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The high priority of health promotion within primary health care in the UK is evidenced through the acceptance, by the primary health care team (PHCT), of a contractual responsibility for health promotion, including the provision of dietary advice. This study sought to investigate the level of advice given on dietary matters, the methods used to give this advice and the nutritional knowledge and attitudes towards nutrition of Sheffield PHCTs; general practitioners (GPs) and practice nurses (PNs) were compared. All active practices ( n = 100) on Sheffield Health Authority's GP practice lists were invited to participate. A total of 58 interviews in 46 practices were completed, representing a response rate of 46%. Information was collected using an interviewer-administered questionnaire. Data analysis was carried out using MINITAB (Minitab Inc., Pennsylvania, USA); differences between groups were tested using the x2 test.
It was found that PNs gave dietary advice more frequently than GPs ( P <0.05). GPs were more likely ( P <0.05) to give verbal advice only, whereas PNs tended to take a dietary history and to give both written and verbal advice. GPs were less likely than PNs to give comprehensive advice for type II (maturity onset) diabetes, hypercholesterolaemia and obesity. There were appreciable gaps in the nutritional knowledge of both groups. The majority of GPs and PNs believed nutrition to be important in disease prevention and expressed a desire for nutritional teaching as part of their medical training. The primary health care team is in a prime position to give dietary advice, however, it is evident that there is a need for improved nutrition education and training in dietary counselling.  相似文献   

Millions of older people world-wide receive community care services in their home to assist them to live independently. These services often include personal care, domestic assistance and social support which are delivered by non-university trained staff, and are frequently long term. Older people receiving community care services fall 50% more often than individuals of similar age not receiving services. Yet, few ongoing community care services include exercise programs to reduce falls in this population. We conducted an earlier study to examine the feasibility of community care staff delivering a falls prevention program. A critical finding was that while some of the assessment and support staff responsible for service delivery delivered the falls prevention exercise program to one or two clients, others delivered to none. Therefore, the aim of this qualitative sub-study was to understand reasons for this variation. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 25 participating support staff and assessors from 10 community care organisations. Staff who had successfully delivered the intervention to their clients perceived themselves as capable and that it would benefit their clients. Older clients who were positive, motivated and wanted to improve were perceived to be more likely to participate. Staff who had worked at their organisation for at least 5 years were also more likely to deliver the program compared to those that had only worked up to 2 years. Staff that did not deliver the intervention to anyone were more risk averse, did not feel confident enough to deliver the program and perceived their clients as not suitable due to age and frailty. Experienced staff who are confident and have positive ageing attitudes are most likely to deliver falls prevention programs in a home care organisation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A recent report by the UK Drugs Policy Commission has highlighted the high levels of drug use in Britain and this has been interpreted as indicative of ineffective drug polices. However, the interpretation was based on sporadic self-report data and indirect extrapolation. This paper assesses trends in the prevalence and incidence of drug misuse in the UK from 1998 to 2005 as recorded in general practice. METHODS: The study was a retrospective analysis of the General Practice Research Database. The study cohort comprised approximately 900,000 patients each year from 183 general practices. RESULTS: Among the Government's key target age group (16-24 years), there was a marked decrease in both prevalence and incidence of illicit drug misuse from 1998 to 2002 (P < 0.01). In older adults (25-59 years), the pattern was more variable during the first part of this period, but incidence remained stable from 2002 to 2005. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that the problematic drug use in the UK may be declining and that the policies may be more effective than has been previously thought. General Practice data are nonetheless only part of the picture in terms of understanding the prevalence of problematic drug use.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to study the attitudes of student physicians towards primary health care, poverty, and related social issues in India. The sample consisted of 464 men and 228 women final-year medical students (a total of 692) from 11 medical colleges in India. An open-ended questionnaire was used. Content analysis was performed on the responses. There were no statistically significant differences between the responses of the students belonging to different socio-economic groups. There were some differences in the responses of the men and women students, especially on the question of poverty and related social issues. The data presented here show that the student physicians do not have a clear understanding of the primary health care approach, or about the social issues that influence health. This study underlines the need for exposing student physicians to the essential aspects of poverty and its impact on health and the importance of the primary health care approach for providing health care to disadvantaged groups.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Documentation and evaluation of patient outcomes in a pilot study into the role of rural community pharmacists in the management of depression. DESIGN: Parallel groups design with a control and intervention group. SETTING: Thirty-two community pharmacies in rural and remote New South Wales, Australia. PARTICIPANTS: One hundred and six patient participants, mean age of 46 years, predominantly female, not currently employed, recruited by participating pharmacists. INTERVENTIONS: Intervention pharmacists were given video-conference training on the nature and management of depression by a psychiatrist, psychologist and general practitioner and asked to dispense medication with extra advice and support. Control pharmacists were asked to provide usual care. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Adherence by self-report, K10, Drug Attitude Index. Results: The results indicated that adherence to medications was high in both groups (95% versus 96%) and that both groups had improved significantly in wellbeing (a reduction K10 score of 4 (control) versus 4.7 (intervention)). No significant change was found in attitude to drug treatment once baseline scores were controlled for. CONCLUSIONS: Because both groups improved in wellbeing it is not possible to claim that the training provided to the intervention pharmacists was responsible for the success. However, the improvements gained in such a short time (two months) suggest that the involvement of pharmacists has had a beneficial rather than negative effect. Further research into the most appropriate ways in which to integrate the skills of pharmacists into a model of mental health care delivery in rural communities is recommended.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether female adolescents from low-income areas in Managua were satisfied with the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) care provided through a competitive voucher programme and to analyse the determinants of their satisfaction. DESIGN: A community-based quasi-experimental intervention study from 2000 to 2002. SETTING: Low-income areas of Managua. INTERVENTION: Distribution of 28,711 vouchers giving adolescents free-access to SRH care in 19 clinics; training and support for health care providers. STUDY PARTICIPANTS: A random sample of 3009 girls from 12 to 20 years completed self-administered questionnaires: 700 respondents had used this care in the last 15 months, 221 with voucher (users-with-voucher) and 479 without voucher (users-without-voucher). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: User satisfaction; Satisfaction with clinic reception; Clarity of doctors' explanations. RESULTS: User satisfaction was significantly higher in users-with-voucher compared with users-without-voucher [Adjusted odds-ratio (AOR) = 2.2; 95% confidence interval (95% CI) = 1.2-4.0]. Voucher use was associated with more frequent satisfaction with clinic reception, especially among sexually active girls not yet pregnant or mother (AOR = 6.9; 95% CI = 1.5-31.8). The clarity of doctors' explanations was not perceived differently (AOR = 1.4; 95% CI = 0.9-2.2). User satisfaction was highly correlated to satisfaction with clinic reception and clarity of doctors' explanations (P < 0.001). Longer consultation times, shorter waiting times, older age, and having a female doctor positively influenced user satisfaction. CONCLUSION: Voucher use by teenage girls was associated with a better perceived SRH care. This is an important result, given the crucial role user satisfaction plays in adoption and continued use of health care and contraceptives. Though more research is needed, confidential and guaranteed access appear key factors to voucher success.  相似文献   

Context Previous research has shown that general practitioners (GPs) hold negative attitudes towards patients with schizophrenia, which do not simply reflect the nature or chronic aspects of the illness. This study aimed to describe the attitudes and predicted behaviour of medical students towards patients with mental illness in a primary care setting and to investigate whether these were affected by the students’ level of training. Methods A sample of 1239 students from the University of Birmingham Medical School were each given one of four case vignettes, all of which were identical except that the patient involved was described as having a previous diagnosis of, respectively, schizophrenia, depression, diabetes or no illness. Students rated their level of agreement with 12 attitudinal statements relating to the vignette. Results A total of 1081 (88%) students responded to the questionnaire. Students were generally less favourable in their responses to patients with either schizophrenia or depression. They would not be as happy to have them on their list, believed they would consume more time and considered they would be less likely to comply with advice and treatment. They expressed more concern about the risk of violence, the potential welfare of children and the possibility of illegal drug and excessive alcohol use. General clinical and psychiatric training had little effect on these reactions. Conclusions Patients with mental illness provoke less favourable responses in medical students, which are not altered by furthering education. Undergraduate primary care‐based mental health education should be re‐evaluated to ensure that students develop an empathetic and positive approach to mental health patients and their treatment.  相似文献   

Background The primary care setting offers the opportunity to reach children and parents to encourage healthy lifestyle behaviours, and improve weight status among children. Objective Test the feasibility of Helping HAND (Healthy Activity and Nutrition Directions), an obesity intervention for 5‐ to 8‐year‐old children in primary care clinics. Methods A randomized controlled pilot study of Helping HAND, a 6‐month intervention, targeted children with body mass index 85–99%tile and their parents. Intervention group attended monthly sessions and self‐selected child behaviours and parenting practices to change. Control group received regular paediatric care and was wait‐listed for Helping HAND. Session completion, participant satisfaction, child anthropometrics, dietary intake, physical activity, TV viewing and behaviour‐specific parenting practices were measured pre and post intervention. Results Forty parent–child dyads enrolled: 82.5% were Hispanic, 80% had a girl and 65% reported income ≤$30 000/year. There was 20% attrition from Helping HAND (attended <4/6 sessions). Families self‐selected 4.35 (SD 1.75) behaviours to target during the 6‐month programme and each of the seven behaviours was selected by 45–80% of the families. There were no between group differences in the child's body mass index z‐score, dietary intake or physical activity post intervention. Intervention group viewed 14.9 (SE 2.3) h/week of TV post intervention versus control group 23.3 (SE 2.4) h/week (P < 0.05). Conclusion Helping HAND is feasible, due to low attrition, good programme attendance, and clinically relevant improvements in some child and parenting behaviours.  相似文献   

CONTENT: Providers typically rely on health information and their professional status to convince patients to change. Health-behavior theories and models suggest more effective methods for accomplishing patient compliance and other behavior change related to treatment regimens. Behavior modification stresses the remediation of skill deficits or using positive and negative reinforcement to modify performance. Like behavior modification, the Health Belief Model stresses a reduction of environmental barriers to behavior. Social Learning Theory suggests that perceptions of skills and reinforcement may more directly determine behavior. Self-management models put the above theories into self-change actions. Social support theories prioritize reinforcement delivered through social networks, whereas the Theory of Reasoned Action emphasizes perceptions of social processes. Finally, the Transtheoretical Model speaks of the necessity to match interventions to cognitive-behavioral stages. Strategies derived from each of these theories are suggested herein.  相似文献   

Against a global background of increased resource management responsibilities for primary health care agencies, general medical practices, in particular, are increasingly being required to demonstrate the legitimacy of their decision making in market oriented environments. In this context a scoping review explores the potential utility for health managers in primary health care of community governance as a policy concept. The review of recent research suggests that applied learning from international health systems with enhanced approaches to public and patient involvement may contribute to meeting this requirement. Such approaches often characterise local health systems in Latin America and North West Europe where innovative models are beginning to respond effectively to the growing demands on general practice. The study design draws on documentary and secondary data analyses to identify common components of community governance from the countries in these regions, supplemented by other relevant international studies and sources where appropriate. Within a comprehensive framework of collaborative governance the components are aggregated in an Ideal Type format to provide a point of reference for possible adaptation and transferable learning across market oriented health systems. Each component is illustrated with international exemplars from recent organisational practices in primary health care. The application of community governance is considered for the particular contexts of GP led Clinical Commissioning Groups in England and Primary Health Networks in Australia. Some components of the Ideal Type possess potentially powerful negative as well as positive motivational effects, with PPI at practice levels sometimes hindering the development of effective local governance. This highlights the importance of careful and competent management of the growing resources attributed to primary health care agencies, which possess an increasingly diverse range of non‐governmental status. Future policy and research priorities are outlined. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of a primary health care strengthening intervention on bypassing behavior in Albania, a middle-income country that has experienced substantial structural changes that affect PHC and where bypassing among health care clients is common. The intervention aimed to improve the quality of health care in low-level facilities through improved availability and use of health information, the adoption of clinical practice guidelines, and provider training. The study employs a quasi-experimental research design to evaluate the impact of the intervention on health care utilization. The survey findings suggest that the pilot areas outperformed the control areas with respect to a number of key population-based indicators of health care utilization. For example, in the 2-year period between December 2002 and December 2004, bypassing for treatment of simple acute health problems during the month prior to the survey decreased by 47%, and the percentage of chronically ill health care clients who utilized PHC facilities for treatment in the month prior to the survey increased by 29%. These differences, which are statistically significant at the 10% level or better, suggest that the improved performance in the pilot areas is attributable to the intervention.  相似文献   

BackgroundWidespread policy reforms in Canada, the United States and elsewhere over the last two decades strengthened team models of primary care by bringing together family physicians and nurse practitioners with a range of mental health and other interdisciplinary providers. Understanding how patients with depression and anxiety experience newer team‐based models of care delivery is essential to explore whether the intended impact of these reforms is achieved, identify gaps that remain and provide direction on strengthening the quality of mental health care.ObjectiveThe main study objective was to understand patients’ perspectives on the quality of care that they received for anxiety and depression in primary care teams.MethodsThis was a qualitative study, informed by constructivist grounded theory. We conducted focus groups and individual interviews with primary care patients about their experiences with mental health care. Focus groups and individual interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. Grounded theory guided an inductive analysis of the data.ResultsForty patients participated in the study: 31 participated in one of four focus groups, and nine completed an individual interview. Participants in our study described their experiences with mental health care across four themes: accessibility, technical care, trusting relationships and meeting diverse needs.ConclusionGreater attention by policymakers is needed to strengthen integrated collaborative practices in primary care so that patients have similar access to mental health services across different primary care practices, and smoother continuity of care across sectors. The research team is comprised of individuals with lived experience of mental health who have participated in all aspects of the research process.  相似文献   

PURPOSE Care coordination is increasingly recognized as a necessary element of high-quality, patient-centered care. This study investigated (1) the association between care coordination and continuity of primary care, and (2) differences in this association by level of specialty care use.METHODS We conducted a cross-sectional study of Medicare enrollees with select chronic conditions in an integrated health care delivery system in Washington State. We collected survey information on patient experiences and automated health care utilization data for 1 year preceding survey completion. Coordination was defined by the coordination measure from the short form of the Ambulatory Care Experiences Survey (ACES). Continuity was measured by primary care visit concentration. Patients who had 10 or more specialty care visits were classified as high users. Linear regression was used to estimate the association between coordination and continuity, controlling for potential confounders and clustering within clinicians. We used a continuity-by-specialty interaction term to determine whether the continuity-coordination association was modified by high specialty care use.RESULTS Among low specialty care users, an increase of 1 standard deviation (SD) in continuity was associated with an increase of 2.71 in the ACES coordination scale (P <.001). In high specialty care users, we observed no association between continuity and reported coordination (P= .77).CONCLUSIONS High use of specialty care may strain the ability of primary care clinicians to coordinate care effectively. Future studies should investigate care coordination interventions that allow for appropriate specialty care referrals without diminishing the ability of primary care physicians to manage overall patient care.  相似文献   

This study examines the Chronic Care Model (CCM) as a framework for preventing health risk behaviors such as tobacco use, risky drinking, unhealthy dietary patterns, and physical inactivity. Data were obtained from primary care practices participating in a national health promotion initiative sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Practices owned by a hospital health system and exhibiting a culture of quality improvement were more likely to offer recommended services such as health risk assessment, behavioral counseling, and referral to community-based programs. Practices that had a multispecialty physician staff and staff dieticians, decision support in the form of point-of-care reminders and clinical staff meetings, and clinical information systems such as electronic medical records were also more likely to offer recommended services. Adaptation of the CCM for preventive purposes may offer a useful framework for addressing important health risk behaviors.  相似文献   

目的对某院重症监护室(ICU)医务人员手卫生进行干预,了解其对医院感染率的影响。方法对某院ICU医务人员手卫生进行干预,并建立有效的监督管理机制,比较干预前(2012年1-12月)和干预后(干预后第1阶段:2013年1-6月;干预后第2阶段:2013年7-12月)医务人员手卫生依从率和医院感染率。结果共调查4 066例患者,干预前医务人员手卫生依从率为50.03%,干预后第1、2阶段手卫生依从率分别为61.80%和64.57%,上升趋势具有统计学意义(rs=1.00, P<0.001)。干预前,ICU医院感染率为5.48%,干预后第1、2阶段分别为3.86%和3.30%,医院感染率的下降趋势具有统计学意义(rs=-1.00,P<0.001)。ICU导管相关血流感染率、导尿管相关尿路感染率和呼吸机相关性肺炎感染率下降趋势均具有统计学意义(rs=-1.00,均P<0.001)。手卫生依从率与ICU医院感染率、导管相关血流感染率、导尿管相关尿路感染率、呼吸机相关性肺炎感染率间存在负相关(均P<0.05)。结论提高手卫生依从性,可有效降低ICU病房医院感染发生率。  相似文献   

Objective: To study the attitudes and beliefs towards general practice of rural secondary school students, in particular, their perception of the barriers to the effective delivery of primary health care. Setting: Students attending a government‐funded secondary school in a rural community of less than 4000 people. Subjects: 250 students in years 7–12 were surveyed, with 177 (71%) replying, 45% of these being male. Design: Cross‐sectional, self‐administered questionnaire survey. Results: The study found that most students value general practitioners (GPs) as valuable sources of health care, feel they have reasonable access to care and in most instances appear to attend appropriately for their health problems. Most felt their doctor would be an empathetic listener, would provide sufficient time to provide effective care and communicated in a language they could understand. Confidentiality issues were considered important, especially by females. Conclusion: Although students have very positive attitudes about general practice, the findings could be used to improve a number of GP services for young people in small rural communities. This is particularly so for presentations which require a high degree of confidentiality and skilful counselling, such as psychological problems and risk‐taking behaviours.  相似文献   

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