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Critical illness is characterized by striking alterations in the hypothalamic-anterior-pituitary-peripheral-hormone axes, the severity of which is associated with a high risk of morbidity and mortality. Most attempts to correct hormone balance have been shown ineffective or even harmful because of a lack of pathophysiologic insight. There is a biphasic (neuro)endocrine response to critical illness. The acute phase is characterized by an actively secreting pituitary, but the concentrations of most peripheral effector hormones are low, partly due to the development of target-organ resistance. In contrast, in prolonged critical illness, uniform (predominantly hypothalamic) suppression of the (neuro)endocrine axes contributes to the low serum levels of the respective target-organ hormones. The adaptations in the acute phase are considered to be beneficial for short-term survival. In the chronic phase, however, the observed (neuro)endocrine alterations appear to contribute to the general wasting syndrome. With the exception of intensive insulin therapy, and perhaps hydrocortisone administration for a subgroup of patients, no hormonal intervention has proven to beneficially affect outcome. The combined administration of hypothalamic releasing factors does, however, hold promise as a safe therapy to reverse the (neuro)endocrine and metabolic abnormalities of prolonged critical illness by concomitant reactivation of the different anterior-pituitary axes.  相似文献   

Introduction:Since the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Wuhan, China, in December 2019, COVID-19 has become a worldwide pandemic. Muscle weakness and deconditioning caused by COVID-19-induced critical illness requires rehabilitation.Patient concerns:A 74-year-old male patient complained of general weakness after COVID-19, requiring ventilator treatment.Diagnosis:He was confirmed as having COVID-19 using a polymerase chain reaction test.Interventions:During admission in the intensive care unit, medical staff wearing level D protective equipment performed the bedside manual range of motion exercise. After a negative COVID-19 test, the patient was transferred to a general ward, where sitting balance training and pulmonary rehabilitation were additionally performed by rehabilitation therapists wearing protective gear. When the patient was able to stand up with support, standing balance training and sit-to-stand training were performed.Outcomes:After a month of rehabilitation, the patient could sit alone, but he needed help with standing balance. The Berg Balance Scale score improved from 0 to 4, and the Modified Barthel Index score improved from 8 to 18. He was able to breathe in room air without an oxygen supply.Lessons:This case report shows an example of how safe and effective rehabilitation can be provided to COVID-19 patients.  相似文献   

Disparities in critical illness are evident in a variety of racial and ethnic groups. Most data available in the literature reflect variations in the incidence, presentation, diagnosis,treatment, and outcomes between African Americans and whites. Most research in critical care concerning disparities relates to cardiovascular illnesses. Significantly less in-formation is available regarding disparities in common ICU diagnoses. Data are significantly lacking delineating the reasons for disparities in the critically ill. Further re-search is required to elucidate the root causes for racial or ethnic differences, provide adequate education for health care providers, and develop and implement evidence-based interventions targeted for specific patient groups.  相似文献   

Carson SS  Bach PB 《Chest》2001,120(3):928-933
STUDY OBJECTIVES: Investigators have been using severity-of-illness indexes such as APACHE II (acute physiology and chronic health evaluation score II) to describe patients with prolonged critical illness. However, little is known about the utility of these indexes for this patient population. We evaluated the ability of four severity-of-illness indexes to predict mortality rates in 182 patients with prolonged critical illness. DESIGN: Retrospective inception cohort study. SETTING: A single, urban, long-term, acute-care hospital in Chicago. PATIENTS: One hundred eighty-two patients transferred from 37 acute-care hospital ICUs. Measurements and results: We assessed four indexes: the acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II, the simplified acute physiology score II, the mortality prediction model II, and the logistic organ dysfunction system using variables measured on admission to the long-term acute-care hospital ICU. We found that none of these indexes distinguished well between the patients who lived and the patients who died (area under ROC [receiver operating characteristics] curve < 0.70 for all), nor did they assign correct probabilities of death to individual patients (Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit statistics, p < 0.01 for all). CONCLUSIONS: Investigators and clinicians should use caution in using severity-of-illness measures developed for acutely ill patients to describe critically ill patients admitted to long-term care units. As clinical practice and research focus more on these latter patients, development of adequately performing severity-of-illness measures appropriate to this patient population will be needed.  相似文献   

目的:应用国家早期预警评分(NEWS)系统对老年急危重症患者急诊病情进行评估,评价NEWS对老年患者病情的评估作用。方法对我院急诊抢救室收治的361例≥60岁老年急危重患者进行NEWS评分,跟踪患者24h内病情变化、急诊转归停留期以及预后,绘制受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线,寻找最佳截点。以最佳截点为界分为低分组和高分组,比较两组间24h内病情变化、入住监护病房和急诊停留期间死亡,以及30d内死亡的发生率。结果 NEWS可预测患者24h内病情变化、急诊转归、预后的ROC曲线下面积(AUC)分别为(0.776±0.043),(0.970±0.011),(0.861±0.039),最佳截断点分别为7分,6分,8分。以6分为最佳截断点,分为高分组与低分组,比较两组之间24h内病情变化、入住监护病房和急诊停留期间死亡,以及30d内死亡的发生率,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论 NEWS能有效评估老年急危重症患者病情。  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVES: This multicenter study was undertaken to characterize the population of ventilator-dependent patients admitted to long-term care hospitals (LTCHs) for weaning from mechanical ventilation. DESIGN: Observational study with concurrent data collection. Characteristics of the LTCHs were also surveyed. SETTING: Twenty-three LTCHs in the United States. PATIENTS: Consecutive ventilator-dependent patients admitted over a 1-year period: March 1, 2002, to February 28, 2003. RESULTS: A total of 1,419 patients were enrolled in the Ventilation Outcomes Study. Median age of the patients was 71.8 years old (range, 18 to 97.7 years), with an equal gender distribution. The premorbid domicile was home or assisted living in 86.5%; "good" premorbid functional status (Zubrod score 0-2) was assessed in 77%. There was a history of smoking in 59% (mean, 57 +/- 42 pack-years [+/- SD]); premorbid diagnoses averaged 2.6 per patient. Patients came to the LTCH after mean of 33.8 +/- 29 days at the transferring hospital; mean time to tracheotomy was 15.0 +/- 10 days. A medical illness led to ventilator dependency in 60.8% of patients; a surgical procedure led to ventilatory dependency in 39.2%. On admission to the LTCH, the median acute physiology score of APACHE (acute physiology and chronic health evaluation) III was 35 (range, 4 to 115); > 90% of patients had at least three penetrating indwelling tubes/catheters; 42% of patients had stage 2 or higher pressure ulceration. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first multicenter study to characterize ventilator-dependent survivors of catastrophic illness admitted to the post-ICU venue of LTCHs for weaning from prolonged mechanical ventilation (PMV). Overall, our findings suggest that ventilator-dependent patients admitted to LTCHs for weaning will continue to require considerable medical interventions and treatments, owing to the burden of acute-on-chronic diseases resulting in PMV.  相似文献   

Miniaturized echocardiography units known as hand carried ultrasound (HCU) now exist with features similar to those used for standard echocardiography. The small size and low cost of these units may lead to increased availability of echocardiography to be performed by all physicians taking care of critically ill patients. Use of HCU by critical care physicians may allow for improved bedside diagnosis with improved accuracy over physical examination. Studies comparing HCU with standard echocardiography in the critical care setting have reported that HCU is limited by decreased image quality and that it may miss important diagnoses even when used by experienced sonographers and echocardiographers. Despite its limitations, however, HCU can often answer important clinical questions in the critically ill. This review explores the current literature on the use of HCU in the critical care setting, discusses the limitations of HCU, and examines the costs of implementing this new technology.  相似文献   

To determine the factors that influence acute hospitalization among long-term home care patients, all patients (N = 59) who were provided home visiting nursing and/or medical care from a 169-bed community hospital in Saitama, Japan, between May 1989 and April 1993 were followed until November 1993. Data on patients concerning age, sex, diagnosis of primary disease, ability to perform activities of daily living (ADL), intellectual impairment, serum albumin, frequency of home visiting medical care, medical and nursing care provided at the patient's home were collected from the medical charts of each subject. The main outcome measure was onset of acute hospitalization during a one-year period after initiation of home visiting medical care. Thirty-five patients (59%) were admitted due to acute illness. Compared with patients who were not in need of acute hospitalization. Cox's proportional hazard model revealed that patients who were completely dependent for eating, dressing, and using the toilet (Hazard ratio (HR) = 3.13, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.34-7.35) and serum albumin less than 3.5 g/dl (HR = 3.05, 95% CI = 1.37-6.77) were more likely to be hospitalized. Evaluating a patient's physical conditions at the beginning of home visiting care may allow us to predict whether the patients will have to be hospitalized during the following one-year period.  相似文献   



Prior studies have found fluoroquinolone exposure to be a risk factor for infection with fluoroquinolone-resistant gram-negative rods in the acute care setting. However, risk factors may be different in the long-term care setting.


A case-control study design was used to determine whether fluoroquinolone exposure is a risk factor for fluoroquinolone-resistant Escherichia coli urinary tract infections in a long-term care center. Cases had fluoroquinolone-resistant E. coli urinary tract infections; 4 controls were selected for each case.


Thirty-three case patients were eligible; 132 controls were then selected. In the multivariable analysis, fluoroquinolone-resistant E. coli urinary tract infection was more common with prior fluoroquinolone use (odds ratio 21.8, 95% confidence interval, 3.7-127.1).


Prior fluoroquinolone use is a strong risk factor for fluoroquinolone-resistant E. coli urinary tract infection in the long-term care setting. Further studies are needed to examine the effect of interventions to decrease fluoroquinolone-resistant infections in the long-term care setting, including studying the effect of decreasing fluoroquinolone use.  相似文献   

Hypothermia is a well-known concomitant of hypoglycemia in mammals. We tested the hypothesis that this hypothermia is an important adaptive response to hypoglycemia in 11 normal Sprague-Dawley rats. Twelve-hour fasted, conscious animals received primed, continuous insulin infusions for up to 8 hours. Plasma glucose was clamped between 30 and 40 mg/dL and core body temperature was monitored continuously during the insulin infusions. Five of the animals were maintained in a room temperature environment (22 to 24 degrees C) during the hypoglycemia; all became hypothermic (mean +/- SE nadir core temperature, 31 +/- 0.5 degrees C). Spontaneous activity was reduced in these animals, but they remained conscious and responsive to external stimuli. All five returned to normal behavior after euglycemia was restored at the end of the insulin infusions. In the remaining six animals, hypothermia was prevented during hypoglycemia by warming of the air in their cages (mean of hourly core temperatures, 37 +/- 0.1 degrees C). None of these animals survived more than 7 hours. The severity of the hypoglycemia was no greater in the euthermic than in the hypothermic group, as judged by the mean of individual nadir plasma glucose levels (25 +/- 1 v 24 +/- 1 mg/dl, respectively) and by the mean number of glucose values per animal that were less than 30 mg/dL (2 +/- 1 v 7 +/- 1). Plasma osmolality did not change significantly in either group during the period of hypoglycemia, suggesting that dehydration was not the cause of death in the euthermic animals.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Since the advent of the teaching nursing home, made formal in the 1980s, long-term care has been used to teach geriatric medicine. Despite this, national surveys have indicated a need for more training during residency to facilitate the appropriate care for the frail long-term care patient population. In addition to medical knowledge, the long-term care site is appropriate for teaching the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education's core competencies of "practice-based learning and improvement," "interpersonal and communication skills," and "systems-based practice." Program planners should emphasize opportunities for students to demonstrate their skill in one of these competencies.  相似文献   

Indwelling medical devices are increasingly used in long-term care facilities (LTCFs). These devices place residents at a heightened risk for infection and colonization and infection with multidrug-resistant organisms. Understanding the risk and pathogenesis of infection associated with commonly used medical devices can help facilitate appropriate therapy. Programs to minimize unnecessary use of indwelling medical devices in residents and maximize staff adherence to infection control and maintenance procedures are essential features of a LTCF infection prevention program. LTCFs that provide care for large numbers of residents with indwelling medical devices should routinely perform surveillance for device-related infections and develop systems for assessing the safety and efficacy of newly introduced device-related technology.  相似文献   

目的:系统评价急危重症评估量表,描述相关病情评估量表。方法:检索CNKI、VIP、CBM、万方、Pubmed、Medline,Embase和Cochrane 8个数据库,纳入病情评估相关量表的中英文研究,并收集量表及其研究的相关数据。结果:一共检索出7 192篇文章,经过查重、题目摘要、初筛、全文筛选后,纳入可获得全文文献18篇,最后纳入急危重症病情评估量表相关文献21篇,包括15个量表的21个研究;9个量表使用生命体征作为变量,剩下6个量表主要或部分依靠抽血化验;12个量表采用回归分析;11个量表使用病死率作为主要结局指标;12个量表阐述了分类功能,但只有8个量表的分类功能良好(AUROC0.8);7个量表阐述了如何进行校准;15个量表都没有提到其研制时的影响因素以及观察者间的一致性和可靠性分析;没有量表达到最高的证据等级。结论:本研究纳入的15个量表没有一个达到最高的证据等级,因此需要更多的研究对其进行外部验证以及影响因素的分析,从而使量表更好地发挥全面评估患者病情的功能。  相似文献   

We examined patients' attitudes toward HIV testing in the setting of acute substance abuse treatment and determined the prevalence of offering routine on-site testing for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in inpatient state-funded detoxification centers in New England. Voluntary questionnaires were administered to patients (N = 66 respondents) at the only two state-funded inpatient drug detoxification treatment centers in Rhode Island, and a telephone survey of all state-funded inpatient detoxification facilities across the New England area was conducted. In New England, 17/38 (44.7%) of all state-funded inpatient detoxification facilities didnot routinely offer on-site HIV testing to clients. Of participants, 97% responded positively to the question, "Do you think HIV testing should be available to patients in drug detoxification facilities such as this one?" There were 89% who reported that they would cope "about the same" or "better" with receiving a positive HIV test result while in detoxification treatment versus elsewhere. The greatest number of participants ranked the Orasure HIV test, an assay for HIV-1 transmucosal antibody, as the test they would most prefer while in drug treatment. However, 59% of patients responded that the type of test offered would not make a difference in whether they chose testing. Most patients indicated that they would want to see a physician within a few days of a positive diagnosis of HIV infection. Despite the controversy surrounding the provision of HIV testing to patients in inpatient acute substance abuse treatment, HIV testing is desired among these patients provided that HIV clinical care is readily available.  相似文献   

Risk factors for acute GVHD (AGVHD), overall survival, and transplant-related mortality were evaluated in adults receiving allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplants (1999-2005) from HLA-identical sibling donors (SDs; n = 3191) or unrelated donors (URDs; n = 2370) and reported to the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research, Minneapolis, MN. To understand the impact of transplant regimen on AGVHD risk, 6 treatment categories were evaluated: (1) myeloablative conditioning (MA) with total body irradiation (TBI) + PBSCs, (2) MA + TBI + BM, (3) MA + nonTBI + PBSCs, (4) MA + nonTBI + BM, (5) reduced intensity conditioning (RIC) + PBSCs, and (6) RIC + BM. The cumulative incidences of grades B-D AGVHD were 39% (95% confidence interval [CI], 37%-41%) in the SD cohort and 59% (95% CI, 57%-61%) in the URD cohort. Patients receiving SD transplants with MA + nonTBI + BM and RIC + PBSCs had significantly lower risks of grades B-D AGVHD than patients in other treatment categories. Those receiving URD transplants with MA + TBI + BM, MA + nonTBI + BM, RIC + BM, or RIC + PBSCs had lower risks of grades B-D AGVHD than those in other treatment categories. The 5-year probabilities of survival were 46% (95% CI, 44%-49%) with SD transplants and 33% (95% CI, 31%-35%) with URD transplants. Conditioning intensity, TBI and graft source have a combined effect on risk of AGVHD that must be considered in deciding on a treatment strategy for individual patients.  相似文献   

In prolonged critical illness, increased bone resorption and osteoblast dysfunction have been reported facing low 25 hydroxy vitamin D [25(OH)D] concentrations. The current study investigates the extent to which lack of nutritional vitamin D and time in intensive care contribute to bone loss in the critically ill. Prolonged critically ill patients (n = 22) were compared with matched controls and then randomized to daily vitamin D supplement of either +/- 200 IU (low dose) or +/- 500 IU (high dose). At intensive care admission, serum concentrations of 25(OH)D, 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D(3), vitamin D-binding protein, ionized calcium, IL-1, and soluble IL-6-receptor were low, and PTH was normal. Circulating type-I collagen propeptides were high, alkaline phosphatase was normal, and osteocalcin was low. Bone resorption markers [(carboxy terminal cross-linked telopeptide of type I collagen (betaCTX), pyridinoline, deoxypyridinoline (DPD)] were 6-fold increased. Serum C-reactive protein (CRP) was 40-fold, IL-6 400-fold, TNFalpha levels 5-fold, and osteoprotegerin concentrations 3-fold higher than in controls. Soluble receptor activator of nuclear factor kappaB ligand was undetectable. High-dose vitamin D only slightly increased circulating 25 hydroxy vitamin D (P < 0.05), but 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D(3) was unaltered. High-dose vitamin D slightly increased serum osteocalcin (P < 0.05) and decreased carboxy terminal propeptide type-I collagen (P < 0.05) but did not affect other bone turnover markers. Bone-specific alkaline phosphatase, urinary pyridinoline and DPD, and serum betaCTX markedly increased with time (P < 0.01). Circulating CRP and IL-6 decreased with time, whereas TNFalpha and IL-1 remained unaltered. The fall in CRP and IL-6 was more pronounced with the high- than low-dose vitamin D (P < 0.05). Except for a mirroring of betaCTX rise by a fall in osteoprotegerin, cytokines were unrelated to the progressively aggravating bone resorption. In conclusion, prolonged critically ill patients were vitamin D deficient. The currently recommended vitamin D dose did not normalize vitamin D status. Furthermore, severe bone hyperresorption further aggravated (up to 15-fold the normal values) with time in intensive care and was associated with impaired osteoblast function.  相似文献   

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