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P J Stern 《Microsurgery》1987,8(3):158-161
Free vascularized toe pulp transfer to the thumb is a technique to restore sensibility and durable soft tissue coverage to the thumb. This article reviews alternative techniques for coverage; the neurovascular anatomy of the great toe; and the technique of microvascular toe pulp transfer. Although the procedure is technically demanding, it provides excellent coverage with minimal donor morbidity.  相似文献   

自1972年以来,在游离足趾再造拇、手指手术中,应用足趾蚓状肌与缺损拇、手指蚓状肌残端或关节囊进行缝合的方法共完成手术300例,由于再造拇、手指的蚓状肌得到修复,既改善了其指间关节屈曲畸形,又防止了掌指关节的过伸。术后随访1-22年,再造拇、手指的外形及功能均满意。  相似文献   

Zhang J  Xie Z  Lei Y  Song J  Guo Q  Xiao J 《Microsurgery》2008,28(1):25-31
Free second toe transfer has become a popular method for the management of thumb or finger reconstruction. However, this creates an obvious appearance defect. A new operating procedure has been used since 1999. To enlarge the perimeter of the reconstructed thumb, a composite tissue strip flap from the fibular of great toe pedicled with the fibular proper plantar digital artery, combined or not with the island dorsal index finger flap, was inlaid with the second toe at the same time before the reconstruction. A crescent double-winged dorsal metatarsus flap, connected with second toe, in combination with the partial metatarsal bone, was also used to reconstruct fingers. There were 36 patients in the study group with a follow-up time of 6 months to 3 years. The thumb and finger reconstructed in this way showed better appearance, with normal caliber and length and without obvious adverse affects. This method has ameliorated the embarrassing appearance of the reconstructed thumb with earlier methods and is a relatively ideal method for thumb or finger reconstruction.  相似文献   

We report two cases of high-pressure injection injuries to the fingertip in which free toe pulp flaps were used to resurface the palmar surface of the finger following extensive wound debridement. There was good return of sensibility and, because of the high durability of the donor skin, both patients regained good functional use of the injured digits and returned to heavy manual work. There was minimal associated morbidity of the donor sites. The free toe pulp flap represents an excellent alternative for resurfacing the digit with a large residual skin defect after high-pressure injection injury.  相似文献   

目的 探讨吻合血管蒂的(足母)甲皮瓣包绕第二趾骨腱复合组织,游离移植再造拇指手术方法 的临床疗效.方法 2007年10月~2009年4月宁波市第六医院手外科对8例8拇指Ⅲ度缺损的患者,择期采用吻合血管蒂的(足母)甲皮瓣包绕第二趾骨-肌腱-关节复合组织的手术方式游离移植再造拇指. 结果 7例再造拇指顺利成活;1例术后出现动脉危象,经2次手术探查处理后大部分指体存活.术后随访6~20个月,再造拇指外形美观,与健侧拇指非常相似,关节活动度为75°~115°,指腹两点辨别觉为6~10 mm.剔骨皮瓣覆盖后的趾皮肤耐磨性较好,趾腹两点辨别觉12~16 mm,行走功能无明显减退,患者满意.结论 吻合血管蒂的(足母)甲皮瓣、第二趾骨腱复合组织包绕法再造拇指可使患指外形和功能更接近正常.  相似文献   

目的 探讨应用第1趾部分游离移植急诊再造拇指的临床效果.方法 2005年5月-2008年4月,急诊应用第1趾部分游离移植修复拇指缺损20例,其中IB类缺损6例,Ⅱ类缺损8例,Ⅲ类缺损6例.结果 再造拇指全部成活,术后随访期6个月~3年,拇指外形恢复,两点辨别觉6~12mm,根据中华医学会手外科学会拇指再造功能评定试用标准,再造拇指的功能优10例,良8例,可2例,优良率90%.结论 急诊应用第1趾部分组织游离移植再造拇指是修复拇指IB-Ⅲ区缺损可靠的方法.  相似文献   

An outcome study of thumb reconstruction using microvascular toe transfer   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The purpose of this study was to evaluate outcomes following microvascular toe to thumb transfer in a cohort study using the Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire, the 36-item Short-Form Health Survey, the Lower Limb Function Questionnaire, and standardized hand function tests. Twenty-one patients who had unilateral, isolated thumb amputations at the metacarpophalangeal joints were studied: 16 patients had toe transfer and 5 patients did not have reconstruction. The mean follow-up period was 7.2 years (range, 3-13 years). Toe transfer patients showed statistically significantly better overall hand function (effect size = 1.4), ADL (effect size = 3.4), work performance (effect size = 2.1), aesthetics (effect size = 1.9), and satisfaction (effect size = 1.1). Functional testing showed that strength and dexterity of the toe transfer hands were comparable to the opposite normal hands. Foot donor site morbidity was minimal. No significant difference was found in the mean Lower Limb Function Questionnaire scores between the toe transfer patients (1.4) and the amputation patients who did not undergo reconstruction (1.6). The results of our study showed that patients with toe transfer have better hand function than patients with thumb amputations at the level of the metacarpophalangeal joints.  相似文献   

目的 介绍用趾腓侧皮瓣修饰第二足趾移植再造拇指的方法。方法 利用第一跖背动脉、第一跖底动脉与趾底固有动脉之间在趾蹼处相互吻合的特点 ,在切取第二足趾的同时携带趾腓侧皮瓣 ,并将其嵌入第二足趾跖侧 ,以消除第二足趾中段狭细的外形。临床应用 12例 12指。结果  12个再造拇指及携带的皮瓣全部成活 ,再造拇指外形非常满意 ,感觉恢复良好。结论 用该方法再造的拇指 ,克服了传统足趾移植后拇指外形较细的缺点 ,形态更逼真。术后对趾供区的外形及功能无明显影响  相似文献   

用Mu趾腓侧皮瓣修饰第二足趾移植再造拇指   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
目的 介绍用Mu趾腓侧皮瓣修饰第二足趾移植再造拇指的方法。方法 利用第一跖背动脉,第一跖底动脉与趾底固有动脉之间在趾蹼处相互吻合的特点,在切取第二足趾的同时携带Mu趾腓侧皮瓣,并将其嵌入第二足趾跖侧,以消除第二足趾中段狭细的外形。临床应用12例12指。结果 12个再造拇指及携带的皮瓣全部成活,再造拇指外形非常满意。感觉恢复良好。结论 用该方法再造的拇指,克服了传统足趾移植后拇指外形较细的缺点,形态更逼真,术后对Mu趾供区的外形及功能无明显影响。  相似文献   

Amputation of the thumb, including the basal joint, is a disabling injury that leaves limited reconstructive options. Three cases of multiple digit amputation including the thumb and basal joint are presented in which a second toe transfer was used to reconstruct the thumb. All patients have functional pinch with an average pinch strength of 27% of the opposite uninjured extremity. The average grip strength for two patients is 44% of the opposite hand. Average motion of the transfer at the MP, PIP, and DIP is 25 degrees, 37 degrees, and 9 degrees, respectively. Adduction and abduction are obtained, the degree depending on the site of proximal bony fixation. No patient has morbidity at the donor site and all are happy with their reconstruction. In selected cases we feel second toe transfer is an excellent choice to reconstruct the thumb amputated at a proximal level.  相似文献   

目的探讨急诊应用游离趾甲皮瓣修复或重建拇指的最佳适应证。方法对12例拇指脱套伤和4例无再植条件的拇指离断伤,彻底清创后,采用游离趾甲皮瓣修复或重建拇指。术中发现,第一跖骨背动脉均系GilbertⅢ型,选择足背动脉为动脉蒂,大隐静脉为静脉蒂。结果16例重建拇指全部成活。创面Ⅰ期愈合15例,1例末节皮缘局部坏死,经换药后愈合。术后随访6个月~12年,重建拇指的感觉和运动功能恢复良好。结论不能再植的拇指缺失或拇指皮肤脱套伤,是急诊应用游离趾甲皮瓣移植的最佳适应证。  相似文献   

Two single and two double free vascularised joint transfers from the foot to hand have been undertaken in four patients over a period of four years. All were to replace metacarpo-phalangeal joints in young patients in whom the use of prosthetic devices was considered unsuitable. All the transfers were successfully completed, but one failed late in the second post-operative week due to sepsis. The results of the remaining three transfers compare favourably with prosthetic arthroplasty and continue to improve. Donor site morbidity in the foot has been minimal and is reviewed.  相似文献   

目的 探讨含感觉神经的微型皮瓣修复拇指指腹缺损的临床疗效.方法 2000年2月-2010年3月,采用食指背岛状皮瓣、中指侧方岛状皮瓣、以桡侧指动脉为蒂逆行岛状皮瓣、桡动脉掌浅支为蒂的逆行皮瓣、拇指尺背侧动脉逆行皮瓣、拇指背皮神经营养血管皮瓣、第2趾趾腹皮瓣、??趾甲皮瓣、大鱼际部浅静脉动脉化逆行皮瓣共9种皮瓣修复重建拇指指腹缺损134例.结果 3例皮瓣坏死,131例成活,6个月~1.5年随访108例,皮瓣外形血供充分,质地柔软,感觉测定S2~S4+,两点辫别觉6~11mm.结论 采用含感觉神经的微型皮瓣修复拇指指腹缺损,对供区影响小、效果佳、为理想的术式选择.  相似文献   

We describe a technique to improve the cosmetic appearance of the nail of the great toe after partial toe transfer for thumb reconstruction. By harvesting a bone fragment longitudinally from the distal phalanx, it is possible to increase the curvature of the nail and decrease its visual projection.  相似文献   

指甲延长术在第二足趾移植再造拇手指中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的总结指甲延长术在第二足趾游离移植再造拇、手指中的临床经验。方法对6例行第二足趾移植再造拇指(5例)、中指(1例)的患者,进行指甲延长术。其中一期手术5例,二期手术1例。在距甲根皮缘约5.0.6.0mm处,去除一块矩形皮肤,勿损伤皮下血管网。其高度约2.0~3.0mm,宽度与趾甲相等,将“U”形皮瓣向近端轻柔推剥后缝合。结果术后1例足部供区发生浅表感染,经换药后愈合。6例再造拇、手指及甲部皮瓣全部存活。术后随访7个月~2年,平均13个月。再造拇、手指指甲生长良好,与健侧第二趾相比,指甲增加长度为2.0~3.0mm,外形较满意。结论对第二足趾游离移植再造拇、手指中应用指甲延长术,可改善再造指指甲的外形,术后指甲生长无畸形,是一种简单有效的手术方法。  相似文献   

Free transfers of the distal parts of the second toe for reconstruction of distal phalangeal losses of the fingers were successfully carried out. This method is believed to be the best for functional and cosmetic reasons, but major postoperative vascular problems exist. To overcome these problems, multiple vascular anastomoses were employed at operation. The indications for this method are limited in Japanese patients, and its use depends on the patient's age, sex, religious beliefs and the shape of the second toe.  相似文献   

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