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Mutations within the principal neutralizing determinant (the V3 loop) of the HIV-1 surface envelope glycoprotein gp120 block or greatly reduce the ability of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein to induce cell fusion in CD4+ HeLa T4 cells while keeping its CD4 binding ability. However, when either cysteine or both cysteines forming the V3 disulfide bridge were mutated, the resultant glycoprotein could not mediate cell fusion, undergo proteolytic processing, or bind CD4. To investigate the role that the V3 loop plays in gp160 processing and CD4 binding, we deleted the entire V3 loop region of the HIV-1 env gene. The resultant glycoprotein could not mediate cell fusion in the HeLa T4 cell line and no proteolytic processing of gp160 or CD4 binding could be detected. To test whether any domain of the V3 loop is involved in attaining the proper envelope glycoprotein conformation required for proteolytic processing and CD4 binding, we introduced a series of deletions into the coding region of the V3 loop. Most of the residues within the V3 loop could be removed while retaining gp160 processing and CD4 binding. Our results indicate that the cysteines that form the V3 loop or the disulfide bond itself are important for proper envelope glycoprotein folding and processing. Because many of the mutants constructed in this study do not contain the type-specific neutralizing determinant of HIV-1, they may be potential reagents to bind group-specific neutralizing antibodies or to elicit a group-specific neutralizing response against HIV-1.  相似文献   

The V3 loop of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope protein is a highly variable region that is both functionally and immunologically important. Using available amino acid sequences from the V3 region, we have used an information theoretic quantity called mutual information, a measure of covariation, to quantify dependence between mutations in the loop. Certain pairs of sites, including non-contiguous sites along the sequence, do not have independent mutations but display considerable, statistically significant, covarying mutations as measured by mutual information. For the pairs of sites with the highest mutual information, specific amino acids were identified that were highly predictive of amino acids in the linked site. The observed interdependence between variable sites may have implications for structural or functional relationships; separate experimental evidence indicates functional linkage between some of the pairs of sites with high mutual information. Further specific mutational studies of the V3 loop's role in determining viral phenotype are suggested by our analyses. Also, the implications of our results may be important to consider for V3 peptide vaccine design. The methods used here are generally applicable to the study of variable proteins.  相似文献   

To elucidate the structural requirements for intersubtype antigenicity of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) third variable envelope region (V3), synthetic peptides were used in enzyme immunoassays (EIAs) with serum samples from persons with proven or probable subtype B and D infections. Mathematical analyses of results from EIAs with singly substituted V3 peptides revealed important residues determining overall N-terminal V3 peptide antigenicity. This information was used to design V3 immunogens, rabbit antiserum to which were tested in EIA and for in vitro neutralization of molecular clones of HIV-1(MN) and HIV-1(MAL). Intersubtype-reactive epitopes were distributed toward the N-terminal half of the V3 loop. Lysine at position 310, arginine at position 311, and isoleucine at position 314, all derived from the MN primary sequence, were major determinants of intersubtype V3 antigenicity. Combinations of residues that enhanced antigenicity often contained lysine at position 310. Threonine at position 308 was common in the least advantageous combinations. V3 immunogens modified to achieve optimal antigenicity induced antiserum with augmented cross-neutralization of virus from MAL and MN molecular clones, suggesting one approach to subunit vaccine development.  相似文献   

目的构建V3环完全或部分缺失的I型人类免疫缺陷病毒(hauman immunodeficiency virus type I,HIV-1)ADA株包膜糖蛋白表达体系。方法分别设计包膜糖蛋白两端及V3环删除区域两端的引物,采用重叠延伸剪接法进行HIV-1 ADA株包膜糖蛋白V3环修饰体的构建。得到的PCR产物经EcoR I和Xho I双酶切,将酶切产物与pSM载体连接,转化大肠埃希菌后筛选阳性克隆,经PCR及基因序列测定进行鉴定。结果获得HIV-1 ADA株包膜糖蛋白V3环修饰体PCR产物,构建了其表达载体pSM-ADA△V3和pSM- ADAmV3,经转化和筛选获得了重组质粒,经PCR及基因测序鉴定显示重组质粒序列正确,为预期目的片段。结论成功构建了V3环修饰的HIV-1 ADA株包膜糖蛋白的表达载体。此结果为进一步构建伪病毒,观察V3环完全或部分缺失对病毒侵入靶细胞过程的影响,为开发阻止HIV-1进入靶细胞的药物或疫苗打下基础。  相似文献   

Previous analyses of HIV-1 surface glycoprotein indicate that both the V1/V2 region and the interaction of gp120 with CD4 influence the accessibility of the V3 region on gp120. In this study we investigated the accessibility of the V3 region of HIV-2 recombinant gp125 proteins using V3-specific mAbs (7C8 and 3C4) and analyzed the binding kinetics of soluble CD4 (sCD4) to recombinant HIV-1 gp120 and HIV-2 gp125 proteins by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) analysis. Our results indicated that 7C8 recognized monomers of gp125 and gp125Delta v1v2, (lacking the V1/V2 region) while 3C4 was sensitive to the conformation of gp125, recognizing only oligomers of gp125Delta v1v2. Furthermore, SPR analysis of 7C8 binding to gp125 demonstrated that the deletion of the V1/V2 region did not increase the accessibility of the V3 region in gp125Delta v1v2. Comparative SPR analyses of sCD4 binding HIV recombinant surface glycoproteins revealed a lower affinity of sCD4 to gp125 as compared to gp120. Moreover, the analyses suggest that conformational changes only occur in HIV-1 gp120 upon interaction with CD4. We hypothesize that the V3 region is accessible in HIV-2 gp125 and thus may not require interaction with CD4 to induce conformational reorientation of the V1/V2 region.  相似文献   

HIV-2ALT is a highly divergent HIV-2-related isolate that is genetically equidistant to the prototypic HIV-2 strains, defined by HIV-2ROD, and to the simian immunodeficiency viruses SIVmac and SIVsm. We have now cloned and sequenced the envelope region of HIV-2ALT, thus completing the analysis of the whole viral genome. The sequences of env and nef and of the second exons of tat and rev were compared with those of the other viruses of the HIV-2/SIVsm/SIVmac group. Despite of the high degree of variation of HIV-2ALT, functional domains of the genes are conserved. Although in env, the overall pattern of constant and variable domains is maintained, many single amino acid exchanges exist at positions previously thought to be constant in HIV-2 strains. In addition, when compared with a broader spectrum of immunodeficiency viruses, which includes SIVMND from mandrill and SIVAGM from African green monkey, HIV-2ALT Env has a high percentage of amino acid exchanges, which are unique to this strain. This underlines the separate branch of HIV-2ALT within the phylogenetic tree and makes obvious the inclusion of such divergent strains in preventive and therapeutic programs.  相似文献   

Population-wide variation in genomic RNA of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) encompassing the V3 loop of the envelope protein was studied in serum samples of 74 newly infected individuals from three Dutch cohorts: 30 homosexual men, 32 drug users, and 12 hemophiliacs. During acute infection, HIV-1 RNA sequences present in serum are relatively homogeneous, which makes direct sequencing feasible. This offered an opportunity to study the infecting virus variants before mutations had accumulated in the new host. The sampling dates ranged from 1980 to 1991, thus spanning the entire AIDS epidemic in The Netherlands. The diversity in the sequenced region increased over time in both the homosexual and the drug-user risk groups. Furthermore, this increase was associated with an increase in antigenic variation, as witnessed by serum reactivity to a V3 peptide panel. Despite this diversification, some 1990 sequences still closely resembled the earliest 1980 sequence, making ancestral inferences problematic. No evidence was found of a change in the master sequence of the virus quasi-species over time. At the amino acid level, no risk-group-associated variation was found, but at the nucleotide level, the drug-user and homosexual/hemophiliac sequences could be distinguished on the basis of a single silent nucleotide change in the sequence encoding the tip of the V3 loop. Hemophiliac sequences could not be distinguished from those of homosexuals. In spite of the large and increasing genetic variability, all sequences were more similar to the European/American HIV consensus sequence than to that of non-Western strains.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus 1 envelope glycoprotein is synthesized as a precursor, gp160, which is subsequently cleaved to generate the external gp120 and the transmembrane gp41. Both of these cleavage products are known to mediate critical functions of the virus. In order to define the best strategy for the development of a vaccine against human immunodeficiency virus 1, it could be important to map the crucial epitopes on gp160. This entire gp160 is uneasy to purify because it is readily subjected to proteolytic cleavage. Furthermore, it is anchored on the cell membrane and needs detergent treatment for purification. We thus used a recombinant gp160 which was engineered to remove the cleavage sites between gp120 and gp41 and the hydrophobic transmembrane in order to investigate the murine immune response. We selected a panel of 8 monoclonal antibodies which recognize different epitopes on the immunizing recombinant soluble gp160. The reactivity of the monoclonal antibodies was checked on virus-derived gp160, gp120, and gp41. Three antibodies reacted only with gp120 but the others were shown to react with gp41 epitopes or with discontinuous epitopes bridging gp120 and gp41. One subregion of these epitopes was located using a synthetic peptide corresponding to the sequence of gp41. This epitope is apparently part of an immunodominant site since it is recognized by three different monoclonal antibodies. We used competitive inhibition experiments to map the epitopes on recombinant gp160; therefore, the results are probably indicative of the folding of the recombinant soluble gp160 used for immunization.  相似文献   

The emergence of simian/human immunodeficiency viruses.   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Molecular evolutionary analyses strongly support the hypothesis that human immunodeficiency viruses have recently arisen from a diverse pool of nonhuman primate immunodeficiency viruses. Our understanding of the molecular phylogenetic relationships between primate and nonprimate lentiviruses is less certain, partly because key intermediate forms are still to be discovered. DNA and protein sequence comparisons reveal uncanny dissimilarities, as well as similarities, among the genetic sequences of these complex retroviruses, thereby giving rise to the notion that primate lentiviruses are participants in "fast-forward" evolution.  相似文献   

From what viruses the human immunodeficiency viruses (HIVs) originated is an extremely controversial question. To address this question, we have analyzed nucleotide sequences of simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVs) and HIVs by using the techniques for understanding molecular evolution. In particular, we compared the nucleotide sequences of whole genomes, gene region by gene region, between a given pair of viruses, including four types of SIVs--isolated from mandrills (Papio sphinx), African green monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops), sooty mangabeys (Cercocebus atys), and rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta)--as well as HIVs. Phylogenetic trees for all gene regions examined showed that the present HIVs may have emerged as different variants of SIVs of Old World monkeys, possibly from recombination between viruses related to SIVs.  相似文献   

The envelope (env) glycoprotein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) consists of two noncovalently associated subunits, gp120 and gp41, that are formed gradient sedimentation, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, gradient sedimentation, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and chemical cross-linking, we show that gp160 is synthesized as a monomer and subsequently forms stable homodimers. The molecule remains dimeric after cleavage to gp120/gp41 but is less stable to detergent solubilization and centrifugation. Analysis of wild-type and mutated env proteins indicated that interactions between the ectodomain regions of adjoining gp41 subunits are important for dimer formation and stability. A higher-order oligomeric form was also recovered, probably a tetramer consisting of two noncovalently associated dimers. The proposed subunit composition of the HIV-1 env protein is identical to that previously observed for the paramyxovirus envelope proteins F and HN.  相似文献   

We describe a human IgG1 monoclonal antibody (N701.9b) derived by Epstein-Barr virus transformation of B cells from a human immunodeficiency virus-seropositive asymptomatic donor. This antibody was shown to recognize the principal neutralizing domain contained within the V3 region of gp120 of the MN strain of human immunodeficiency virus and MN-like strains, as determined by binding to the PB-1 fragment of MN gp120 and to synthetic peptides corresponding to the V3 region of MN and related virus strains. The epitope identified by monoclonal antibody N701.9b was mapped to a segment of V3 containing at least 7 amino acids (amino acids 316-322), which is located in the "tip" and "right" side of the V3 loop of the MN strain. Furthermore, this antibody manifested potent type-specific fusion-inhibitory activity against the MN strain but not against the IIIB or RF virus strains. This antibody also neutralized four virus isolates that had MN-like V3 region sequences and failed to neutralize three other strains containing unrelated V3 region sequences. Our findings confirm that the V3 region stimulates type-specific neutralizing antibody during natural human immunodeficiency virus infection in humans. The potential clinical use of this antibody is discussed.  相似文献   

A highly immunogenic epitope from a conserved COOH-terminal region of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) gp120 envelope protein has been identified with antisera from HIV-seropositive subjects and a synthetic peptide (SP-22) containing 15 amino acids from this region (Ala-Pro-Thr-Lys-Ala-Lys-Arg-Arg-Val-Val-Gln-Arg-Glu-Lys-Arg). Peptide SP-22 absorbed up to 100% of anti-gp120 antibody reactivity from select HIV+ patient sera in immunoblot assays and up to 79% of serum anti-gp120 antibody reactivity in competition RIA. In RIA, 45% of HIV-seropositive subjects had antibodies that bound to peptide SP-22. Human anti-SP-22 antibodies that bound to and were eluted from an SP-22 affinity column reacted with gp120 in RIA and immunoblot assays but did not neutralize HIV or inhibit HIV-induced syncytium formation in vitro, even though these antibodies comprised 70% of all anti-gp120 antibodies in the test serum. In contrast, the remaining 30% of SP-22 nonreactive anti-gp120 antibodies did not react with gp120 in immunoblot assays but did not react in RIA and neutralized HIV in vitro. Thus, approximately 50% of HIV-seropositive patients make high titers of nonneutralizing antibodies to an immunodominant antigen on gp120 defined by SP-22. Moreover, the COOH terminus of gp120 contains the major antigen or antigens identified by human anti-gp120 antibodies in immunoblot assays.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) vaccines targeted at blocking HIV-CD4 interactions are expected to be less affected by the sequence heterogeneity of HIV than those targeted at variable regions of the envelope outercoat glycoprotein, gp120. All potential CD4 binding sites identified thus far in HIV are localized in the C-terminal region of gp120. In this study we demonstrate that the N-terminal region of gp120 also contains conserved residues critical for binding to CD4 and that gp120-CD4 interactions can be blocked by an antiserum with binding specificity to an N-terminal region of gp120. These results suggest that not all potential CD4 binding sites are present in the C-terminal region of gp120 and that an alternative HIV vaccine development strategy may have to include the N-terminal gp120 region as a component to raise effective CD4-blocking antibodies.  相似文献   

Four major neutralizing regions of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope glycoprotein were identified and characterized with a panel of 80 HIV-1 antibody-positive human sera. Levels of neutralizing antibodies against the HIV-1 strains IIIB, SF2, and RF were compared with reactivity in ELISAs against peptides that correspond to certain regions of the HIV-1 envelope. A correlation between high neutralizing activity and strong seroreactivity against specific peptides suggested that the corresponding regions might be involved in neutralization. This was further substantiated by using peptides to inhibit neutralization by a panel of 10 HIV-1 antibody-positive sera. The positions of three neutralizing sites, defined earlier mostly by antisera from animals, were confirmed in the present study. Human sera thus recognize the strain-specific third variable region of gp120 (amino acids 304-318), the C-terminal end of gp120 (amino acids 489-508), and the conserved region in the intracellular part of gp41 (amino acids 732-746). It is likely that these different regions mediate help rather than self-sufficient neutralization. Furthermore, a human neutralizing region was detected in a conserved part of gp41 (amino acids 647-671). Accordingly, neutralizing antibodies directed to this region were found to be cross-reactive between HIV-1 strains. Peptides corresponding to these four regions were able to inhibit neutralization mediated by serum from HIV-1 antibody-positive individuals. These results indicate that this conserved B-cell epitope of the HIV-1 envelope elicits a virus-neutralizing antibody response during natural infection in humans and may therefore be considered for inclusion in a vaccine against HIV-1.  相似文献   

Signal transductions by the dual-function CXCR4 and CCR5 chemokine receptors/HIV type 1 (HIV-1) coreceptors were electrophysiologically monitored in Xenopus laevis oocytes that also coexpressed the viral receptor CD4 and a G protein-coupled inward-rectifying K+ channel (Kir 3.1). Large Kir 3.1-dependent currents generated in response to the corresponding chemokines (SDF-1α for CXCR4 and MIP-1α; MIP-1β and RANTES for CCR5) were blocked by pertussis toxin, suggesting involvement of inhibitory guanine nucleotide-binding proteins. Prolonged exposures to chemokines caused substantial but incomplete desensitization of responses with time constants of 5–7 min and recovery time constants of 12–19 min. CXCR4 and CCR5 exhibited heterologous desensitization in this oocyte system, suggesting possible inhibition of a common downstream step in their signaling pathways. In contrast to chemokines, perfusion with monomeric or oligomeric preparations of the glycoprotein of Mr 120,000 (gp120) derived from several isolates of HIV-1 did not activate signaling by CXCR4 or CCR5 regardless of CD4 coexpression. However, adsorption of the gp120 from a T-cell-tropic virus resulted in CD4-dependent antagonism of CXCR4 response to SDF-1α, whereas gp120 from macrophage-tropic viruses caused CD4-dependent antagonism of CCR5 response to MIP-1α. These antagonisms could be partially overcome by high concentrations of chemokines and were specific for coreceptors of the corresponding HIV-1 isolates, suggesting that they resulted from direct interactions of gp120–CD4 complexes with coreceptors and that they did not involve the desensitization pathway. These results indicate that monomeric or oligomeric gp120s specifically antagonize CXCR4 and CCR5 signaling in response to chemokines, but they do not exclude the possibility that gp120s might also function as weak agonists in some cells. The gp120-mediated disruption of CXCR4 and CCR5 signaling may contribute to AIDS pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The principal neutralizing determinant of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is located in the external envelope protein, gp120, and has previously been mapped to a 24-amino acid-long sequence (denoted RP135). We show here that deletion of this sequence renders the envelope unable to elicit neutralizing antibodies. In addition, using synthetic peptide fragments of RP135, we have mapped the neutralizing determinant to 8 amino acids and found that a peptide of this size elicits neutralizing antibodies. This sequence contains a central Gly-Pro-Gly that is generally conserved between different HIV-1 isolates and is flanked by amino acids that differ from isolate to isolate. Antibodies elicited by peptides from one isolate do not neutralize two different isolates, and a hybrid peptide, consisting of amino acid sequences from two isolates, elicits neutralizing antibodies to both isolates. By using a mixture of peptides of this domain or a mixture of such hybrid peptides the type-specificity of the neutralizing antibody response to this determinant can perhaps be overcome.  相似文献   

The V3 region of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 envelope protein gp120 constitutes a potential neutralization target, but the oligosaccharide of one conserved N-glycosylation site in this region protects it from neutralizing antibodies. Here, we determined whether N-linked glycans of other gp120 domains were also involved in protection of V3 neutralization epitopes. Two molecular clones of HIV-1, one lacking three N-linked glycans of the V1 region (HIV-1(3N/V1)) and another lacking three N-linked glycans of the C2 region (HIV-1(3N/C2)), were created and characterized. gp120 from both mutated viral clones had higher electrophoretic mobilities than gp120 from wild-type virus, confirming loss of N-linked glycans. Wild-type virus and both mutant clones replicated equally well in established T cell lines and all three viruses were able to utilize CXCR4 but not CCR5 as a coreceptor. The induced mutations increased gp120 affinity for CXCR4 but caused no corresponding increase in viral ability to replicate in T cell lines. HIV-1(3N/V1) was neutralized at about 25 times lower concentrations of an antibody to the V3 region than were wild-type virus and HIV-1(3N/C2). Soluble, monomeric gp120 from HIV-1(3N/V1) and wild type virus had identical avidity for the V3 antibody, indicating that the V1 glycans were able to shield V3 only in oligomeric but not monomeric gp120. In conclusion, one or more N-linked glycans of gp120 V1 is engaged in protection of the V3 region from potential neutralizing antibodies, and this effect is dependent on the oligomeric organization of gp120/gp41.  相似文献   

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