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《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(8):1074-1078
During the past several years, a steadily growing body of literature examining acculturation and alcohol use among Hispanic college students has emerged. A review of this literature suggests that there have been (and continues to be) mixed findings regarding the association between acculturation and alcohol use in this population. Thus, the exact nature of this association is not clear. This paper provides an overview of this literature and outlines recommendations for future research that will help to elucidate the complexities inherent in this line of work.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(9):1067-1077
The association of alcohol consumption and casualties was analyzed among Hispanic emergency room patients to determine whether level of acculturation and accompanying changes in drinking patterns influence risk of alcohol-related injuries. A sample of patients admitted to a county hospital emergency room during a 1-year period was breathalyzed and interviewed (N = 1,102). Of these, 112 identified themselves as Hispanic. Hispanic males were more likely than non-Hispanics to have positive breathalyzer readings, to report drinking prior to the event, and to attribute a causal association of drinking with the event. These findings were most pronounced among those in the moderate and high acculturation groups.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(9):1101-1114
We explored the relationship of alcohol use to unsafe sex in Latinas. Telephone interviews were conducted with 523 currently sexually active Latinas aged 18–49 years. Only 7.5% of these women used alcohol half of the time or more prior to sex. “Regular” alcohol users had more sexual partners, but also had more experience with condom use, used condoms with primary partners as frequently as nonusers of alcohol, and used condoms more with secondary partners. While Latinas who use alcohol prior to sex more often have multiple sexual partners, alcohol use does not appear to interfere with condom use. [Translations are provided in the International Abstracts Section of this issue.]  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(11-12):1715-1732
A number of authors have found that acculturation and alcohol use are significantly related. In general, as a person becomes more acculturated within a new country, levels of use of alcohol and alcohol-related problems tend to become more similar to the host cultures. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between the level of acculturation, attitudes toward alcohol, and the use of alcohol within the Punjabi community of Metropolitan Toronto, while taking a number of demographic variables into account. We found that increased levels of acculturation were associated with increased lifetime use of alcohol and more liberal attitudes toward the use of alcohol. In addition, those who had lower levels of acculturation were experiencing relatively more alcohol use-related problems. Finally, gender was also an important factor in predicting attitudes and behavior associated with alcohol, with women more likely to be abstainers and negative toward the use of alcohol. [Translations are provided in the International Abstracts Section of this issue.]  相似文献   

We examines the influence of family processes and acculturation for gender differences in alcohol and drug use among a sample representative of the Hispanic population in Miami-Dade County, Florida (N = 734). We found that (a) increases in age at marriage and acculturation were associated with greater substance use, (b) the associations between age at marriage, acculturation, and substance use were found to be greater for Hispanic women than men, and (c) with each additional child born, Hispanic women are increasingly less likely to use substances than Hispanic men. Data reveal that family processes and acculturation jointly impact substance use.  相似文献   

Background: Taxation and other policy measures have been implemented across the United States to curb the accessibility of substance use, especially among youth. While the inverse relationship between price and youth consumption is well known, available research on youth earned income and substance use is sparser, particularly among emerging adults. Objectives: We examined the association between emerging adult past-year personal income and 30-day substance use. Methods: We analyzed data from Wave 5 (n = 2,202) of the NEXT Generation Health Study, an annual survey study administered to a nationally representative sample of emerging adults in the U.S. Wave 5 (mean age = 20.28 years, SE = 0.02 years) was administered during the 2013–2014 academic year. After grouping participants into five levels of self-reported, pre-tax personal income, we used binomial logistic regression to examine the association between personal income and cigarette smoking, marijuana use, alcohol use, and heavy episodic drinking (HED). Results: In unadjusted models, those at certain levels of higher past-year income were more likely to smoke cigarettes, consume alcohol, or engage in HED at least once in the past 30 days. Several associations remained significant after controlling for covariates. Most associations were no longer significant after including perceived peer norms as additional covariates. Personal income was not associated with 30-day marijuana use in unadjusted or adjusted models. Conclusions/Importance: Higher earned income may provide emerging adults greater economic access to cigarettes and alcohol, but the association might be partly attenuated by social factors, particularly perceived peer norms.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(5):451-476
We modeled associations of quantity and frequency of alcohol use with depressive symptoms (negative affect, lack of positive affect, somatic disturbance, interpersonal problems) in two household surveys of Mexican-Americans (Ns = 1,313 and 3,577). Multivariate analyses controlled cultural (immigration, acculturation) and demographic (age, income, household size, marital status, employment status) characteristics, and assessed interactions of these two classes of predictors. Alcohol use was inconsistently related to depression. In some analyses, cultural characteristics accounted for associations of alcohol use with depression. In others, associations of alcohol use with depression depended on cultural characteristics. Associations of drinking with depression tended not to be robust across samples  相似文献   

This study investigates gender differences within the context of risk and protective factors for alcohol use and substance use problems in a sample of 8,992 Hispanic students in grades 6 through 12, who responded to a statewide survey of alcohol and other drug use. The effects of gender, grade, and risk and protective factors on past-month alcohol use, binge drinking, and risk for substance use problems are examined. Results show that outcomes were moderated by gender, such that females had greater predicted probabilities than males for alcohol use, binge drinking, and risk for substance use problems across levels of risk and protective factors. An ecological framework is applied to speculate why Hispanic female adolescents were more vulnerable than their males to problem alcohol use.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(4):327-354
The investigations examined drug usage-based and culture-based differences in young Puerto Ricans living in New York (100 nonusers and 192 drug users), Americans living in New York (100 nonusers and 99 drug users), and Puerto Ricans living in Puerto Rico (100 nonusers and 98 drug users). The Associative Group Analysis method was used to measure cultural change in three dimensions: dominant perceptions, priorities, and evaluations. The findings show that the Puerto Rican drug user and nonuser groups in New York differed significantly in their paths of acculturation. The nonusers were shown to progress successfully in learning American meanings and adopting American perspectives and cultural norms. The drug users were attracted to dominant American priorities (e.g., wealth and freedom) but showed little progress in adopting deeper American cultural meanings necessary for effective coping  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(13-14):1985-2016
This paper reports a study of alcohol- and drag-use by older clients in relation to their health and well-being. The sample of 349 persons was drawn from adults aged 60 and over living in senior citizens apartments in Toronto. Interviews were done in several languages. The results indicated that males and those aged 60 to 65 were less happy and healthy, had fewer social supports, and more alcohol-related problems. Drug-related problems were less numerous but occurred equally for both sexes. These results indicate that new alcohol programs are needed for the elderly, and these should focus on males, especially the younger elderly in transition from work to retirement.  相似文献   

This study, using three waves of U.S. National Alcohol Surveys (1995–2005), examines lifetime alcohol treatment utilization and perceived treatment barriers among Latinos. The sample included 4,204 Latinos (2,178 women and 2,024 men); data were weighted. Analyses were linear and logistic regressions. Controlling for survey year, severity, and other covariates, male gender and English language interview predicted higher utilization generally and Alcoholics Anonymous use specifically; English interview was also associated with institutional treatment. (Effects for gender on general utilization were marginal.) Other predictors of utilization included older age, lower education, greater social pressures, greater legal consequences, greater dependence symptoms, and public insurance. Whereas men and women differed little on perceived barriers, analyses showed greater barriers among Spanish (vs. English) interviewees. Latina women's underutilization of alcohol treatment requires further research but may be partially explained by stigma. Associations between language of interview and treatment utilization imply a need for outreach and culturally sensitive programming.  相似文献   

We examined whether gender moderates the association between acculturation and heavy alcohol use. The sample consisted of 126 Mexican American college students (Mean age=24.7 years; 57% female) who completed self-report measures of heavy alcohol use, acculturation status (global acculturation and ethnic identity), and relevant control variables (age, peer alcohol use). Multivariable regression revealed that higher levels of ethnic identity were associated with greater frequency of heavy alcohol among men. Conversely, neither measure of acculturation was associated with heavy alcohol use among women. These findings suggest that interventions for Latino/a students should consider the role of culturally relevant variables in heavy alcohol use, particularly for men. They also have implications regarding how acculturation is operationalized in alcohol studies, and suggest directions for future research.  相似文献   


The present study examined the potentially mediating effect of alcohol expectancies and moderating effect of acculturation on the relationship between peer alcohol use and Latino adolescent alcohol use. Participants were 115 adolescents recruited through alternative schools, community events, a community psychologist, and Latino groups at a midwestern university. Questionnaires in this study assessed adolescents' perceptions about both their own and their peers' alcohol use in addition to their expectancies about the effects of alcohol, and their level of acculturation. Demographic characteristics of the sample were also assessed in order to control for their possible effects (e.g., age, gender). Results from the present study indicated that a higher level of peer alcohol use was associated with a higher level of adolescent alcohol use. Additionally, adolescents' expectancies about the effect of alcohol on their social behavior mediated the relationship between peer alcohol use and adolescent alcohol use. Results support previous research suggesting the importance of peers as role models for Latino adolescent alcohol use. Acculturation did not moderate the relationship between peer and adolescent alcohol use. The present study adds understanding as to how Latino adolescents' beliefs regarding alcohol use may influence the relationship between peer alcohol use and adolescent alcohol use.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated cultural, ethnic, and gender differences in drinking and alcohol-related problems among Hispanic students. Familism protects against negative outcomes in Hispanic populations, thus we expected familism to buffer against alcohol problems. Participants (N = 623; 53% female) completed a battery of measures. Results suggested that familism was protective against drinking. Furthermore, alcohol use mediated the association between familism and alcohol-related problems. In sum, understanding that culture plays an important role in people’s behaviors and identifying protective factors is critical to inform culturally sensitive prevention and intervention efforts.  相似文献   

Nonmedical opioid use has been linked to lifetime heroin use; however, research is needed to examine associations between nonmedical opioid use and current or recent heroin use, as current users appear to be at highest risk for harm. Data were from a nationally representative sample of non-institutionalized adults (age 18–64) in households participating in the National Survey of Drug Use and Health who reported lifetime heroin use (2005–2014, = 7,111). We examined associations between frequency and recency of nonmedical opioid use and recency of heroin use. Most (86.7%) lifetime heroin users reported no heroin use in the last 12 months, while 6.1% reported current use (use in the last 30 days). The majority of the sample (69.3%) reported lifetime nonmedical opioid use; 14.3% reported nonmedical use in the last 30 days. Adjusted odds for current heroin use increased as frequency of past-year nonmedical opioid use increased, with a quarter (24.7%) of current heroin users reporting nonmedical opioid use on 157–365 days in the last year. Over half (54.7%) of current heroin users reported current nonmedical opioid use. Prevention efforts should consider that high-frequency and current nonmedical opioid use is a robust correlate of continued heroin use.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(7):1437-1459
This study is part of the National School Survey on drug use by high school students in Mexico. The validity, reliability, and results of the Antisocial Acts Scale in Mexico City (n = 3, 501) are discussed. Using factorial analyses of the Antisocial Acts Scale, two major sources of variability were observed. The first one is related to antisocial acts with severe social consequences, in which violence and drug selling are included, and the second one is related to thefts. Significant differences were found in the number of offenses among groups of different gender, age, and occupation during the previous year. More antisocial acts were perpetrated by alcohol and drug users than by nonusers. In a logistic regression model, it was found that the main risk factors for perpetrating antisocial acts were being male, using alcohol, and using other drugs. [Translations are provided in the International Abstracts Section of this issue.]  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(12-13):1943-1948
This paper presents a review and synthesis of the acculturation process, culture change, and social psychological stress literatures and proposes an empirical model combining elements of all three to explain Latino adolescent drug use in the context of other explanatory factors. The paper assesses current knowledge and urges use of integrative theoretical models that explore risk/protective and unique cultural adjustment factors affecting Latinos. Five scales assessing acculturation and acculturative strains are presented with validation information to facilitate future research.  相似文献   

Parents can impact adolescent substance use, but it is unclear which substances are most affected. This study compared associations between parenting behaviors and alcohol and tobacco use to see if parenting was equally related to both behaviors. Alcohol and tobacco use data were collected from 252 Latino adolescents living along the San Diego–Tijuana border. Logistic regression was used to test parenting behaviors' impact. Parenting was protective against alcohol use but not related to tobacco use. Substance-using peers affected both alcohol and tobacco use. Alcohol prevention efforts among Latino adolescents should target parenting behaviors.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(14):2737-2755
Data are presented from a multicluster stratified sample of 1,084 Puerto Rican households in the New York City area. Researchers examined the impact of loss of traditional Hispanic family-oriented gender role values and degree of acculturation upon drug use. Sociodemographic variables are presented. Indices of “traditionalism” and “acculturation” were created, validated, and correlated with drug use. Traditionalism was found to covary negatively with drug use, but more so for women. The positive relationship between acculturation and drug use was found to be influenced by different levels of traditionalism. Implications for treatment and prevention are discussed.  相似文献   

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