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Hepatic veno-occlusive disease, which was observed in a patient with hepatic coma, was examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and correlated with its histology. Postmortem examination disclosed microscopic occlusion of the centrilobular and sublobular veins in the liver. These veins were occluded, partially or completely, by intimal and medial thickening of their walls due to proliferation of collagen and reticulin fibers. In addition to venous obliteration, which had not been demonstrated by other techniques, frequent occlusion of the sinusoidal opening into the central veins was observed by SEM. The size and distribution of the openings were irregular in comparison with those in normal controls. There was no evidence of fibrin thrombus formation in the veins. This case exemplified the usefulness of the application of SEM to autopsy material.  相似文献   

Metastatic calcification in various organs in an autopsy case of parathyroid adenoma was studied by light and electron microscopy. Calcification was observed in kidney, lung, liver, heart, stomach, and thyroid. In the kidney, calcification was found in the tubules and glomeruli. In the liver, calcification was mainly found in Disse's space. The kidney, lung, liver, and heart were examined by electron microscopy. Four forms of early calcification were observed: 1) amorphous dense bodies within the mitochondria; 2) needle-shaped hydroxyapatite; 3) concentric laminated structure; and 4) cytoplasmic vesicles originating in hepatocytes. Calcium phosphate precipitates within the mitochondria were seen as amorphous dense bodies. When calcium phosphate precipitated in the cytoplasmic colloid gel, concentric laminated structures were formed due to Liesegang's phenomenon. Needle-shaped crystals in the amorphous dense bodies of the mitochondria were interpreted as a phenomenon of epitaxy. Calcification in Disse's space was thought to start in cytoplasmic vesicles which were derived from hepatocytes. ACTA PATHOL. JPN. 37: 1621 - 1635, 1987.  相似文献   

An autopsy case of extremely rare mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the pancreas in a 58-year-old male was reported. The main tumor in the pancreatic tail associated with wide-spreading metastases, was histologically composed of squamous cancer cell nests Intermingled with mucin-containing cells, but not true glandular structures except for metastatic foci in the liver. Electron microscopic findings of the main tumor revealed roughly three kinds of cancer cells, namely undifferentiated cells, squamous cells, and squamous cells with mucin-containing intracytoplasmic lumina, accompanied by variety of transitional forms. The mucin was similar to that of the intra-or interlobular duct epithelium of pancreas in mucin stains. Immunohistochemically, positive immune reaction of the cancer cells was observed by anti-keratin, -epithelial membrane antigen and -carcinoembryonic antigen sera. These findings suggested that the cancer cells originated from undifferentiated cells of pancreatic duct, which showed multipotency to differentiate predominantly into squamous cells, but also into mucin-producing cells. ACTA PATHOL. JPN. 37:1175–1182, 1987.  相似文献   

本研究采用Kamperdijk的方法,稍加改良,分离了大鼠脾树状突细胞,并对分离的细胞进行了光镜和电镜检测。结果表明细胞95%以上存活。在悬液中,细胞保持突起,且突起能持续伸缩。细胞PAS反应、Prussian blue反应、AlP、PO、ATPase反应均呈阴性,AcP反应或呈阴性,或在核凹陷处呈大圆点状反应,或在核附近有数个小颗粒反应。细胞膜表面有许多Ia抗原,但缺乏Fc受体。细胞表面光滑,突起呈鳞茎状或薄片状。核形不规则。细胞质内细胞器稀少,但可有中等量的线粒体、核糖体和泡状结构。结果表明,分离细胞的形态结构与Steinman和Kamperdijk描述的淋巴树状突细胞类同;分离方法切实可行。  相似文献   

To Investigate morphological features of the human pancreatic ductal system, light and electron microscopic studies were performed, on the comparative basis with those of several species of mammals. The human pancreas possessed relatively well–developed ductal system, as compared with those of other mammals. Furthermore, it had unique centroacinr cells containing numerous mitochondria. The mode of innervation to the ducts, and cytological features such as cilia formation and mucin production were also revealed. Several kinds of endocrine cells including A, B, D1, ECn, presumptive EC1, and presumptive EC2 or K could be identified, but a few remained unclassiflable. The above findings are considered to be prerequisite for understanding the physiology, especially of bicarbonate production, and pathology, especially of oncogenesis of the exocrine and endocrine pancreas. ACTA PATHOL. JPN. 33: 297–321, 1983.  相似文献   

A rare type of mucoepidermoid tumor of hard palate was found in a 42-year-old man. By light microscopic examination, the nests of the tumor consisted almost entirely of clear cells and partly of epidermoid cells observed at the periphery of the nests. In addition, only a few isolated mucous cells were dispersed in sheets of the clear cells. Transition between the epidermoid cells and clear cells was apparent, characterized by a progressive clearing of the cytoplasm. It was shown by both the PAS reaction and removal by diastase digestion that the clear cytoplasm is due to the presence of significant amount of glycogen granules. By electron microscopic examination, adhesiveness of the epidermoid cells and the clear cells was characterized by numerous des-mosomes. There were observed bundles of cytoplasmic tonofilaments and desmosome-tonofilament attachment complexes in these cells. There was a variable amount of amorphous lucent substance in the epidermoid and clear cells, paticularly in the clear cells. It was assumed that glycogen is lost from cytoplasm during en bloc staining with uranyl acetate and the matrix of the glycogen areas appears as the amorphous feature. ACTA PATHOL. JPN. 36: 1419–1427, 1986  相似文献   

Liver tissues obtained from 78 human fetuses between 5 weeks and 10 months of gestation were observed with light and electron microscope. In the third month of gestation hepatic megakaryocytopoiesis reached the maximum level and then appeared to decline. At the maximum level immature to mature megakaryocytes were usually smaller than those from adult bone marrow. They were observed between growing liver cells, within hepatic sinusoids and in the mesenchyme surrounding the liver parenchyma in the given order of frequency. Immature megakaryocytes were characterized by the presence of both demarcation vesicles or tubules and a few small round specific granules. The nucleus was mononuclear but frequently indented. With cell maturation, the megakaryocytes were stained intensely by PAS-technique. The nuclei were multilobulated. Large cytoplasm was dominated by numerous specific granules and well-developed demarcation membrane system. Some megakaryocytes passed through the sinusoidal wall and possibly to hepatic sinusoids. These observations indicate that the main site of hepatic megakaryocytopoiesis may be extravascular and more likely between liver cells. Small megakaryocytes in fetal livers are discussed in relation to the occurrence of similar megakaryocytes in various blood dyscrasias.  相似文献   

在吗啡依赖条件下 ,观察了脊髓 板层发生轴突终末侧支生芽和建立新突触的背根节神经元的胞体是否出现相应的形态变化。应用光镜体视学方法 ,结合电镜观察和测量 ,比较吗啡依赖组与对照组背根节体积及其神经元胞体、胞核、核仁、粗面内质网和线粒体的体积变化。结果显示 :吗啡依赖组背根节体积与对照组比较未发现差异 ,背根节内的亮、暗两类神经元的胞体、胞核、核仁体积以及胞质内粗面内质网和线粒体体积也无显著性差异。结果表明 ,吗啡对大鼠背根节神经元胞体的形态结构没有明显的影响  相似文献   

A historical review and the present author's study on diabetic nephropathy have been presented.
Three characteristic lesions in KW-lesion, namely nodular, exudative and doughnut lesion may all be regarded as to be caused by severe circulatory disturbance occurring in intraglomerular branches of the afferent artery. This circulatory disturbance is considered to be brought about by sudden spasm of the peripheral portion of the afferent branches. The diffuse form of Bell may be regarded as to be a slighter type without severe mesangiolysis. Arteriolar hyalinosis and arteriosclerosis and/or atherosclerosis may be caused by intraglomerular circulatory disturbances. The most important problem in diabetic nephropathy, including KW-lesion and Bell's diffuse form, is to elucidate the mechanism leading to the occurrence of spasm of the peripheral portion of intraglomerular afferent branches. Becker4 found fixation of antiactomyosin-antibody in the mesangial tissue by the immunofluorescent method. Many studies along this line have been made, but none are adequate in fully explaining the mechanism involved.  相似文献   

目的探讨大鼠和小鼠心房传导组织以外的起搏样细胞。方法应用石蜡、冰冻及超薄切片,采用HE、Masson和胆碱脂酶组织化学染色,分别在光镜和电镜下观察大鼠和小鼠的心房组织,寻找心房组织中隐匿的起搏细胞样细胞。结果右心房肌层内散在、无规律地存在一些圆形或卵圆形细胞,这些细胞核相对较大,细胞质清亮,细胞器较少。它们具备窦房结内起搏(P)细胞的特征。结论大鼠和小鼠左、右心房组织内存在起搏细胞样细胞,它们很可能是心房异位搏动的形态学基础。  相似文献   

高文军  郑则慧 《解剖学报》2000,31(1):1-4,I001
目的 探讨甘氨酸能神经元(Gly-ir)在大脑皮层内的分布及特征。方法 用免疫组织化学与免疫电镜方法,在光镜与电镜水平观察甘氨酸免疫反应性神经元在大鼠运动皮层内的分布及其超微结构特征。结果 甘氨酸免疫反应性神经元均为非锥体细胞,在运动皮怪内Ⅰ~Ⅳ层均有分布,以Ⅰ~Ⅳ层较多,Ⅳ层最少,免疫反应性细胞以小细胞(41.5%)及中等大小细胞(44%)为主,也可见少量梭形细胞(13.5%),而大细胞极少1^  相似文献   

中华鳖十二指肠组织学的光镜和扫描电镜观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:了解中华鳖十二指肠的组织学。方法:Carnoy固定,石蜡包埋,切片,采用HE染色法,PAS反应,RNA反应,用光镜和扫描电镜对中华鳖十二指肠的组织学进行观察。结果:1.粘膜和粘膜下层向肠腔内凸起形成一个皱襞,使肠腔呈∩形;2.肠绒毛呈指状凸起,微绒毛非常发达,呈絮状;3.无十二指肠腺;4.在肠绒毛基部有似隐窝;5.粘膜上皮主要由二层组织组成,但有些区域仅有一层细胞;6;柱状细胞的纹状缘PAS  相似文献   

Ferric chloride and human thrombin solutions, either individually or mixed, were introduced into the right ventricle or into the auricular veins of 73 rabbits, and the subsequent changes in the pulmonary vessels and auriculer viens were examined by means of light and electron microscopy. Platlet plugs (pseudothrombi) formed immediately after the treatments are aggregation of platlets with apparently intact cell membranes and could be differentiated from the arethentic thrombi in that in the latter there was fibrin invasion of the endothelial cells. Release of the alpha granules from the platlets played a great role in fibrin formation and appeared to occur without disruption of the cell membranes. The endothelial cytoplasms were invaded by fibrin in an early phase of thrombosis and injury to the endothelial cells probably act as a trigger to the further development of the thrombi. So thrombosis pogressed, the platlet cytoplasms were also invaded by the fibrin. As an initiating factor in the development of thrombosis the author emphasizd the role of increased coagulability. ACTA PATH. JAP. 16:1-36, 1966  相似文献   

Morphologic change of the myocardium of the dog were observed in oligemic and normovolemic shock produced by Wiggers' standard method.
Subendocardial hemorrhages, usually superficial and located mostly in the ventricular aspect of the septum, were remarkable in the normovolemic shock group, but rare in the oligemic shock group. The zonal lesion appeared in the early period of oligemic shock becoming more apparent with lapse of time. Ultrastructural studies revealed some differences of the findings of the zonal lesion between oligemic and normovolemic shock. In oligemic shock, the zonal lesion was identical to the supercontraction of myofilaments and dislocation of mitochondria. Supercontraction of myofibrils was usually unilateral, and herniation of damaged myocytes was frequently noticed in the unilateral lesion. In the normovolemic shock, supercontracted areas near the intercalated disc were usually stretched and the myofilaments became irregular in arrangement. In addition, the accumulation of glycogen granules and presence of clear flocculent areas were observed in the cytoplasm of some myocardial cells.
Cell edema, swelling and destruction of mitochondria and contraction bands were found in the damaged myocyte, especially in the terminal stage of normovolemic shock. Swelling of the capillary endothelial cell was already observed in the early period of oligemic shock. In addition, the pathogenesis of the zonal lesion and the mechanism of cardiac depression in hemorrhagic shock were discussed.  相似文献   

以CB—HRP为标记物,分别用硝普钠(SNP)和庚钼酸铵(AHM)作四甲基联苯胺(TMB)反应的稳定剂,再用改进的Aldes平板包埋法(玻璃纸平板包埋法)包埋切片,对树鼩颈髓前角运动神经元作了光镜和电镜的比较观察。发现在光镜水平,TMB—SNP和TMB—AHM这两种显色反应对显示神经元的胞体和近端树突无明显差别。但在显示神经元的远端树突,尤其是白质树突方面,TMB—SNP反应明显优于TMB—AHM反应。而在电镜下,以AHM为稳定剂的标本,神经元间的突触、神经微丝、线粒体等亚细胞结构清楚;以SNP为稳定剂者,这些亚细胞结构,甚至神经细胞都难以辨认。改进的Aldes平板包埋法的电镜效果与原Aldes平板包埋法一致或更好,而方法更简便。  相似文献   

An electron microscopic study of 28 small cell carcinomas of the lung is presented. Cytoplasmic secretory granules, characteristic of endocrine cells of the human foetal lung were observed in a variable number of tumor cells. Two groups of tumors could be distinguished based on the morphology of the cytoplasmic secretory granules. Twenty-three tumors showed cells with granules resembling type 1 or P1 cells of the human fetal lung, and 5 tumors with granules resembling type 3 cells of the human fetal lung. No relationship was found between the light microscopic WHO classification of small cell carcinoma of the lung and the results obtained by electron microscopy. Increased serum calcitonin as well as inappropriate ADH secretion may be correlated with one of the two types of small cell carcinoma, but further investigations are needed.  相似文献   

The experiments we described in this paper demonstrated that the myocardiac lesions without hypertension could be produced by renal failure in rabbits; after this experimental renal failure, increase in blood urea nitrogen and various functional and morphological changes suggestive of heart lesions appeared. The main structural changes in the heart were cellular edema with dilatation of the sarcotubular system, destructive changes of the mitochondria and contractile elements, and coagulative degeneration. These myocardiac lesions are induced by renal failure, and are probably caused by electrolyte imbalance, metabolic disorder, and/or hemodynamic abnormality rather than by hypertensive or toxic factors.  相似文献   

Experimental hypertensive rats were intravenously injected with carbon and iron as tracers, and their mesenteric arteries exhibiting hypertensive arterial lesions were observed by light and scanning electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry. Early arterial lesions showing entense medial damages, deposition of fibrinoid substance consisting of fibrin in the intima and/or media, and granulation tissue in the adventitia were characterized by marked insudation of intravenously injected tracers. Scanning electron microscopy demonstrated numerous leukocytes and platelets adhering to endothelial surface, opened endothelial cell junctions, and desquamation of these cells. Immunohistochemistry revealed laminin and low stainability of fibronectin in the subendothelium. Advanced lesions showed deposition of a large amount of fibrinoid substance and no insudation of tracers in the intima, but scanning electron microscopy manifested opening of endothelial cell junctions, desquamation of endothelial cells, and adherence of leukocytes and platelets. Immunohistochemistry revealed fibronectin in the intima and laminin just beneath the endothelium. In the healed lesions disclosing fibrocellular intimal thickening, there was no insudation of tracers. Scanning electron microscopy showed opened endothelial cell junctions, endothelial cell defects, and adherence of leukocytes and platelets. There were fibronectin in the intima and laminin beneath the endothelium. It was suggested that the opening of endothelial ceils junctions and desquamation of endothelial cells would be necessary for the arterial increased permeability in hypertensive rats, and that fibrin-fibronectin complex, fibronectin-acid mucopolysaccharide complex, and basement membrane would together inhibit the increased permeability in the mesenteric arteries of hypertensive rats in spite of endothelial cell injuries and their defects.  相似文献   

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