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Considerable money and effort have been expended in attempts to prevent drug use by youth, with disappointing results. Too often, prevention programs have singled out youth with simplistic messages of exaggerated risk and the same politically acceptable solution for all—abstinence. Historically, prevention efforts have been less effective by not being soundly based in science and failing also to address adult drug and alcohol use as part of the problem. The Institute of Medicine continuum of care model developed in 1994 offers a framework for a more sophisticated, three-tiered approach to prevention, defined as all services provided prior to a clinical diagnosis of a substance use disorder. By dividing prevention efforts into universal (delivered to broad populations without consideration of individual risk for developing substance use disorder), selected (targeting sub-groups of individuals identified on the basis of characteristics known to create an elevated risk for substance use disorder), and indicated (addressing individuals identified on the basis of manifest risk behaviors), prevention can be better tailored to meet different levels of need. Student Assistance Programs (SAPs) and community coalitions provide examples of how IOM’s continuum of care model can be integrated into drug prevention programs for youth.  相似文献   


An early theoretical analysis supposed changes in hemispheric integration as the basis of altered state of consciousness induced by psychoactive drugs. Brain imaging studies revealed right cortical activation after administration of hallucinogens. Recent studies on binocular rivalry suggest that interhemispheric switching is the neural substrate of the perceptual oscillations observed during dichoptic stimulus presentation. The current study tested perceptual alternation in ceremonial participants, who ingested the South American hallucinogenic beverage ayahuasca, to examine the claim that there might be changes in interhemispheric function under the influence of hallucinogens. Ingestion of ayahuasca resulted in a decrease of rivalry alternation rates, increased length of one percept and there was evidence of phenomenal fusion. The findings are in line with results of brain activation studies and support the concept of interhemispheric fusion in altered states of consciousness.  相似文献   


This study describes the lifetime prevalence, correlates, and age of onset of selected psychiatric disorders among a community sample of MDMA users (n = 402), aged 18 to 30, in Ohio. Participants responded to interviewer-administered questionnaires, including sections of the computerized Diagnostic Interview Schedule for DSM-IV. Fifty-five percent of the sample had at least one lifetime disorder, with major depression (35.3%) and antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) (25.4%) the most common. Proportionately more women were diagnosed with depression, generalized anxiety disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), while proportionately more men were diagnosed with ASPD. Proportionately more non-White participants had attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD). Higher levels of education were associated with proportionately less PTSD, ASPD, and AD/HD. Higher frequencies of MDMA use were associated with proportionately more ASPD and AD/HD. Comparing the age of first MDMA use with the age of onset for selected psychiatric disorders revealed that for most participants disorders preceded use. Multivariate analysis revealed participants with more than a high school education were less likely to have experienced a lifetime disorder, while those who had used MDMA more than 50 times were more likely. Variations in the prevalence of psychiatric disorders have practical implications for drug abuse prevention and treatment programs.  相似文献   

PASS监测与不合理用药分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
贾立华  寻志坤  王芮  刘泽源 《中国药师》2009,12(8):1121-1122
目的:通过合理用药监测系统(PASS)对我院住院医嘱的用药情况进行汇总分析,发现用药决策中存在的不合理因素。方法:采用PASS系统对我院2007年10月~2008年10月期间住院医嘱进行审查,对不同类型的不合理用药归纳总结。结果:在审核的不合理医嘱中,严重警示占10.7%,较严重警示占35.9%,出现频率最高的不合理用药类型为药物相互作用,占不合理用药总数的48.8%。结论:PASS系统是审查医嘱出现不合理用药的重要工具,其使用需要与临床用药的实际情况相结合,同时也应在使用过程中不断修正改进。临床药师应逐步开展药学监护工作,同临床医师共同审核医嘱,从而减少不合理用药和药物不良反应的发生。  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(2):321-333
Intervention in the life style adaptation of the drug abuser continues to rest on the assumption that if one goes through a series of processes under the direction of certain designated individuals, then the outcome is predictable and one is justified in labeling this entire procedure treatment or rehabilitation.  相似文献   

江云丽  申瑞 《北方药学》2010,7(2):60-61
目地:探讨如何进一步提高合理用药的水平。方法:参考有关文献和资料,结合工作实际,进行汇总,分析并加以阐述。结果:合理用药可以提高治疗水平,减少不良反应和药源性疾病的发生。结论:合理用药意义重大,呼吁医务人员要自觉规范用药行为。  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(2):325-331
This study evaluated the relationship between alienation and drug abuse. The operational definition of alienation came from the works of Keniston. Two hundred seventy-three males at a Midwestern University were sent questionnaires. The return rate for the questionnaire was 84.2%. Alienation was found to be directly related to drug use. An increase in alienation was associated with an increase in drug abuse.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(4):531-540
In earlier papers the author, among others, has attempted to view the increasing nonmedical use of various drugs from a diffusion theory point of view, with reasonable empirical success. It has been repeatedly found that young drug users resemble other groups of innovators or introducers on variables such as sex, socioeconomic background, educational level, and self-reported level of interaction in peer groups of many kinds (Ulff-Møller, 1971; Winsløw, 1972, 1972b). It has also been repeatedly demonstrated that the recent diffusion of cannabis use has followed a more or less S-shaped cummulative curve, while both the time of the onset of the diffusion process and its speed have been seen to be dependent upon the level of urbanization of the community in which the spread took place (Holstein in Winsløw, 1972c).  相似文献   

This paper used bivariate and multivariate analyses to estimate the relationships between chronic drug use and various measures of criminal activity. The data for these analyses were derived from the 1993 (1) and 1995 (2) National Household Surveys on Drug Abuse (NHSDA). Measures of criminal justice system contact and criminal activity included ever arrested, arrested during the previous year, commission of a predatory crime (e.g., assault, fighting) during the previous year, and commission of a property crime (e.g., theft, property damage, car theft, breaking and entering) during the previous year. The analysis was conducted separately for males, females, and age groups, and it distinguished between chronic drug users, nonchronic drug users, and nondrug users. The results consistently showed a significant linear relationship between criminal activity and frequency of drug use. These findings have implications regarding the potential reduction in predatory and property crime that could occur from a decrease in drug use. Significant differences in criminal behavior between chronic drug users and other cohorts may signal a critical need to develop targeted interventions for this particular type of drug user.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(4):459-469
Five thousand West-German soldiers anwered a questionnaire on personal drug use, evaluation of substances regarding their being drugs, and illness-value ascribed to heavy drug use. A partial correspondence between the structures of drug use and drug definition was found. Beer and wine consumption were clearly differentiated. Mentally, cannabis and hard liquor were placed on comparable levels. A wholesale approach to alcohol consumption, and exclusive categorization of cannabis as a fashion drug, lumped together with hallucinogens and opiates. seem unwarranted.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(6):851-861
The psychopharmacological rationale and clinical effectiveness of the methadone maintenance treatment program was subjected to critical theoretical and methodological analysis. It was concluded (1) that the MMTP constitutes and perpetuates an immature coping mechanism; i.e., “subliminal euphoria”—pervasive pharmacological shielding of addicts from the inevitable discomforts attending adaptation to the real world; (2) that it does not satisfy so-called tissue craving for florid euphoria because most “stabilized” clients actively seek and obtain same from heroin, methadone itself, and/or other potentially euphorogenic drugs; (3) that the source of this craving resides in the addict's personality rather than in his tissues; (4) that official evaluation studies of the MMTP grossly exaggerate its clinical effectiveness; and (5) that the MMTP has inadvertently created incomparably more primary methadone addicts than it has cured heroin addicts.  相似文献   

江亮 《药品评价》2014,(24):20-22
笔者从老年人的病理生理特点和用药存在的问题等方面进行分析,以探讨老年人用药安全的措施,保障老年人合理用药。临床上应根据老年患者体质特点及用药中存在的问题及时调整用药方案.进行用药监护,依靠老年人自己、家庭及医务人员三方面共同努力。增加老年人合理用药的依从性,减少不良反应的发生。降低老年人用药风险.确保老年人用药的合理、安全、有效。  相似文献   

药品急需建立使用期限管理制度   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文针对我国没有规定有效期药品已经形成长期销售和使用的客观事实,提出药品急需建立使用期限管理制度,并对其必要性、可行性和基本构想进行了论述。  相似文献   

目的:探讨基本药物制度下的合理用药情况。方法:通过对基本药物制度的分析,目前不合理用药的原因的分析.提出促进合理用药的相应意见。结果与结论:建立并完善基本药物制度.促进合理用药。  相似文献   

万婷  何月华 《药品评价》2021,(3):132-135
目的:分析抗菌药物不良反应及其发生因素.方法:回顾性分析2018年4月至2020年9月南城县人民医院发生不良反应的110例临床资料,其中由抗菌药物引发的有73例,对其年龄、性别、发生不良反应的药物种类、累及系统及临床症状表现进行分析,并对抗菌药物不良反应产生的因素进行单因素和多因素分析.结果:使用青霉素类、头孢类、大环...  相似文献   

我院药品采购管理及使用监控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟小斌  黄振光 《中国药房》2010,(21):1934-1936
目的:介绍我院药品采购管理及使用监控办法,为各医院药品管理提供参考。方法:推行"新药引进阳光工程"和采用严谨的中标药品筛选办法,严把药品入院关口,对药品使用过程进行全程监控。结果:2005年以来我院新药共采购82个品种;每年我院使用的约1500个品种全部由随机抽取专家记名投票选定;我院药品销售金额控制在5亿元以内,药品使用较为合理。结论:我院药品采购及使用控制方法可促进临床合理用药。  相似文献   

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