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Martin D 《Medical education》2003,37(12):1145-1153
OBJECTIVE: At the end of training, students seem to lack a basic understanding of how to take an organised, relevant medical and social history using a patient-centred approach. The aim of developing the map described in this paper was to provide a framework for such an approach. METHODS: Action research was used to continuously modify and refine an interview map that was used by medical clerks, family medicine residents, international medical graduates and practising doctors for teaching and learning purposes over a 10-year period. CONCLUSION: 'Martin's Map' provides a realistic framework for flexibly organising and integrating medical content with process that did not previously exist. The map provides medical educators with a standardised framework for talking about the medical interview, which helps learners understand how to use their medical knowledge with a patient-centred approach. Learners are able to visually see how they can take a focused medical and social history using a patient-centred approach, which subsequently seems to help them organise their thinking and approach during the medical encounter.  相似文献   

Making sense of grounded theory in medical education   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

OBJECTIVES: This paper outlines an approach to analysing qualitative textual data from interviews and discusses how to ensure analytic procedures are appropriately rigorous. OVERVIEW: Qualitative data analysis should begin at an early stage in data collection and be highly systematic. It is important to identify issues that emerge during the data collection and analysis as well as those that the researcher may have anticipated (from reading or experience). Analysis is very time-consuming, but careful sampling, the collection of rich material and analytic depth mean that a relatively small number of cases can generate insights that apply well beyond the confines of the study. One particular approach to thematic analysis is introduced with examples from the DIPEx (personal experiences of health and illness) project, which collects video- and audio-taped interviews that are freely accessible through http://www.dipex.org. EVALUATION: Qualitative analysis of patients' perspectives of illness can illuminate numerous issues that are important for medical education, some of which are unlikely to arise in the clinical encounter. Qualitative studies can also cover a much broader range of experiences - of both common and rare disease - than clinicians will see in practice. The DIPEx website is based on qualitative analysis of collections of interviews, illustrated with hundreds of video and audio clips, and is an innovative resource for medical education.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Data collected from undergraduate medical students for routine purposes on a non-consented basis, but subsequently perceived as being potentially valuable for research purposes, lie in an ethical grey area. Currently, such data appear to be used routinely without explicit consideration of ethical considerations. AIMS: This paper proposes a consistent framework that would permit the use of such data. It also provides an advance on current practice with regard to ethical considerations around the absence of consent. DISCUSSION: We argue that students should be informed of generic possible uses of such data and given the opportunity to opt out, that researchers should be able to analyse such data retrospectively, but should then seek ethical permission for publication, and that an ethics committee should determine if ethical practices have been upheld before giving permission for any study incorporating such data to be submitted for publication. FUTURE DIRECTIONS: It is hoped that these proposals will stimulate debate, and that the results of such debate will inform practice in medical schools and medical education publishing.  相似文献   

Context Portfolio‐based learning is a popular educational tool usually examined by document review which is sometimes accompanied by an oral examination. This labour‐intensive assessment method prohibits its use in the resource‐constrained settings typical of developing countries. Objectives We aimed to determine the feasibility and internal consistency of a portfolio‐based structured interview and its impact on student learning behaviour. Methods Year 4 medical students (n = 181) recorded 25 patient encounters during a 14‐week medical clerkship. Portfolios were examined in a 30‐minute, single‐examiner interview in which four randomly selected cases were discussed. Six standard questions were used to guide examiners in determining the ability of candidates to interpret and synthesise clinical data gathered during patient encounters. Examiners were trained to score responses using a global rating scale. Pearson’s correlation co‐efficient, Cronbach’s α coefficient and the standard error of measurement (SEM) of the assessment tool were determined. The number of students completing more than the required number of portfolio entries was also recorded. Results The mean (± standard deviation [SD], 95% confidence interval [CI]) interview score was 67.5% (SD ± 10.5, 95% CI 66.0–69.1). The correlation coefficients for the interview compared with other component examinations of the assessment process were: multiple‐choice question (MCQ) examination 0.42; clinical case‐based examination 0.37; in‐course global rating 0.08, and overall final score 0.54. Cronbach’s α coefficient was 0.88 and the SEM was 3.6. Of 181 students, 45.3% completed more than 25 portfolio entries. Conclusions Portfolio assessment using a 30‐minute structured interview is a feasible, internally consistent assessment method that requires less examination time per candidate relative to methods described in published work and which may encourage desirable student learning behaviour.  相似文献   

AIM: Because it deals with qualitative information, portfolio assessment inevitably involves some degree of subjectivity. The use of stricter assessment criteria or more structured and prescribed content would improve interrater reliability, but would obliterate the essence of portfolio assessment in terms of flexibility, personal orientation and authenticity. We resolved this dilemma by using qualitative research criteria as opposed to reliability in the evaluation of portfolio assessment. METHODOLOGY/RESEARCH DESIGN: Five qualitative research strategies were used to achieve credibility and dependability of assessment: triangulation, prolonged engagement, member checking, audit trail and dependability audit. Mentors read portfolios at least twice during the year, providing feedback and guidance (prolonged engagement). Their recommendation for the end-of-year grade was discussed with the student (member checking) and submitted to a member of the portfolio committee. Information from different sources was combined (triangulation). Portfolios causing persistent disagreement were submitted to the full portfolio assessment committee. Quality assurance procedures with external auditors were used (dependability audit) and the assessment process was thoroughly documented (audit trail). RESULTS: A total of 233 portfolios were assessed. Students and mentors disagreed on 7 (3%) portfolios and 9 portfolios were submitted to the full committee. The final decision on 29 (12%) portfolios differed from the mentor's recommendation. CONCLUSION: We think we have devised an assessment procedure that safeguards the characteristics of portfolio assessment, with credibility and dependability of assessment built into the judgement procedure. Further support for credibility and dependability might be sought by means of a study involving different assessment committees.  相似文献   

Vaughn LM  Baker RC 《Medical education》2004,38(10):1053-1060
BACKGROUND: Positive interpersonal relationships between teachers and learners increase the quality of learning. The purpose of this study was to investigate psychological size (perceived status) and psychological distance (perceived emotional connectedness) in medical teaching interactions and their impact on the teaching and learning process. METHOD: A total of 45 paediatric preceptor/resident pairs engaged in longitudinal continuity training experiences at different sites were surveyed about teaching effectiveness, satisfaction with teaching, and the psychological size and distance in the relationship between each pair. RESULTS: Both residents and preceptors perceived the resident as having a smaller psychological size compared to the preceptor. Residents perceived greater psychological distance in the relationship than did preceptors, and this distance was significantly related to both residents' satisfaction with particular preceptors and their perception of the preceptors' effectiveness. CONCLUSIONS: Psychological size and distance contribute to effective and satisfactory teaching. Investigating additional aspects of the teaching-learning relationship should help identify optimal educational conditions.  相似文献   

The role of the behavioural and social sciences in the postgraduate medical curriculum is considered. It is argued that the behavioural and social sciences can play a vigorous and dynamic part both in medical education and in medical practice. However, in order for that role to be achieved a Technik approach must be adopted. Technik means an emphasis on know-how, capability and on unifying theory and practice. It is suggested that the behavioural sciences frequently fail to excite interest because they adopt only a humanistic and/or critical approach at the expense of the needs of medical training. Some examples of a Technik approach drawn from health education, the management of chronic disease and surgical audit are briefly examined.  相似文献   

We describe the concept and method of video elicitation interviews and provide practical guidance for primary care researchers who want to use this qualitative method to investigate physician-patient interactions. During video elicitation interviews, researchers interview patients or physicians about a recent clinical interaction using a video recording of that interaction as an elicitation tool. Video elicitation is useful because it allows researchers to integrate data about the content of physician-patient interactions gained from video recordings with data about participants' associated thoughts, beliefs, and emotions gained from elicitation interviews. This method also facilitates investigation of specific events or moments during interactions. Video elicitation interviews are logistically demanding and time consuming, and they should be reserved for research questions that cannot be fully addressed using either standard interviews or video recordings in isolation. As many components of primary care fall into this category, high-quality video elicitation interviews can be an important method for understanding and improving physician-patient interactions in primary care.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To instill patient-centred attitudes in medical students, several medical schools in Japan have recently started to offer educational experiences in which medical students accompany outpatients throughout entire visits to hospitals. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the processes and outcomes of the educational experience of Year 5 medical students accompanying outpatients at Nagoya University Hospital. METHODS: An integrated, multimethod approach was adopted using a written survey with open-ended questions for students, focus groups with students, and a written evaluation survey for patients. In all, 99 students completed the survey, 19 students participated in 3 focus groups, and 46 patients participated in the evaluation. RESULTS: Many students were sceptical about the objectives of the exercise. We were able to gain insight into student perceptions about facets of the exercise such as the ratio of students to patients and whether or not students should wear white coats. In particular, there was consensus among students about the importance of the debriefing session after the experience. Students achieved different learning outcomes depending on their particular individual experiences. In the student survey, 49% were satisfied with this experience, 6% were dissatisfied, and 43% were neither. In contrast, patients were highly satisfied with the experience (mean score 4.2 out of 5.0 on a Likert scale). Some students expressed concern about being a burden to patients, while many patients reported feeling emotionally supported by being accompanied by students. CONCLUSION: An integrated approach to programme evaluation, using quantitative and qualitative methods, was useful in the process and outcome evaluation of this new educational experience. The results have been taken into consideration for quality improvement of this curricular element.  相似文献   

Summary. One aim of the course in general practice and public health medicine during the final year at the University of Sheffield is to help students to develop further their interpersonal communication skills with particular reference to their skills in interviewing patients. During the course students meet twice in small groups with a tutor in order to review audiotape recordings of interviews with patients seen during their general practice attachments. The main activity during these tutorials is group discussion of the interviewer's behavioural options at significant points during the interview. Students also listen individually with a tutor to an interview that they have recorded, discuss this interview and assess it against a set of explicit criteria as part of their summative course assessment. In response to an anonymous end-of-course questionnaire, 85% of students felt that their interview skills had been improved by the teaching and 68% that listening to their own recordings had been the most helpful aspect. During interviews with simulated patients recorded at the end of the course, students asked more open questions, fewer questions referring to physical symptoms, more questions referring to feelings, beliefs or behaviour and fewer questions of a check-list type than during interviews recorded at the start. A number of students also requested examples of specific events during the end-of-course interviews although none had done so at the beginning of the course. All of these changes were statistically significant and were in directions that were consistent with the teaching in the small-group tutorials.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Medical education is long and emotionally taxing. It can involve levels of stress that lead to disruptions in both physical and mental health. This qualitative study explores the views of Year 5 medical students on the causes of stress throughout their undergraduate medical training. METHOD: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 21 final year medical students at the University of Birmingham between January and May 2001. RESULTS: Pressure of work, especially in terms of preparing for examinations and acquiring professional knowledge, skills and attitudes were reported as the most stressful aspects of medical training. Transition periods, particularly between school and medical school, preclinical and clinical training, and clinical training to approaching qualification were highlighted as particularly stressful. A perceived lack of support from the medical school authorities also appeared to add to student stress levels. DISCUSSION: Student stress may be alleviated by greater guidance and support from the medical school during crucial transition periods. Aspects of professional socialisation may also need to be addressed to reduce the levels of stress associated with undergraduate training for future generations of medical students.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between psychological constructs related to professional and research integrity and moral reasoning among medical students. METHODS: Medical students, 2nd-year (n = 208, 85.6% of 243 enrolled students), answered the moral reasoning test-defining issues test 2 (DIT2) and the Machiavellianism and Paulhus socially desirable responding (SDR) scales. RESULTS: Students had the highest score on the post-conventional schema of moral reasoning (mean +/- standard deviation, 35.2 +/- 11.6 of a possible 95) compared with personal interest (27.2 +/- 12.3) and maintaining norms schemae (29.2 +/- 11.5; P < 0.001, repeated-measures anova). Female students scored higher than their male collegues on post-conventional moral reasoning (37.6 +/- 11.0 versus 31.2 +/- 22.4, P < 0.001, independent-sample t-test). Of all 4 Machiavellianism subscales students scored highest on deceiving, where female students scored higher than their male colleagues (24.5 +/- 4.2 versus 22.9 +/- 5.1 of a possible 30; P = 0.037, independent-sample t-test). Female students also scored higher on the impression management subscale, whereas their male colleagues scored higher on the self-deception subscale of the Paulhus SDR scale. Moral reasoning scores were associated with cynicism, deceiving and flattering Machiavellianism scores, but not with Paulhus SDR scores. Multiple regression analysis showed the Machiavellianism amorality score as a significant negative predictor (beta = -0.183, P = 0.017) and female sex as a positive predictor (beta = 0.291, P < 0.001) for the post-conventional schema score on the DIT2. The Machiavellianism flattering score was a significant negative predictor for the personal interest schema score (beta = -0.215, P = 0.006). CONCLUSIONS: Although moral reasoning is generally seen as independent of variables related to personality, our study indicated that Machiavellianism, especially its amorality and flattering subscales, were associated with moral reasoning. These results have important implications for teaching ethics and the responsible conduct of research in different cultural and socio-economic settings.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The practice of medicine demands that its physician practitioners are self-directed, life-long learners. The Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale (SDLRS) intends to measure adults' readiness to engage in self-directed learning. PURPOSE: The present study assesses the underlying factor structure of the SDLRS for a sample of entering medical students. METHODS: Over a period of 6 years, 972 first year medical students at the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine completed the SDLRS. To summarise the inter-relationships among variables, a principal axis factor analysis with oblique rotation was used on the 58 SDLRS items. A series of confirmatory factor analyses using LISREL 8.54 was performed to further examine the measurement model underlying the SDLRS. RESULTS: A 4-factor confirmatory model representing 4 correlated substantive factors and a reverse coding method factor fits these data well. CONCLUSIONS: Medical educators should hold limited expectations of the SDLRS to measure medical students' readiness to engage in self-directed learning. The definitions and theoretical assumptions that inform readiness for self-directed learning should be reconsidered. Alternative approaches to studying self-directed learning should be explored.  相似文献   

Conversation analysis, doctor-patient interaction and medical communication   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
INTRODUCTION: This paper introduces medical educators to the field of conversation analysis (CA) and its contributions to the understanding of the doctor-patient relationship. THE CONVERSATION ANALYSIS APPROACH: Conversation analysis attempts to build bridges both to the ethnographic and the coding and quantitative studies of medical interviews, but examines the medical interview as an arena of naturally occurring interaction. This implies distinctive orientations and issues regarding the analysis of doctor-patient interaction. We discuss the CA approach by highlighting 5 basic features that are important to the enterprise, briefly illustrating each issue with a point from research on the medical interview. These features of conversation analytic theory and method imply a systematic approach to the organisation in interaction that distinguishes it from studies that rely on anecdote, ethnographic inquiry or the systematic coding of utterances. CONVERSATION ANALYSIS AND THE MEDICAL INTERVIEW: We then highlight recent CA studies of the "phases" of the internal medicine clinic and the implications of these studies for medical education. We conclude with suggestions for how to incorporate CA into the medical curriculum. It fits with biopsychosocial, patient-centred and relationship-centred approaches to teaching about medical communication.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Although expert clinicians approach interviewing in a different manner than novices, OSCE measures have not traditionally been designed to take into account levels of expertise. Creating better OSCE measures requires an understanding of how the interviewing style of experts differs objectively from novices. METHODS: Fourteen clinical clerks, 14 family practice residents and 14 family physicians were videotaped during 2 15-minute standardized patient interviews. Videotapes were reviewed and every utterance coded by type including questions, empathic comments, giving information, summary statements and articulated transitions. Utterances were plotted over time and examined for characteristic patterns related to level of expertise. RESULTS: The mean number of utterances exceeded one every 10 s for all groups. The largest proportion was questions, ranging from 76% of utterances for clerks to 67% for experts. One third of total utterances consisted of a group of 'low frequency' types, including empathic comments, information giving and summary statements. The topic was changed often by all groups. While utterance type over time appeared to show characteristic patterns reflective of expertise, the differences were not robust. Only the pattern of use of summary statements was statistically different between groups (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Measures that are sensitive to the nature of expertise, including the sequence and organisation of questions, should be used to supplement OSCE checklists that simply count questions. Specifically, information giving, empathic comments and summary statements that occupy a third of expert interviews should be credited. However, while there appear to be patterns of utterances that characterise levels of expertise, in this study these patterns were subtle and not amenable to counting and classification.  相似文献   

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