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目的对称量法在膳食调查主食称量中的应用进行改进,使操作更方便、结果更准确。方法采用电子秤对构成主食的原料及成品摄入进行称量并推理计算。结果针对主食制作的特点,对含馅类主食采用分解称量法,对摄入比例不均匀的主食采用估计修正参数法,推理计算出构成主食的原料摄入量。结论利用该称量计算方法,可方便准确计算主食的原料摄入量。  相似文献   

老年住院糖尿病患者膳食营养分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的评价老年糖尿病患者的膳食质量。方法根据体质指数(BMI)将2001年10月~2002年12月在本院住院的老年糖尿病患者107例分为正常体型组52例(BMI22.6±1.6);超重体型组55例(BMI27.8±2.4)。采用24小时膳食回顾法,分析患者的膳食能量、三大产能营养素摄入量及来源。结果正常体型组能量、脂肪摄入均大于标准供给量,差异有显著性(P<0.01)其中脂肪超过标准供给量10%;超重体型组能量、碳水化合物、蛋,白质、脂肪摄入均超过标准供给量10%(P<0.01或P<0.05)。两组患者谷类食物、动物性蛋白质及脂肪摄入超过标准量10%,差异有显著性(P<0.01);植物脂肪超过标准供给量,但未超过10%。非谷类食物、植物性蛋白质低于标准供给量,差异有显著性(P<0.01)其中正常体型组非谷类食物摄入低于标准量10%。两组胆固醇摄入量均>300mg/d。结,论老年糖尿病患者的膳食结构不合理,需要合理调整,超重体型组是重点干预对象。  相似文献   

对1995-2004年13562例糖尿病住院患者进行回顾性统计调查和分析,结果如下。  相似文献   

目的了解住院患者膳食营养的实施情况,为开展膳食治疗提供科学依据。方法对内科住院病人6种治疗膳食进行为期l周的就餐情况调查。结果糖尿病低碳水化合物膳食的就餐率、符合率在90%以上,高血压、心衰、钠潴留病人低盐膳食,肝胆胰疾患、高脂血症的低脂膳食,胃肠道疾患病人的少渣软食,尿毒症、肝硬化等肝肾功能不全病人低蛋白膳食的就餐率、符合率为70%以上,而痛风及尿酸结石病人低嘌呤膳食的就餐率、符合率仅为68.3%、71.4%。结论应加强营养知识的宣教,指导各类疾病病人科学合理膳食,以提高医疗效果和加速病患的整体康复水平。  相似文献   

膳食实物测试对住院糖尿病患者膳食认知的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究由河南省人民医院营养室设计的膳食实物测试方法,对住院糖尿病患者膳食认知的影响.方法 选择134例住院糖尿病患者,给予一日糖尿病标准餐进行膳食实物测试,分别测量测试前后患者对油、盐、主食、蔬菜、肉类五类食物的摄入量的自我评价,采用非参数检验对测试结果的均值进行差异显著性分析.结果 糖尿病患者对油、盐、主食、肉类四类食物摄入量的自我评价,测试后高于测试前,差异有统计学意义(Z值分别为-4.642,-8.700,-2.218,-5.528,P〈0.05);而对蔬菜摄入量的自我评价,测试前后差异无统计学意义(Z=-1.385,P〉0.05).结果 显示糖尿病患者接受膳食实物测试后,对油、盐、主食、肉类四类食物摄入量的认知有明显改变,尤其是油、盐和肉类;而对蔬菜摄入量的认知改变不明显.结论 膳食实物测试可以显著改变糖尿病患者对日常膳食摄入量的认知情况.  相似文献   

目的:探讨品管圈活动在提高患者对医院膳食满意度的应用效果。方法:运用品管圈管理方法,分析住院患者对医院膳食不满意的主要原因,采取相应措施,比较活动前后第三方病人满意度调查。结果:实施品管圈活动后患者对医院膳食科满意度比较2017年度比2018年度由81.19%提高到85.09%。结论:基于质量指标监控的品管圈活动能有效提高住院患者满意度,在持续改善患者服务,不断提升人民群众看病就医获得感方面有成效。  相似文献   

构建糖尿病患者膳食管理模式的探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]为糖尿病患者提供一套合理完整的营养治疗管理方案. [方法]根据纳入标准选择2型糖尿病患者100例,随机分为膳食管理组(实验组)与对照组,各50人(男、女患者相同).实验组设定个体化营养治疗方案,对照组执行传统的DM饮食医嘱. [结果]6个月后,膳食管理组的血糖和糖化血红蛋白均比对照组有明显的下降. [结论]对糖尿病患者实施膳食管理,对血糖控制效果更为显著.  相似文献   

目的 调查2013至2015年北京协和医院老年患者住院就餐的实际营养摄入状况,旨在分析医院营养科对老年住院患者的营养管理水平。方法 采用连续定点采样方法,抽取2013年5月至2015年10月每月第1、15和29天所有订餐老年住院患者的营养摄入及就餐率,计算能量、蛋白质、钙、维生素A、维生素B1和维生素C摄入量,与国家膳食参考摄入量进行比较,并分析糖尿病膳食与基本膳食营养摄入的差异。结果 共纳入8 402例老年住院患者90 d的订餐数据。研究期间该群体平均就餐率为(50.1±4.2)%,低于全院总就餐率(59.0±4.0)%(P<0.001)。老年住院患者由医院膳食获得的营养素仅蛋白质达到目标值[男(103.1±47.3)%,女(98.3±33.8)%],个体达标率分别为63.2%和59.8%,而其他几种营养素均较低。糖尿病膳食组能量[(73.3±26.3)%比(62.1±38.2)%]及营养素摄入量占目标值百分比[蛋白质:(119.1±41.2)%比(93.3±65.1)%,P<0.001;钙:(55.5±26.7)%比(34.3±34.2)%,P<0.001;维生素A:(75.2±48.3)%比(57.4±97.1)%,P<0.001;维生素B1:(76.4±38.2)%比(52.1±46.6)%,P<0.001;维生素C:(92.2±51.4)%比(49.3±55.0)%,P<0.001]均显著高于基本膳食组。结论 老年住院患者由医院膳食摄取量不能满足营养需求,推行由医师和营养师制定的医用膳食有助于提高医院营养管理水平。  相似文献   

目的:分析苏州市立医院北区住院患者满意度影响因素,为进一步提高住院患者膳食满意度提供参考。方法:对医院2017年4季度至2020年1季度共10个季度的住院患者膳食满意度的第三方调查结果数据进行对比,发现2019年3季度的住院患者膳食满意度较之前有显著提高,并且在2019年4季度和2020年1季度的住院患者膳食满意度皆维持在90分左右的高位。对313名住院患者进行问卷调查,回收有效问卷280份,对问卷数据进行探索性因子分析和结构方程模型SEM分析。结果:住院患者满意度影响因素有三个:膳食品种丰富卫生、膳食供应服务、膳食品质,他们的影响力(权重)分别为37.495%、37.144%、25.359%。结论:积极改进膳食品种、膳食供应服务、膳食品质,有助于提高住院患者膳食满意度。  相似文献   

在为糖尿病患者营养咨询时,发现一部分糖尿病患者对如何合理有效地进行饮食控制和治疗,存在着一些认识上和心理上的误区,使病情反复波动,有的患者过早地出现了并发症。现将一些带有普遍性的问题整理出来,供广大糖尿病患者参考。  相似文献   

"Patient Portals" enable patients to review their medical record and add information to it. Clinics are using "E-Visits" to substitute for a face-to-face office visit. This article describes the experience of one healthcare system with "Patient Portals" and "E-Visits."  相似文献   

Staple food preference vary in populations, but evidence of its associations with obesity phenotypes are limited. Using baseline data (n = 105,840) of the Regional Ethnic Cohort Study in Northwest China, staple food preference was defined according to the intake frequency of rice and wheat. Overall and specifically abdominal fat accumulation were determined by excessive body fat percentage and waist circumference. Logistic regression and equal frequency substitution methods were used to evaluate the associations. We observed rice preference (consuming rice more frequently than wheat; 7.84% for men and 8.28% for women) was associated with a lower risk of excessive body fat (OR, 0.743; 95%CI, 0.669–0.826) and central obesity (OR, 0.886; 95%CI, 0.807–0.971) in men; and with lower risk of central obesity (OR, 0.898; 95%CI, 0.836–0.964) in women, compared with their wheat preference counterparties. Furthermore, similar but stronger inverse associations were observed in participants with normal body mass index. Wheat-to-rice (5 times/week) reallocations were associated with a 36.5% lower risk of normal-weight obesity in men and a 20.5% lower risk of normal-weight central obesity in women. Our data suggest that, compared with wheat, rice preference could be associated with lower odds ratios of certain obesity phenotypes in the Northwest Chinese population.  相似文献   

Testing patients for respiratory viruses should guide isolation precautions and provide a rationale for antimicrobial drug therapies, but few studies have evaluated these assumptions. To determine the association between viral testing, patient outcomes, and care processes, we identified adults hospitalized with respiratory symptoms from 2004 through 2012 at a large, academic, tertiary hospital in Canada. Viral testing was performed in 11% (2,722/24,567) of hospital admissions and was not associated with reduced odds for death (odds ratio 0.90, 95% CI 0.76–1.10) or longer length of stay (+1 day for those tested). Viral testing resulted in more resource utilization, including intensive care unit admission, but positive test results were not associated with less antibiotic use or shorter duration of isolation. Results suggest that health care providers do not use viral test results in making management decisions at this hospital. Further research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of respiratory infection control policies.  相似文献   

The Healthy Start scheme replaced the Welfare Food Scheme throughout the UK in late 2006. It provides pregnant women and young children from low-income backgrounds with vouchers for fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as milk and infant formula and free vitamins. Pregnant women aged under 18 are eligible for Healthy Start vouchers regardless of income. People applying for Healthy Start must obtain the signature of their registered health visitor, midwife or doctor. Health professionals can use the scheme as a practical way of encouraging healthy eating, breast-feeding and sound infant nutrition.  相似文献   

Play is critical to children's development in social, cognitive, and affective domains Children actively construct meaning through playful interaction with people and objects Play materials and environments in turn, affect the level structure and content of children's play The following article discusses these issues and the application of contemporary architectural design and current research findings on play environments to the special problems of hospitalized children Concerns related to separation from family and routine unfamiliar hospital personnel and procedure institutionalization and temporary immobility can be constructively dealt with by thoughtful planning for childrens play Specific suggestions with respect to designing play spaces in hospitals are offered based on current theory and research.  相似文献   

《Children's Health Care》2013,42(4):135-138
Play is critical to children's development in social, cognitive, and affective domains Children actively construct meaning through playful interaction with people and objects Play materials and environments in turn, affect the level structure and content of children's play The following article discusses these issues and the application of contemporary architectural design and current research findings on play environments to the special problems of hospitalized children Concerns related to separation from family and routine unfamiliar hospital personnel and procedure institutionalization and temporary immobility can be constructively dealt with by thoughtful planning for childrens play Specific suggestions with respect to designing play spaces in hospitals are offered based on current theory and research.  相似文献   



Data for the assessment of frailty in acutely ill hospitalized older adults remains limited. Using the Frailty Index (FI) as “gold standard,” we compared (1) the diagnostic performance of 3 frailty measures (FRAIL, Clinical Frailty Scale [CFS], and Tilburg Frailty Indicator [TFI]) in identifying frailty, and (2) their ability to predict negative outcomes at 12 months after enrollment.


Prospective cohort study.


We recruited 210 patients (mean age 89.4 ± 4.6 years, 69.5% female), admitted to the Department of Geriatric Medicine in a 1300-bed tertiary hospital.


Premorbid frailty status was determined. Data on comorbidities, severity of illness, functional status, and cognitive status were gathered. We compared area under receiver operator characteristic curves (AUC) for each frailty measure against the reference FI. Multiple logistic regression was used to examine the independent association between frailty and the outcomes of interest.


Frailty prevalence estimates were 87.1% (FI), 81.0% (CFS), 80.0% (TFI), and 50.0% (FRAIL). AUC against FI ranged from 0.81 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.72–0.90: FRAIL) to 0.91 (95% CI 0.87–0.95: CFS). Only FRAIL was associated with higher in-hospital mortality (6.7% vs 1.0%, P = .031). FRAIL and CFS were significantly associated with increased length of hospitalization (10 [6.0–17.5] vs 8 [5.0–14.0] days, P = .043 and 9 [5.0–17.0] vs 7 [4.25–11.75] days, P = .036, respectively). CFS and FI were highly associated with mortality at 12-month (CFS, frail vs nonfrail: 32.9% vs 2.5%, P < .001, and FI, frail vs nonfrail: 30.6% vs 3.7%, P < .001). CFS also conferred the greatest risk of 12-month mortality (odds ratio [OR] 5.78, 95% CI 3.19–10.48, P < .001) and composite outcomes of institutionalization and/or mortality (OR 3.69, 95% CI 2.31–5.88, P < .001), adjusted for age, sex, and severity of illness.


Our study affirms the utility of frailty assessment tools among older persons in acute care. FRAIL conferred highest risk of in-hospital mortality. However, CFS had greatest risk of mortality and institutionalization within 12 months.  相似文献   

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