on the findings of Galen had been taboo during a long period in which dissection of human bodies had been prohibited. Although the first dissection studies since ancient times began to appear in the Western literature in the late 13th and early 14th centuries, the post‐Galen taboo against dissection was broken only in the 16th century by the studies of Vesalius. However, in the Eastern World, it was only fairly recently that the idea of the “sanctity of the human body” could be challenged. In the medieval Islamic world, as during the Middle Ages in the West, prohibitions against the dissection of human cadavers continued for social and religious reasons, although the Koran does not specifically ban such dissection. This prohibition also continued through the Ottoman era, which began in the 14th century. The first efforts to end the prohibition on dissection in the Ottoman Empire were made at the beginning of the 19th century during the reign of Sultan Selim III but official permission for dissection was given only in 1841 during the reign of Sultan Abdulmecid. Educational dissections in the Ottoman Empire officially began at the Istanbul Medical School following the granting of this permission. This article will discuss the attempts to end the prohibition of dissection in Ottomans within the scope of the history of anatomical study in Turkey. Clin. Anat. 27:964–971, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In the summer of 2009, we began full body computed tomography (CT) scanning of the pre-embalmed cadavers in the University of Michigan Medical School (UMMS) dissection lab. We theorized that implementing web-based, self-guided clinical cases based on postmortem CT (PMCT) scans would result in increased student appreciation for the clinical relevance of anatomy, increased knowledge of cross-sectional anatomy, and increased ability to identify common pathologies on CT scans. The PMCT scan of each cadaver was produced as a DICOM dataset, and then converted into a Quicktime movie file using Osirix software. Clinical cases were researched and written by the authors, and consist of at least one Quicktime movie of a PMCT scan surrounded by a novel navigation interface. To assess the value of these clinical cases we surveyed medical students at UMMS who are currently using the clinical cases in their coursework. Students felt the clinical cases increased the clinical relevance of anatomy (mean response 7.77/10), increased their confidence finding anatomical structures on CT (7.00/10), and increased their confidence recognizing common pathologies on CT (6.17/10). Students also felt these clinical cases helped them synthesize material from numerous courses into an overall picture of a given disease process (7.01/10). These results support the conclusion that our clinical cases help to show students why the anatomy they are learning is foundational to their other coursework. We would recommend the use of similar clinical cases to any medical school utilizing cadaver dissection as a primary teaching method in anatomy education.  相似文献   

From an historical perspective, great intellectual effort and struggle were required to secure the privilege of human postmortem anatomical dissection. It represents one expression of the validity and value of the patient-physician relationship. The latter contributes to the welfare of mankind, if through that involvement the knowledge and wisdom of each is enhanced. “… Death rejoices to come to the aid of life” only if patients and physicians are committed to the educational and functional value of postmortem analysis, organ/tissue donation, and cadaveric anatomical dissection. Physicians must be willing to communicate to the individuals they encounter the usefulness of these opportunities for the continued enhancement of patient care and medical science. I would argue that it should be perceived as an expression of an interdependence among all sentient beings, and as such should be promoted as the zeitgeist of all interpersonal relationships within contemporary society.  相似文献   

Throughout the history of medical science, the sourcing, storage, and management of cadavers for the study of gross anatomy have been problematic issues. As presented in this report, a study of these issues was conducted in the departments of anatomy of medical schools in Nigeria. To establish the extent and depth of the prevailing difficulties in the sourcing of cadavers, 18 (62.1%) of the Departments of Anatomy that qualified for this study were used. In sum, 94.4% of these schools reported an inadequate number of cadavers for study. The estimated ages of the cadavers were between 20 and 40 years and 85% of the schools reported more than 75% of the cadavers to be from the lower socioeconomic class. Altogether, 94.4% of the schools reported a male dominance of more than 95%. More than 72% of the schools reported that more than 90% of the cadavers were criminals that had been killed by shooting, less than 10% were unclaimed and unidentified corpses, and 0% originated from body bequest. No form of screening exercises for diseases and infective microorganisms was noted for all the schools, and there were no set standards for the acceptance or rejection of cadavers. Causative factors for the profile of available cadavers such as culture and religion were noted. This study was designed to look at various issues associated with the sourcing of cadavers for Anatomy education in typical developing African countries like Nigeria. As outlined in this report, the creation of legislation and the promotion and funding of programs highlighting the importance of body donation are crucial for improving the field of medical education.  相似文献   

Human anatomy, one of the basic medical sciences, is a time‐honored discipline. As such, it is taught using traditional methods, cadaveric dissection chief among them. Medical imaging has recently gained popularity as a teaching method in anatomy courses. In light of a general tendency to reduce course hours, this has resulted in a decrease of dissection time and intense debates between traditional and modern approaches to anatomy teaching. In an attempt to explore trends in the attitudes of medical professionals toward the various methods of anatomy teaching, medical imaging in particular, the authors constructed a questionnaire and conducted a nationwide survey among medical students (in all stages at medical school), residents, and specialists in all fields of medicine. The survey results demonstrated indisputable appreciation of traditional methods of anatomy teaching, particularly cadaveric dissection, and showed that specialists believe significantly more strongly than clinical or preclinical students that anatomy and medical imaging should be taught separately. Strong correlations among the components of the traditional approach to anatomy instruction were also found. In light of the results, it was recommended that imaging should be incorporated into anatomy courses with caution, and, as far as possible, not at the expense of dissection time. It was advised that medical imaging has to be taught as a separate course, parallel to a traditional anatomy course. This will allow anatomical principles to be appreciated, which in turn will serve the students when they study radiology. “And we proceed in the following order: in front walks Nikolai with the slides or atlases, I come after him, and after me, his head humbly lowered, strides the cart horse; or else, if necessary, a cadaver is carried in first, after the cadaver walks Nikolai, and so on. At my appearance, the students rise, then sit down, and the murmur of the sea suddenly grows still. Calm ensues.” —From “A Boring Story: From the Notebook of an Old Man” by Anton Chekhov. Clin. Anat. 28:980–984, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A new fast and accurate tissue typing technique has recently been successfully applied to prostate MR spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) data. This technique is based on canonical correlation analysis (CCA), a statistical method able to simultaneously exploit the spectral and spatial information characterizing the MRSI data. Here, the performance of CCA is further investigated by using brain data obtained by two-dimensional turbo spectroscopic imaging (2DTSI) from patients affected by glioblastoma. The purpose of this study is to investigate the applicability of CCA when typing tissues of heterogeneous tumors. The performance of CCA is also compared with that of ordinary correlation analysis on simulated as well as in vivo data. The results show that CCA outperforms ordinary correlation analysis in terms of robustness and accuracy.  相似文献   

Dry dissection, a concept developed by Lawrence Stark, includes a variety of techniques designed to isolate internal neural control components by using cleverly designed stimulus or measurement protocols. As envisioned by Stark, the concept applies only to motor systems that have multiple stimulus inputs and/or response behaviors. A new application of independent component analysis (ICA) can be used to extend the dry dissection concept to identify motor components from a single, isolated response. It is only necessary that multiple responses can be obtained to the same stimulus. This "ensemble ICA" technique is well suited to analyze various eye movement behaviors as even isolated motor systems often include multiple control processes. Here we apply ensemble ICA to vergence eye movements: the inward (convergence) or outward (divergence) turning of the eyes that allows us to view images at various distances. Previous studies concerning the dynamics of convergence and divergence eye movements have produced varied, sometimes contradictory, results: most studies report that convergence is considerably faster than divergence, but opposite results have also been reported. Experimental results have shown that the dynamics of divergence movements depend on the initial vergence position while those of convergence do not: divergence eye movements in response to targets initially near to the subject can attain peak velocities twice that of those driven by more distant targets. To determine the underlying cause of this behavior, ensemble ICA was applied to divergence responses. Results show that both convergence and divergence contain a sustained (step-like) and a transient (pulse-like) control component, but the amplitude of the transient component in divergence is dependent on initial stimulus position.  相似文献   

Radiology has a recognised role in undergraduate anatomy education. The recent digitalisation of radiology has created new learning opportunities involving techniques such as image labelling, 3D reconstruction, and multiplanar reformatting. An opportunity was identified at the University of Nottingham to create a digital library of normal radiology images as a learner‐driven adjunct in anatomy dissection sessions. We describe the process of creating a de novo digital library by sourcing images for presentation at computer workstations. Students' attitudes towards this new resource were assessed using a questionnaire which used a 5 point Likert scale and also offered free text responses. One hundred and forty‐one out of 260 students (54%) completed the questionnaire. The most notable findings were: a positive response to the relevance of imaging to the session topics (median score 4), strong agreement that images should be available on the university website (median score 5), and disagreement that enough workstations were available (median score 2). About 24% of respondents suggested independently that images needed more labeling to help with orientation and identification. This first phase of supplying a comprehensive imaging library can be regarded as a success. Increasing availability and incorporating dynamic labeling are well recognized as important design concepts for electronic learning resources and these will be improved in the second phase of delivery as a direct result of studentfeedback. Hopefully other centers can benefit from this experience and will consider such a venture to be worthwhile. Clin. Anat. 22:761–769, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Although dissection provides an unparalleled means of teaching gross anatomy, it constitutes a significant logistical and financial investment for educational institutions. The increasing availability and waning cost of computer equipment has enabled many institutions to supplement their anatomy curriculum with Computer Aided Learning (CAL) software. At the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, two undergraduate medical students designed and produced instructional anatomy dissection software for use by first and second year medical students. The software consists of full-motion, narrated, QuickTime MPG movies presented in a Macromedia environment. Forty-four movies, between 1-11 min in duration, were produced. Each movie corresponds to a dissection class and precisely demonstrates the dissection and educational objectives for that class. The software is distributed to students free of charge and they are encouraged to install it on their Apple iBook computers. Results of a student evaluation indicated that the software was useful, easy to use, and improved the students' experience in the dissection classes. The evaluation also indicated that only a minority of students regularly used the software or had it installed on their laptop computers. Accordingly, effort should also be directed toward making the software more accessible and increasing students' comfort and familiarity with novel instructional media. The successful design and implementation of this software demonstrates that CAL software can be employed to augment, enhance and improve anatomy instruction. In addition, effective, high quality, instructional multimedia software can be tailored to an educational institution's requirements and produced by novice programmers at minimal cost.  相似文献   

主张采用1975年国际外阴疾病研究协会上通过的女阴营养不良的命名及其分类。此法简易可行,能反映疾病的本质及其生物学行为。本文对内蒙古地区328例女阴营养不良作了病理分析,发现增生性营养不良156例(47.6%),萎缩性营养不良113例(34.6%),发病率偏高于国内其他地区,好发年龄均在20~30岁之间。病理所见,不仅上皮组织中有明显的营养不良改变,在真皮层内的结缔组织、神经组织及皮肤附属器亦均出现程度不等的变性、萎缩和消失。认为这些均系血管改变的结果。  相似文献   

Handouts were developed to support the program of Clinical Anatomy in the Medical School of Porto, and since 1996/97 alterations have been made to improve their format and content with our educational objectives in mind. A questionnaire was designed to evaluate the opinion of second‐year medical students enrolled in the program. Students were asked about their approval of the way handouts were organized and their usefulness, especially for lectures and practical sessions on physical examination, sectional and imaging anatomy, anatomical variations and malformations and case studies. Of 152 students, 138 (90.8%) returned the questionnaire. To describe the relationship between the value of handouts and several aspects of their organization and adequacy, the Spearman rank correlation coefficient was used for lectures, and canonical correlation for the various practical sessions. Students fully approved the way the handouts of lectures and practical sessions were organized (81.8% and 87%, respectively), their presentation (74.6% and 86.2%), relevance (88.3% and 85.5%), usefulness in understanding the lectures (77.6%) and their value in preparing for practical sessions (83.3%). Handouts were considered highly useful for case studies (90%), physical examination (81.9%) and sectional anatomy (65.7%). Students stating a higher degree of utility of the handouts emphasized that they were useful—indeed essential—in preparing for sessions, and noted their objectivity. The evaluation of the handouts was highly favorable and showed that they can be used as a guide through the complexities of an innovative program of Clinical Anatomy. Clin. Anat. 12:337–344, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Over the last four millennia, the discipline of anatomy and its relationships with medicine and society have evolved dramatically. Human dissection, the perennial tool for anatomical discovery and education, has both guided this evolution and matured alongside it. Soon after the first cadaveric dissections recorded in ancient Greece, China, India, and Persia, clear endorsements of its practice fell largely silent in the anatomical record for 1,500 years before reappearing in Europe at the dawn of the Renaissance. Between the 13th and 18th centuries CE, the performance of anatomical dissection became a popular form of education and public entertainment, and the demand for human cadavers steadily increased among European anatomical schools while supply remained limited by legal statute. This gave rise to an informal group of amateur and professional body snatchers called the Resurrectionists and, later, inspired the Anatomy Act of 1832 CE. In the 20th and 21st centuries CE, voluntary body bequeathal programs have enabled the practice of human dissection to continue in academic centers as a cornerstone of anatomical education, now with a newfound focus on the development of affective skills. This article provides an abridged account of anatomy's development, highlighting key moments in its growth, the valuable contributions of many different societies to the discipline, and the important roles of several luminary anatomists of antiquity. Within the broader context of this history, it offers an overview of anatomical dissection's evocative past, spanning from its inception to its present-day practice.  相似文献   

目的探讨16层CT多平面重建(MPR)与容积再现技术(VR)对主动脉夹层(AD)诊断的价值。方法经手术或DSA证实的AD患者43例,其中男性36例,女性7例;年龄29~78岁,平均年龄52.8岁。分析其16层CT征象,原始采集层厚为0.75mm,间隔0.75mm。MPR包括冠状位、矢状位和平行于主动脉弓的斜位,应用VR软件重建出立体三维图像。结果 43例患者中包括DeBakeyⅠ型13例,Ⅱ型2例,Ⅲ型28例(Ⅲa型11例,Ⅲb型17例)。Stanford分型法:A型15例,B型28例。MPR能直观显示夹层的整体形态、分支血管的走行及钙化,对夹层真假腔、内膜片和内膜初始破口的显示率高。VR立体感强,能清晰显示病变的全程及与分支血管的空间关系。结论充分应用16层CT的MPR和VR技术可以及早为AD患者做出正确的诊断,该技术应作为临床可疑患者的优选检查方法。  相似文献   

Realistic two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) applications for anatomical studies are being developed from true-colored sectioned images. We generated advanced-sectioned images of the entire male body and verified that anatomical structures of both normal and abnormal shapes could be visualized in them. The cadaver was serially sectioned at constant intervals using a cryomacrotome. The sectioned surfaces were photographed using a digital camera to generate horizontal advanced-sectioned images in which normal and abnormal structures were classified. Advanced-sectioned images of the entire male body were generated. The image resolution was 3.3 × 3.3 fold better than that of the first sectioned images obtained in 2002. In the advanced-sectioned images, normal and abnormal structures ranging from microscopic (≥0.06 mm × 0.06 mm; pixel size) to macroscopic (≤473.1 mm × 202 mm; body size) could be identified. Furthermore, the real shapes and actual sites of lung cancer and lymph node enlargement were ascertained in them. Such images will be useful because of their true color and high resolution in digital 2D and 3D applications for gross anatomy and clinical anatomy. In future, we plan to generate new advanced-sectioned images of abnormal cadavers with different diseases for clinical anatomy studies.  相似文献   

When the practice of hands-on anatomical dissection became popular in United States medical education in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, demand for cadavers exceeded the supply. Slave bodies and thefts by grave robbers met this demand. Members of the public were aware that graves were being robbed and countered with various protective measures. Since the deterrence of grave robbing took time and money, those elements of society who were least economically and socially advantaged were the most vulnerable. Enslaved and free African Americans, immigrants, and the poor were frequently the target of grave robbing. The politically powerful tolerated this behavior except when it affected their own burial sites. Slave owners sold the bodies of their deceased chattel to medical schools for anatomic dissection. Stories of the "night doctors" buying and stealing bodies became part of African American folklore traditions. The physical and documentary evidence demonstrates the disproportionate use of the bodies of the poor, the Black, and the marginalized in furthering the medical education of white elites.  相似文献   

We studied the normal evolution over time of the diameter of the healthy descending aorta in patients suffering from aneurysm or dissection of the ascending aorta, in order to anticipate potential complications of endoprosthetic treatment in this aortic segment. During their follow-up (average 35.9 months), 52 patients suffering from aneurysm or dissection of the ascending aorta had 168 aortic MRI examinations (27; average 3). Measurements were taken according to conventional reference landmarks making it possible to study the evolution of the diameter of the supposed healthy descending thoracic aorta. The variations in diameter with time were on average 5 mm, and there was no significant variation in this diameter, either for early controls or for the controls carried out after more than 1 year or 3 years, whatever the age group. Thus according to our series it seems that patients with a descending aorta endoprosthesis are not exposed to graft endoleak due to inadequate contact of the prosthesis and aorta within the 5 years following its implantation.  相似文献   

A rostrocaudal pathway connecting the temporal and parietal lobes was described in monkeys using autoradiography and was named the middle longitudinal fasciculus (MdLF). Recently, the use of diffusion tensor tractography has allowed it to be depicted in human volunteers. In the present study, a technique of fiber dissection was used in 18 cadaveric human brains to investigate the presence of this fasciculus and to detail its anatomical relationships. On the basis of our findings, fiber dissection provides evidence for a long horizontal bundle medial to the arcuate fasciculus and extending to the superior temporal gyrus. Its fibers occupy the lateral-most layer of the upper portion of the stratum sagittale and partially cover the inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus, which is situated deeper and slightly inferiorly. Whereas MdLF fibers continue on a relatively superficial level to reach the superior temporal gyrus, the inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus penetrates the deep temporal white matter and crosses the insular lobe. Although diffusion tensor imaging suggests that the MdLF terminates in the angular gyrus, this was not confirmed by the present study. These long association fibers continue onward posteriorly into upper portions of the occipital lobe. Further studies are needed to understand the role of the MdLF in brain function.  相似文献   

Summary The authors have appplied magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to the anatomic study of the liver by comparing cadaveric sections with those obtained with MRI. This study deals with sections oblique in relation to a sagittal or frontal plane, whose orientation is determined from landmarks visible on transverse sections. Oblique sections were made in 10 cadavers using an original method. First, adjacent transverse sections were made of the frozen trunk and two landmarks were located in these sections: the course of the middle hepatic v. and the direction of the division of the portal venous trunk. The transverse sections were then stacked and the block so reconstituted was refrozen and then cut in adjacent oblique sections oriented either along the plane of the middle hepatic v. (sagittal oblique sections) or along the plane of division of the portal venous trunk (frontal oblique sections). Oblique MRI sections were made in 15 healthy volunteers, mainly based on the same venous landmarks but sometimes on other landmarks visible on the transverse sections. Oblique MRI sections can be made in the plane of any anatomic structure located in the transverse sections in order to define its position. Sections based on identical landmarks differently oriented in different subjects allow for definition of the individual anatomy of the liver investigated. The frontal oblique sections clearly show the course of the trunk of the portal v. and the junctions of the hepatic vv. with the inferior vena cava. The sagittal oblique sections are particularly useful for investigating the thinnest part of the left side of the liver and also the caudate lobe. Moreover, these oblique sections reveal certain organs adjacent to the liver, notably the pancreas, from unusual angles. The oblique sections also make it possible to follow the curse of the veins participating in formation of the portal trunk remote from the liver. The new MRI techniques considerably decrease certain artifacts associated with study of the abdomen and should allow the most profitable use of oblique sections.
L'imagerie par résonance magnétique du foie en coupes obliques
Résumé Les auteurs poursuivent une étude anatomique du foie appliquée à l'IRM, basée sur la confrontation de coupes cadavériques et de coupes en résonance magnétique. Cette étude concerne ici les coupes obliques par rapport à un plan sagittal ou frontal dont l'orientation est déterminée suivant des repères visibles sur les coupes transversales. Des coupes obliques ont été effectuées sur 10 cadavres, selon une méthode originale. Des coupes transversales jointives du tronc en congélation ont d'abord été réalisées et deux repères ont été reconnus sur ces coupes: la direction de la veine hépatique moyenne et l'orientation de la division du tronc de la veine porte. Les coupes transversales ont été ensuite empilées. Le bloc, ainsi reconstitué, a été à nouveau congelé puis débité en coupes obliques jointives, orientées soit selon le plan de la veine hépatique moyenne (coupes sagittales-obliques) soit selon le plan de la division du tronc de la veine porte (coupes frontalesobliques). Des coupes obliques en résonance magnétique ont été effectuées chez 15 volontaires sains, en général selon les mêmes repères veineux et parfois selon d'autres repères visibles sur les coupes transversales. Les coupes obliques en résonance magnétique peuvent être réalisées dans le plan de n'importe quel élément anatomique repéré sur les coupes transversales, pour préciser sa disposition. Les coupes basées sur des repères identiques mais orientés différemment d'un sujet à l'autre, doivent permettre de reconnaître l'anatomie individuelle du foie exploré. Les coupes frontales-obliques montrent bien l'orientation du tronc de la veine porte et les confluents des veines hépatiques avec la veine cave. Les coupes sagittales-obliques sont surtout intéressantes pour explorer la partie la moins épaisse du foie gauche et sans doute le lobe caudé. En outre, les coupes obliques font découvrir sous des aspects inhabituels certains viscères voisins du foie, en particulier le pancréas. Grâce aux coupes obliques, le trajet des veines qui participent à la formation du tronc de la veine porte peut être suivi à distance du foie. Les nouvelles techniques d'IRM, en réduisant considérablement certains artéfacts propres à l'exploration de l'abdomen, devraient permettre de tirer le meilleur parti possible des coupes obliques.

In the attempt to improve the cosmetic and functional outcomes in head and neck surgeries, robotic or video-assisted neck dissection using remote access has gained ground in recent years. Retroauricular approach emerged as the most versatile option, allowing proper dissection at all neck levels. In this technique, after retroauricular incision, a skin flap is elevated and a self-retaining retractor is placed, creating working space for the robotic, or endoscopic neck dissection. Numerous published series have shown the safety and favorable outcomes of retroauricular robotic neck dissections, without any major complications or surgery-related deaths. The only consistently reported disadvantage is a longer operative time. Our group has an experience of 190 retroauricular neck dissections performed over the last 5 years, without any major setbacks. The oncologic and safety outcomes have been comparable to the conventional technique, with clearly superior aesthetic results. In the process of expansion of Robotic Surgery in Brazil, our center is currently providing training and proctoring to capacitate other head and neck surgeons, and enable other centers to offer this surgical modality.  相似文献   

目的 探讨主动脉夹层多层螺旋CT血管造影(CTA)的影像学表现.方法 回顾性分析2010年2月至2013年8月于本院行CTA检查的主动脉夹层患者52例的临床资料,均采用256层螺旋CT进行全主动脉增强扫描,分析其CT平扫、增强图像及后处理重建图像,对主动脉夹层进行DeBakey分型并分析其影像学表现.结果 主动脉夹层患者52例中DeBakey Ⅰ型21例,DeBakeyⅡ型3例,DeBakeyⅢ型28例,其中Ⅲa型4例、Ⅲb型24例.CTA检查显示典型主动脉夹层43例,不典型主动脉夹层9例.典型主动脉夹层均能显示主动脉内膜内移、真假两腔及破口.不典型主动脉夹层8例不能显示明确破口,7例表现为主动脉壁新月形或环状增厚,8例增强扫描假腔无对比剂进入,2例溃疡形成.结论 CTA对典型及不典型主动脉夹层均具有重要的诊断价值.  相似文献   

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