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中国军人心理健康量表的信度与效度检验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
军人心理健康是军事医学心理学研究的主要内容[1]。军人的心理常受到军事环境和军事应激的影响,具有独特的心理规律[2]。目前常用症状自评量表(SCL-90)[3]、艾森克人格问卷等对军人心理进行测量。虽然这些量表已被公认,并得到广泛应用,但对军人这一特殊群体则难以全面、准确地反映其心理健康状况[4]。中国军人心理健康量表(CMMHS)是根据我军特点,并经过多年实践检验,证明是有效的、适用的心理健康量表。为了评价其在军事医学心理学研究中的应用价值,我们研究了CMMHS的信度和效度。现分析报告如下。1对象和方法1.1对象采取随机整群抽样…  相似文献   

目的 编制潜艇艇员心理健康风险评估量表,并评价其信、效度.方法 通过文献检索、访谈及开放式量表调查,编制潜艇艇员心理健康风险评估量表,以康奈尔医学指数(CMI)为效标对1838名潜艇艇员进行测试.结果 探索性因素分析表明,量表可分为环境适应、职业认可、人际关系、生活满意度、工作压力、健康忧虑、自我调控、安全感、成就感和约束感共10个因子.量表的内部一致性信度为0.942,10个因子的α系数为0.581~0.890;效标效度评价与CMI量表的MR总分、CIJ总分的效标相关系数(r)分别为0.447和0.507,各因子分与总分之间呈中高度相关(r=0.580~0.796,P<0.01).结论 量表具有良好的信、效度,能较好地评估潜艇艇员心理健康风险度,在潜艇部队心理健康管理工作中具有较好的应用价值.  相似文献   

目的:编制军队离退休干部的心理健康量表。方法:依据老年人心理健康理论,构建军队离退休老干部的心理健康题目库,在兰州地区抽取1068例军队离退休老干部施测。结果:通过因素分析,最终建立50道题的正式量表,量表内部一致性稳定,因素分析显示量表具有良好结构效度。结论:该量表达到了心理测量学的要求。  相似文献   

由中华医学会航空航天医学分会主办的全国第六次航空航天医学学术会议将于 2 0 0 2年 6月 2 6~2 9日在浙江宁波市召开。本次会议共收到应征论文 2 1 9篇 ,经专家评审组采用双向多重盲法 (作者与审者间双盲、审者间互盲 )审稿方式初选后 ,再集中会审 ,充分保证了公平、优质地录选稿件。最终录用 1 2 9篇 ,其中英语专题会交流 9篇 ,大会交流 1 7篇 ,专题会交流 1 0 3篇。现将这次会议入选论文以摘要形式在本刊预先发表。为了方便检索与学术交流 ,我们在每篇摘要前加了顺序编号 ,并标注了关键词 ;英语专题会交流论文摘要以中英文对照形式刊发 ;中文摘要加注了中国图书馆分类法分类号。  相似文献   

目的 编制飞行人员集体效能感正式量表,并对其信效度进行检验,为飞行人员集体效能感的评估提供重要依据。方法 采用文献分析法和半结构式深度访谈法确定量表的理论维度及内容,经同行和专家修订后于2021年2—4月在某战区对74名飞行人员进行了预测试,得到4个维度17个条目的量表,经检验该量表信效度良好,后扩大样本量,采用随机抽样的方法选取了327名飞行人员作为问卷重测对象,并对其信度、效度(内容效度、结构效度)、共同方法偏差检验等进行检验。结果 显示正式量表内部一致性系数为0.947,各维度的一致性系数在0.837~0.897之间,各个项目和总分相关度在0.657~0.800之间,各个维度之间的相关性在0.645~0.739之间,各个维度和总分之间的相关性在0.851~0.892之间,P值均小于0.01;量表中各题项标准化因子载荷在0.649~0.854之间,各维度AVE值均大于0.5;各维度皮尔逊关系系数均小于AVE的开方值;四因素模型拟合指数良好。结论 量表具有较好的信度和效度,可用做空军飞行人员集体效能感的评估。  相似文献   

目的:对教练员-运动员依恋关系量表进行跨文化的检验与修订,为评价中国教练员-运动员依恋风格提供合适的测量工具。方法:以367名运动员和232名教练员为测试对象,采用探索性因素分析、内部一致性检验和验证性因素分析等方法对教练员-运动员依恋风格量表(中文版)进行检验和修订。结果:探索性因素分析发现,教练员-运动员依恋风格(中文版)由回避、焦虑和安全三个维度构成;三个维度的内部一致性信度系数在0.826~0.96之间,分半信度在0.807~0.941之间;验证性因素分析表明,修订后教练员-运动员依恋关系量表(中文版)的三维结构拟合良好(运动员依恋量表:RMSEA=0.048,GFI=0.915,CFI=0.976);教练员依恋量表:RMSEA=0.076,GFI=0.905,CFI=0.933)。结论:修订后教练员-运动员依恋关系量表(中文版)具有良好的信效度,可以用来测量中国教练员-运动员群体的依恋风格。  相似文献   

军事飞行员生活事件量表的编制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 根据军事飞行员的职业特点,编制适用于该群体的生活事件量表,建立军事飞行员群体心理负荷的来源及其强度的标准化测量工具。方法 为确定量表结构分别采用三个同质样本(n=152、n2=157和n3=437)进行了项目施测。其中前两个样本作为项目甄选的预测样本,进行二次项目增减,同时采用20人分组讨论的形式对项目进行了反复修订。在项目选择上,采用职业应激事件与一般性生活事件相结合的构念,尽可能涵盖与军事飞行员工作及生活密切相关的特殊生活事件。在质的研究基础上,对正式施测的437名被试的数据进行统计分析。结果 军事飞行员生活事件量表共有六个分量表,包含36个项目。经检验,其信度和效度的各项指标均达到了心理测量学的要求。结论 该量表尚有待进一步扩大样本进行更严格的检验。  相似文献   

目的为评估中老年航线飞行员认知功能,以保障飞行安全,研制在线年长航线飞行员认知测评系统。方法通过文献综述确定认知系统测试维度和测试指标,开发包括4个维度8个测试的在线年长飞行员认知测评系统。受试者为83名中国民航机长,使用测评系统进行测试,收集其分半信度进行检验;其中40人在间隔4周后进行重测,对重测信度进行检验;39名飞行员进行具有较好信效度的"基本认知能力测试"和"飞行员心理品质测试",以研究系统的构想效度;根据20名专家评定结果对于内容效度进行检验。结果在线年长飞行员认知测评系统的8个测试重测相关系数为0.75~0.91(P<0.01);分半信度的信度系数为0.92~0.96;各分测试与成熟认知测试的相关维度相关系数为0.35~0.68(P<0.05),均达到统计学显著水平;各分测试专家评定平均分均大于5分。结论在线年长飞行员认知测评系统重测信度、分半信度、构想效度和内容效度指标良好,符合测量学要求,可应用于对年长飞行员认知功能评估。  相似文献   

“中国运动员应激应对量表”的编制及检验   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
目的 :在应激应对理论的基础之上 ,发展“中国运动员应激应对量表”并对其作初步的检验。方法 :( 1)大量阅读相关文献及对中国大陆、香港各 4 0名高水平运动员进行访谈研究 ,确定量表的理论模型 ,完成各分量表中项目的编写 ,形成最初的量表 ;( 2 )对 165名中国大陆高水平运动员进行施测 ,根据测试结果对各分量表中的项目进行修订 ;( 3)分别对 15 0名中国大陆高水平运动员及 10 8名香港高水平运动员进行施测 ,检验修订后的量表的信度和效度。结果 :经过修订后最终形成的“中国运动员应激应对量表”由集中解决问题的应对、集中处理情绪的应对、回避应对、超越应对 4个分量表构成 ,每个分量表包含 6个项目 ,全表共包含 2 4个项目。量表中 4个分量表的内部一致性系数均在 0 70以上 ,验证性因素分析的结果显示量表具有较好的拟合度 (CFI =0 91,TLI =0 90 ,RMSEA =0 0 5 )。结论 :检验的结果表明该量表具有较好的信度和效度。  相似文献   

本研究在两个中国运动员独立样本(n1=261,n2=127)中对控制执教行为量表的信、效度进行了初步检验。研究结果表明,该量表的四维度结构在中国运动员人群中得以验证。但其中两个条目因子负荷过低,删除该两条目后,量表测量模型拟合得到改善。13条目的控制执教行为量表的结构效度、法则效度和内部一致性信度均达到可接受水平。研究者对该问卷在中国运动员人群中的使用和未来的研究方向进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Freezing of gait (FOG) is difficult to measure due to its unpredictable occurrence. This study investigated: (1) whether the new freezing of gait questionnaire (NFOG-Q) is a reliable measure of freezing by comparing patients’ ratings with those of carers’ and (2) whether adding a video improved its reliability. Non-demented people with Parkinson's disease (PD) (N = 102) and their carers of similar age and cognitive status were recruited from movement disorders clinics in three countries. The NFOG-Q was administered to carers and patients independently before and after watching a video showing several examples of FOG. Patients had very high agreement between their pre- and post-video detection of FOG (Kappa = 0.91). However, this was less than in carers (Kappa = 0.79). The video had a significant influence (p = 0.01) on the rating of FOG severity (duration) but not on the estimation of its functional impact. Post-video freezing severity scores in the 69 freezers showed high agreement with carers’ scores (ICC = 0.78 [0.65;0.87]). We conclude that the NFOG-Q is a reliable tool to detect and evaluate the impact and severity of FOG. Adding a video does not add to the sensitivity and specificity of FOG detection but influences the estimation of FOG severity.  相似文献   

谢莎丽  林辉  蒙艺  杨洋  马骁 《军事医学》2016,(10):777-781
目的:系统评价美军健康相关状况及干预措施,为我军健康促进策略的制定提供借鉴。方法计算机检索PubMed、Medline、Springer、Elservier、HighWire和CNKI等数据库,利用设定的检索策略检索1997年1月~2015年12月发表的关于美军健康相关状况及干预策略或措施的文献。结果经筛选后最终纳入25篇文献,包含训练伤、腰腿痛、创伤后应激障碍、抑郁症、心血管疾病等方面。结论美军主要的健康问题及其所关注的干预策略或措施包括训练伤、腰腿痛、心理疾病和心血管疾病等4个方面,对军人的健康保障正在从单一的疾病预防走向多元化的全面维护,以实现新时期部队的整体强健。  相似文献   

IntroductionSubjects with knee osteoarthritis walk differently compared to healthy subjects. Managing these gait alterations has been proven effective for reducing pain and increasing function. The Stride Analyzer is a low cost gait analysis tool but its clinimetric properties have not been investigated yet in subjects with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis. The aim of this study was to investigate the reliability and validity of the SA compared with the Gold standard (Vicon) in persons with knee OA.MethodsFifteen subjects with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis were instructed to walk at a self-selected speed in a gait laboratory. Temporospatial (TS) gait parameters were recorded simultaneously by the Stride Analyzer and by a 16-camera-infrared optoelectronic motion capturing system (Vicon). Validity and test-retest reliability of the Stride Analyzer were examined by Bland-Altman plots, intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) and the standard error of measurement (SEM).ResultsTest-retest analyses showed good agreement for all TS parameters with ICC values ranging from 0.805 (single limb support right) to 0.949 (velocity) and SEM% values ranging from 0.78% (stance phase right (% of gait cycle)) to 4.52% (double limb support right (% of gait cycle)). Good agreement between Stride Analyzer and Vicon was found for the following TS parameters: velocity (z = 1.01), cadence (z = −0.85), stride length (z = 1.63) and gait cycle (z = 0.86). All other gait parameters showed lower ICC values (<0.689).InterpretationOur results suggest that the Stride Analyzer can be used in the clinical field to perform gait analysis in subjects with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis.  相似文献   

Gait variability (stride-to-stride fluctuations) is used increasingly as a marker for gait performance and future mobility status, cognitive status, and falls. This structured review explicitly examined literature that reported on the reliability, validity and responsiveness of gait variability in older adults. We searched Medline, Embase, Web of Science, Scopus, CINAHL, PEDRO, Biomechanics, SportDiscus and PsycInfo databases. Two independent reviewers undertook data extraction, with adjudication by a third reviewer in cases of disagreement. Twenty-two full papers were screened and 10 met the predefined inclusion criteria, involving 1036 participants who were mainly community dwelling older adults in their 8th decade. A wide range of gait variability parameters, testing protocols and calculations of gait variability were reported. Reliability estimates varied, but were mostly fair to moderate. Concurrent validity was established for stance time variability and change estimates were reported for stance time and swing time. Standard of reporting was generally poor, with insufficient detail provided for aspects of measurement and testing protocols. Further research is required to standardise testing procedures and establish reliability, responsiveness and validity for confident use of gait variability as a robust measure.  相似文献   

The Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PARQ) and its successor the Revised Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (rPARQ) were designed to offer a safe pre-exercise screen for those wishing to undertake exercise. The rPARQ was created in order to reduce the number of people who were unnecessarily excluded from exercising by PARQ. This study compared the two questionnaires against each other and used the RISKO Coronary Heart Disease Risk Appraisal Form in order to ascertain the sensitivity of them both. In addition, the results were compared with those published in similar studies in North America. Fifty volunteers, from a South Wiltshire leisure centre, were screened using the PARQ, rPARQ and the RISKO. Having completed the three questionnaires, the subjects were then interviewed and finally had their blood pressure measured. The results showed that the number of subjects excluded by the PARQ was significantly (p<0.05) higher than the rPARQ. Comparisons between this study and North American studies revealed that both the PARQ and the rPARQ excluded significantly more subjects in the United Kingdom. This study highlighted flaws in the screening questionnaires when used with a United Kingdom population. These flaws, including high exclusion rates (compared with North American studies), could have serious implications given the projected growth in health and fitness participation in the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

AimRGB-D cameras (Red Green Blue + Depth) are widely employed in exergames designed to physically stimulate elderly people. Nevertheless, the intensity of the physical activity reached with the existing solutions is rarely sufficient to obtain a real impact on the physical fitness and thus on the health status of this population. In this context, a Point Cloud Based System (PCBS) has been developed to interface ordinary motorized treadmills with exergames through a simple RGB-D camera, to induce players to perform physical activities at higher intensities. The goal of this study was to assess the accuracy and reliability of PCBS to measure the walking speed of a subject on a standard motorized treadmill based on the image streams of an RGB-D camera.Methods36 participants performed three 10 min walking exercises, divided in 5 blocks of 2 min at the following constant ordered speeds: 0.42, 0.69, 0.97, 1.25 and 1.53 m s−1. The measured walking speeds are compared to those obtained through a Marker Based Control System (MBCS).ResultsResults showed a high system accuracy (bias: 0.013 ± 0.015 m s−1), a good reliability (ICC = 0.63–0.91) and a low variability (SEM = 1–5%; MD = 2.7–14%).DiscussionAccuracy and reliability of PCBS are consistent with those obtained in similar existing systems measuring gait parameters.ConclusionWithin the context of the development of exergames, PCBS may be combined with exergames to perform physical activities at sufficiently high intensities in the elderly population, in order to improve their physical health and possibly prevent/delay cognitive impairment.  相似文献   

船员职业能力倾向测验的初步编制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的为选拔安置船员编制“船员职业能力倾向测验”(简称SVAT)。方法依据相应的理论、借鉴相关的文献、工作分析等方法确定SVAT的结构及内容;经实测后,进行结构及内容优化,并做信度和效度检验。结果测验总体难度为0.603,试题的总区分度为0.441;各分量表间存在中度、低度相关(r=0.2110~0.431),各量表与总分的相关较高(r=0.803~0.927);按13个特质进行因素分析得5个特征值>1的因素为适应、承受、化解、支持、技能5因素。SVAT的α系数为0.889,分量表为0.806~0.863,间隔1个月SVAT的重测相关度r=0.864,各分量表r=0.801~0.830。被试的SVAT总分和所有分量表得分在高综合素质与低综合素质年青船员之间差异存在显著性,被试的SVAT总分及一些分量表得分在年青船员与专业船员之间差异也存在显著性,SVAT总分高的年青船员的工作业绩及实际能力优于SVAT总分低的年青船员。结论SVAT包含了船员基本职业能力倾向的测量内容,量表的结构合理,内部一致性及稳定性较好,达到了心理测量学的基本要求。  相似文献   

The reliability and validity of the Q-angle: a systematic review   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The quadriceps or Q-angle is an index of the vector for the combined pull of the extensor mechanisms and the patellar tendon. It is used as an indicator for patellofemoral joint dysfunction. The purpose of this article is to systematically review and appraise the literature to determine the reliability and validity of this test. An electronic database search was performed accessing AMED, British Nursing Index, CINAHL, the Cochrane database, EMBASE, ovid Medline, Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), PsycINFO, Pubmed and Zetoc to April 2008. All English language, human subject, clinical trials, assessing the inter- or intra-tester reliability, or the criterion validity, were included. The Critical Appraisal Skills Programme appraisal tool was used to establish the methodological quality of each study. Ten articles including 569 control and 179 patellofemoral disorder knees were reviewed. The findings suggest that there is considerable disagreement on the reliability and validity of the clinical Q-angle measurement. This may be due to a lack of standardisation in the measurement procedure. Further study is advocated to re-evaluate this topic using well-designed, and sufficiently large observational studies of specific patellofemoral dysfunction populations.  相似文献   

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