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目的探讨不同镇静、镇痛策略对机械通气患儿的辅助治疗效果及不良反应。方法将80例进行机械通气且需镇静镇痛治疗的危重患儿随机分为咪达唑仑组(40例)和瑞芬太尼+咪达唑仑组(40例),采用Ramsay及FLACC量表评估镇静、镇痛效果,记录治疗期间生命体征、呼吸机参数动态变化、脏器功能指标、瑞芬太尼及咪达唑仑应用总量、机械通气时间、PICU住院时间及费用、不良反应发生情况等。结果 2组患儿均能达到满意镇痛镇静效果。与咪达唑仑组比较,瑞芬太尼+咪达唑仑组达到镇静镇痛效果所需时间更短,Ramsay评估3~4级所占百分比增高,咪达唑仑用量降低,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。2组患儿治疗后心率、平均动脉压及自主呼吸频率均降低,但瑞芬太尼+咪达唑仑组在用药后3~24 h的心率、3~12 h的平均动脉压和自主呼吸频率下降更明显(P0.05)。与咪达唑仑组比较,瑞芬太尼+咪达唑仑组患儿用药后的6 h和12 h呼吸机潮气量及经皮氧饱和度均明显增高,呼气末二氧化碳水平明显降低,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。瑞芬太尼+咪达唑仑组停药至苏醒的时间、拔管时间、机械通气以及PICU住院时间均明显低于咪达唑仑组(P0.05)。2组患儿PICU住院费用、不良反应发生率以及用药前后肝肾功能差异均无统计学意义(P0.05),但空腹血糖比镇静前明显降低(P0.05)。结论 PICU机械通气患儿采用瑞芬太尼+咪达唑仑治疗方案能迅速达到镇痛、镇静目标,改善通气效果,减少镇静剂用量,耐受性良好。  相似文献   

目的 引进并评价中文版早产儿准备经口喂养评估量表的信度和效度.方法 翻译英文版早产儿准备经口喂养评估量表,并将形成的中文版应用于154例早产儿,测量其信度和效度.结果 中文版早产儿准备经口喂养评估量表的内部一致性信度Cronbach's α系数为0.817,评分者间总分一致性系数ICC为0.917(P <0.01),Spearman等级相关系数rs为0.927(P <0.01).量表的结构合理,可以经口奶瓶喂养和不能经口奶瓶喂养者评分比较,差异有统计学意义(P=0.000).量表诊断受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线下面积为0.858(P=0.000,95%CI:0.775 ~0.941).当评分界值为30分时,灵敏度为0.756,特异度为0.800,总一致性κ值为0.387(P=0.000),为最佳诊断临界点.结论 中文版早产儿准备经口喂养评估量表具有良好的信度和效度,可用于判断早产儿是否可以安全经口奶瓶喂养.  相似文献   

新生儿机械通气由于气管导管的刺激及气管管理造成的疼痛可以导致很多严重问题,如颅内出血、增加肺血管阻力、肺动脉高压[1]、喉头水肿、气管损伤等。由于患儿自主呼吸与机械通气节律不匹配引  相似文献   

目的:评价简体中文版儿童生命质量(PedsQLTM)哮喘特异性量表家长报告的信度和效度。方法:采用 PedsQLTM 哮喘特异性量表家长报告量表及自设一般情况问卷,对重庆医科大学附属儿童医院哮喘中心就诊的 233 例哮喘患儿及其家长进行问卷调查。用克朗巴赫α系数考核其信度,分别用探索性因子分析、相关分析考核其效度。结果:中文版 PedsQLTM 哮喘特异性量表家长报告全量表、症状相关问题、治疗相关问题、担心相关问题、沟通相关问题的α系数分别为0.86、0.80、0.78、0.89和0.93,表明量表有较好的内部一致性。通过因子分析共提取7个公因子,与量表基本结构一致,主成分累积贡献率接近 66%。4个维度得分与所含条目得分间均有较强的相关关系(r=0.41~0.92, P<0.01)。结论:中文版PedsQLTM 哮喘特异性量表家长报告有良好的信度和效度,与原语言版本一致,可适用于中国哮喘患儿健康相关生命质量评价。[中国当代儿科杂志,2010,12(12):943-946]  相似文献   

机械通气中镇静镇痛治疗策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在寒冷季节,我国甲型H1N1流感的防治工作更加艰巨,其中部分危重患儿需要呼吸机支持治疗。各地医疗机构加大投入力度,相继建立了ICU和抢救室,并配备了呼吸机等设备。但对于普通儿科医师和广大基层人员来说,对呼吸机的使用知识以及其在儿童的使用特点仍缺乏深入了解。为此,本刊特邀请部分急诊和重症医学专家进行呼吸机临床使用的专题笔谈。其目的是帮助临床一线的广大医师尽快熟悉和掌握呼吸机在儿童的使用,使呼吸机在抗击甲流的临床工作中发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

摘要 目的 研制以患儿和家庭为中心护理(PFCC)过程量表,并检验其信度和效度。方法 根据PFCC核心概念,结合访谈法结果和文献回顾编制PFCC初始量表,经2轮专家咨询和家长咨询后形成PFCC预试量表。选取2013年10~11月上海市2家儿童专科医院住院患儿的主要照顾者为调查对象。选取预试量表人群,通过项目分析对预试量表进行条目筛选、探索性因素分析进行维度划分,形成正式量表。再选取正式量表人群采用因素分析、信度分析和相关分析法等对正式量表的信度和效度进行评价。结果 预试量表人群共纳入调查对象230名,剔除32份无效问卷,最终198份(86.1%)问卷纳入分析。正式量表人群共纳入调查对象450例,剔除71份无效问卷,最终379份(84.2%)问卷纳入分析。正式量表包括40个条目。探索性因素分析共提取5个维度,各条目在其维度的负荷值为0.419~0.729,累计方差解释率为58.797%,验证性因素分析的各项指标均达到了理想值水平或可接受值水平。将5个维度分别命名为:患儿的情感支持、减少焦虑、专业照护和指导、信息支持、信任和被信任。各维度与量表总分的相关系数为0.841~0.956(P<0.01),各维度之间的相关系数为0.627~0.830(P<0.01)。量表总的Cronbach′s α 系数为0.966,5个维度的Cronbach′s α 系数在0.776~0.966。结论 研制的PFCC过程量表具有良好的信度和效度,可用作儿科病房患儿家属对住院过程的测量工具。  相似文献   

中文版脑瘫患儿手功能分级系统的信度和效度研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
摘要 目的 确定中文版脑瘫(CP)患儿手功能分级系统(MACS)的信度和效度。方法 通过分析现场操作评价和录像评价结果之间的关系确定MACS的重测信度;分析不同评价者间(家长、作业治疗师和康复医生)的评价结果确定MACS的评价者间信度;以CP患儿精细运动能力测试(FMFM)的分值为效标确定MACS的平行效度。结果 来自上海2家CP康复机构的124例4~18岁CP患儿参加了此项研究。男77例,女47例;平均(6.7±2.6)岁,4~7岁97例;~12岁24例,~18岁3例。其中痉挛型四肢瘫27例,双瘫48例,偏瘫38例,手足徐动型5例,共济失调2例,肌张力障碍型4例。粗大运动功能分级(GMFCS)Ⅰ级51例,Ⅱ级32例,Ⅲ级15例,Ⅳ级14例,Ⅴ级12例。2名作业治疗师的现场评价与录像评价结果显示,MACS具有良好的重测信度,ICC值分别为0.94(95%CI:0.90~0.96)和0.87(95%CI:0.80~0.92);同时MACS具有良好的评价者间信度,作业治疗师与家长现场评价间的ICC值为0.85(95%CI:0.77~0.91),2名作业治疗师现场评价间的ICC值为0.99(95%CI:0.99~1.00),不同家长现场评价间的ICC值为0.91(95%CI:0.66~0.98),2名作业治疗师录像评价间的ICC值为0.96(95%CI:0.94~0.97),作业治疗师与康复医生录像评价间的ICC值为0.94(95%CI:0.90~0.97);MACS与FMFM分值间具有良好的平行效度,Spearman相关系数为-0.71。结论 中文版CP患儿MACS具有良好的信度和效度,适用于中国开展CP患儿的手功能分级。在进行MACS评价时应充分考虑环境因素的影响,引导家长参与到MACS的评价工作中来。  相似文献   

儿科机械通气时咪唑安定血药浓度与镇静效应的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨机械通气患儿应用咪唑安定(MDZ)的理想血药浓度及与镇静深度间的相关关系。方法28例需机械通气患儿,首先予MDZ负荷量0.1mg/kg静脉注射,后以0.1mg/(kg·h)持续静脉输入,每1h进行1次Ramsay评分,使其保持3~5级。否则即调整MDZ剂量至0.15~0.25mg/(kg·h)。于持续静脉用药≥24h时,取血检测MDZ血药浓度。结果随着镇静深度增加,MDZ血药浓度由(83.2±7.5)ng/ml上升至(244.6±56.5)ng/ml,与Ramsay评分相关性良好(r=0.8523,P<0.05)。结论机械通气时维持理想的适度镇静,为Ramsay评分保持3~4级,此时MDZ血药浓度应维持80~160ng/ml。监测血药浓度可作为临床调整剂量的基础。  相似文献   

新生儿机械通气由于气管导管的刺激及气管管理造成的疼痛可以导致很多严重问题,如颅内出血、增加肺血管阻力、肺动脉高压[1]、喉头水肿、气管损伤等。由于患儿自主呼吸与机械通气节律不匹配引起的人机对抗亦是机械通气过程中的常见问题。  相似文献   

目的:确定中文版北极星移动评价量表(NSAA)应用在Duchenne型肌营养不良症(DMD)患儿的信度和效度。方法:纳入对象为2014年1月至2016年1月在复旦大学附属儿科医院康复科接受功能评估的DMD患儿,均经基因检测或肌肉活检明确诊断,能独立行走≥10 m,无严重认知障碍。2名物理治疗师同时对DMD患儿进行测试,检验不同测试者间的信度;同一评价者在第1次评价后3~7 d进行第2次评价,检测重测信度;采用《国际功能、残疾和健康分类》儿童和青少年版(ICF-CY)的类目编码与NSAA的项目概念进行关联,确定NSAA的内容效度;通过分析NSAA的分值与6 min步行距离的相关性进行关联效度分析。结果:2个治疗师对20名DMD男孩的不同测试结果间的信度分析显示,NSAA原始分和线性分信度ICC分别为0.96和0.97;1名治疗师前后3~7 d重测16名DMD男孩,NSAA的原始分和线性分具有很好的重测信度(ICC=0.96);NSAA17个项目共与8个ICF-CY编码发生了20次关联,8个编码都属于d4(移动)下属,表明NSAA的评价内容主要聚焦于DMD患儿活动能力中的移动能力;143例DMD男孩的NSAA原始分和线性分与6min步行距离具有中等程度的相关性(r分别为0.40和0.38)。结论:中文版NSAA量表无论是原始分还是线性分都具有良好的心理测量学特性,结合其他的评价指标,NSAA可以有效地评价中国DMD男孩的活动能力。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Severe hypoxaemia following sedation with morphine sulphate is reported during mechanical ventilation in an infant with severe hyaline membrane disease. The hypoxaemia was rapidly reversed with naloxone hydrochloride and was attributed to right-to-left shunting presumed secondary to pulmonary hypertension and not to alveolar hypoventilation or ventilation-perfusion imbalance.  相似文献   

近年来,无创通气在儿童呼吸支持领域有了较快发展。无创通气无需气管插管,操作简便,对部分呼吸道疾病有较为满意的疗效。但是,无创通气不能完全替代有创机械通气。在有些疾病无创通气不仅有着较高的失败率,而且会因气管插管的延误导致病情恶化,增加患儿的病死率。在行无创通气之前需评估患儿是否适宜进行无创通气治疗。对于进行无创通气治疗的患儿需严密监护,动态观察生理指标和监测数据的变化,掌握好气管插管的时机,以免造成有创机械通气治疗的延误。  相似文献   

??Objective??To work out sleep questionnaire scale which is suitable for investigating the sleep disorder status in snoring chilren in order to apply to clinical work. Methods??A total of 1017 children with over 2 months of snoring or mouth breathing aged 3 to 14 years were selected??and according to the scale formulation specifications??the item pool was formulated by combining with the theoretical knowledge of common sleep disorders in children and consulting a large number of literature. Then the primary scale was formed after the expert group modified or deleted some items. Forty items were selected as the final scale by using factor analysis method and then its reliability and validity was evaluated . Results The sleep questionnaire scale in snoring children was composed of five dimensions??40 items. In the aspect of reliability??the total Cronbach??alpha coefficient of the scale was 0.7373. The Cronbach’α coefficient of other dimensions was 0.5789 in snoring symptoms at night??0.6769 in symptoms associated with sleep and related diseases??0.7983 in behavioral symptoms??0.6038 in daytime sleepiness symptoms and 0.8354 in others’ evaluation on childrens’ drowsiness??respectively. In the aspect of structure validity??confirmatory factor analysis showed that the standardized coefficient load in 60% of entries was greater than 0.4??which was acceptable. Conclusion Sleep questionnaire scale in snoring children has good reliability and acceptable validity.  相似文献   

Children who were dependent upon home mechanical ventilation (HMV), suffered in various ways from the disastrous Hanshin-Awaji earthquake disaster. The earthquake abruptly cut the supplies of water, gas and electricity, causing intense anxiety for those families. Through loss of the respirator function, some of them experienced an unexpected catastrophe. In the disaster area, there were children who were dependent upon HMV (19 cases) and children who were preparing for HMV in hospitals (nine cases). Information was gathered from questionnaires about the disaster, communication and correspondence with families. None of the 28 cases died or were injured. Nineteen cases had a variety of problems. In eight cases, respiratory support problems were acute. Nevertheless, all of them survived the crisis successfully even in the midst of such a catastrophic situation. An organization of HMV children's families, called the Baku-Baku Club, helped families with HMV problems by supplying water, food, oxygen and compressed air cylinders among other things. Additional outside batteries for portable respirators are essential equipment for HMV, especially for emergencies. A manual for clarifying the system for support in the Baku-Baku Club and a registration system for public medical service should be established in preparation for such a crisis.  相似文献   

目的  了解机械通气患儿以小剂量芬太尼持续静脉滴注的作用。 方法  观察用药前后呼吸顺应性 (Cdyn)、气道阻力 (Raw)及呼气末二氧化碳分压 (PetCO2 )的变化。 结果   1个月~ 3岁患儿用药前后Raw及PetCO2 明显下降 ,肺部感染患儿指标变化显著大于非感染患儿 ,Cdyn用药前后均未发现显著差异。 结论  提示机械通气中用小剂量芬太尼可以减轻人机对抗 ,降低气道压 ,改善肺气体交换及肺功能 ,有利于患儿顺利地渡过危险期  相似文献   

新生儿呼吸支持技术的进步显著降低了新生儿病死率,然而,临床普遍应用的常频和高频机械通气仍然不能完全解决新生儿呼吸衰竭问题,新的特殊通气技术(如氦氧混合气通气和部分液体通气)是新生儿呼吸支持技术的发展,具有潜在的临床应用前景,值得深入研究.  相似文献   

Background: The results of many national surveys on pediatric home mechanical ventilation (HMV) in developed countries have been presented elsewhere, but data from developing countries with low national incomes are scarce. Methods: Twenty‐nine pediatric patients, treated in the Mother and Child Institute of Serbia, who had been receiving long‐term ventilatory support at home, were surveyed. The major criterion for initiating HMV was hypercapnia, diagnosed by blood gas analysis, performed in the morning, after awakening. Other criteria were either symptoms of hypoventilation during the night associated with an apnea index of >5, or apnoea–hypopnoea index of >15, or nocturnal hypoxemia, defined as an oxygen saturation rate of <90% for >5% of total sleep time. Results: The mean age at initiation of HMV was 9.3 years (range 0.5–17.8 years). Patients waited for HMV initiation either in hospital or at home; the mean period was 6.3 months (range 1–18 months). The subjects received HMV for a mean of 25.06 months (range 3–119 months). There was a significant difference in the duration of HMV for different underlying diseases (P= 0.046), and mechanical malfunction was strongly dependent on the duration of HMV (P= 0.011). Eleven patients underwent invasive HMV via a tracheostomy, and 18 others received non‐invasive ventilation, via nasal and full‐face masks. Conclusion: HMV is feasible in developing countries. Valuable reimbursement policies as well as an organized and functional network are essential for its implementation, as a standard of care in leading national pediatric hospitals.  相似文献   

??Mechanical ventilation is widely applied in NICU for various diseases. Routine administration of sedation??analgesia or muscle relaxation is not recommended. Benzodiazepine should be avoided in preterm infants. Muscle relaxants should be prescribed with caution. Caffeine citrate is highly recommended for preterm infants??1250 g within 3 days of age to prevent BPD. Diuretics and corticosteroids are not recommended for routine use in clinics but can be applied to the individuals with significant pulmonary edema or difficulty in extubation??or those remained on ventilator longer than 7 days.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Home care support is beneficial for children needing mechanical ventilation, when clinically stable. METHODS: A retrospective analysis was carried out of the long-term home ventilation management of a pediatric population with chronic respiratory failure composed of 20 ventilator-dependent children categorized according to age, diagnosis and ventilation support. Age groups consisted of 10% under 1 year, 30% between 2 and 5 years, 30% between 6 and 12 years, and 30% older than 12 years. Diagnostic categories included myopathic disorder, n = 5; congenital central hypoventilation syndrome, n = 6; chest wall disorder, n = 5; cystic fibrosis, n = 1; pulmonary hypertension, n = 1; and diaphragmatic paralysis, n = 2. RESULTS: Sixty-five percent were ventilated using non-invasive mode (NIMV): eight with nasal mask, five with full-face mask, and two children in NIMV also used negative pressure mode; 35% were ventilated using tracheostomy, one of them also used a diaphragmatic pacer. Seventy percent needed nocturnal ventilatory support, (20% 12-18 h, 10% full-day). A total of 18 children were included in the home care and follow-up program. Two children died: one because of worsening of his chronic disease and one because of septic shock. CONCLUSION: Although home care ventilation is not yet widely diffused, it represents a valid alternative to long hospitalization for children with stable chronic respiratory failure.  相似文献   

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