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适应性行为评估是智力残疾诊断与干预的必要依据。适应性行为的概念至今仍未有统一的观点,AAMR(2002)认为,适应性行为指的是概念、社会和应用3方面的技能,它的限制会影响个体的日常生活运作,进而影响其生活适应。对适应性行为进行评估的方法主要有测验法、行为观察法、功能性评估、生活质量评估和社会技能测量。无论使用什么方法进行评估,都应当以改善智力残疾个体现有状况为目的,考虑到各种评估方法的局限性,对智力残疾个体宜进行全面评估。  相似文献   

对智力残疾适应性的认知行为治疗   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
智力残疾人在理解情感、认知与行为之间的关系上有很大的困难,因此必须对患者做出适当及有意义的认知行为治疗,并将认知模型与患者的自身经历联系起来,对其日常生活进行基本训练.  相似文献   

智力残疾是指智力水平明显低于一般人,并显示社会适应行为的障碍,如日常生活自理,正常工作及人际交往等方面的能力低下。智力残疾包括:①在智力发育期间(18岁以前),由于各种有害因素导致的智力迟缓;②智力发育成熟后(18岁以后),由于各种有害因素导致的智力损害;③老年期的智力明显衰退。遵照国务院批准的全国残疾人抽样调查  相似文献   

国内外智力残疾状况与康复研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文总结智力残疾定义的新发展及当前中国对智力残疾的定义;对智力残疾的发生和等级进行分析,探讨导致智力残疾发生的因素,也对智力残疾的康复与干预等做了总结和分析。  相似文献   

目前老龄智力残疾人口越来越多。老龄智力残疾人主要面临生活转变、未来生活规划及情感理解等问题。本文从评估和管理疾病、看护者压力以及心理学家扮演何种角色等方面讨论对老龄智力残疾人实施的干预措施。  相似文献   

康复训练是提高精神分裂症患者生活能力和质量的重要手段。本文重点介绍总病程在5年以内的门诊患者的生活技能训练模式和具体训练方案。  相似文献   

创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)是灾后最严重的心身障碍,智力残疾患者对于创伤所造成的负面影响较普通人群更为敏感。目前存在的广泛争论使得对智力残疾患者PTSD的诊断较难理解,需要使用统一的诊断标准诊断智力残疾患者的PTSD,这对经验不足的临床医师来说仍是一个难题。  相似文献   

目的了解山西省智力残疾的数量、发生率、结构、地区分布、致残原因、需求等。方法采用多阶段抽样方法,全省共抽取22个县(市、区),88个乡(镇、街道),共调查75016人。由经过培训的调查人员按照规定程序进行调查,并填写相关表格。结果本次调查结果显示,智力残疾人数占调查总人数的0.34%,以三、四级为主。男性以青年残疾发生率最高,女性以童年最高。青年组一、二级残疾比例大于其他年龄段。农村智力残疾发生率显著高于城市(P<0.001)。智力残疾主要致残原因是脑疾病、原因不明、遗传、惊厥性疾病、其他外伤。只有43.8%的残疾人群接受过服务和扶助情况,救助项目局限于医疗服务与救助、贫困残疾人救助与服务、康复训练与服务等少数几个方面。不同人群主要康复需求不同。结论山西省智力残疾现状较为乐观,不存在较大性别歧视。扩大残疾人群接受服务和扶助范围,根据不同人群需求提供有针对性措施以及强化农村防残治残工作是今后工作的重点。  相似文献   

In the current case report, we implemented a treatment that improved the toileting skills at school for a 19-year-old-female diagnosed with mental retardation. The treatment program was implemented in a self-contained special education classroom. An ABAB single subject replication design was employed to evaluate the effects of the in class toilet training program. The number of occasions that the student was observed wet declined and the number of times she successfully used the bathroom for urination increased. There were significant treatment differences found for both behaviors. The overall outcomes demonstrate that a toilet training treatment program could be successfully instituted in the school setting. The positive and negative aspects of toilet training in the classroom are discussed.  相似文献   

智力落后研究的积极心理学取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现有的大量关于智力落后研究都集中在适应行为、生活质量、双重诊断、个性动机和家庭等领域,很少涉及幸福感、美德等。随着智力落后者生活条件的逐渐改善,有必要将关注点转移到其内在状态或积极方面的研究中去。随着积极心理学的蓬勃发展,作为积极心理学重要研究方向的积极体验和积极个人特质等研究结果,可以指导智力落后研究的新方向。智力落后在积极心理学领域可以扮演重要的角色,但仍需要进一步的研究和数据支持。  相似文献   

本文从训练的时机、原则、方法及不当便溺的处理四个方面,对弱智儿童的如厕训练相关问题作一介绍,希望能对弱智儿童康复工作者有所帮助。  相似文献   

Many people with mental retardation acquire self-care and daily living skills, but frequently they require additional supervision and prompting to ensure proficient performance. This study evaluated a program of peer-mediated instructional support to improve the independent skills performance of a young adult with mental retardation living in a community-based habilitation setting. In a multiple baseline design across four domestic tasks, the participant received instruction first from a staff member and then from a peer who also had mental retardation. The frequency of corrective prompts during each task was essentially eliminated with the peer-mediated intervention. The influence and applicability of peer supported instruction in habilitation programs is discussed.  相似文献   

By and large, people with mental retardation have not experienced the educational benefits, productivity gains, and personal enrichment that can result from the use of personal computers. Computer use has been restricted for individuals with mental retardation for several reasons, including the lack of opportunities to learn how to use computer hardware and software. One potential solution to this problem is to use the computer itself, through computer-delivered instruction, to teach basic computer skills. However, most currently available instructional software has been developed either for adults with full cognitive capacities or specifically for children. This study examined use of a multimedia software program designed for self-directed computer training and skill assessment for adults with mental retardation. Study participants with mental retardation used the software in a self-directed manner to increase their independence, speed, and accuracy in learning basic computer use skills.  相似文献   

在特殊教育领域中,体育可发挥健身和健心功能,提高智力落后学生的自理能力和社会适应能力。本文作者对国内外有关体育活动对智力落后儿童智力影响方面的研究进行综述,并在此基础上提出未来的研究方向和前景展望。  相似文献   

Quality of life and choice availability remain critical aspects of new treatment programs for persons with mental retardation. The present study preliminarily investigated a brief training program for staff members to increase choice availability in living environments. A program of education, modeling, role-play, and feedback was used over a 5–week period for staff members in two intermediate care facilities. Two other facilities served as controls. Results indicated significant improvement in overall level of choice availability from preintervention to follow up for the treatment but not the control group. Contrary to expectations, however, levels of adaptive and maladaptive behavior remained unchanged. This study indicates that a cost-effective training program may be useful for enhancing choice availability in the short-term, but that other choice-oriented procedures may be necessary to generate further changes in effective behavior.  相似文献   

Purpose: To describe the new definition of mental retardation developed by the American Association of Mental Retardation (AAMR) published in 1992. The previous definition was based on a deficiency model that identified "subaverage intelligence" using an intelligence quotient (IQ) score equal to or less than 70. The new definition places greater emphasis on adaptive skills and environmental support needs.
Scope: Defining mental retardation according to AAMR criteria reflects a significant paradigm shift from an absolute trait to a functional conception. The new definition is dynamic, attends to context, is inherently holistic—and, therefore—closely aligned with nursing theory. Diagnosis is a three-step process by which functional strengths and weaknesses are identified along 4 dimensions and 10 adaptive-skill areas. Identification of needed supports is incorporated within the three-step process.
Conclusions: Nurses can enhance holistic care by working to have AAMR's new definition adopted by government legislators and administrators of state and county agencies that provide mental-retardation services. Nurses should become active participants as interdisciplinary diagnostic team members as well as case managers. Nurse researchers and educators can contribute toward further developing AAMR's definition by standardizing assessment instruments, working to make diagnostic procedures more user-friendly, and researching the construct validity of adaptive-skill areas. Finally, nurses should help legislators and policy makers understand the sociocultural ramifications of AAMR's new definition.  相似文献   

目的 观察头针结合语言训练治疗智力低下儿童语言迟缓的临床疗效.方法 将40例智力低下患儿配对分为两组,每组各20例,治疗组采用头针结合语言训练治疗,对照组采用语言训练常规治疗.3个月为1个疗程.比较治疗前后的Gesell发育商(DQ)适应性评分和语言DQ评分.结果 治疗后两组的适应性DQ和语言DQ评分均较治疗前增高(P<0.05);治疗后两组比较,治疗组优于对照组(P<0.05).结论 头针结合语言训练治疗智力低下儿童语言障碍优于单纯语言训练治疗.  相似文献   

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