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Quality improvement is increasingly at the forefront of health care, creating a growing demand in clinical settings for health professionals adept at understanding and optimizing systems of health care delivery. Compared with clinicians, administrators, and health services researchers, health educators have to date played less of a role in quality improvement. However, as this article argues, the potential for health educators to contribute to such efforts is great because health education and quality improvement are more similar in their goals and approaches than is commonly recognized. Health educators bring important skills to quality improvement practice in areas such as needs assessment, participatory planning, and evaluation. To illustrate the mutual benefits that arise when these two practices intersect, the implementation of an electronic patient scheduling system led by quality improvement professionals in a large home care agency is described.  相似文献   

Accountability, cost effectiveness, and continuous quality improvement are essential features of all managed health care systems. However, application of these principles to mental health treatments has lagged behind other health care services. In this article, administrative, practice, and technical issues are addressed through a joint effort between academically based researchers and administrators from two large managed health care organizations. Principles related to the measurement of outcome, instrument selection, and obstacles to the implementation of an ongoing program to assess mental health treatment outcomes are identified. Finally, principles for successfully changing mental health provider behavior toward outcome assessment and the implications of such for mental health delivery systems are discussed.  相似文献   

Pain has recently become the focus of attention as a major health problem in the US. The implementation of a pain management strategy in a rural not-for-profit federal hospital is described in this article. The strategy heightened awareness and changed the practice behaviors of clinicians in recognizing, assessing, treating and following patients with pain. Quality improvement initiatives monitored the performance of the healthcare staff regarding use of the assessment and documentation tools. Reduction of pain was surveyed in both transitional care patients and outpatients. Outpatients were also interviewed for satisfaction with their pain management plan. The efforts are ongoing as healthcare professionals continue to focus on reducing pain and suffering in their patients. Additional work is directed toward meeting both the objectives in the strategic plan and standards set by the health systems organization accrediting body described for pain management.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To better understand the issues and needs of adolescents with chronic health conditions, the Video Intervention/Prevention Assessment (VIA) integrates video technology with qualitative research methods to obtain a patient-centered perspective on illness and health care. METHODS: Young people with chronic disease are interviewed for condition-specific verbal reports (CSVRs) of their medical and psychosocial histories. Standardized health-related quality of life (HRQL) instruments are administered. Trained to use video camcorders, participants record visual narratives of their illness experiences. They document their daily lives, interview families and friends, and record personal monologues regarding their observations, behaviors, understandings, and beliefs about their disease. On completion of the visual narratives, HRQL is again evaluated. Verbal, scaled, and visual data are analyzed from three perspectives: medical, psychosocial, and anthropological. Data from the CSVRs, HRQLs, and visual narratives are triangulated to validate and enrich findings. RESULTS: Investigating the illness experience from the adolescent patient's perspective, the VIA method was pilot-tested with children and adolescents with asthma. As a research tool, VIA found environmental risk factors, medication adherence problems, and outcome-affecting illness beliefs and psychological states that were not identified by standard clinical tools. As an intervention, VIA showed that it may be an effective tool for health-related environmental surveys. Participants' condition-specific quality of life showed measurable improvement after the self-examination process of VIA. As communication, VIA made apparently counterproductive patient behaviors understandable by showing them in context with the adolescent's experience of illness and health care. VIA can enhance medical history-taking and management strategies, improve adolescents' self-management skills, and educate clinicians, families, and students of the health care professions about the realities of the adolescent living with a chronic health condition.  相似文献   

Researchers and health policy analysts in Washington State set out to determine the extent to which administrative process changes and delivery system interventions within workers' compensation affect quality and health outcomes for injured workers. This research included a pilot project to study the effects of providing occupationally focused health care through managed care arrangements on health outcomes, worker and employer satisfaction, and medical and disability costs. Based on the results, a new initiative was developed to incorporate several key delivery system components. The Washington State experience in developing a quality improvement initiative may have relevance for health care clinicians, administrators, policymakers, and researchers engaged in similar pursuits within the general medical care arena.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to evaluate the psychometric properties of English and Spanish instruments that measure the nutrition behavior and practices of children and their parents. Orem’s self-care deficit nursing theory was used in this methodological study. A convenience sample of 333 children and 262 mothers participated from two schools in Washington, D.C. and two schools in Santiago, Chile. Principal component analysis indicated three component per instrument corresponding to Orem’s Theory of operations demonstrating construct validity of the instrument. The study findings showed evidence for validity and reliability of the English and Spanish versions and indicated that the instruments appropriately represented Orem’s operations. The results have implications for the development of health behavior measurement instruments that are valid, reliable, designed for children, culturally appropriate, and efficient. Measuring the nutrition behavior of children and parents is critical for determining the effectiveness of nutrition intervention programs. Furthermore, instruments are needed so that researchers can compare corresponding child and parent behaviors or compare behaviors across cultures.  相似文献   

BackgroundFormal functional assessment tools for use with older adults have been in widespread use since the 1960s. Instruments have been designed to assess a wide range of different aspects of a person's everyday life. This article seeks to document the evolution of the tools used in such a way as to inform the development of the field.Study Design and SettingThe Medline, CINHAL, and Science Direct databases were searched for relevant literature relating to the functional assessment of older adults. After analysis of initial results, a second-stage search was conducted to find literature relating to the use and validation of instruments found initially.ResultsFour categories of functional assessment instruments were identified for the purposes of this article: basic activities of daily living (ADLs), instrumental ADL, global health scales, and performance-based tests of functional ability. These categories and several of the most widely used tools therein are discussed chronologically to document the evolution of the field.ConclusionsWith the advancement of technology has come the possibility to perform functional assessments in new ways. This outline of the evolution of functional assessment should be of considerable use as researchers seek to design new functional assessments for older adults.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Health needs has attracted the interest of policy-makers, health economists, and health professionals as modern health services try to satisfy individual and population health needs to optimize resource utilization. Health needs can be assessed by administering various types of survey or interview-based instruments. If health needs are to be satisfied in changing health agendas in developed and developing countries, it is essential to employ valid and reliable tools. Despite the importance of needs assessment, no comprehensive review of tools is currently available. We carried out a literature search to define and categorize existing health needs assessment tools. METHODS: We reviewed medical and social search engines for items containing specific health needs-related words to identify needs tools across a range of specialties. Papers were reviewed in terms of design, subject matter, psychometric features, and method of administration method. RESULTS: Thirty-one employed in 52 studies including cancer, mental health, palliative care, multiple sclerosis, and cardiovascular disease tools were identified. CONCLUSIONS: This report summarizes available health needs instruments in a range of diseases to assist researchers in accessing health needs resources more easily and to encourage further research in this field.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Patient safety administrators, educators, and researchers are striving to understand how best to monitor and improve team skills and determine what approaches to monitoring best suit their organizations. A behavior-based tool, based on principles of crisis resource management (CRM) in nonmedical industries, was developed to quantitatively assess communication and team skills of health care providers in a variety of real and simulated clinical settings. THE CATS ASSESSMENT: The Communication and Teamwork Skills (CATS) Assessment has been developed through rapid-cycle improvement and piloted through observation of videotaped simulated clinical scenarios, realtime surgical procedures, and multidisciplinary rounds. Specific behavior markers are clustered into four categories-coordination, cooperation, situational awareness, and communication. Teams are scored in terms of the occurrence and quality of the behaviors. The CATS Assessment results enable clinicians to view a spectrum of scores-from the overall score for the categories to specific behaviors. CONCLUSION: The CATS Assessment tool requires statistical validation and further study to determine if it reliably quantifies health care team performance. The patient safety community is invited to use and improve behavior-based observation measures to better evaluate their training programs, continue to research and improve observation methodology, and provide quantifiable, objective feedback to their clinicians and organizations.  相似文献   

Past investments in long-term care (LTC) research have improved the quality of care and the quality of life for LTC recipients by conceptualizing the goals and measuring the outcomes of care, designing practical assessment tools, testing clinical interventions, and evaluating new service delivery programs and models. To build a balanced portfolio of LTC research that will yield and sustain increased dividends in quality and outcomes will require (1) increasing investment in both basic and applied LTC research to ensure that critical service delivery issues are addressed in a rigorous and timely fashion, (2) fostering better communication between researchers and users to ensure research salience and credibility, and (3) dedicating more resources to identifying and implementing successful methods for translating LTC research into practice.  相似文献   

为儿童早期提供高质量的养育照护是保障儿童充分实现其未来潜能的重要因素,早期亲子互动作为养育照护的一个重要指标正在得到愈来愈多的关注。通过观察亲子互动,可以对亲子互动质量进行客观评价,以期发现其中存在的养育优缺点并予以科学指导。目前,国际上已有数十种用于探究亲子互动质量的观察法评估工具。其中,最常用且信效度较好的三种评估工具分别是:情绪水平量表(EAS)、亲子互动量表(PCI Scales)、儿童-养育者关系指数(CARE-Index)。本综述将系统介绍上述三种量表的框架背景、信效度及应用进展,以便为相关科研人员和临床医生选择合适的亲子互动评估量表提供参考。  相似文献   

Reliable and valid patient-completed questionnaires to assess the health related quality of life (HRQOL) of people with epilepsy are becoming increasingly available. At present, however, they are not routinely used in epilepsy patients' care. The use of HRQOL measurement in clinical practice settings may improve the quality of care for people with epilepsy through (1) increasing the detection of patients' problems with daily functioning and well-being: (2) guiding therapeutic management; and (3) leading to improvements in patients' HRQOL and satisfaction with care. To realize the potential benefits of HRQOL assessment in the care of people with epilepsy, research into the feasibility of the office-based use of HRQOL questionnaires, measurement quality, and the impact of routine HRQOL assessment on the quality of epilepsy patients' care needs to be undertaken. The transfer of HRQOL questionnaires from research tools into clinical tools requires the collaboration of social scientists, health services researchers, and clinicians. HRQOL questionnaires have the potential to become a new clinical tool which could enhance the quality of care physicians are able to provide for their patients with epilepsy.  相似文献   

Multisource feedback (MSF), or 360-degree employee evaluation, is a questionnaire-based assessment method in which rates are evaluated by peers, patients, and coworkers on key performance behaviors. Although widely used in industrial settings to assess performance, the method is gaining acceptance as a quality improvement method in health systems. This article describes MSF, identifies the key aspects of MSF program design, summarizes some of the salient empirical research in medicine, and discusses possible limitations for MSF as an assessment tool in health care. In industry and in health care, experience suggests that MSF is most likely to succeed and result in changes in performance when attention is paid to structural and psychometric aspects of program design and implementation. A carefully selected steering committee ensures that the behaviors examined are appropriate, the communication package is clear, and the threats posed to individuals are minimized. The instruments that are developed must be tested to ensure that they are reliable, achieve a generalizability coefficient of Ep2 = .70, have face and content validity, and examine variance in performance ratings to understand whether ratings are attributable to how the physician performs and not to factors beyond the physician's control (e.g., gender, age, or setting). Research shows that reliable data can be generated with a reasonable number of respondents, and physicians will use the feedback to contemplate and initiate changes in practice. Performance may be affected by familiarity between rater and ratee and sociodemographic and continuing medical education characteristics; however, little of the variance in performance is explained by factors outside the physician's control. MSF is not a replacement for audit when clinical outcomes need to be assessed. However, when interpersonal, communication, professionalism, or teamwork behaviors need to be assessed and guidance given, it is one of the better tools that may be adopted and implemented to provide feedback and guide performance.  相似文献   

The goal of patient-centered communication (PCC) is to help practitioners provide care that is concordant with the patient's values, needs and preferences, and that allows patients to provide input and participate actively in decisions regarding their health and health care. PCC is widely endorsed as a central component of high-quality health care, but it is unclear what it is and how to measure it. PCC includes four communication domains: the patient's perspective, the psychosocial context, shared understanding, and sharing power and responsibility. Problems in measuring PCC include lack of theoretical and conceptual clarity, unexamined assumptions, lack of adequate control for patient characteristics and social contexts, modest correlations between survey and observational measures, and overlap of PCC with other constructs. We outline problems in operationalizing PCC, choosing tools for assessing PCC, choosing data sources, identifying mediators of PCC, and clarifying outcomes of PCC. We propose nine areas for improvement: (1) developing theory-based operational definitions of PCC; (2) clarifying what is being measured; (3) accounting for the communication behaviors of each individual in the encounter as well as interactions among them; (4) accounting for context; (5) validating of instruments; (6) interpreting patient ratings of their physicians; (7) doing longitudinal studies; (8) examining pathways and mediators of links between PCC and outcomes; and (9) dealing with the complexity of the construct of PCC. We discuss the use of observational and survey measures, multi-method and mixed-method research, and standardized patients. The increasing influence of the PCC literature to guide medical education, licensure of clinicians, and assessments of quality provides a strong rationale for further clarification of these measurement issues.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The digital revolution will have a profound impact on how physicians and health care delivery organizations interact with patients and the community at-large. Over the coming decades, face-to-face patient/doctor contacts will become less common and exchanges between consumers and providers will increasingly be mediated by electronic devices.In highly developed health care systems like those in Israel, the United States, and Europe, most aspects of the health care and consumer health experience are becoming supported by a wide array of technology such as electronic and personal health records (EHRs and PHRs), biometric & telemedicine devices, and consumer-focused wireless and wired Internet applications.In an article in this issue, Peleg and Nazarenko report on a survey they fielded within Israel's largest integrated delivery system regarding patient views on the use of electronic communication with their doctors via direct-access mobile phones and e-mail. A previous complementary paper describes the parallel perspectives of the physician staff at the same organization. These two surveys offer useful insights to clinicians, managers, researchers, and policymakers on how best to integrate e-mail and direct-to-doctor mobile phones into their practice settings. These papers, along with several other recent Israeli studies on e-health, also provide an opportunity to step back and take stock of the dramatic impact that information & communication technology (ICT) and health information technology (HIT) will have on clinician/patient communication moving forward.The main goals of this commentary are to describe the scope of this issue and to offer a framework for understanding the potential impact that e-health tools will have on provider/patient communication. It will be essential that clinicians, managers, policymakers, and researchers gain an increased understanding of this trend so that health care systems around the globe can adapt, adopt, and embrace these rapidly evolving digital technologies.  相似文献   

ObjectiveRecommendations to use integrated models for health behavior change abound, however, the translation to practice has been poor. We used stimulated reflections of primary care physicians and nurse practitioners to generate insights about current practices and opportunities for changing how health behavior advice is addressed.MethodTwenty-one community practicing primary care clinicians invited to a nationally sponsored practice-based research network conference on promotion of healthy behaviors were asked to record aspects of health behaviors they addressed during a day of outpatient visits. In response to eight questions, clinicians reflected insights which were then analyzed by a multidisciplinary team to identify over-arching themes.ResultsHealth behavior discussions are initiated and carried out predominantly by the clinician. These discussions occur primarily during health care maintenance visits or visits in which presenting complaints or chronic illnesses can be linked to health behaviors. Clinicians’ reflections on viable opportunities for change include different modes of patient education materials such as web-based materials. Suprisingly infrequent were solutions outside of the clinical encounter or strategies that engage other staff or other community partners.ConclusionImplementation of the integrated care model as an opportunity to enhance health promotion seems far from the current realities and future vision of even motivated network-based clinicians.  相似文献   

Implementation models, such as the national Put Prevention Into Practice program, have produced small to moderate changes in the delivery of preventive services in primary care. More recently, researchers concluded that guides and tools, such as the PPIP toolkit, are helpful, but are not sufficient to facilitate substantive change in clinical preventive practice. Successful implementation of clinical preventive services, according to the Texas Department of Health-PPIP (TDH-PPIP) initiative, involves creating or altering systems to produce change in service delivery for a specific setting. This article describes the ways in which the guidelines and instruments that were developed and refined through the collaborative efforts among public and private health systems were used to implement systems change and improve clinical preventive services at one community primary health care clinic in Texas. The process and empirical results of using the TDH-PPIP Implementation Model in the field are also presented, as well as a discussion of one-year evaluation data.  相似文献   

The American health care delivery environment is changing. As provider-at-risk payment strategies become increasingly dominant, they will force health care providers to replace old strategies that measured and managed revenues with new strategies that measure and manage costs. Quality improvement (QI) theory provides a set of tools to do exactly that--to understand, measure, and manage health care delivery processes and their associated costs. As a methodology for process management, QI theory merges case management, practice guidelines, and outcomes research into a single coordinated effort. It appropriately redirects management focus to care delivery processes, rather than to physicians. It also defines and illustrates a set of principles by which health care administrators can constructively team with physicians to find and document the best patient care outcomes at the lowest necessary cost, using QI-based practice guidelines as a decision support and measurement tool.  相似文献   

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