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M E Vazquez  T Ebendal 《Neuroreport》1991,2(10):593-596
Nerve growth factor (NGF) acts by binding to specific sets of neurons. Low-affinity binding (Kd of 10(-9) M) is mediated via a 75 kDa glycoprotein (LNGFR). Recently, a 140 kDa tyrosine protein kinase encoded by the proto-oncogene trk has been found to bind NGF with high affinity (Kd of 10(-11) M) and to evoke neurotrophic responses. In addition, the related trkB protein and the LNGFR have been shown to bind brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) with an affinity of Kd 10(-9) M. We demonstrate the distribution of mRNA encoding the neurotrophin-binding proteins in the forebrain of the 21-day-old Sprague-Dawley rat by in-situ hybridization. Expression of trk and LNGFR mRNA showed co-localization and was restricted to the medial septal nucleus and the nucleus of Broca's diagonal band, suggesting a receptor function in these cells for both proteins encoded. In contrast, expression of trkB was widely spread in many areas. Thus trkB protein might serve general functions in the forebrain.  相似文献   

Neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) binds to multiple trks, not only its initially identified receptor trkC. Recent studies in our laboratory show that NT-3 negatively regulates nociceptive phenotype associated with the trkA subpopulation. Due to the extensive overlap in trkA and trkC expression it is uncertain whether there is a direct influence of NT-3 on trkA in adult sensory neurons. Thus, the aim of this study was to examine whether NT-3 might alter trkA and associated neuronal phenotype outside of the trkC subpopulation. The effect of a seven-day intrathecal infusion of NT-3 on intact, uninjured adult rat dorsal root ganglion neurons was investigated. Serial sections were processed for receptor radioautography or in situ hybridization to identify and colocalize neurons expressing high-affinity nerve growth factor (NGF) binding sites, substance P (SP), trkC, or trkA mRNAs and to examine the influence of NT-3 on these populations. NT-3 does not appear to alter trkC expression, but evokes a notable reduction in trkA, high-affinity NGF binding sites, and SP levels. It is unlikely that signalling by trkC greatly influences this response because the down-regulation of SP occurs most notably in trkA neurons that lack trkC. Moreover, we have shown here that message levels of two trkA isoforms are differentially modulated by NT-3; infusion results in greater down-regulation of the noninsert containing isoform. These findings suggest a clinically relevant role for NT-3 as an antagonist to NGF, but also raise the caution that not just trkC-positive neurons are influenced following exposure to the neurotrophin.  相似文献   

Our previous work indicated that in E14 embryonic rat spinal cord cultures ciliary neuronotrophic factor (CNTF) exerted (1) a survival-promoting effect on motor neurons and on a large population of unidentified neurons, and (2) a regulatory role on the expression of ChAT and low affinity NGF receptor (LNGFR) in a population of small/medium-sized neurons. In the present study, we examined the effect of CNTF on the expression of LNGFR in cultures of different regions from the E18 embryonic rat brain, namely cortex, septum, striatum, mesencephalon, hippocampus, brainstem, and cerebellum. The number of LNGFR-positive neurons (stained with the 192-IgG monoclonal antibody) was determined in untreated cultures and in cultures treated for 6 days (0-6) with human recombinant CNTF. To distinguish between effects on survival and on LNGFR expression, experiments were performed in which CNTF was administered only for the last 48 h of the culture (from days 4-6). LNGFR positive neurons were found in the cultures of all the regions examined. In each one of them, CNTF increased the number of LNGFR-positive neurons by three- to fourfold after 6 days of treatment. In the striatum, septum, mesencephalon, and cerebellum, the effect of CNTF was shown to be on the regulation of LNGFR expression and not on survival. In cultures from the cortex, hippocampus and brainstem, a survival-promoting role of CNTF could be demonstrated. The effect of CNTF was dose dependent, with half-maximal effects (ED50) achieved at 2-4.5 TU/ml for all the brain regions. Maximal effects were reached at 100-250 TU/ml. From these results, we conclude that (1) there exists a wide spectrum of CNTF-responsive neurons in the central nervous system, and (2) CNTF plays an important and widespread role in regulating the expression of the LNGFR in neurons.  相似文献   

Tyrosine phosphorylation of trk type neurotrophin receptors in primary cultures of embryonic rat brain cells was studied by immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting. In cultures containing basal forebrain cholinergic neurons, but not in cultures of cerebral cortex, nerve growth factor (NGF) treatment for 4 min induced tyrosine phosphorylation of trk family proteins. Stimulation with brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) or neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), resulted in a very robust phosphorylation signal in basal forebrain and cortical cultures, suggesting actions of these neurotrophins not only on cholinergic cells but probably on most embryonic brain neurons. Trk tyrosine phosphorylation was completely abolished by 5 microM K-252b. Inhibition was rapid, being evident by 30 s following addition of the drug. Corresponding stimulatory and inhibitory effects were seen for phospholipase-C gamma 1 (PLC gamma 1) and extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1 (Erk1), two enzymes involved in second messenger mechanisms. Our findings indicate involvement of trk receptor activation in the NGF response of basal forebrain cholinergic cells and provide evidence for widespread presence of BDNF and NT-3 responsive neurons in the embryonic brain.  相似文献   

192 IgG, a monoclonal antibody to the rat nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor, was disulfide-coupled to saporin, a ribosome-inactivating protein. Systemic injection of 192 IgG-saporin destroyed sympathetic postganglionic neurons and some sensory neurons. Injection of 192 IgG-saporin into the lateral ventricle destroyed cholinergic neurons of the basal forebrain. These results show that antineuronal immunotoxins are a powerful approach that may prove useful in a variety of neurobiological applications.  相似文献   

Although dopamine has been considered as the only neurotransmitter in the nigrostriatal pathway, studies carried out in the last two decades have suggested the existence of a nondopaminergic nigrostriatal projection, and more recently, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) has been identified as its neurotransmitter. In this study, we used the combination of immunocytochemistry for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH; a marker of dopaminergic neurons), in situ hybridization (ISH) for two different isoforms of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65 and GAD67, the rate-limiting enzyme in GABA synthesis) and retrograde tracing techniques to investigate the possible existence of nigrostriatal neurons containing both neurotransmitters (dopamine and GABA) in the rat. Our results revealed that approximately 10% of mesostriatal dopaminergic neurons, most of them lying in the medial region of the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNC) and neighbouring A10 region, contain GAD65 mRNA. These findings reveal a third nigrostriatal pathway formed by dopaminergic/GABAergic neurons. Contrasting with the idea that in the basal ganglia, dopamine and GABA are released from different cell populations, the results suggest a more complex dopamine/GABA interaction than previously assumed, probably including cotransmission.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor (NGF) has been recently found to rescue axotomized retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) of the adult rat from degeneration. Because the trophic effect of NGF involves a receptor-coupling event, the characterization and cellular localization of the NGF receptor (NGFR) in the retina are essential to understanding the possible specific action of NGF in this district of the central nervous system. We report here that the NGFR mRNA is expressed in fetal, neonatal, and adult rat retina. Using monoclonal antibody 192-IgG to immunoprecipitate and immunohistochemically identify NGFR, we also found that the NGFR from the retina has a molecular weight identical to that of the NGFR from PC12 cells. The NGFR is localized on RGCs and Müller cells. Finally, following ligation of the optic nerve, NGFR-immunopositive material was found to accumulate both distal and proximal to the site of ligation, suggesting that RGC axons anterogradely and retrogradely transport the NGFR. These data raise the possibility that NGF may play a specific role in rat RGCs.  相似文献   

Touch doems are clearly delineated mechanoreceptors that are visible on the depilated skin of mammals. These structures consist of a sharply circumscribed disk of thickened epithelium surmounting a group of Merkel cells that are innervated by type I sensory neurons. These characteristic cutaneous structures provide an ideal opportunity for investigating whether the localization of nerve growth factor (NGF) in the skin related to sites of sensory axon termination. For these reasons, we have used immunocytochemistry to study the distribution of NGF and the low-affinity NGF receptor (p75NGFR) in the touch domes of adult rat skin. Intense NGF-like immunoreactivity was sharply restricted to keratinocytes (excluding the stratum corneum) of the thickened epidermis of the touch domes. The epidermis immediately surrounding touch domes and the epidermis of the tylotrich hair follicle associated with touch domes were immunonegative for NGF but were immunopositive for p75NGFR as werer the type I nerve endings innervating these cells. Quantitative Northern blotting revealed that the level of NGF mRNA was substantially higher in keratinocytes isolated from the stratum granulosum and stratum spinosum than in keratinocytes isolated from the stratum germinativum. These findings indicate that NGF synthesis in mature skin has a highly restricted regional distribution that is primarily associated with the innervation of a specialized touch receptor. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Neuropeptides and neurotrophin receptors are regulated in primary sensory neurons in response to axonal injury, and axonal lesions are characteristic stigmata of aging primary sensory neurons. We have therefore examined the expression of neuropeptides and neurotrophin receptor mRNAs in 30-month-old (median survival age) Sprague-Dawley rats to see if similar adaptive mechanisms operate in senescence. The content of neuropeptides was examined with immunohistochemistry (IHC) and in situ hybridization (ISH), and the cellular mRNA expression of neurotrophin receptors was studied with ISH. All of the aged rats had symptoms of hind limb incapacity (posterior paralysis), but fore limbs did not seem affected. The size-distribution of neuronal profiles in cervical and lumbar dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) was similar in aged and young adult (2–3 months old) rats. In aged rats, the DRG neurons showed an increase in both immunolabelling and mRNA content of neuropeptide tyrosine (NPY), as well as an increased cellular expression of galanin mRNA. In the same animals, there were decreased cellular levels of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP; IHC and ISH) and substance P (SP; IHC and ISH), while the difference in neuronal somatostatin (IHC and ISH) was small. The distribution of neuropeptide immunoreactivities in the dorsal horn of the corresponding spinal cord segments revealed a decreased labelling for CGRP-, SP-, and somatostatin-like immunoreactivities (LI) in the aged rats at both cervical and lumbar levels. NPY- and galanin-LI had a similar distribution in aged and young adult rats. NPY-immunoreactive fibers were also encountered in the dorsal column of aged but not young adult rats. ISH revealed that most of the primary sensory neurons express mRNA for the p75 low-affinity neurotrophin receptor (p75-LANR) and that there was no discernible difference between young adult and aged rats. The labelling intensity for mRNA encoding high-affinity tyrosine kinase receptors (TrkA, TrkB, and TrkC) was decreased in aged rat DRG neurons, while the percentage of neuronal profiles expressing mRNA for TrkA/B/C was similar in young adult and aged rats. The changed pattern of neuropeptide expression in primary sensory neurons of aged rats resembled that seen in young adult rats subjected to axonal injury of peripheral sensory nerves and may, thus, indicate aging-related lesions of sensory fibers. Since NPY is primarily present in large and galanin in small DRG neurons, the stronger effect on NPY as compared to galanin expression may indicate that aging preferentially affects neurons associated with mechanoreception (Aα and Aβ fibers) as compared to nociceptive units (A and C fibers). Furthermore, the observed changes in neuropeptide expression were most pronounced in lumbar DRGs, that harbors the sensory neurons supplying the affected hindlimbs of the rats. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Available methods for purifying motoneurons to homogeneity from rodent spinal cord involve retrograde labelling and fluorescence-activated cell sorting, making them costly and time consuming. Motoneurons are the only neurons within the 15-day embryonic rat spinal cord to express the p75 low-affinity NGF receptor and we show that monoclonal antibody 192-IgG, which binds to the extracellular domain of p75, selectively labels a sub-population of large multipolar ventral spinal cord neurons in vitro. We have developed a bench-top panning method for purifying these motoneurons using antibody 192-IgG. Approximately 10(5) cells/spinal cord are obtained in 2 h by this method; 95% of them express p75 in culture. They rapidly put out neurites on laminin substrata, and their survival is enhanced by extracts of skeletal muscle. Using the panning method in conjunction with centrifugation on a 6.8% metrizamide cushion, separate populations of large and small motoneurons were obtained, each containing more than 90% neurons staining with antibody 192. The large motoneurons had choline acetyltransferase activities/cell approximately 4-fold greater than those of dissociated total spinal cells and 7-fold higher than those of the small motoneurons. These methods should be of considerable use for studies on factors affecting motoneuron survival and development and for transplantation of highly purified neuronal populations.  相似文献   

In the sheep spinal cord, a high density of [125I]angiotensin IV binding sites was localized to the perikaryon and processes of all somatic motor neurons, the autonomic motor neurons in the lateral horns of thoracic and lumbar segments and all dorsal root ganglia, but was low in lamina II of all dorsal horns. At supraspinal levels, [125I]angiotensin IV binding was abundant in numerous motor associated regions, with weaker binding observed in the sensory regions. This wide distribution pattern suggests an important role for the binding site in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) are members of a family of trophic factors designated the neurotrophins, each of which can bind to the low-affinity NGF receptor (LNGFR). To investigate the mechanisms that regulate the expression of the neurotrophins and the LNGFR in the developing brain, we grew cells from the embryonic mouse septum and hippocampus in reaggregating cell culture and compared neurotrophin and LNGFR expression in developing reaggregates with that seen in the developing septum and hippocampus in situ. NGF, BDNF, NT-3 and LNGFR were each expressed in septal and hippocampal reaggregates as well as the native septum and hippocampus. Additionally, the temporal expression profiles observed in reaggregates were generally similar to those seen in the respective brain regions in situ. In order to determine whether NGF can modulate neurotrophin or LNGFR expression, reaggregates were cultured in the continual presence of either exogenous NGF or anti-NGF antibodies. NGF-treated septal cultures expressed twice the level of LNGFR mRNA as was seen in untreated septal cultures; on the other hand, septal cultures grown in the presence of anti-NGF antibodies, to neutralize endogenously synthesized NGF, displayed a 3-fold decrease in LNGFR mRNA expression compared to untreated cultures. No effects of NGF or anti-NGF were observed on LNGFR expression in hippocampal reaggregates, or on neurotrophin mRNA expression in either reaggregate type. These results suggest that regulatory mechanisms intrinsic to the septal and hippocampal regions control neurotrophin and LNGFR expression. NGF is likely to be one of these regulatory cues since it acts locally in septal reaggregates to control the developmental expression of LNGFR mRNA. The possible roles of locally synthesized NGF and other neurotrophins in the development of septal neurons are discussed.  相似文献   

Expression of pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide in sensory neurons varies with injury or inflammation. The neurotrophins NGF and NT-3 are profound regulators of neuronal peptidergic phenotype in intact and injured sensory neurons. This study examined their potential for modulation of PACAP expression in adult rat with intact and injured L4-L6 spinal nerves with or without immediate or delayed intrathecal infusion of NT-3 or NGF. Results indicate that in L5 DRG, few trkC neurons express high levels of PACAP mRNA in the intact state, but many do following injury. The elevated expression in injured neurons is mitigated by NT-3 infusion, suggesting a role for NT-3 in returning the 'injured phenotype' back towards an 'intact phenotype'. NGF dramatically up-regulated PACAP expression in trkA-positive neurons in both intact and injured DRGs, implicating NGF as a positive regulator of PACAP expression in nociceptive neurons. Surprisingly, NT-3 modulates PACAP expression in an antagonistic fashion to NGF in intact neurons, an effect most evident in the trkA neurons not expressing trkC. Both NT-3 and NGF infusion results in decreased detection of PACAP protein in the region of the gracile nuclei, where central axons of the peripherally axotomized large sensory fibers terminate. NGF infusion also greatly increased the amount of PACAP protein detected in the portion of the dorsal horn innervated by small-medium size DRG neurons, while both neurotrophins appear able to prevent the decrease in PACAP expression observed in these afferents with injury. These results provide the first insights into the potential molecules implicated in the complex regulation of PACAP expression in sensory neurons.  相似文献   

Andoh T  Kuraishi Y 《Neuroreport》2004,15(13):2029-2031
We investigated whether IgE receptors are expressed on sensory neurons in mice. Immunostaining revealed that the high affinity IgE receptor FcepsilonRI was expressed in cultured dorsal root ganglion cells and that FcepsilonRI-immunoreactive cells were mainly positive for the pan-neuronal marker protein gene product 9.5. Many FcepsilonRI-immunoreactive neurons were small or medium in size. IgE was bound to cultured neurons but not glial cells from the ganglia. FcepsilonRI-immunoreactive cells were also positive for the high affinity IgG receptor FcgammaRI. The expression level of FcepsilonRI was lower than that of FcgammaRI. FcepsilonRI-like immunoreactivity was localized on nerve fibers in the skin. The results suggest that IgE acts directly on primary sensory neurons as well as mast cells.  相似文献   

Previous results from our laboratory showed that monkey amniotic epithelial cells (MAEC) possess the catecholamine synthesizing enzymes and have the capacity to synthesize and release CA. Recently, we also reported that these cells express dopamine D1 receptor mRNA and binding sites. This study was designed to investigate the presence of dopamine D2 receptors in MAEC. Using RT-PCR, we found that MAEC express dopamine D2 receptor mRNA that is having 98% homology with human dopamine D2 receptors. Radioligand saturation binding studies showed a 3H-YM-09151-2 high-affinity binding site with a K(D) of 0.293+/-0.06 nM and Bmax of 180.69+/-11.61 fmol/mg protein. Competition experiments with a variety of displacing drugs demonstrated that D2 antagonists potently compete with 3H-YM-09151-2 binding, whereas D1 antagonists displayed a weaker competition for the binding sites. The rank order of potency of these compounds in competing with 3H-YM-09151-2 for binding sites was consistent with the pharmacology of the dopamine D2 receptors. All competition curves were better fitted to a one-site model with a Hill coefficient around unity, indicating that 3H-YM-09151-2 is labeling a single population of receptors. These results provide, for the first time, a compelling evidence that MAEC natively express dopamine D2 receptor mRNA and binding sites, and they suggest that monkey amniotic epithelial cells (MAEC) could represent a source of primate dopamine receptors without the need for transformation or cloning procedures using nonprimate cells, as generally happens.  相似文献   

Pharmacological studies have suggested that a subgroup of primary sensory neurons is responsive to histamine via the histamine H1 receptor. We addressed this issue using in situ hybridization histochemistry with a cRNA probe for the guinea pig H1 receptor gene. About 15% of the trigeminal and lumber dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons, but none of nodose ganglion neurons, were intensely labeled with this probe. The H1 receptor mRNA-positive neurons were exclusively small in size, and were demonstrated to give rise to unmyelinated fibers by ultrastructural analysis of isolectin B4-labeling. However, the H1 receptor mRNA-expressing DRG neurons were not immunoreactive to substance P (SP) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). A marked increase in the number of mRNA-positive DRG neurons were observed 1-5 days after a crush injury of the sciatic nerve (3-4-fold of the control value). These neurons turned mRNA-positive after the nerve crush were also mainly small-sized. The mRNA signals were detected in many peptidergic (SP/CGRP) neurons, in contrast to the normal state. On the other hand, in the neurons which showed intense labeling in the normal condition, the mRNA signals were down-regulated. These results suggest that primary sensory neurons include two kinds of H1 receptor-expressing sensory neurons, one expressing H1 receptor mRNAs in the normal state and the other up-regulating the mRNAs following the peripheral nerve damage.  相似文献   

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