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孕妇不同体重指数及增长对新生儿出生体重的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨孕妇不同孕前、分娩前体重指数及体重指数增长对新生儿出生体重的影响.方法对995例单胎初产妇,计算体重指数(BMI),包括孕前BMI,分娩前BMI,^△BMI(孕期体重指数增长),按孕前BMI(18.5,18.5≤BMI〈23,BMI≥23;分娩前BMI<26,26≤BMI〈33, BMI≥33;^ΔBMI〈4.5,4.5≤^ΔBMI〈8,^ΔBMI≥8各分三组,分析不同孕前体重指数,分娩前体重指数,孕期体重指数增长与新生儿出生体重的关系.结果孕妇不同孕前BMI,分娩前BMI,^△BMI与新生儿出生体重有显著相关性,孕前BMI,分娩前BMI,^ΔBMI越大,新生儿出生体重越重. 结论 (1)孕前BMI,分娩前BMI,^△BMI均与新生儿出生体重有重要的影响作用.(2)利用孕妇BMI,进行个体化营养指导,进一步控制新生儿出生体重,使孕妇获得良好的妊娠结局.  相似文献   

家庭情绪气氛对儿童依恋行为类型的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究父母的情绪气氛对儿童依恋行为类型的影响。方法:采用中文版的儿童依恋行为分类卡(Q-set分类),对本地区-市级示范幼儿园的40名日托幼儿和在本院儿保门诊系统保健建卡的幼儿40名,进行了儿童依恋行为类型的问卷调查。结果:母亲积极的情绪表达有利于儿童形成安全型依恋风格(β=0.729),消极的情绪表达不利于儿童形成安全依恋类型(β=-0.448),父亲和母亲的结果一样。同时发现父、母亲的情绪表达存在交互作用。结论:为了儿童形成安全性依恋风格,父、母亲能够针对自己和对方的情绪表达方式形成良好的匹配。  相似文献   

目的探讨孕妇孕前体重指数及孕期体重增加情况对糖耐量异常及新生儿出生体重的影响。方法测量385例足月单胎初产妇孕前身高、体重和孕期体重增加情况,计算孕前体重指教,并随访糖耐量异常、巨大儿和低体重儿的发生情况。结果(1)孕前肥胖的孕妇糖耐量异常的发生率高于孕前消瘦和理想体重的孕妇(P〈0.05),而后两组间无差别(P〉0.05)。发生巨大儿和低体重儿的几率3组比较差异无显著性。(2)无论孕前体重指数如何,当孕期体重增加≥18kg时糖耐量异常和巨大儿的发生率明显增高(P〈0.01),而当孕期体重增加〈9kg时低体重儿的发生率明显增高(P〈0.01)。结论孕前体重指数和孕期增重是孕期发生糖耐量异常的重要影响因素,新生儿出生体重与孕妇孕期体重增加情况密切相关。  相似文献   

目的:通过分析母亲成人依恋,母亲敏感性以及婴儿依恋三个变量之间的关系,帮助母亲改善自己的看护行为,提高婴儿的依恋安全性。方法:对68对母婴进行实验室陌生情境观察、家庭母婴互动观察和成人依恋的问卷调查,采用变量定向和个体定向的方法分析数据,考察三个变量之间的关系。结果:母亲的依恋类型为安全型且敏感性高(以孩子为中心时),孩子形成安全依恋的机率更大;反之,孩子形成不安全型依恋的机率更大。结论:母亲自身的依恋类型和母亲敏感性在婴儿安全依恋的形成中均起到不可忽视的作用。  相似文献   

目的:揭示我国文化下原生家庭干涉与夫妻离异倾向的关系,检验婚姻质量的中介及伴侣支持的调节作用。方法:采用原生家庭干涉量表、关系评估量表、婚姻不稳定性量表-简版、亲密关系支持量表对新婚至孩子小学阶段的341对夫妻进行调查。结果:(1)配偶原生家庭干涉对夫妻离异倾向均有显著正向预测作用,自身原生家庭干涉无显著作用;(2)夫妻双方婚姻质量在妻子配偶原生家庭干涉与双方离异倾向间起部分中介作用;(3)妻子伴侣支持在其配偶原生家庭干涉与双方离异倾向间起调节作用,高伴侣支持能完全缓冲妻子配偶原生家庭干涉对夫妻离异倾向的影响。结论:配偶原生家庭干涉对夫妻离异倾向有直接作用,也可通过削弱婚姻质量起作用,伴侣支持在其中起一定的缓冲作用。  相似文献   

人际信任是良好人际关系的基础与前提,对社会和谐与个体发展有着重要作用。个体生命早期与主要养育者形成的情感联结——依恋对人际信任有着重要的影响。本文从当前依恋风格影响人际信任的特质观与情境观这两大指导性的研究取向出发,分别梳理与总结两研究取向对人际信任的界定、依恋风格对人际信任的预测效应以及依恋回避与依恋焦虑两维度各自在人际信任上的预测作用。从认知结构——关系认知图式、信息的认知加工过程视角以及生物基础(催产素与加压素)层面回顾依恋风格影响人际信任的作用机制。未来应开展纵向研究与元分析,厘清依恋风格与人际信任的关系以及依恋焦虑与依恋回避对人际信任的预测效应,借助重复信任博弈范式在连续的人际信任决策过程中探究依恋风格对人际信任的影响及其脑机制。  相似文献   

目的总结2009年1月至2010年1月我院产检的正常体重指数孕妇妊娠期体重增长的情况,并对其妊娠结局按不同体重增长情况进行分析,得出体重增长与妊娠结局的关系。方法对2009年1月至2010年1月在我院检查及分娩单胎的1382名正常体重指数的孕妇进行分析,按2009年Institute of Medicine(IOM)体重增长指南将孕妇进行分组,分为过少增长、正常增长及过多增长组,并随访妊娠结局。结果 1382名正常体重指数的孕妇体重过少增长、正常增长及过多增长的比率分别为11.43%、37.63%、50.94%。体重增长情况与孕妇受教育程度及社会职务存在相关性,三组妊娠结局进行比较,剖宫产率、妊娠期高血压(PIH)、巨大儿、低体重儿的发生率存在显著性差异,而妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)、产后出血的发生率无显著性差异。结论尽管孕前体重指数正常,仍有超过一半的孕妇体重增长超过标准,且过多或过少的体重增长均会导致不良的妊娠结局,故妊娠期提供正确的体重增长指导对正常孕妇仍很重要。  相似文献   

目的:发展我国婚姻家庭的本土化研究工具,编制并检验原生家庭支持与干涉量表。方法:通过对24对夫妻的质性访谈探索与编制项目,通过对109位已婚人士的预试和341对夫妻的正式施测对量表进行修改检验。结果:原生家庭支持量表包括14个项目,分为经济支持、工具性支持、情感支持三个维度,原生家庭干涉量表包括18个项目,分为家庭生活干涉、个人生活干涉两个维度,每个项目均包括自身和配偶原生家庭两个来源;两个量表及各维度的内部一致性系数均在0.86-0.94之间,验证性因素分析表明量表的结构模型拟合良好,量表总分及维度分与效标评分的相关在0.29-0.65之间。结论:原生家庭支持与干涉量表具有良好的信效度,符合心理测量学要求。  相似文献   

大学生依恋类型对心理健康的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:探讨大学生依恋类型和心理健康的关系。方法:以整群抽样的方式选取大学生676名;用关系问卷(RQ)、亲密关系经历量表(ECR)、症状自评量表(SCL-90)进行测查。结果:676名大学生中安全型依恋者占41.3%,轻视型占25.6%,倾注型占23.3%,害怕型占9.8%;除躯体化外,安全型和轻视型大学生的SCL-90量表总分和其他指标分均低于倾注型和/或害怕型,[如,总分(153.0±45.4)、(158.4±47.8)vs.(173.8±51.2)、(175.1±58.8),P〈0.001],敌对得分安全型低于倾注型和害怕型[(1.7±0.6)vs.(1.8±0.6)、(1.9±0.9),P=0.027];依恋回避与除敌对以外的其他心理健康指标呈正相关(r=0.14~0.17,P〈0.01);依恋焦虑与SCL-90各指标呈不同程度的相关(r=0.24~0.47,P〈0.01)。结论:大学生的依恋类型对他们的心理健康水平产生影响,依恋焦虑与依恋回避越低心理健康水平越高。  相似文献   

目的探讨青少年依恋对家庭动力与心理健康状况之间的中介效应。方法使用系统家庭动力学自评量表(SSFD)、青少年父母同伴依恋量表(IIPA)和症状自评量表(SCL一90)对393名中学生被试进行评估,并进行统计分析。结果回归分析显示,SSFD中家庭气氛和个性化维度对青少年的心理健康状况有显著的主效应(R。=0.063,P=0.000;R。=0.016,P=0.012),青少年的父母同伴依恋在家庭气氛和心理健康状况之间起部分中介的作用(P〈0.05,母亲、父亲及同伴依恋依次为P=0.056;P=0.040;P=0.001),青少年的父母同伴依恋在个性化与心理健康状况之间起完全中介的作用(P〉0.05,母亲、父亲及同伴依恋依次为P=0.746;p=0.317;P=0.125)。结论青少年家庭动力中的家庭气氛和个性化是其心理健康状况的重要影响因素。  相似文献   



Obesity is a major public health issue and is associated with many metabolic abnormalities. Consequently, the assessment of obesity is very important. A new measurement, the body adiposity index (BAI), has recently been proposed to provide valid estimates of body fat percentages. The objective of this study was to compare the BAI and body mass index (BMI) as measurements of body adiposity and metabolic risk.

Materials and Methods

This was a cross-sectional analysis performed on Korean women. The weight, height, and hip circumferences of 2950 women (mean age 25±5 years old, 18-39 years) were measured, and their BMI and BAI [hip circumference (cm)/height (m)1.5-18] values were calculated. Bioelectric impedance analysis was used to evaluate body fat content. Glucose tolerance status was assessed with a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test, and insulin sensitivity was estimated with the insulin sensitivity index.


BMI was more significantly correlated with fat mass and fat percentage. Additionally, BMI was also more significantly associated with metabolic parameters, including fasting glucose, post-load 2-h glucose, fasting insulin, post-load 2-h insulin, triglycerides, and high density lipoprotein cholesterol than BAI. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis revealed that BMI was a better tool for predicting body fat percentage than BAI. Insulin sensitivity and metabolic syndrome were more significantly associated with BMI than with BAI.


In Korean women, the current BMI-based classifications for obesity might be superior to BAI-based measurements for determining obesity and predicting metabolic risk.  相似文献   

This retrospective analysis of 2503 adult (age ≥20 years) allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) recipients assessed the effect of body mass index (BMI) on transplantation outcomes. The median patient age was 51.7years. Patients with both nonmalignant and malignant diagnoses were included. Patients received either a myeloablative (52%) or a reduced-intensity (48%) conditioning regimen. Donors were either related (42%) or unrelated (58%). Cord blood recipients were excluded. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor-mobilized peripheral blood cells were the stem cell source in 86% of transplantations. Graft-versus-host disease prophylaxis included at least 2 immunosuppressive agents, 1 of which was a calcineurin inhibitor. Patient groups were categorized as underweight, normal weight, overweight, obese, or very obese based on BMI. Endpoints included day +100 mortality, overall mortality, nonrelapse mortality (NRM), and relapse. Changes in nutritional status, based on laboratory parameters, were also examined. Underweight patients had significantly lower early and overall survival and greater NRM. Very obese patients had increased NRM, which was associated with the intensity of conditioning regimen. With long-term follow-up, increasing NRM was associated with both underweight and obese patients compared with normal-weight individuals. Changes in serum protein and albumin levels did not correlate with BMI. Although enteral nutrition is now recommended for some undernourished patients, the efficacy of enteral or parenteral nutrition has not been well studied. For obese patients, there are no guidelines regarding weight loss before transplantation, and acute weight loss in the pretransplantation period may be detrimental.  相似文献   

Body mass index and different morphometry indices of proximal femur are important determinants of fracture neck femur which is considered to be a health burden of our society. In this study fifty people aged more than fifty years were selected randomly after interview and examination. Morphometric measurements were performed on the skiagrams at the left side. Base line values like age, weight, height were recorded and BMI was calculated. Correlation between different morphometric indices of proximal femur and BMI was determined after statistical analysis with Epi-info 3.5.1. For weight and height, moderate to poor correlation was obtained with femoral morphometric indices. Strong to moderate correlation was seen between BMI and indices. Good correlation was also seen for sex with morphometry except neck shaft angle and intertrochanteric length.  相似文献   

大学生性别、身高和体重指数与身体自我满意度的关系   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
目的:探讨大学生性别、身高、体重指数与身体自我满意度的关系。方法:用黄希庭编制的身体自我量表测试457名大学生,同时要求被试自报身高、体重。结果:除对负面特征的满意度外,男生身体自我满意度各维度和身体自我满意度总分均高于女生。对身高、身材、负面特征的满意度以及身体自我满意度总分与学生身高呈正相关。男生对体重的态度与医学正常体重指数标准一致。女生除了最胖的两例外体重指数越低对体重越满意。结论:性别、身高和体重指数与大学生身体自我满意度有关。  相似文献   

对2003年8月至2005年12月因骨和/或关节疼痛麻木在四川大学华西医院门诊及住院1 207例男性经X线检查判断无骨质增生482人,采用法国DMS公司生产的Challenger双能X线骨密度仪测定L2~4正位骨密度,记录其身高、体重(计算体重指数)、症状、并发症、运动、吸烟等基线状况;测定L2~4骨密度,明确是否骨质疏松;用t检验或2检验比较骨质疏松组和无骨质疏松组基线状况,用逻辑回归分析实验对象中各种可能影响骨质疏松的因素与骨质疏松的相关性。结果显示:骨质疏松和无骨质疏松两组比较:体重指数、运动情况和吸烟比例有显著差异;高血压和糖尿病患病比例、年龄无明显差异;根据多因素分析,体重指数和吸烟是骨质疏松的危险因素,运动是骨质疏松的保护因素。BMI每增加一个单位,男性发生骨质疏松的风险增加0.654倍(P=0.004)。因此,我们认为体重指数是男性骨质疏松的危险因素,可能与体脂分布不同有关。  相似文献   

目的 分析北京市顺义区儿童少年体重指数(BMI)和体脂百分比(PBF)的关系。方法 采用整群抽样法抽取顺义区小学生1477人,其中男生804人,平均年龄8.3岁,女生673人,平均年龄8.2岁;初中生1996人,其中男生1028人,平均年龄13.7岁,女生968人,平均年龄13.6岁,使用人体成分分析仪H-Key350测定PBF,并计算BMI,比较两者判定超重、肥胖的一致性。结果 北京市顺义区中小学生BMI与PBF两者呈正相关,小学生总体、男生、女生BMI与PBF均呈高度正相关,相关系数分别为0.907、0.919和0.904;初中生总体、男生、女生BMI与PBF的相关系数分别为0.694、0.833和0.845;与BMI标准判定超重相比,PBF判定的超重有较高特异度,小学和初中分别为84.71%和80.47%;而灵敏度差为14.42%和20.24%;与BMI标准判定肥胖相比,PBF判定的肥胖有较高灵敏度,小学和初中分别为99.86%和91.93%,而特异度差,只有73.56%和61.27%。结论 用PBF判断超重标准对于确定顺义区初中生和小学生超重和肥胖分别有较高特异度和灵敏度,可以使用PBF对学龄儿童开展超重和肥胖的筛查。  相似文献   

IntroductionNonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is defined by the accumulation of triglycerides (TG). The body mass index (BMI) is associated with NAFLD. This large-scale cohort study was performed to evaluate and quantify the mediating effect of TG on the association between BMI and NAFLD.MethodsIn total, 15,943 participants in the Kailuan Group were recruited between 2010 and 2014. The impact of TG on the association between BMI and NAFLD was determined through a mediation analysis.ResultsBMI was an independent risk factor for incident NAFLD, with OR of 1.416 (95% CI 1.338–1.499) and 1.187 (95% CI 1.137–1.240) in the low-BMI and high-BMI groups, respectively (p < 0.001). The TG level was a risk factor for NAFLD in the high-BMI group, with an OR of 2.775 (95% CI 1.488–5.177; p = 0.001). Positive associations between BMI and the TG level remained in the 2 above mentioned groups after adjusting for confounders (β = 0.072 and 0.032; p < 0.001). The mediation analysis revealed that TG contributed to 26.050% of incident NAFLD in the high-BMI group (p = 0.01).ConclusionA high BMI was an independent risk factor for incident NAFLD, and a high TG level was a risk factor in the high-BMI group (BMI ≥24). TG contributes about 25% to incident NAFLD in people with obesity.  相似文献   

目的 研究体重指数对于多囊卵巢综合征患者宫腔内人工授精的妊娠结局的影响。方法 选取2017年1月~2018年1月在鄂东医疗集团黄石市中心医院生殖中心进行宫腔内人工授精的PCOS患者154例,根据体重指数分为对照组89例及观察组65例,对照组为正常体重组,观察组为肥胖组,两组患者均采取促排卵治疗,比较两组患者促排卵药物的使用剂量,促排卵天数,成熟卵泡个数、雌激素水平、卵巢过度刺激综合征的发生率及妊娠率。结果 对照组促排卵药物的使用剂量225 U、促排卵天数(6.41±1.36)d、成熟卵泡个数(1.8±0.9)个、单卵泡雌激素水平(189.61±25.83)pg/ml及妊娠率23.59%,优于观察组450 U、(7.26±2.19)d、(1.5±1.1)个、(178.34±33.52)pg/ml、16.92%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 通过降低体重、减少体重指数,可降低PCOS患者体内胰岛素水平及睾酮水平,改善代谢及生殖系统异常,减少促排卵药物使用剂量及使用时间,提高患者的临床妊娠率。  相似文献   

Multivariate linkage analysis has been suggested for the analysis of correlated traits, such as blood pressure (BP) and body mass index (BMI), because it may offer greater power and provide clearer results than univariate analyses. Currently, the most commonly used multivariate linkage methods are extensions of the univariate variance component model. One concern about those methods is their inherent sensitivity to the assumption of multivariate normality which cannot be easily guaranteed in practice. Another problem possibly related to all multivariate linkage analysis methods is the difficulty in interpreting nominal p-values, because the asymptotic distribution of the test statistic has not been well characterized. Here we propose a regression-based multivariate linkage method in which a robust score statistic is used to detect linkage. The p-value of the statistic is evaluated by a simple and rapid simulation procedure. Theoretically, this method can be used for any number and type of traits and for general pedigree data. We apply this approach to a genome linkage analysis of blood pressure and body mass index data from the Beaver Dam Eye Study.  相似文献   



The present research aimed to study the relationship between body mass index and menstrual disorders at different ages of menarche and sex hormones.


In this cross-sectional study, 2000 girls aged between 9 and 18 in all levels were selected through cluster sampling in Shiraz. Data were collected using demographic characteristics, menstrual disorders, body mass index and hormones' measure questionnaires. To analyze the data, we used SPSS 16 and Chi-square test.


A total of 1024 (51.2%) out of 2000 subjects had normal BMI and the smallest group belonged to 26 subjects (1.3%) with BMI ≤ 30. There is a significant relationship between body mass index, menstrual cycle length (p = 0.006), spotting (p = 0.005), passing clots (p = 0.001) and menstrual bleeding (p = 0.04), and this relationship is insignificant between body mass index and duration of bleeding (p = 0.95), amenorrhea (p = 0.03), dysmenorrhea (p = 0.26) and menstrual regularity (p = 0.95). Investigating the relationship between body mass index and some of sex hormones shows that there is no significant relationship among BMI and TSH (p = 0.94), FSH (p = 0.21), LH (p = 0.21), Prolactin (p = 0.97), Testosterone (p = 0.66), and DHEAS (p = 0.94).


A significant relationship among BMI and menstrual cycle length, spotting, passing clots and menstrual bleeding, and was insignificant with sex hormones.  相似文献   

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