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老化过程中α-晶体蛋白分子伴侣活性的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究老化过程中α-晶体蛋白的分子伴侣功能。方法:使用Sephacryl S-300HR分离幼年、中年和老年兔晶状体皮质和核α-晶体蛋白。测定α-晶体蛋白对加热(60℃)诱导过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)和β-晶体蛋白凝聚,果糖(37℃)和加热(60℃)诱导CAT失活的保护作用。结果:四种评估伴侣功能的方法有类似的结果。不同年龄兔晶状体皮质α-晶体蛋白的保护作用较核强,αH-晶体蛋白的伴侣功能均较αL-晶体蛋白降低;随着老化晶状体皮质αH-和αL-晶体蛋白的伴侣功能无显著性降低,但核αL-晶体蛋白伴侣功能的降低具有显著性。结论:晶状体核α-晶体蛋白年龄依赖性伴侣功能的降低,可以参与老年性白内障的形成。  相似文献   

α-晶体蛋白分子伴侣活性在白内障发病中作用的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
严宏  惠延年 《眼科学报》2000,16(2):91-96
α-晶体蛋白是晶状体中重要的成份蛋白质,是由αA和αB亚基组成的四聚体蛋白。长期被认为其功能主要是维持晶体的结构和屈光性,自1992年Horwitz证实α-晶体蛋白具有分子伴侣(molecular chaperone)作用之后,大量的研究表明α-晶体蛋白能够抑制其它晶状体蛋白和酶的化学性修饰和热凝聚而保护其活性,对长期维持晶体状体的透明性具有重要作用。αA亚基C-端序列和αB亚基C-端的伸展的变化  相似文献   

翻译后修饰(post translational modification,PTM)是蛋白质翻译后通过酶的催化或酶控制下的反应而发生修饰,包括糖基化、氨甲酰化、氧化、磷酸化、乙酰化、脱酰胺和切除作用等。白内障和老化被认为是一类结构性疾病(conformational disease)。PTM可造成蛋白质结构改变。α-晶体蛋白作为晶状体主要的结构蛋白质,具有分子伴侣(molecular chaperone)活性,可抑制蛋白质的凝聚和酶的失活。PTM可诱导α-晶体蛋白分子内部或分子之间的交联,导致其分子伴侣活性降低,加速白内障形成。赖氨酸基因PTM最敏感,封闭赖氨酸的ε-氨基基团,可阻止和延迟蛋白质交联。寻找抑制或阻断PTM的因子,有助于药物治疗此类疾病方法的突破。  相似文献   

α—晶体蛋白的分子伴娘样作用与白内障   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分子伴娘的功能是介导其它蛋白质的正确折叠和装配,但它本身却不是有功能的最终装配产物的组成成分。α-晶体蛋白作为晶体中重要的成分蛋白,具有分子伴娘样活性,对各种变性剂包括加热、紫外线照射和化学处理造成的蛋白质非特异性的凝聚具有抑制作用,对糖基化诱导的重要的代谢和抗氧化酶的失活具有保护作用。  相似文献   

严宏  姚立农  惠延年 《眼科学报》2004,20(4):264-267
目的:研究氨甲酰化作为晶状体蛋白质重要的翻译后修饰,对α-晶体蛋白分子伴侣活性的作用。方法:分离牛晶状体αL和βL-晶状体蛋白。αL-晶状体蛋白分别与不同浓度的[14C]氰酸钾温育1至7 d,采用三氯醋酸沉淀法测定αL-晶状体蛋白与[14C]氰酸基团的结合率。αL-晶状体蛋白分别与50和100 mmol.L-1氰酸钾37℃温育3至7 d,测定αL-晶体蛋白抑制βL-晶状体蛋白热凝聚的分子伴侣活性,高效液相色谱法(HPLC)分析αL-晶状体蛋白的氨甲酰化作用。结果:αL-晶状体蛋白与[14C]氰酸基团的结合率和离体氨甲酰化诱导的α-晶状体蛋白伴侣活性的降低呈剂量和时间依赖性。伴侣活性的降低与较高氰酸基团的结合相一致。与对照相比,100mmol.L-1氰酸钾温育7 d导致αL-晶体蛋白伴侣活性几乎殆尽。.HPLC结果提示与氰酸钾温育3 d后可发生剂量依赖性αL-晶体蛋白的凝聚。结论:离体氨甲酰化通过高分子量凝聚物的形成修饰α-晶体蛋白,氨甲酰化诱导α-晶体蛋白的凝聚可能导致其伴侣活性的丧失。  相似文献   

目的研究年龄相关性白内障高相对分子质量α晶体蛋白(αH晶体蛋白)的分子伴侣功能。方法101只白内障晶状体取自年龄相关性白内障(ARC)患者眼,26只透明晶状体取自意外死亡的健康青壮年角膜移植供体眼,使用SephacrylS300HR分离透明和混浊晶状体皮质和核αH晶体蛋白。采用αH晶体蛋白抑制过氧化氢酶(CAT)、βL晶体蛋白的热凝聚,以及糖基化和加热诱导CAT的失活作为分子伴侣的观察指标。结果年龄相关性白内障晶状体含大量αH晶体蛋白,αH晶体蛋白的作用较αL晶体蛋白弱,对CAT和βL晶体蛋白热凝聚的抑制作用相似。透明晶状体与ARC、65岁以上组与65岁以下组、Ⅱ级与Ⅳ级核之间αH晶体蛋白分子伴侣功能差异具显著性。αH晶体蛋白可保护果糖和加热诱导CAT的失活。结论人αH晶体蛋白具有分子伴侣活性。但活性较αL晶体蛋白低。晶状体在老化过程中受翻译后修饰(PTM)的严重影响,形成大量αH晶体蛋白聚合物,导致分子伴侣功能下降,可能是白内障发病的关键因素之一。  相似文献   

紫外线辐射对α-晶状体蛋白分子伴侣活性的作用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
严宏  惠延年  姚立农  俞兰 《眼科研究》2003,21(2):125-128
目的 研究在老化和白内障形成过程中紫外线(UV)辐射对α-晶状体蛋白分子伴侣活性的作用。方法 新生Sprague-Dawley大鼠皮下注射亚硒酸钠诱导硒性白内障(SC),采用SephacrylS-300HR分离幼年和老年兔晶状体皮质和核以及SC大鼠α-晶状体蛋白。以α-晶状体蛋白对过氧化氢酶热凝聚的抑制作为分子伴侣活性指标,观察UV-B(300nm)辐射α-晶状体蛋白蛋白后,其伴侣活性的变化。结果 UV辐射新生和老年兔晶状体核αL-晶状体蛋白后30h,与辐射前比较伴侣活性降低约18%和14%,而皮质的变化不显著;至100h时,老年兔皮质,核和新生兔核αL-晶状体蛋白比αL-晶状体蛋白敏感,UV辐射可进一步降低硒性白内障α-晶状体蛋白的分子伴侣活性。  相似文献   

年龄相关性白内障α-晶状体蛋白的分子伴侣功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
严宏  惠延年  王建伟 《眼科学报》2005,21(4):156-160
目的:研究年龄相关性白内障α-晶状体蛋白的分子伴侣功能。方法:使用SephacrylS-300HR分离健康人透明的和年龄相关性白内障混浊的晶状体皮质和核的αL-晶状体蛋白。采用分光光度计测定αL-晶状体蛋白对过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)热凝聚的抑制作用。应用SDS-PAGE分析CAT与αL-晶状体蛋白在热凝聚实验中形成的复合物。结果:人αL-晶状体蛋白可特异性地抑制CAT热凝聚。透明晶状体皮质较核的抑制作用明显;白内障αL-晶状体蛋白的抑制作用明显下降,65岁以下与65岁以上、65岁以上白内障Ⅱ与Ⅳ级核之间αL-晶状体蛋白的抑制作用比较,差异均有显著性;65岁以下Ⅱ与Ⅳ级核之间比较,差异无显著性,但Ⅳ级核的抑制作用降低。SDS-PAGE显示热凝聚实验透明晶状体皮质αL-晶状体蛋白的20kDa带在加热后0、40min和2h可溶部分无显著减少,62kDa的CAT带含量逐渐减少。结论:人α-晶状体蛋白具有抑制CAT热凝聚的分子伴侣功能,白内障晶状体核的α-晶体蛋白具有年龄和混浊程度依赖性伴侣功能的降低,这在白内障形成过程中起重要作用。  相似文献   

陈燕  卢奕  蒋永祥  邱斌  田洁 《眼科研究》2010,28(3):221-224
目的探讨低剂量阿司匹林对萘性白内障α-晶状体蛋白分子伴侣活性的保护作用。方法将45只150~160g雌性sD大鼠随机分为空白对照组(无特殊处理)、萘性白内障组(每日0.5mg/kg萘灌胃3d后改为每日1mg/kg)和阿司匹林组(萘灌胃4h后每日100mg/kg阿司匹林灌胃)。应用定期图像分析和高效液相色谱(HPLC)法分离纯化α-晶状体蛋白,紫外分光光度法测定其抑制热诱导的β—L晶状体蛋白变性的能力。结果3周时萘性白内障组晶状体开始出现混浊,程度逐步加重,阿司匹林组混浊早期进展较萘性白内障慢,6周后进展程度接近于萘性白内障组。实验2周时3组晶状体混浊程度的比较差异无统计学意义(F:0.032,P=0.969)。实验第4、6、8、10周时3组晶状体混浊程度比较差异均有统计学意义(F=5031.130,P=0.000:F=115964.000,P=0.000;F=169846.500,P=0.000;F=195431.200,P=0.000),且空白对照组与萘性白内障组、空白对照组与阿司匹林组、阿司匹林组与萘性白内障组之间的差异均有统计学意义(P=0.000)。阿司匹林组的α-晶状体蛋白分子伴侣活性高于萘性白内障组。结论低剂量阿司匹林通过保护n一晶状体蛋白分子伴侣活性延缓萘性白内障大鼠晶状体混浊的进展,此作用在白内障早期尤为明显。  相似文献   

糖基化对α-晶状体蛋白的修饰和分子伴侣活性的降低   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
目的 研究糖基化对 α-晶状体蛋白分子伴侣活性的作用。方法 分离牛晶状体α-晶状体蛋白 ,分别与 0 .5 mol· L- 1 果糖和 0 .5 m ol· L- 1 葡萄糖在 37℃温育 ,在第 0、2 4、32天测定 380 nm的光吸收值和 40 0 nm非色氨酸荧光值 ,高压液相色谱 ( high performanceliquid chrom atography,HPL C)和 SDS- PAGE评价蛋白质交联程度 ,采用过氧化氢酶( catalase,CAT)和βL-晶状体蛋白的热凝聚光散射值 ,作为α-晶状体蛋白的分子伴侣活性指标。结果 果糖和葡萄糖可导致时间依赖性 α-晶状体蛋白在 380 nm吸收值的增加 ,非色氨酸荧光值升高 ;HPL C和 SDS- PAGE提示糖与α-晶状体蛋白形成交联复合物。果糖较葡萄糖作用明显。糖基化导致 α-晶状体蛋白抑制 CAT和 βL-晶状体蛋白热凝聚作用降低 ,孵育第 2 4天 ,葡萄糖组α-晶状体蛋白分子伴侣活性分别降低约 12 %和 19% ,果糖组约7%和 9% .结论 糖基化导致 α-晶状体蛋白形成高分子聚合物、凝聚、交联 ,分子伴侣活性丧失 ,这在老化和糖尿病性白内障形成过程中起重要作用。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate the role of chaperone activity of alpha-crystallin in selenite-induced cataract formation. METHODS: Selenite cataract was induced in Sprague-Dawley rats by five subcutaneous injections of sodium selenite over a 20-day period starting at 8-10 days postpartum. alpha-Crystallin was separated from the rat lenses by size-exclusion chromatography. Bovine alpha(L)-crystallin and beta(L)-crystallin were isolated for studies in vitro, and for the chaperone assays. The protective effects of both alpha(H)- and alpha(L)-crystallin were measured spectrophotometrically in four different assay procedures including the thermally induced aggregation of catalase and beta(L)-crystallin, and the fructation- and heat-induced inactivation of catalase. The bovine alpha(L)-crystallin was incubated with different concentrations of sodium selenite for 72 h and then its chaperone activity against heat-induced beta(L)-crystallin aggregation was assayed. The aggregation of selenite-treated alpha(L)-crystallin was analysed by molecular sieve high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). RESULTS: The protection of alpha(H)-crystallin was less than that of alpha(L)-crystallin in both normal and cataractous lenses. The chaperone activities of both alpha(H)- and alpha(L)-crystallin in selenite cataract were decreased compared with normal lenses. The protection provided by both alpha(H)-crystallin and alpha(L)-crystallin against the thermal aggregation of catalase was much greater than their protection against thermally and chemically induced inactivation. HPLC analysis demonstrated aggregation of alpha-crystallin by sodium selenite after 24 h incubation in a dose-dependent fashion. CONCLUSION: The chaperone activity of alpha-crystallin presented parallel patterns of activity with different methods, further supporting the view that the different assays measure essentially the same property. The decreased chaperone activity of alpha-crystallin in selenite cataract may result from selenite-induced aggregation.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to investigate how glutathione reductase (GR) loses its activity during cataract formation and whether it is possible to revive it back to the normal levels. METHOD: In this study, endogenous as well as synthetic reducing systems (GSH, TTase, DTT, captopril) and alpha-crystallin at different concentrations were incubated with the soluble fraction of human cataract lens protein. The activity of glutathione reductase with or without the reducing agents and alpha-crystallin was tested, and the difference in activity gained was calculated. RESULTS: Five agents (GSH, DTT, TTase, captopril, alpha-low crystallin) were able to revive the activity of GR from human cataract lenses to different extents. CONCLUSION: This study shows that human lens GR activity was revived by different reducing agents as well as by a molecular chaperone (alpha-crystallin).  相似文献   

Studies on alpha-crystallin separated from human senile lenses, either transparent or with different degrees of senile cataractous changes, have not shown appreciable differences in the relative amount of the high and low molecular weight fractions of this protein. Both in human normal senile lens and in senile cataract the larger-sized population, with molecular weight above 1 × 107, accounts for about 85% of all the alpha-crystallin extracted from the whole lens.Gel electrophoresis analysis in the presence of urea or of sodium dodecylsulphate, and amino acid composition gave essentially similar results in normal and cataractous alpha-crystallin. Titration of sulphydryl groups of alpha-crystallin indicated a lower availability to p-mercuribenzoate in advanced stages of cortical and nuclear cataracts.Under the experimental conditions used, no evidence has been found that lens opacification in human senile cataract is associated with the accumulation of a high molecular weight population of alpha-crystallin.  相似文献   

Review of selenite cataract.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Recent advances in understanding the mechanism of selenite cataract have resulted from locating the cleavage sites on proteolyzed beta-crystallins from the cataract, mimicking the insolubilization of crystallins found in the cataract in an in vitro system, studying cataract produced in lenses cultured in selenite, and permanently or temporarily reducing the rate formation of selenite cataract by use of various inhibitors. The present review discusses the selenite cataract as a useful model for understanding the role calcium-induced proteolysis in cataract formation.  相似文献   

Massive cortical cataract was produced 15-30 days after a single injection of an overdose of sodium selenite into 14-day-old rats. Most of the cortical cataract appeared to be due to extensive liquefaction of cortical fibers. Water influx, following initial damage to the epithelium by selenium, and action of lens proteases were probable mechanisms for the extensive liquefaction. Remarkably, selenite cortical cataract spontaneously cleared after several months, restoring essentially normal cells to the epithelium and outer and mid-cortex. Major mechanisms for clearing probably involved: (1) removal of damaged proteins from the lens by extensive proteolysis; and (2) replacement of fibers by resumption of normal fibergenesis. The data emphasized the remarkable reparative potential of the lens, and indicated the usefulness of the selenite cortical cataract as a model to study such processes.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that pyruvate protects against reactive oxygen species (ROS) induced damage to lens in vitro. It has also a significant effect against cataract development. Its effectiveness has been ascribed to the presence of alpha-keto-carboxylate group in the molecule, acting as a scavenger of ROS. Hence, it was felt desirable to determine if other alpha-keto-acids could have similar effects. These studies have hence been conducted with alpha-ketoglutarate (alpha-KG), a compound with greater stability and without any known significant effect on the glycolysis. Its effectiveness has been assessed by monitoring cataract development in rat pups given sodium selenite. A large percentage of such animals (about 80%) developed nuclear opacity 7-8 days after its administration. In animals treated with alpha-ketoglutarate, the incidence of cataracts was only 23%. The agent therefore has a very substantial anticataractogenic effect, as apparent by direct slit lamp examination followed by photography, as well as by examination of the isolated lenses through transillumination. The significance of the ophthalmologic findings was apparent also by better physiological maintenance of the tissue, reflected by higher levels of ATP and GSH. In view of these in vivo beneficial effects, studies are in progress to identify the biochemical and metabolic sites of its action. Whether the effectiveness is related only to its action as a ROS scavenger or it could be contributed also by some metabolic effects independent of ROS remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Alpha-crystallin is a major protein in the eye lens and it functions as a molecular chaperone by preventing aggregation of mildly denatured proteins. Glycation, the reaction of sugars and ascorbate with proteins, causes covalent cross-linking and reduces the chaperone function of alpha-crystallin. We demonstrated that methylglyoxal (MGO), a metabolic alpha-dicarbonyl compound, modifies arginine residues in alpha-crystallin and enhances its chaperone function. We wanted to determine whether modification by MGO could protect alpha-crystallin from glycation-mediated cross-linking and loss of chaperone function. Our results show that MGO-modification of isolated bovine lens alpha-crystallin inhibits formation of pentosidine, a glycation-derived protein crosslink. Proteins in organ cultured rat lenses were similarly protected from pentosidine formation. Glycation by sugars and ascorbate resulted in almost complete loss of chaperone function of alpha-crystallin. Surprisingly, addition of MGO during or before glycation not only inhibited the loss of chaperone function, but it actually enhanced the chaperone function of alpha-crystallin. Together, these data suggest that in the aging lens, MGO inhibits glycation-mediated pentosidine synthesis and the loss of chaperone function of alpha-crystallin.  相似文献   

Prevention of selenite cataract by vitamin C   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Studies have been conducted to determine the efficacy of vitamin C in the prevention of cataracts induced by selenite. Administration of the latter to rat pups results in the development of advanced cataracts within 5 days. Treatment with ascorbate had a significant preventive effect. The observations indicate that selenite cataract is due to an oxidative stress to the lens. In addition, the findings are in conformity with our view that ascorbate functions as an anticataractogenic substance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to determine if the lens gap junction proteins connexin 46 (Cx46) and connexin 50 (Cx50) were altered with the development of selenite-induced cataract. Cataracts were induced in young Sprague-Dawley rats with a single subcutaneous injection of sodium selenite; age-matched uninjected rats served as controls. Membrane fractions were isolated from homogenates of cortex and nucleus of normal and cataractous lenses by differential and discontinuous sucrose gradient centrifugation. Aliquots of urea-insoluble protein from membrane fractions were analyzed by quantitative densitometry of Western blots probed with antibodies to Cx46 and Cx50. A significant decrease in the more slowly migrating Cx46-reactive band, which represents phosphorylated Cx46, was found in the major membrane fraction of the cortex of cataractous lenses. There was no significant difference in the amounts of either Cx46 or Cx50 associated with selenite cataract in any of the membrane fractions examined. These results suggest that alteration of gap junction function (as evidenced by the change in phosphorylation of Cx46) may be associated with the development of the selenite cataract, but that neither Cx46 nor Cx50 is subject to the well-characterized proteolysis associated with the selenite cataract model.  相似文献   

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