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We constructed a defined purine-auxotrophic mutant of Brucella melitensis 16M by chromosomal gene replacement. We electroporated B. melitensis 16M with suicide plasmids containing a kanamycin resistance cassette that replaced 226 bp at the carboxyl end of purE, the intergenic region, and 18 bases of the purK open reading frame. Recombinant B. melitensis delta purE201 required exogenous purines for growth on minimal media. Purine auxotrophy was complemented by electroporation of B. melitensis delta purE201 failed to grow in human monocyte-derived macrophages, while the growth of wild-type 16M and the complemented strain, delta purE201 (pSD5), increased by nearly two logs. These results suggest that B. melitensis delta purE201 will be attenuated in animals and humans and thus may be useful as a live attenuated vaccine.  相似文献   

After intranasal inoculation, Brucella melitensis chronically infects the mononuclear phagocyte system in BALB/c mice, but it causes no apparent illness. Adaptive immunity, which can be transferred by either T cells or antibody from immune to naive animals, confers resistance to challenge infection. The role of innate, non-B-, non-T-cell-mediated immunity in control of murine brucellosis, however, is unknown. In the present study, we documented that BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice had a similar course of infection after intranasal administration of 16M, validating the usefulness of the model in the latter mouse strain. We then compared the course of infection in Rag1 knockout mice (C57BL/6 background) (referred to here as RAG-1 mice) which have no B or T cells as a consequence of deletion of Rag1 (recombination-activating gene 1), with infection in normal C57BL/6 animals after intranasal administration of B. melitensis 16M. C57BL/6 mice cleared brucellae from their lungs by 8 to 12 weeks and controlled infection in the liver and spleen at a low level. In contrast, RAG-1 mice failed to reduce the number of bacteria in any of these organs. From 1 to 4 weeks after inoculation, the number of splenic bacteria increased from 2 to 4.5 logs and remained at that level. In contrast to the consistently high numbers of brucellae observed in the spleens, the number of bacteria rose in the livers sampled for up to 20 weeks. Immunohistologic examination at 8 weeks after infection disclosed foci of persistent pneumonia and large amounts of Brucella antigen in macrophages in lung, liver, and spleen in RAG-1, but not C57BL/6, mice. These studies indicate that T- and B-cell-independent immunity can control Brucella infection at a high level in the murine spleen, but not in the liver. Immunity mediated by T and/or B cells is required for clearance of bacteria from spleen and lung and for control of bacterial replication in the liver.  相似文献   

The response to a Brucella melitensis purEK deletion mutant, delta purE201 (referred to as strain 201), was compared with the response to its parental strain, 16M, in juvenile goats. Proliferative responses to gamma-irradiated bacteria were detected earlier in strain 201-infected goats. Lymphocytes from strain 16M- or 201-infected goats proliferated in response to one-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis-separated proteins of similar mass isolated from strain 16M or Brucella abortus RB51. Data from this study suggest that some antigens stimulating cell-mediated responses are conserved among Brucella species, as 201- and 16M-infected goats recognized similar proteins expressed by RB51 and 16M.  相似文献   

Brucella spp. are gram-negative intracellular pathogens that survive and multiply within phagocytic cells of their hosts. Smooth organisms present O polysaccharides (OPS) on their surface. These OPS help the bacteria avoid the bactericidal action of serum. The wboA gene, coding for the enzyme glycosyltransferase, is essential for the synthesis of O chain in Brucella. In this study, the sensitivity to serum of smooth, virulent Brucella melitensis 16M and B. abortus 2308, rough wboA mutants VTRM1, RA1, and WRR51 derived from these two Brucella species, and the B. abortus vaccine strain RB51 was assayed using normal nonimmune human serum (NHS). The deposition of complement components and mannose-binding lectin (MBL) on the bacterial surface was detected by flow cytometry. Rough B. abortus mutants were more sensitive to the bactericidal action of NHS than were rough B. melitensis mutants. Complement components were deposited on smooth strains at a slower rate compared to rough strains. Deposition of iC3b and C5b-9 and bacterial killing occurred when bacteria were treated with C1q-depleted, but not with C2-depleted serum or NHS in the presence of Mg-EGTA. These results indicate that (i) OPS-deficient strains derived from B. melitensis 16M are more resistant to the bactericidal action of NHS than OPS-deficient strains derived from B. abortus 2308, (ii) both the classical and the MBL-mediated pathways are involved in complement deposition and complement-mediated killing of Brucella, and (iii) the alternative pathway is not activated by smooth or rough brucellae.  相似文献   

To evaluate host responses, young goats were inoculated subcutaneously with a genetic deletion mutant (deltapurE201) of Brucella melitensis (n = 6), its virulent parental strain 16M (n = 6), or saline (n = 6). No clinical evidence of brucellosis was seen in any goat. Serum antibody titers peaked at postinoculation day (PID) 14. Bacteria in lymph nodes that drained sites of vaccination reached peak numbers of >10(6) CFU/g in both infected groups at PID 7 and progressively declined to PID 84. At necropsy, bacteria were present in mammary lymph nodes or spleen of 33% of goats given virulent 16M but in none of goats given the purE mutant. Lymphadenitis, most severe in goats given 16M, involved depletion of lymphocytes and germinal centers, proliferation of lymphoblasts, and vasculitis. By PID 28, lymph node architecture was restored; there was marked germinal center formation and medullary plasmacytosis. Brucellar antigens, detected with immunoperoxidase techniques, were prominent in capsular granulomas but not in lymph node cortices. Ultrastructurally, bacteria were found in macrophages (>97%) and small lymphocytes (<3%) but not in large lymphocytes. Bacteria were intact in small lymphocytes but in macrophages were in various stages of degradation. The deltapurE phenotype of deltapurE201 was preserved during infection of goat lymph nodes. Unlike Salmonella spp. purE mutants, strain deltapurE201 may be a candidate for efficacy testing; it produced immune responses, was cleared from visceral tissues, and produced less severe pathologic changes than its wild-type parent.  相似文献   

Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease with a worldwide distribution that can be transmitted via intentional or accidental aerosol exposure. In order to engineer superior vaccine strains against Brucella species for use in animals as well as in humans, the possibility of challenge infection via aerosol needs to be considered to properly evaluate vaccine efficacy. In this study, we assessed the use of an aerosol chamber to infect deep lung tissue of mice to elicit systemic infections with either Brucella abortus or B. melitensis at various doses. The results reveal that B. abortus causes a chronic infection of lung tissue in BALB/c mice and peripheral organs at low doses. In contrast, B. melitensis infection diminishes more rapidly, and higher infectious doses are required to obtain infection rates in animals similar to those of B. abortus. Whether this difference translates to severity of human infection remains to be elucidated. Despite these differences, unmarked deletion mutants BAΔasp24 and BMΔasp24 consistently confer superior protection to mice against homologous and heterologous aerosol challenge infection and should be considered viable candidates as vaccine strains against brucellosis.  相似文献   

Human brucellosis can be acquired from infected animal tissues by ingestion, inhalation, or contamination of conjunctiva or traumatized skin by infected animal products. In addition, Brucella is recognized as a biowarfare threat agent. Although a vaccine to protect humans from natural or deliberate infection could be useful, vaccines presently used in animals are unsuitable for human use. We tested orally administered live, attenuated, purine auxotrophic B. melitensis WR201 bacteria for their ability to elicit cellular and humoral immune responses and to protect mice against intranasal challenge with B. melitensis 16M bacteria. Immunized mice made serum antibody to lipopolysaccharide and non-O-polysaccharide antigens. Splenocytes from immunized animals released interleukin-2 and gamma interferon when grown in cultures with Brucella antigens. Immunization led to protection from disseminated infection and enhanced clearance of the challenge inoculum from the lungs. Optimal protection required administration of live bacteria, was related to immunizing dose, and was enhanced by booster immunization. These results establish the usefulness of oral vaccination against respiratory challenge with virulent Brucella and suggest that WR201 should be further investigated as a vaccine to prevent human brucellosis.  相似文献   

A presternal swelling diagnosed clinically as a sebaceous cyst in a 60-year-old diabetic patient was surgically drained, and the aspirated purulant material yielded growth of Brucella melitensis. The swelling recurred four times and was drained on every occasion. The patient responded to surgical excision and antibrucella treatment. The histologic diagnosis was an epidermal cyst.  相似文献   

Five serological assays were evaluated for the diagnosis of brucellosis in goats: the rose bengal test (RBT), complement fixation test (CFT), radial immunodiffusion (RID) with Brucella and Yersinia enterocolitica O:9 polysaccharides, counterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIEP) with cytosol, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with polyclonal and protein G conjugates and smooth lipopolysaccharide (S-LPS), native hapten polysaccharide (NH), or cytosol antigens. For optimal sensitivity, RBT had to be used with sera-antigen at a 3:1 dilution. In the RID test, Brucella melitensis biotype 1 NH could not be replaced by Brucella abortus biotype 1 or Y. enterocolitica 0:9 polysaccharides. In the ELISA, S-LPS and NH gave similar results and the protein G conjugate increased the specificity. With the sera from 55 B. melitensis culture-positive goats, the sensitivity was 100% for RBT, CFT (titer > or = 4), and ELISA with S-LPS or NH; 94% for RID; and 93% for CIEP. All tests were negative (100% specific) when testing the sera from 127 brucella-free goats. Larger discrepancies among the results of the serological tests were obtained with sera from goats of areas where brucellosis is endemic. When the sera of 20 young goats vaccinated subcutaneously (10(9) CFU of B. melitensis Rev 1) and bled 6 months later were examined, the specificities were as follows: NH ELISA, 60%; CFT and S-LPS ELISA, 75%; RBT, 80%; CIEP, 90%; and RID, 94%. With the sera from 10 young goats vaccinated conjunctivally (10(9) CFU of B. melitensis Rev 1) all tests were 100% specific 4 months after vaccination. The proportion of goats giving a positive reaction after vaccination decreased faster in RID than in other tests.  相似文献   

A total of 291 unvaccinated sheep from Brucella melitenesis-infected flocks were examined for delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses with Brucellergene commercial allergen and with cold saline extract and cytosol from rough B. melitensis 115, and their sera were tested in the rose bengal test (RBT), complement fixation test (CFT), and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with lipopolysaccharide. DTH reactions were maximal after 72 h, with no intensity differences among allergens, inoculation sites (eyelid and tail), and doses tested. There were no differences in the results recorded by visual inspection and palpation of inoculation sites, by measuring skin thickness with a caliper, or by microscopic examination of samples taken at necropsy. Six days after DTH testing, energy was observed in 100% of the animals, and 100% reactivity was recovered only after 24 days. All animals were necropsied, and thorough bacteriological searches were performed. The sensitivities found with the 140 animals from which B. melitensis was isolated were ELISA, 100%; DTH, 97.1%; RBT, 92.1%; and CFT, 88.6%. Those results put into question the value of RBT and CFT as screening and confirmatory tests for sheep brucellosis and at least indicate that their standardization should be modified. For 151 tested sheep from which B. melitensis was not isolated, the percentages of positive animals were ELISA, 100%; DTH, 94.0%; RBT, 57.6%; and CFT, 53.6%. All tests were negative for 100 tested sheep from Brucella-free flocks. The different results of bacteriological and immunological tests suggest the usefulness of developing indirect tests able to distinguish truly infected animals from those that have developed an immunological response.  相似文献   

By using mice infected with strains of Brucella abortus and Brucella melitensis we examined the histological responses to infection, the relationship of histology to persistence of organisms, and the relation of persistence of organisms to the acquisition of acquired cellular resistance (ACR). Infection with B. abortus resulted in well-formed granulomas in the livers, which persisted for more than 30 days. In contrast, infection with B. melitensis produced microabscesses in the livers which resolved before 30 days. The clearance of organisms from the tissues was also different. A total of 30 days after infection, large numbers of viable bacteria were recovered from the tissues of B. abortus-infected mice whereas bacteria were no longer recoverable from B. melitensis-infected animals. ACR to Listeria monocytogenes, another intracellular pathogen, persisted for more than 30 days in B. abortus-infected mice but waned rapidly in B. melitensis-infected animals. This disappearance of ACR due to B. melitensis paralleled the clearance of bacteria from the tissues.  相似文献   

Previously a Brucella protein named CP28, BP26, or Omp28 has been identified as an immunodominant antigen in infected cattle, sheep, goats, and humans. In the present study we evaluated antibody responses of infected and B. melitensis Rev.1-vaccinated sheep to the BP26 protein using purified recombinant BP26 protein produced in Escherichia coli in an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (I-ELISA). The specificity of the I-ELISA determined with sera from healthy sheep (n = 106) was 93%. The sensitivity of the I-ELISA assessed with sera from naturally infected and suspected sheep found positive in the current conventional diagnostic tests was as follows: 100% for bacteriologically and serologically positive sheep (n = 50), 88% for bacteriologically negative but serologically and delayed-type hypersensitivity-positive sheep (n = 50), and 84% for bacteriologically and serologically negative but delayed-type hypersensitivity-positive sheep (n = 19). However, the absorbance values observed did not reach those observed in an I-ELISA using purified O-polysaccharide (O-PS) as an antigen. In sheep experimentally infected with B. melitensis H38 the antibody response to BP26 was delayed and much weaker than that to O-PS. Nevertheless, the BP26 protein appears to be a good diagnostic antigen to be used in confirmatory tests and for serological differentiation between infected and B. melitensis Rev.1-vaccinated sheep. Weak antibody responses to BP26 in some of the latter sheep suggest that a B. melitensis Rev.1 bp26 gene deletion mutant should be constructed to ensure this differentiation.  相似文献   

Brucella melitensis is highly pathogenic and constitutes a serious risk to public health. In Argentina, biovar 1 has been isolated from infected animals, but the Rev.1 strain vaccine is not authorised for use. This report describes nine atypical B. melitensis isolates obtained from humans. These isolates grew slowly, produced small colonies and were susceptible to penicillin and dyes, similar to the B. melitensis Rev.1 vaccine strain, but were inhibited by streptomycin 2.5 mg/L. The isolation of such atypical B. melitensis variants has never been reported from animals in Argentina, and could indicate the emergence of a new mutant variant.  相似文献   

Thirty-four isolates (16.5 per cent) of Brucella melitensis were cultured from 206 samples from aborted, still-born or weak full-term animals and vaginal swabs from aborted animals. Twenty-six of 31 isolates from sheep were B. melitensis biovar 3. Two isolates were biovar 1 and one of these was the vaccine strain Rev 1. The three remaining isolates were from vaginal swabs and were not biotyped since B. melitensis biovar 3 had been isolated from the aborted fetuses. One of two isolates from cattle and one isolate from a goat were biovar 1. The remaining cattle isolate was biovar 3.  相似文献   

We report on an outbreak of laboratory-acquired brucellosis involving four technicians working at a microbiology laboratory. All cases occurred in a period of 4 months. Blood cultures and the Rose Bengal test were positive for Brucella spp. in all cases. Microagglutination was positive for Brucella spp. at titers of between 1/40 and 1/160. All patients were cured after treatment.  相似文献   

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