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为取得心脏直接挤压的良好复苏效果,同时避免常规开胞手术,我们设计了胸内心脏挤压器。该挤压器可经剑突下小切口放到民心包前、胸骨后,用外接驱动囊控制挤压器的张驰,使心脏受压和舒张。在6只幼猪室颤模型中,与常规闭胸心肺复苏比较。结果:室颤前放入挤压器,对自主循环没有显著影响。  相似文献   

阎臻 《中国现代医生》2012,50(20):124-125,129
目的分析晚期妊娠合并羊水过少的胎心监测结果,并探讨其对妊娠结局的影响。方法选择2010年1月-2011年6月在我院进行分娩的晚期妊娠合并羊水过少的孕妇100例,对其进行胎心监护,分析胎心监护的结果,并分析其与母婴结局的关系。并与同期在我院进行分娩的非羊水过少孕妇的妊娠结局进行比较。结果随着波形分类级别的增加,羊水粪染Ⅱ~Ⅲ度的比例逐渐增加,剖宫产率也逐渐增加,新生儿阿氏评分〈7分的比例逐渐增加。羊水过少组胎儿宫内窘迫发生率、新生儿窒息率、剖宫产率、过期妊娠率及妊高征率均高于非羊水过少组(P〈0.01)。结论对晚期妊娠合并羊水过少的孕妇进行胎心监测,可以及早发现胎儿宫内窘迫,从而能够及时采取措施以减少不良妊娠结局的发生率。  相似文献   

目的观察并评价ZSJ-A型神经阈值检测仪的生理性能及临床使用价值.方法经ZSJ-A型神经阈值检测仪输送一定强度的方波脉冲刺激家兔腓神经,以是否出现轻微足背屈为观察指标,测出腓神经运动阈值,同时观察在此阈值的刺激下神经外观和组织学结构是否发生病理改变.结果于刺激的d 0、d 7、d 14测得家兔腓神经运动阈值(mA)分别为1.83±0.74、1.73±0.68、1.64±0.57.腓神经外观无异常改变,组织学结构亦未见明显的病理变化.结论用ZSJ-A型神经阈值检测仪刺激家兔腓神经,在阈值范围内对神经无损伤性影响,有较好的临床应用前景.  相似文献   

Intrathoracicheartpresser:Apreliminarystudy¥WuXianren(吴先仁);ChenYan(陈岩);WangXinhua(王新华);ZhangZaihua(张在华);WangAnwen(王安文);ZhouJu...  相似文献   

介绍了一种人体生理声音信号采集/分析系统的软、硬件设计:系统应用PC机声卡作为数据采集卡,在MATLAB环境中,通过在图形窗口中加入菜单及控制,实现了直接对窗口对象的操作;建立了一个实时人体生理声音信号采集/分析处理平台。指出其具有实现简单、性价比和灵活度比较高的优点。  相似文献   

风湿病患者伴抑郁焦虑障碍的治疗探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨风湿病患者伴抑郁、焦虑的合理治疗,考察不同疗法对抑郁焦虑的治疗效果以及对风湿病患者的改善作用。方法 选伴抑郁或焦虑的风湿病患者45例,随机分为3组,每组15例,对照组、药物治疗组及联合治疗组。用抑郁和焦虑量表分别评估患者治疗前后的评分情况,比较单纯药物治疗和联合心理治疗的效果。结果治疗后各量表评分数较对照组明显减少,差异有显著性(P〈0.05),风湿病的主要症状、体征都较对照组改善明显,联合组更明显,差异有显著性(P〈0.05)。结论 风湿病伴抑郁或焦虑的患者联合心理治疗较单纯药物治疗效果好,不仅能减轻抑郁或焦虑症状,而且也能改善风湿病的病情。  相似文献   

目的:探讨胎心监护(FHRM)在过期妊娠中判断胎儿情况的可靠性。方法:86例过期妊娠孕妇人院时做FHRM,共做181例次。评定以末次FHRM为准,于产后7天对新生儿出生时Apgar评分,地羊水量及性状、胎盘级别与形态、脐带情况和新生儿预后进行随访,并与末次FHRM结果相对照。结果:86例FHRM欠正常图型55便,异常图型31例。围产儿死亡4例。FHRM与围产儿死亡率对照诊断符合率98.37%。结论  相似文献   

Umbilical cord haematoma is an infrequent condition associated with high perinatal and fetal mortality and morbidity. This report describes a rare case of umbilical cord haematoma associated with loss of fetal beat to beat variation during labour. The infant exhibited mild asphyxia only. Previous publications are reviewed and fetal heart rate changes associated with umbilical cord haematoma are discussed.  相似文献   

Fetal heart rate response to maternal exertion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Doppler monitoring of fetal heart rates during maternal exertion has suggested that fetal bradycardia occurs frequently during vigorous exercise, causing concern for fetal safety. Doppler determination of fetal heart rate during vigorous maternal effort is difficult. To avoid motion artifact, we observed fetal heart rate using two-dimensional ultrasound and determined the incidence of fetal bradycardia in 45 pregnant women (age, 29.0 +/- 3.7 years [mean +/- SD]; gestational age, 25.2 +/- 3.0 weeks) during 85 submaximal and 79 maximal cycle ergometer tests. Average fetal heart rate did not change during exercise. A single episode of fetal bradycardia (heart rate less than 110 beats per minute for greater than or equal to 10 s) occurred during submaximal exertion during a maternal vasovagal episode. Sixteen episodes of fetal bradycardia were noted within three minutes after cessation of exercise, 15 of which followed maximal maternal effort. We conclude that brief submaximal maternal exercise up to approximately 70% of maximal aerobic power (maternal heart rate less than or equal to 148 beats per minute) does not affect fetal heart rate. In contrast to submaximal maternal exertion, maximal exertion is commonly followed by fetal bradycardia. This may indicate inadequate fetal gas exchange.  相似文献   

Fifteen cases of congenital complete heart block were diagnosed in utero or at birth, over a nine-year period. Six cases were confirmed by fetal echocardiography between 22 and 36 weeks of gestation. Two cases were treated in utero for cardiac failure, and serial ultrasonography was used to monitor the progress. Structural heart disease was present in seven (47%) infants; in four of these infants the defect was a corrected transposition of the great arteries. Ventricular pacing was required in seven patients--four infants with anatomically-normal hearts and three infants with associated structural heart disease. Eight children did not require permanent pacing, and remained well after a mean follow-up period of 23 months (range, one to 72 months). The mortality was highest in those patients with structural heart disease, three of whom died as neonates. Only one baby died with an anatomically-normal heart. Antinuclear antibodies were present in the mothers of seven of the eight infants who were born with a structurally-normal heart. Four mothers either had pre-existing connective-tissue disease or had developed manifestations of such disease subsequent to pregnancy. Of this group, all the women were antibody-seropositive to the nuclear antigen SS-A during pregnancy. Mothers of three infants had antinuclear antibodies in low titres, were seronegative for antibody to SS-A and remained free of the manifestations of connective-tissue disease. Six of the seven most-recent cases have been diagnosed in utero, which confirms a trend towards the more-frequent prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart disease as a result of the increased use of fetal monitoring and ultrasonography.  相似文献   

Background Although acute congestive heart failure (CHF) patients typically present with abnormal auscultatory findings on lung examination, lung sounds are not normally subjected to rigorous analysis. The goals of this study were to use a computerized analytic acoustic tool to evaluate lung sound patterns in CHF patients during acute exacerbation and after clinical improvement and to compare CHF profiles with those of normal individuals.Methods Lung sounds throughout the respiratory cycle was captured using a computerized acoustic-based imaging technique. Thirty-two consecutive CHF patients were imaged at the time of presentation to the emergency department and after clinical improvement. Digital images were created, geographical area of the images and lung sound patterns were quantitatively analyzed.Results The geographical areas of the vibration energy image of acute CHF patients without and with radiographically evident pulmonary edema were (67.9±4.7) and (60.3±3.5) kilo-pixels, respectively (P 〈0.05). In CHF patients without and with radiographically evident pulmonary edema (REPE), after clinical improvement the geographical area of vibration energy image of lung sound increased to (74.5±4.4) and (73.9±3.9) kilo-pixels (P 〈0.05), respectively. Vibration energy decreased in CHF patients with REPE following clinical improvement by an average of (85±19)% (P 〈0.01). Conclusions With clinical improvement of acute CHF exacerbations, there was more homogenous distribution of lung vibration energy, as demonstrated by the increased geographical area of the vibration energy image. Lung sound analysis may be useful to track in acute CHF exacerbations.  相似文献   

目的探讨与胎儿生长受限(FGR)相关的发病因素。方法对186例FGR.孕妇,按其发病原因分组,进行归类分析。结果脐带因素、妊娠并发症、支原体阴道炎、贫血、及遗传因素是发生FGR.的主要原因。结论加强产前、产时监护,及早发现导致FGR的高危因素,积极治疗妊娠并发症及合并症,对改善围生儿预后,降低围生儿死亡,具有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

目的探讨与胎儿生长受限(FGR)相关的发病因素。方法对186例FGR孕妇,按其发病原因分组,进行归类分析。结果脐带因素、妊娠并发症、支原体阴道炎、贫血、及遗传因素是发生FGR的主要原因。结论加强产前、产时监护,及早发现导致FGR的高危因素,积极治疗妊娠并发症及合并症,对改善围生儿预后,降低围生儿死亡,具有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

目的:探讨新疆维吾尔族冠心病患者冠脉病变情况及危险因素。方法:594例(维吾尔族170例,汉族424例)冠心病人进行冠状动脉造影检查、血生化检查,并对维、汉族患者相关危险因素进行对比分析。站果:维吾尔族患者年龄〉40岁、有吸烟史和高血压史、高胆固醇血症患者冠状动脉病变发生率明显增高,冠状动脉病变与吸烟时间、高血压病程有明显相关关系。维吾尔族患者心肌梗死发病年龄较汉族患者提前,且冠脉病变以多支病变为多。站论:降低血脂,提倡戒烟,防治高血压,改变饮食习惯段生活方式对于维吾尔族人冠心病预防尤为重要。  相似文献   

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