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Approximately 50 different chromosomal translocations of the human MLL gene are currently known and associated with high-risk acute leukemia. The large number of different MLL translocation partner genes makes a precise diagnosis a demanding task. After their cytogenetic identification, only the most common MLL translocations are investigated by RT-PCR analyses, whereas infrequent or unknown MLL translocations are excluded from further analyses. Therefore, we aimed at establishing a method that enables the detection of any MLL rearrangement by using genomic DNA isolated from patient biopsy material. This goal was achieved by establishing a universal long-distance inverse-PCR approach that allows the identification of any kind of MLL rearrangement if located within the breakpoint cluster region. This method was applied to biopsy material derived from 40 leukemia patients known to carry MLL abnormalities. Thirty-six patients carried known MLL fusions (34 with der(11) and 2 with reciprocal alleles), whereas 3 patients were found to carry novel MLL fusions to ACACA, SELB, and SMAP1, respectively. One patient carried a genomic fusion between MLL and TIRAP, resulting from an interstitial deletion. Because of this interstitial deletion, portions of the MLL and TIRAP genes were deleted, together with 123 genes located within the 13-Mbp interval between both chromosomal loci. Therefore, this previously undescribed diagnostic tool has been proven successful for analyzing any MLL rearrangement including previously unrecognized partner genes. Furthermore, the determined patient-specific fusion sequences are useful for minimal residual disease monitoring of MLL associated acute leukemias.  相似文献   

Botrocetin isolated from the venom of Bothrops jaracara has been shown by others to induce binding of von Willebrand Factor to glycoprotein Ib and thereby produce platelet agglutination in a wide range of animal species. We have found that botrocetin also facilitates the agglutination of megakaryocytes and have used this property to develop a method to isolate megakaryocytes from rat bone marrow. When botrocetin is added to a mixture of rat bone marrow, rat platelets, and rat plasma, coagglutination of megakaryocytes and platelets occurs. The agglutinated complexes, containing > 95% of the megakaryocytes, may then be separated from the remaining marrow cells by filtration. Megakaryocytes account for 39% (range 30%-48%) of the isolated cells and 83% (range 77%-88%) of the isolated cell mass. This method allows the virtually complete removal of megakaryocytes from bone marrow as well as their isolation to a high degree of purity. It should provide a useful, inexpensive, general method for the rapid isolation of megakaryocytes from multiple, small marrow samples from a wide range of species.  相似文献   

A rapid, simple method for isolation of viable microfilariae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe a rapid, efficient method for purifying Loa loa microfilariae from blood that does not affect their longterm motility. It is based on the separation of microfilariae on a performed discontinuous Percoll gradient, followed by filtration on cellulose ester membranes. The parasite population, after isolation, is close to 100% pure, 100% viable and remains motile for at least 20 days. Recovery from original blood samples is typically around 90%. The method, because of its simplicity and minimal material requirements, could be used with up to 210 ml of blood. It also allows the isolation of Mansonella perstans microfilariae.  相似文献   

A rapid, inexpensive, simple, and accurate multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was developed in a single tube for identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Assessment of sensitivity and specificity of simple PCR was performed with 116 strains of M. tuberculosis complex (MTC) and 144 strains of nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) compared with the biochemical method. Specific amplification of KS4, MTC-specific DNA fragment, was found in 98% (114/116) of MTC and not detected in 99% (143/144) of NTM. Amplification of the mtp40 gene revealed 95% sensitivity (100/105 strains of M. tuberculosis) and 77% specificity (not found in 119/155 mycobacterial strains). A multiplex PCR method based on the combination of KS4- and mtp40-derived primers was used for identification of M. tuberculosis. Crude DNA from slow growing mycobacteria with cream rough colonies that showed both 768-bp amplified product for KS4 and 396-bp for mtp40 was identified as M. tuberculosis whereas that from MTC gave only the 768-bp product.  相似文献   

Prior studies have shown that Onchocerca volvulus DNA can be detected in skin snips and in black flies after polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primers specific for repeated "O-150" DNA sequences. We have adapted a paper chromatography hybridization assay (PCHA) to detect amplified O-150 DNA and compared this method to two established methods, namely agarose gel electrophoresis (AGE) and hybridization enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The minimum amounts of purified O-150 DNA detected by PCHA, AGE, and ELISA were 5, 10, and 2 ng, respectively. The three methods had similar estimated sensitivities for detecting O. volvulus DNA amplified from skin snips from African subjects with onchocerciasis (88%, 84%, and 91%, respectively). No false positive results were observed with skin snips from uninfected control subjects. The paper chromatography hybridization assay detects PCR products in 30 minutes without electricity or special equipment. This technology brings DNA detection a step closer to widespread use in field settings.  相似文献   

简便快速分离日本血吸虫未成熟虫卵方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨一种快速的日本血吸虫卵分离纯化方法,解决虫卵常规分离法存在耗费时间长、纯度不高及结构破坏等问题。方法在前人的工作基础上,对虫卵分离方法进行改进,采用反复过筛、加胰酶消化并结合离心去上清的方法。结果在短时间内获得了纯净的虫卵,所得虫卵结构完整,虫卵得率显著提高。结论该方法适宜于血吸虫卵的快速分离、纯化,为虫卵抗原制备及其抗原分析、鉴定提供了条件。  相似文献   

Current efforts to map the human genome are focused on individual chromosomes or smaller regions and frequently rely on the use of somatic cell hybrids. We report the application of the polymerase chain reaction to direct amplification of human DNA from hybrid cells containing regions of the human genome in rodent cell backgrounds using primers directed to the human Alu repeat element. We demonstrate Alu-directed amplification of a fragment of the human HPRT gene from both hybrid cell and cloned DNA and identify through sequence analysis the Alu repeats involved in this amplification. We also demonstrate the application of this technique to identify the chromosomal locations of large fragments of the human X chromosome cloned in a yeast artificial chromosome and the general applicability of the method to the preparation of DNA probes from cloned human sequences. The technique allows rapid gene mapping and provides a simple method for the isolation and analysis of specific chromosomal regions.  相似文献   

This work describes a multifunctional phage lambda expression vector system, lambda YES, designed to facilitate gene isolation from eukaryotes by complementation of Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutations. lambda YES vectors have a selection for cDNA inserts using an oligo adaptor strategy and are capable of expressing genes in both E. coli and S. cerevisiae. They also allow conversion from phage lambda to plasmid clones by using the cre-lox site-specific recombination system, referred to here as automatic subcloning. A simple method has been developed for the conversion of any plasmid into a phage lambda cDNA cloning vector with automatic subcloning capability. cDNA libraries constructed in these vectors were used to isolate genes from humans and Arabidopsis thaliana by complementation of yeast and bacterial mutations, respectively.  相似文献   

A cDNA library was constructed by using rabbit spleen poly(A)+RNA as template, and from this library was isolated a cDNA clone, p2a2, that encodes 179 amino acids of the heavy chain of rabbit IgG. The nucleotide sequence of p2a2 showed that it encodes the COOH-terminal eight amino acids of the CH1 domain, the hinge region, the CH2 domain, and the NH2-terminal half of the CH3 domain of C gamma. Southern blot hybridization analysis of rabbit sperm DNA showed that two EcoRI fragments hybridized strongly with the C gamma cDNA. The p2a2 cDNA was used as a probe to isolate recombinant Charon 4A phage clones containing C gamma sequences from a genomic library of rabbit liver DNA. Two distinct DNA segments were identified by restriction mapping and hybridization analysis, suggesting that the haploid rabbit genome may contain two different C gamma genes.  相似文献   

A procedure that uses the PCR to make rapid successive steps through a random-primed cDNA library has been developed to provide a method for sequencing very long genes that are difficult to obtain as a single clone. In each successive step, the portions of partial clones that extend out from the region of known DNA sequence are amplified by two stages of PCR with nested, outward-directed primers designed approximately 50 bases in from the end of the known sequence, together with a general primer based on the sequence of the vector. This procedure has been used to determine the coding sequence of the cDNA for the beta heavy chain of axonemal dynein from embryos of the sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla. By starting from a single parent clone, whose translated amino acid sequence overlapped the microsequence of a tryptic peptide of the beta heavy chain, and making 3 such walk steps downstream and 14 walk steps upstream, we obtained a sequence of 13,799 base pairs that had an open reading frame of 13,398 base pairs. This sequence encodes a polypeptide with 4466 residues of Mr 511,804 that is believed to correspond to the complete beta heavy chain of ciliary outer arm dynein.  相似文献   

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