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1对象与方法1.1对象1998年5月~2001年2月共收治8例完全性失语症患者,均为男性,年龄43~66岁,脑出血3例,脑梗死5例;文化程度:大学2例,高中1例,初中4例,小学1例。根据BDAE失语症严重程度分级标准1级2例;0级6例。1.2治疗方法分别于患者病情平稳后2~4周开始一对一语言训练,1h/d,其余时间由家属配合每天为患者做两三次语言康复训练,方法如下:(1)由治疗师通过实物、图片、字卡、声音、手势、口型等多途径刺激,可以互相促进效果,因人而异,由易到难、由浅入深、循序渐进。(2)语言康…  相似文献   

1聋儿具备学习口语的基本条件正常儿童掌握口语主要依靠听觉、视觉和运动觉3方面的综合运用 ,其中听觉起着关键作用。聋儿虽然有听力障碍 ,但大部分聋儿具有学习有声语言的基本条件 :(1)绝大多数聋儿发音器官比较完善。(2)一般的聋儿都具有不同程度的残余听力 ,通过借助助听放大设备 ,可以有效地学习和理解有声语言。(3)教师可以借助视觉、触觉和运动觉对其进行语言训练。(4)心理学研究证明 ,3~7岁是聋儿学习掌握有声语言的重要时期 ,对聋儿进行口语训练应从这时抓起。2运用多种方法对聋儿进行口语训练2.1强化聋儿的发…  相似文献   

小儿麻痹后遗症是小儿主要运动障碍性疾病之一。主要表现为中枢性运动功能障碍和姿势异常。为提高小儿麻痹后遗症的综合康复治疗水平,从1996年~1998年本组根据患者年龄,功能障碍程度,将20例手术治疗的病历进行分组。A组为手术后,施行康复功能训练治疗,B组为手术后未进行康复功能训练治疗,总结如下。1资料与方法1.1一般资料A组:8例,男5例,女3例。10~15岁6例。16~21岁2例。B组:12例,男8例,女4例。年龄9~21岁。1.2治疗方法1.2.1手术方式见表1。1.2.2心理治疗在手术前当病…  相似文献   

体态语言又称“非词语性语言”,是人们在交流过程中使用的一种无声的信息交流方式。如:服饰、神态、手势、眼神、姿态、表情、双方位置的远近等。聋哑患儿由于语言表达和听觉功能障碍给康复治疗工作带来一定的困难。在工作中应使用有固定含义易被对方理解的体态性语言进行交流,影响患儿的心理状态是非常必要的。1对象与方法从1996~2000年,共收治23例聋哑患儿,其中男性患儿15例,女性患儿8例,肺炎12例(男8例,女4例),菌痢8例(男5例,女3例),胃肠炎3例(男2例,女1例),患儿均表现为内向性格,较孤僻,…  相似文献   

聋幼儿听力语言康复评估   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:探讨聋儿配戴助听器后不同的听力补偿效果与语言识别率、语音清晰度以及语言表达能力的关系。方法:应用统一试用的全国聋幼儿康复评估标准,分五个组对全国14 省市201 名聋幼儿进行听力语言康复评估,并经统计分析处理。结果:聋儿配戴助听器后不同的听力补偿效果与其它3 项均成正向相关,(r > 0.9,P< 0.05)。聋儿的语言表达能力与康复训练时间亦呈正向相关(r = 0.95, P< 0.01) 。结论:为聋儿科学地选配助听器,保证其良好的助听效果,并使其坚持长期的听力训练及语言学习是促进聋儿早期康复的首要条件。  相似文献   

聋幼儿听力语言康复评估   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
孙喜斌  郭占东 《现代康复》1999,3(11):1288-1289,1291
目的:探讨聋儿配戴助听器后不同的听力补偿效果与语言识别率、语音清晰度以及语言表达能力的关系。方法:应用统一试用的全国聋蚰儿康复评估标准,分五个组对生国14省市201名聋幼儿进行听力语言康复评估,并经统计分析处理。结果:聋儿配戴助听器后不同的听力补偿敏果与其它3项均成正向相关,(r>0.9,P<0.05)。聋儿的语言表达能力与康复训练时间亦呈正向相关(r=0.95.P<0.01)。结论:为聋儿科学地选配助听器.保证其良好的助听效果,并使其坚持长期的听力训练及语言学习是促进聋儿早期康复的首要条件。  相似文献   

1资料与方法 资料:我科在1999年5月~2000年5月共收治6例小儿臀部注射引起的坐骨神经损伤,受损神经主要为腓总神经。其中男4例,女2例,年龄2~12岁。 康复护理方法:应立即停止在该部位继续注射任何药物,适当休息,患肢在早期不能多活动,保持患肢功能位置,对患肢进行被动运动。最关键是每天坚持康复疗法,根据患儿年龄和患病程度不同选择不同康复护理措施。1~4岁小儿每天早晨给予被动做操按摩关节部位每次30min。5岁以上小儿每天嘱患儿训练站立平均和行走练习(1)站立平衡训练①双足分开 5~10cm以…  相似文献   

本文对8例脑性瘫痪(脑瘫)患儿开展早期运动康复干预,效果显著。现报道如下。1对象与方法1.1对象1999年4月~2000年4月以来我科门诊就诊的脑瘫患儿共8例,男5例,女3例;年龄1.5~3.5岁;痉挛型1例,松弛型4例,共济失调型1例,混合型2例。并经临床头颅CT、脑电图检查。1.2方法根据综合评定对每个患儿存在的运动障碍的程度制定有针对性的康复方案。主要目标为:放松其僵硬的肌肉;减少身体痉挛性姿势;训练正确的卧、坐、站、走等姿势。患儿生命体征稳定后,即可采取一对一方式进行运动功能训练。(1)…  相似文献   

0引言助听器始终处于最佳补偿状态是聋儿顺利成功康复的前提,然而聋儿由于自身特点所限,一般难以对其助听效果作出主观评价。因此,家长和康复教师掌握一些简便、易行的助听效果评估方法十分必要。1评估目的(1)明确助听效果;发现助听问题。(2)为优化助听效果提供重要依据。(3)为制定聋儿康复对策提供理论依据。2评估标准犤1-2犦2.1耳聋程度(dBHL)与助听效果轻度聋(26~40),可不用中度聋(41~55),效果最好;中重度聋(56~70),效果好;重度聋(71~90),效果较好;极度聋(91~110)…  相似文献   

脑卒中后运动障碍康复疗效的观察   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
赵瑞祥 《中国康复》1999,14(4):215-216
389例脑卒中偏瘫住院患者按病程分为3组:组1 120你,病程〈3个月;组2 164例,病程4~12个月;组3 105例,病程〉1年。3组患者在康复治疗前后均由康复医师采用上田敏篇瘫功能12级法和Barthel指数等方法对患者偏瘫肢体功能进行2~3次记忆评测。结果 3组患者康复治疗后在肢体运动功能、手的功能、步行能力以及日常生活活动等方面均有进步;病程〈3个月的明显优于4~12个月和〉1年的患者(  相似文献   

Eight congenitally profoundly deaf children, who had plateaued in their cued speech ability, were given three readability tests: phonemes; monosyllabic nonsense words; and monosyllabic nonense words in sentences. There were two conditions: 1. presentation with cued speech and lip reading; 2. presentation with lip reading alone. Both were given with minimal intensity levels. Resits obtained showed that condition 1 was significantly superior to condition 2 in all tests (Wilcoxon matched pairs signed rank test, .01). In both cued speech and lip reading only conditions, the level of proficiency was greatest in the test of phonemes. The proficiency was maintained at a higher level across the other two tests (nonsense words and nonsense words in sentences) when cued speech was used. The study was devised to examine the effectiveness of cued speech at the simplest level (phonemes and phoneme combinations). Further research is needed to examine the effectiveness of cued speech in the natural communication setting. This would involve the variables of rhythm, stress, and language learning.  相似文献   

目的:初步分析语前聋儿童耳蜗植入后言语康复效果的相关因素。方法:对多通道人工耳蜗植入的42例语前聋的聋儿,进行重建听阈、听觉能力、言语能力、智力评估,并调查他们的一般情况、家庭情况、术前助听器佩戴和训练情况等。结果:影响聋儿言语能力的因素包括:性别、年龄、植入后时间和开机时间长短及听觉能力。Logistic回归分析结果显示:植入后时间、耳聋到植入人工耳蜗时间、听觉能力情况与言语能力呈正相关,重建听阈与言语能力呈负相关。结论:对语前聋的聋儿,在人工耳蜗植入前佩戴助听器康复训练时间较长,植入后的重建听阈、听觉能力越好,进行科学培训的时间越长,其言语能力康复效果会更好。  相似文献   

Aims and objectives To explore the preferences of deaf people for communication in a hospital consultation. Methods Design – cross‐sectional survey, using a structured, postal questionnaire. Setting – survey of readers of two journals for deaf and hard of hearing people. Participants – 999 self‐selected individuals with hearing loss in the UK, including those who use sign language and those who use speech. Main outcome measures – preferred mode of communication. Results A total of 11% of participants preferred to use sign language within everyday life, 70% used speech and 17% used a mixture of sign and speech. Within a clinic setting, 50% of the sign language users preferred to have a consultation via a sign language interpreter and 43% indicated they would prefer to only have a consultation directly with a signing health professional; 7% would accept a consultation in speech as long as there was good deaf awareness from the health professional, indicated by a knowledge of lip‐reading/speech‐reading. Of the deaf speech users, 98% preferred to have a consultation in speech and of this group 71% indicated that they would only accept this if the health professional had good deaf awareness. Among the participants who used a mixture of sign language and speech, only 5% said they could cope with a consultation in speech with no deaf awareness whereas 46% were accepting of a spoken consultation as long as it was provided with good deaf awareness; 30% preferred to use an interpreter and 14% preferred to have a consultation directly with a signing health professional. Conclusions The hospital communication preferences for most people with deafness could be met by increasing deaf awareness training for health professionals, a greater provision of specialized sign language interpreters and of health professionals who can use fluent sign language directly with clients in areas where contact with deaf people is frequent.  相似文献   

郑虹  秦学玲 《华西医学》2003,18(3):315-316
目的:通过对已植入人工耳蜗的语前聋儿童在手术中,手术后早期和调试中所遇问题的总结,探讨术中术后和调机中的特别注意事项。方法:9例在我院接受人工耳蜗植入,开机至少6月的语前聋儿童被纳入本次分析。采用回顾临床资料和进行自由声场测试纯音,言语察觉率和开放式,闭合式言语分辨率的方法评价人工耳蜗补偿听力的效果。结果:全部患者均被成功地植入了人工耳蜗。手术并发症计有电极滑出耳蜗1例,术中穿破外耳道后壁2例,术后出现术侧面肌抽动2例。自由声场纯音听阈测试,均在30~35dB SPL。言语察觉阈35~40dB SPL;言语分辨率(除3例外),开放式大于50%,最佳者达到78%;闭合式大于80%。4例植入时间较长的学龄期儿童已进入普通小学学习。结论:人工耳蜗植入术加术后言语训练,能达到改善听力,提高语言能力的目的。并对术中寻找圆窗龛困难,术后出现的电极滑出和面肌抽动的原因及相应的对策进行了探讨。  相似文献   

目的比较聋人家庭聋生与健听人家庭聋生书面语言发展情况。方法对498名聋生的书面语言发展情况进行测验,对332名聋生家长和66名聋校教师进行调查。结果和结论聋人家庭聋生书面语发展情况与健听人家庭聋生不存在显著差异。  相似文献   

Purpose: Pilot study to assess the effect of augmentative and alternative communication technology to enhance language development in children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing.

Materials and methods: Five children ages 5–10 years with permanent bilateral hearing loss who were identified with language underperformance participated in an individualized 24-week structured program using the application TouchChat WordPower on iPads®. Language samples were analyzed for changes in mean length of utterance, vocabulary words and mean turn length. Repeated measures models assessed change over time.

Results: The baseline median mean length of utterance was 2.41 (range 1.09–6.63; mean 2.88) and significantly increased over time (p?=?0.002) to a median of 3.68 at final visit (range 1.97–6.81; mean 3.62). At baseline, the median total number of words spoken per language sample was 251 (range 101–458), with 100 (range 36–100) different words spoken. Total words and different words significantly increased over time (β?=?26.8 (7.1), p?=?0.001 for total words; β?=?8.0 (2.7), p?=?0.008 for different words). Mean turn length values also slightly increased over time.

Conclusions: Using augmentative and alternative communication technology on iPads® shows promise in supporting rapid language growth among elementary school-age children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing with language underperformance.  相似文献   

Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate speech therapy using electropalatography (EPG) in home training of persistent articulation errors in a cochlear implant user with hearing impairment. There was a particular focus on aspects of maintenance of training effects and possible transfer to connected speech.

Method: The participant was a young woman, deaf from early childhood and a cochlear implant user from pre-school age. Treatment effects were evaluated using a single-subject design with multiple measures.

Result: Instrumental and perceptual outcome measures showed a clear improvement in the production of the treatment target /ɡ/ in single words and sentences after 4 months of therapy (17 hours). The results were maintained at 3, 6 and 24 months after intervention. Also, /ɡ/ in connected speech, consisting of text reading and spontaneous speech, showed a significant difference between before and after treatment and at long-term follow-up.

Conclusion: The results show that EPG used in home training can be an efficient method for treating persistent speech disorders associated with hearing impairment and that the treatment effect appears to maintain.  相似文献   

耳蜗植入术后儿童听觉及语言发育的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语前聋儿童人工耳蜗植入后听觉和语言发育是研究的热点问题之一。最近的研究表明人工耳蜗植入术(cochlear implantation,CI)后的听觉和语言发育每年都有进步,并且进步的趋势有一定的规律性;植入年龄和植入术后最初的交流模式等因素对人工耳蜗植入术的听觉和语言发育影响非常显著,听觉行为分级标准(categories of auditory per-formance,CAP)、言语可懂度分级(speech intelligibility rating,SIR)、"onset of babbling onset and babblingspurt"和对儿童术后学习能力的综合评估是可靠有效的评估方法。本文对语前聋儿童耳蜗植入后的听觉及语言发育规律、评估方法以及影响术后效果的因素进行综述,以期为临床应用和研究提供帮助。  相似文献   

440例聋儿教育康复的效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨聋儿教育康复模式及效果,方法:对440例<7岁的聋儿分为2组,分别采用集中教育康复模式和家庭社区教育康复模式进行听觉语言训练,结果:440例聋儿经平均2年2个月的教育康复达到>3级60例,康复率13.6%,康复有效255例占58.0%,两种式康复效果经配对对照观察差异无显著性。结论:聋儿家庭社区教育康复模式适合我国国情,是传统集中教育康复模式的有效补充,具有更大的受益面,值得推广。  相似文献   

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