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Pseudocryptogonimus pakistanensis n.g., n. sp., is described from freshwater fish Labeo rohita from Kalri Lake, Sind, Pakistan. It is characterised by possessing spines at the basal margin of oral sucker; testes, postequatorial, subsymmetrical; vitellaria lateral to ovary in middle of hindbody, confluent in postovarian region and reaching to level of testes; ovary flattened; genital pore antero-lateral to acetabulum; seminal vesicle large and ejaculatory duct long. Subfamily Neochasminae Van Cleave et Mueller, 1932 is being emended.  相似文献   

The life cycle ofBrachylaima ruminae n.sp. (Trematoda: Brachylaimidae), a duodenal parasite of rodents on the Mediterranean island of Formentera (Spain) is elucidated. The new species follows a terrestrial triheteroxenous life cycle. Eggs passed in the faeces of the definitive host must be ingested by a specific first intermediate host, the land snailRumina decollata. Branched cercariogenous sporocysts develop in the digestive gland. Microcercous cercariae come out through the terminal birth pores of the branches. Cercariae shed by the snail are terrestrial, crawling on humid substratum. They contact the second intermediate host, another land snail, principally the speciesR. decollata and less frequently slugs and Helicids. Cercariae enter via the excretory pore and kidney duct to their specific final location, the kidney. Unencysted metacercariae develop in the kidney (also, less frequently, in the pedal glands) to the mature, infective stage. Infective metacercariae infest the definitive host when ingested together with the snail.  相似文献   

Endogenous peroxidase activity in the submandibular gland of the house musk shrew, Suncus murinus was cytochemically investigated by light and electron microscopy using 3,3'-diaminobenzidine-tetrahydrochloride salt (DAB). The submandibular glands of male Suncus murinus at 8-month-olds were excised and diced into small pieces. In general, salivary glands are structurally divided into a terminal portion comprising a secretory portion and duct system. The submandibular gland of the Suncus murinus, the terminal portions consisted of proximal and distal acinar cells. On the other hand, a granular duct cell of the duct system contained a number of characteristic myelin-like bodies. In the present study, the peroxidase reaction products were localized in the secretory granules of the proximal acinar cells and in the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus and myelin-like bodies of the granular duct cells. These reaction products were reduced when 5 mM 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole was added to the reaction medium. Additionally, release of peroxidase into the lumen was observed. In conclusion, the proximal acinar and granular duct cells formed peroxidase and may have performed excretory secretions. Moreover, the peroxidase positive myelin-like body consisted of lamellated membrane and its outer surface membrane continued to the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

A new myxosporidian parasite is reported from the fresh-water fish,Esomus sp. (fam. Cyprinidae). It is characterised by the presence of one normal polar capsule with enclosed polar filament and a second rudimentary polar capsule. It has an iodinophilous vacuole in the sporoplasm. Since it does not fit the genusMyxobolus, which has two polar capsules and an iodinophilous vacuole, nor the genusThelohanellus, which has one polar capsule and an iodinophilous vacuole, a new genus and species is established to accommodate the form and the nameRudicapsula esomi n.gen. n.sp. is suggested.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird der Vertreter einer neuen Gattung beschrieben, Curtuteria numenii gen. nov., spec. nov., Trematoda, Echinostomatidae, Himasthlinae, aus dem Dünndarm von Numenius phaeopus (L.) von der Insel Hiddensee in der mittleren Ostsee. Von der Gattung Himasthla trennt ihn die Kürze des Uterus, ein deutlich abgegrenzter kleiner Prostatabezirk und die zahlreichen Divertikel der Exkretionshauptstämme im Vorderkörper, von Acanthoparyphium die Zahl der Kopfkragenstacheln (nicht 23, sondern 29) und das Fehlen eines hinteren Körperabschnitts hinter den Hoden, der bei Acanthoparyphium von den Dotterstöcken erfüllt wird.Mit 2 Textabbildungen  相似文献   

Lappnema auris n. gen., n. sp. induces the formation of large nodules on the ears of reindeer, Rangifer tarandus, in Finland; it occurs in subcutaneous capillaries of this organ. The morphology is degenerate. Females are viviparous, 5-6 mm long and 20-25 micrometers wide; infective larvae are almost 2 mm long and 10 micrometers wide. Males are unknown and spermatozoa have not been observed; parthogenetic reproduction seems likely. The genus is similar to Durikainema macropi Spratt and Speare, 1982, the only other aphasmidian from blood vessels and a parasite of marsupials in Australia.  相似文献   

Cotylophoron macrosphinctris sp. n. was recorded from the rumen of the African buffalo, Bubalus (Syncerus) caffer, Sparrman in Central African Empire. The most characteristic feature of this species is the presence of a strong genital sphincter by which it is easily distinguished from the hitherto known species of the genus.  相似文献   

Spilotylenchus arthuri gen. n., sp. n. (Nematodea, Tylenchida: Allantonematidae) parasite of the European rabbit flea Spilopsyllus cuniculi (Dale, 1878) is described from a material including parasitic females so as freeliving adults, male and female. Neoparasitylenchus megabothridis Laumond et Beaucournu, 1977 and N. laplandicus Rubtzov et Darskaya, 1981, are held to belong to this new genus. S. arthuri produce a locking of the oogenesis in female fleas.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In einer unter rund 1000 Wattschnecken (Hydrobia ulvae) wurden Psilosomatiden-Cercarien mit einem dorsalen Flossensaum gefunden. Die Cercarien encystierten sich zwischen Gehäuse und Mantel der gleichen Schnecke und wurden nach einer Woche an eine parasitenfreie Silbermöwe (Larus argentatus) verfüttert. Fünf Tage p.i. traten die ersten Eier auf, 9 Tage p.i. wurde im Darm der Möwe ein geschlechtsreifer Trematode gefunden, der, abweichend von den anderen Mitgliedern der Gattung Psilochasmus, glattrandige, breit-ovale Testes hat. Der hornartige Schwanzanhang, charakteristisch für Psilochasmus, war bei dem Exemplar eingestülpt. Er scheint bei dieser Art nicht stark ausgeprägt zu sein.
Psilochasmus aglyptorchis n. sp. (trematoda, psilostomatidae) and its life-cycle
Summary In one of about 1,000 Laver Spire Shells (Hydrobia ulvae) cercariae of the family Psilostomatidae with a dorsal finfold were found. Encystment took place between mantle and shell of the same snail. After one week the metacercariae were fed to a laboratory-reared Herring-Gull (Larus argentatus). The prepatent period is 5 days. After 9 days one adult trematode was found in the intestine of the gull. Contrary to the other members of the genus P. aglyptorchis has smooth, broadly oval testes. The horn-like posterior process was drawn in and seems to be not very distinct in this species.

Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

A new sanguinicolid blood fluke,Parasanguinicola vastispina, is described from sea bassLates calcarifer cultured in Malaysia. It is distinguished by its massive armature and widely spaced genital pores, the female pore being pre-ovarian.P. vastispina inhabits the branchial arteries, dorsal aorta, mesenteric venules and renal artery of its host. No pathological effect was observed in infected fish.  相似文献   

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