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AIM—On the basis of finalised data from the Corneal Transplant Follow up Study to identify and quantify factors influencing corneal graft outcome in terms of graft survival, rejection, visual acuity, and astigmatism.METHODS—Multifactorial analysis of 2777 grafts registered by the UK Transplant Support Service from July 1987 to June 1991.RESULTS—Several recipient factors influencing graft survival, rejection, and visual acuity were identified, but no donor factors. Of the operative factors amenable to change, mixed suturing was associated with reduced graft survival, and larger grafts with increased risk of rejection but better visual acuity when surviving. There was increased risk of rejection with poor matching at HLA class I antigens, but mismatched HLA-DR grafts suffered less rejection than those with zero HLA-DR mismatches. Recipient age below 10 years was associated with increased risk of both rejection and graft failure. However, whereas increasing age above 10 years was not associated with differential graft survival, it was significantly associated with decreasing risk of rejection.CONCLUSIONS—While confirming possible benefits of HLA-A and B matching, the expense and delay involved in awaiting matched HLA-DR tissue is unlikely to be justified. Other donor factors are unrelated to graft outcome following screening of tissue by eye banks. The highest rates of graft failure and rejection happen in the early postoperative period, and factors influencing visual outcome are also apparent at this stage.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: In this prospective study the authors followed the post-translational modification of the proteins of the lens of the eye by fluorometry over a period of 14 years in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. METHODS: Twenty patients were examined at 6 years (baseline) and 20 years (follow up) after onset of diabetes mellitus. Glycaemic levels were assessed from HbA1c measured at regular intervals from the onset of diabetes mellitus. RESULTS: Lens fluorescence at follow up was significantly related to mean HbA1c during the study period and to lens fluorescence at baseline (p<0.0001). Sixty per cent of the variation in rate of increase in lens fluorescence during the study period was statistically attributable to glycaemia levels. CONCLUSION: The results confirm that the rate of fluorophore accumulation in the lens of adult diabetic patients is increased in proportion to glycaemic control. This parameter alone is, however, not sufficient to explain the entire variation in lens fluorophore accumulation. Consequently, lens fluorescence must be influenced by other factors before initiation and during the study period, and possibly even before onset of diabetes mellitus. The underlying mechanism could be a variation in susceptibility to lens protein denaturation by glycation.  相似文献   

Foveal retinoschisis is rarely found in women. An 11-year-old girl, from non-consanguineous parents, presented with bilateral visual loss from isolated foveal retinoschisis as confirmed by a normal fluorescein angiogram and characteristic optical coherence tomogram. Psychophysical and electrophysiological studies demonstrated mild contrast sensitivity loss, dyschromatopsia and normal full field electroretinographic responses. Visual acuity, foveal retinoschisis, electroretinography, electro-oculography and visual evoked responses remained stable after 13 years but a reduction in pattern electroretinography amplitude was noted. No mutation was found in the coding regions of the RS1 gene. Isolated foveal retinoschisis may be a form of macular dystrophy. Longer-term follow up may contribute to our understanding of this rare disease.  相似文献   



Changes in retinal fluid patterns associated with circumscribed choroidal hemangioma (CCH) have not been investigated yet. A long-term follow-up study was performed to evaluate the changes of retinal fluid patterns and treatment responses.


We retrospectively reviewed medical records of all CCH patients diagnosed between November 2005 and March 2017. Enrolled patients had visual symptoms, were treatment-naïve, and had been followed-up for more than 2?years. Best corrected visual acuities (BCVA) and the presence, severity, and pattern change of the subretinal fluid (SRF) and intraretinal fluid (IRF) in the macula on optical coherence tomography (OCT) were analyzed at initial presentation and follow-up visits.


Twenty-six patients were enrolled. All patients received one or more of the following treatments: PDT, TTT, and intravitreal bevacizumab (Avastin) injection (IVB). Primary therapy consisted of PDT in 9 patients (34.6%), TTT in 7 patients (26.9%) and IVB in 10 patients (38.5%). At initial presentation, the SRF-only pattern was mostly observed. Despite treatment, IRF occurred over time; eventually, advanced cystoid macular oedema (CME) developed. In terms of retinal fluid reduction, PDT was most efficacious (9/9, 100%), and TTT and IVB showed moderate efficacy (TTT: 4/7, 57.1%; IVB: 5/10, 50%) as a primary therapy. After advanced CME developed, IVB and TTT showed no or minimal effect (TTT: 0/1, 0%; IVB: 0/19, 0%), and PDT was the only effective therapy (6/10, 60%).


The pattern of retinal fluid accompanied by CCH evolved from an SRF-only pattern initially to an advanced CME pattern. The effectiveness of treatments decreased over time, and advanced CME generally showed resistance to treatments. PDT would be the most recommended treatment.

AIMS: To determine if central corneal thickness (CCT) changes over time and if this change relates to glaucoma progression. METHODS: 39 patients (64 eyes) with open angle glaucoma, ocular hypertension, glaucoma suspect status, or a normal eye examination were examined at two visits. CCT, age, race, sex, family history of glaucoma, presence of diabetes and systemic hypertension, diagnosis, visual acuity, spherical equivalent, intraocular pressure, vertical and horizontal cup to disc ratios, number of glaucoma medications prescribed, Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (AGIS) score and mean deviation of Humphrey visual fields, and interventions required were recorded. Statistical analysis used the Wilcoxon signed ranks test, linear regression, and analysis of variance. RESULTS: Between the two visits (mean 8.2 years apart), mean CCT decreased by 17 mum in right eyes (p<0.002) and by 23 mum in left eyes (p<0.001). This decrease was greater in right eyes of patients with primary open angle glaucoma than in normals (p = 0.041). There was no significant association between change in CCT and other examination parameters. Change in CCT was not associated with topical carbonic anhydrase inhibitor use. CONCLUSION: In this longitudinal study, CCT decreased over time, but this may not be related to glaucoma progression.  相似文献   

The importance of Hans Goldmann's contributions to clinical tonometry is discussed in detail. One example is the principle of an applanation diameter of 3.06 mm, which was established by him and is still the basis for the various methods of clinical tonometry today. Therefore, further advances in this field can only be concerned with facilitating the application of this principle. An instrument which can be used by both physician and patient is described. By facilitating more frequent tonometric examinations it would ensure much better glaucoma control than is at present possible. A further application of a self-test tonometer of this kind, which is not affected by gravity, is space medicine. It is planned to use the instrument in the German Spacelab D2 mission in 1991.  相似文献   

Long term follow up of nasolacrimal intubation in adults   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND/AIMS: The authors have previously reported a short term mean 15 month follow up of nasolacrimal intubation in adults. The effectiveness of this procedure for long term (mean 78 months) control of epiphoria is assessed here. METHODS: 65 eyes from 40 patients who underwent nasolacrimal intubation were followed. Mean age at intubation was 59.2 years. The mean follow up period was 6.2 years. The results were based on long term symptomatic improvement. RESULTS: Complete long term resolution of symptoms was reported in 50.7%. A partial improvement was reported in 38.5%, and no improvement in 10.7%. A better outcome was associated with a canalicular than nasolacrimal duct obstruction. On long term follow up 16.9% required dacrocysto-rhinostomy (DCR). CONCLUSION: Nasolacrimal intubation, a minimally invasive procedure is successful in the long term control of epiphora. Selection of patients with canalicular duct obstruction gives higher success rates with fewer patients subsequently requiring the DCR procedure.  相似文献   

AIM: A preliminary report indicated stable or improved vision in 12 of 19 patients with subfoveal choroidal neovascularisation treated with 12 or 15 Gy of 6 MV photons to the affected macula after an average follow up of 18 months. Here the prolonged follow up findings in this group of treated patients is reported which was further increased to 41. METHODS: Forty one patients with subfoveal choroidal neovascularisation were treated with 10, 12, or 15 Gy of 6 MV photons to the macula of the affected eye. Thirteen eyes of 12 patients were also observed as a non-randomised comparison group. RESULTS: At 12, 18, and 24 months of follow up the mean change in visual acuity in eyes treated with radiotherapy was less than 1 Bailey-Lovie line from that measured at presentation. By contrast, the eyes in the comparison group lost 3.7 lines of acuity at 12 months which increased to 4.5 at 24 months. These differences were highly significant at each of the time points. When initial visual acuity was taken into account, treated eyes lost on average 12% of baseline acuity throughout follow up, whereas eyes belonging to the untreated group lost 50% of baseline acuity at 1 year, and 75% at 2 years. There was no significant difference in visual outcome between the three dose regimens used, which may simply be a reflection of the small sample size in each group. There was no evidence of radiation induced retinopathy or optic neuropathy in any treated patients. CONCLUSIONS: Teletherapy appeared to have a treatment effect in eyes with subfoveal choroidal neovascularisation resulting in maintained visual function without significant radiation induced morbidity.  相似文献   

AIM: To examine the outcome of care for patients with glaucoma followed up by the hospital eye service compared with those followed up by community optometrists. METHODS: A randomised study with patients allocated to follow up by the hospital eye service or community optometrists was carried out in the former county of Avon in south west England. 403 patients with established or suspected primary open angle glaucoma attending Bristol Eye Hospital and meeting defined inclusion and exclusion criteria were studied. The mean number of missed points on visual field testing in the better eye (using a "better/worse" eye analysis) in each group were measured. The visual field was measured using the Henson semiautomated central field analyser (CFA 3000). Measurements were made by the research team on all patients at baseline before randomisation and again 2 years after randomisation. The mean number of missed points on visual field testing in the worse eye, mean intraocular pressure (mm Hg), and cup disc ratio using a "better/worse" eye analysis in each group at 2 years were also measured. Measurements were made by the research team on all patients at baseline before randomisation and again 2 years after randomisation. An analysis of covariance comparing method of follow up taking into account baseline measurements of outcome variables was carried out. Additional control was considered for age, sex, diagnostic group (glaucoma suspect/established primary open angle glaucoma), and treatment (any/none). RESULTS: From examination of patient notes, 2780 patients with established or suspected glaucoma were identified. Of these, 752 (27.1%) fulfilled the entry criteria. For hospital and community follow up group respectively, mean number of missed points on visual field testing at 2 year follow up for better eye was 7.9 points and 6.8 points; for the worse eye 20.2 points and 18.4 points. Similarly, intraocular pressure was 19.3 mm Hg and 19.3 mm Hg (better eye), and 19.1 mm Hg and 19.0 mm Hg (worse eye); cup disc ratio at 2 year follow up was 0.72 and 0.72 (better eye), and 0.74 and 0.74 for hospital and community follow up group respectively. No significant differences in any of the key visual variables were found between the two groups before or after adjusting for baseline values and age, sex, treatment, and type of glaucoma. CONCLUSIONS: It is feasible to set and run shared care schemes for a proportion of patients with suspected and established glaucoma using community optometrists. After 2 years (a relatively short time in the life of a patient with glaucoma), there were no marked or statistically significant differences in outcome between patients followed up in the hospital eye service or by community optometrists. Decisions to implement such schemes need to be based on careful consideration of the costs of such schemes and local circumstances, including geographical access and the current organisation of glaucoma care within the hospital eye service.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Prematurely born infants are known to have an increased rate of ophthalmological morbidity. The aim of the present study was to investigate visual acuity and ocular alignment in a population of preterm infants in a geographical area, in infants with and without retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). METHODS: A prospective population based study of ophthalmological status of preterm infants with a birth weight of 1500 g or less was performed during 3.5 years, with examinations at 6, 18, 30, and 42 months of corrected age. Visual acuity was tested using linear optotypes. Multiple regression analyses were used to analyse independent risk factors for poor vision and strabismus. RESULTS: Poor vision (< 0.3) was detected in 2.5% (6/237) of the children. Of these, only two (0.8%) had a severe visual impairment (< 0.1). Strabismus occurred in 13.5% (31/229). Children with cryotreated ROP and neurological complications ran the highest risk of poor vision and strabismus, according to multiple regression analysis. Among children without a history of ROP or neurological complications, 34% had a visual acuity < 0.7 and 5.9% had strabismus, compared with 61% and 22%, respectively, among the children with ROP or neurological complications. CONCLUSIONS: The overall incidence of subnormal vision and strabismus in children born prematurely was higher than in a full term population of the same age. On the basis of this study, follow up of all preterm infants screened for ROP is recommended and general guidelines are suggested.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the visual outcomes for high myopic patients aged 40 years and older with or without myopic maculopathy. METHODS: 552 high myopic (spherical equivalent < or =-6.0D or axial length > or =26.5 mm) patients were enrolled in the study, 230 cases with myopic maculopathy (at least lacquer cracks were identified) and 322 cases without maculopathy. The initial and final visual acuity (VA) (after 10 years) was compared between two groups. Additionally, the relation between sex, age, refraction, and axial length was analysed to find out the possible risk factors associated with visual outcome in myopic maculopathy. RESULTS: In 92% of patients aged 40-49, final VA was better than 20/40 after 10 years of follow up. However, it was less than 40% in those older than 60 years. For more than 50% of patients older than 40 years of age with maculopathy, their vision had decreased more than two lines in Snellen VA after 10 years of follow up, compared to only 4.3% of analogues without myopic maculopathy. Patchy atrophy and choroidal neovascularisation in myopic macular degeneration groups showed poorer visual outcome than lacquer cracks in the macular lesion group. Other prognostic factors of visual outcomes were myopic refraction, axial length, and ageing. CONCLUSIONS: Clearly, prognosis for patients with maculopathy is poorer than for those without maculopathy. Refractive status, axial length, and ageing are the main factors involved in determining the visual outcomes. The macular grading also affects the visual outcome for high myopic patients.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To study the effectiveness and safety of selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) on primary open-angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension in Chinese eyes. METHODS: This was a prospective randomized controlled clinical study in which 58 eyes of 29 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension were included. One eye of each patient was randomized to receive SLT (Group 1) and the fellow eyes received medical treatment (Group 2). Patients were evaluated after laser treatment at 2 h, 1 day, 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and then yearly. RESULTS: All patients (13 male, 16 female) were Chinese. The mean age was 51.9 +/- 14.7 years. The mean baseline intraocular pressure was 26.8 +/- 5.6 mmHg in group 1 and 26.2 +/- 4.2 mmHg in group 2 (P = 0.62). The failure rate, defined as intraocular pressure >21 mmHg with maximal medications, was 17.2% in group 1 and 27.6% in group 2 at 5-year follow-up (P = 0.53). Eight eyes (27.6%) in group 1 required medications to control the intraocular pressure to below 21 mmHg. There was no statistically significant difference in the intraocular pressure reductions between the two groups at all time intervals (P > 0.05). The mean number of antiglaucoma medications was significantly lower in the SLT than the medical treatment group up to 5 years of follow up (P < 0.001). Transient post-SLT intraocular pressure spike >5 mmHg was observed in three eyes (10.3%). CONCLUSION: With fewer medications, SLT gives similar intraocular pressure reduction to medical therapy alone in Chinese patients with primary open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension.  相似文献   

AIMS: To compare ultrasonographic (US) predicting factors for conversion of choroidal naevi into melanomas. METHODS: 659 consecutive eyes with choroidal naevi were examined between 1984 and 2004. 165 clinically suspicious naevi were followed clinically and ultrasonographically (thickness, base diameters, internal reflectivity and location in the eye) for 5.08 (SE 0.24) years. RESULTS: 17 naevi (2.6% of all naevi, 10.3% of suspicious naevi) converted to small choroidal melanomas. The thickness of benign and premalignant naevi differed significant only after 1.5 years of follow up. The mean initial thickness of benign and premalignant naevi was significantly different (p = 0.001), as was mean initial internal reflectivity (p = 0.002) and mean initial largest base diameter (LBD, p = 0.05). Posterior pole and nasally located naevi were more likely to become malignant. A thickness of > or = 2 mm and a LBD > or = 7 mm were most predictive of conversion to melanoma, as was a combined K(I) index of > or = 14.5 (KI = LBD + 4 x thickness + 1 (for nasal location) + 1 (for posterior pole location)). An artificial neural network did not have a better forecasting accuracy than the KI index. Logistic regression found the only significant parameters to influence the risk of conversion to melanoma to be the KI value and the initial tumour thickness. CONCLUSIONS: A follow up of at least 1.5 years is necessary to detect conversion of naevi to choroidal melanomas. The thickness and LBD of the lesion can be used for predicting the risk.  相似文献   

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