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Nimorazole, a 5-Nitromidazole compound has been shown in animal studies to have similar radiosensitizing properties to misonidazole at clinically acceptable dose levels. The drug is well absorbed in humans after oral administration with peak plasma levels occurring around 90 min after ingestion (range 35-135 min) and a plasma half life between 2 and 4.8 hours. Total doses of Nimorazole up to 60 grams given in daily doses with conventional radiation therapy have demonstrated a significant lack of side effects, in particular no demonstrable neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

Ro 03-8799, a lipophilic nitroimidazole with a basic side chain, has now been administered intravenously to 69 patients. The elimination half-life in plasma was 5.1 hr and the plasma concentration at 30 min was 14.8 μg/ml standardized to a dose of 1 g per square meter of surface area. Immediate symptoms of malaise, heat, sweating and disorientation limit the amount of the drug which may be given on any one occasion. However, a dose of 750 mg per square meter of surface area may be given combined with daily radiotherapy. Our data suggest that when given with a 20 fraction course of radiotherapy, sensitization of hypoxic cells may be achieved equal to a 10-fold increase in the dose of misonidazole above that presently permitted.  相似文献   

From March 15, through August 31, 1983, 37 patients have been entered on the RTOG Phase I trial of SR-2508. The drug was given intravenously three times weekly for three weeks. The starting total dose was 11.7 g/m2 and the highest total dose given was 32 g/m2. The lower lipophilicity of SR-2508 has produced the expected decrease in terminal half-life (5.4 hrs) of drug excretion and increase in total drug excreted unchanged in the urine (71%) compared to misouidazole or desmethylmisonidazole. The maximum single dose (3.7 g/m2) administered was well tolerated. With multiple doses peripheral neuropathy is the dose-limiting toxicity. The lowest cumulative dose producing toxicity was 21.6 g/m2, the highest non-toxic dose was 29.7 g/m2. The use of an individual patient's drug exposure as measured by the area under the curve of drug concentration vs time may be an excellent predictor of toxicity. This may eventually permit individualization of dose and prevention of serious toxicity. A single dose of 2 g/m2 will produce a tumor concentration of drug (approx. 100 μg/ml) that will yield a sensitizer enhancement ratio of 1.5 to 1.7. Using a starting dose of 2 g/m2 three times weekly, patients are now being studied on a five week drug schedule to further evaluate predictability of drug toxicity in preparation for clinical trials of drug efficacy.  相似文献   

The hypoxic cell radiosensitizer, misonidazole, is in a Phase I clinical pharmacology and toxicology trial. Forty patients were evaluated on a weekly dose schedule. Misonidazole was given on the dose schedule of a single oral dose weekly for 3 or 6 weeks in separate patient groups. Radiation therapy, of a palliative nature, was given 4–6 hr after drug administration to allow for maximal tumor levels. The initial dose level was 1 gm/m2 and escalated to 3 gm/m2 weekly × 6 weeks and 5 gm/m2 weekly × 3 weeks.Toxicologic evaluation included serial clinical and laboratory evaluations. The principle toxicities observed were nausea and vomiting and neurotoxicity. The nausea and vomiting were acute, and dose limiting at 5 gm/m2. The neurotoxicity was primarily a peripheral sensory polyneuropathy, either seen on objective exam only or with mild to moderate paresthesias. Three patients manifested motor neuropathy with moderate weakness. Some ototoxicity and encephalopathy was observed. All patients had reversible, non-progressive neuropathy. The development of neuropathy was not related to the pharmacologic parameters of serum level or half-life. The incidence of neuropathy was related to total drug dose. Patients receiving less than or equal to 10 gms/m2 had an incidence of 4 of 19 (21%) compared to patients receiving more than 10 gms/m2 who had an incidence of 15 of 19 (79%).Pharmacologic evaluation included ultraviolet (UV) or high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) measurements of blood, urine, stool, and tumor biopsies. The HPLC identified Ro-05-9963, the desmethylated compound, as the principal metabolite in both blood and urine. Comparison of sera levels at the time of radiation (4–6 hr) with oral drug dose showed a good correlation, with maximum oral drug absorption not reached. Clinically significant blood level of 100 μg/ml could be achieved by a dose of about 2.5 gm/m2 or 65–80 mg/kg. The pharmacology yielded peak sera levels at 2–4 hr with a mean half life of 15 hr and median of 14 hr; the half life was not related to drug dose. Urinary excretion was principally of the active metabolite (9963); total per cent excretion of both compounds in 24 hr ranged from 12–65% with a mean of 28% and a median of 23%. Tumor levels in 2 patients were 80 and 90% of peak sera levels. No increased toxicity of normal tissues in the radiation field was observed. Some interesting patient responses were observed. Further toxicologic, pharmacologic, and efficacy studies are underway.  相似文献   

The hypoxic cell radiosensitizer Ro 03-8799 produces acute central nervous system toxicity which limits repeated doses of the drug to 0.75 g/m2, but peripheral neuropathy does not occur. SR-2508 causes no acute effects at doses greater than 3.0 g/m2, but causes peripheral neuropathy at cumulative doses of 30 g/m2. By combining maximum tolerated doses of each agent, it may be possible to increase efficacy, but not toxicity. Escalating single doses of Ro 03-8799 and SR-2508 were administered to 10 patients. The drugs were infused together in 50 ml of 0.9% saline over 10 min, beginning at 0.5 g/m2 of each agent, and proceeding to a fixed dose of 0.75 g/m2 Ro 03-8799 with 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 g/m2 SR-2508. Four patients experienced the expected acute syndrome related to Ro 03-8799, but the incidence was not increased by escalating doses of SR-2508, and no peripheral neuropathy was seen. Plasma and urine pharmacokinetic studies showed that no drug interaction occurred. Six patients have been given a 9-dose regime over a 3 week period, using 0.75 g/m2 Ro 03-8799 and escalating doses of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 g/m2 SR-2508. All exhibited the expected acute side effects related to Ro 03-8799, but with no increase at the higher doses of SR-2508. No other toxicity was seen. Plasma pharmacokinetics performed at the beginning and end of the schedule were similar. Biopsies were taken from six superficial tumors following combined radiosensitizer administration. Mean tumor concentrations over the 30 min following the end of infusion were 30 and 72 micrograms/g for Ro 03-8799 and SR-2508, respectively. These values would be expected to translate into an approximate single dose sensitizer enhancement ratio of 1.5 to 1.6, offering a significant gain over the enhancement possible with the drugs given alone. The overall advantage will be determined by the maximum dose levels and number of doses possible; the escalation of both parameters is now in progress.  相似文献   

The hypoxic cell sensitizer Ro 03-8799 has been given with radiotherapy to achieve complete and sustained regression in 5 of 7 cases of recurrent malignant melanoma treated with the object of cure and in 1 of 3 treated palliatively. Particularly high tumour concentrations of this radiosensitizing drug have been found in 3 of 6 cases studied.  相似文献   

The 2-nitroimidazole benznidazole (BENZO) has previously been shown to be an effective potentiator of the cytotoxicity of CCNU in mice, at levels which are achievable in man. This enhancement is greater than that for normal tissues, resulting in a therapeutic gain. In this study BENZO has been given to 46 patients in oral doses of 4 mg/kg to 30 mg/kg, and drug concentrations measured in plasma, urine, tumor and normal brain by HPLC. The mean plasma t12 was 12.8 ± 0.5 h and plasma peak concentration and AUC0?∩ were linearly related to dose over the whole range. Approximately 60% of the drug was bound to plasma proteins and 6% excreted unchanged in urine. Mean tumor/plasma ratios of 88% (range 54 to 122%) for 11 gliomas and 72% (range 46 to 103%) for 6 superficially accessible non-brain tumors were obtained while that for normal brain was 69% (range 53 to 75%). Doses of more than 17 mg/kg BENZO produce changes in the plasma pharmacokinetics of CCNU (130 mg/m2 p.o.), increasing the half life of active hydroxylated metabolites. In addition, CCNU parent compound is present. This is not seen when CCNU is given alone. Such changes may result in improved response rates as it is possible to achieve in man, plasma and tumor levels of BENZO, which in the mouse model produce effective enhancement of the response to CCNU. No evidence was seen that BENZO enhanced wither the acute gastrointestinal toxicity or the hematological toxicity of CCNU over the dose range studied.  相似文献   

In a Phase I trial SR 2508 was administered by rapid intravenous infusion to 102 patients receiving radiation therapy. The dose-limiting toxicity was peripheral sensory neuropathy (PN) which was related to the cumulative dose administered. The highest single daily dose, 3.7 g/m2, was tolerated without toxicity. The lowest cumulative toxic dose was 21.6 g/m2, and the highest non-toxic dose was 40.8 g/m2. Grade 1 neuropathies were mild and self-limited; grade 2 neuropathies were long-lasting and debilitating. In a retrospective analysis, the risk of developing neurotoxicity was related to the cumulative drug exposure calculated by the area-under-the-curve (AUC) of plasma concentration versus time. There was an increased incidence of neuropathy in patients with a cumulative AUC of greater than or equal to 36 mM-hr. At a total dose of 34 g/m2 over 6 weeks, the incidence of Grade 1 neuropathy was approximately 30%; no grade 2 neuropathy occurred at this dose and schedule. Additional toxicities observed included nausea and vomiting (6%), skin rash (4%), and transient arthralgias (3%). One patient had transient abnormalities in liver function tests of unknown etiology. (In a more recent Phase II trial neutropenia has been observed which may be related to SR2508). Approximately three times more SR 2508 is tolerable compared to misonidazole, and it appears that severe neuropathy can be avoided by monitoring individual patient pharmacokinetic parameters. Evaluation of the efficacy of this hypoxic cell sensitizer is in progress.  相似文献   

Summary During a clinical toxicity study it was possible to obtain urine samples from six patients receiving either the R-(–)- or S-(+)-stereoenantiomeric forms of the developmental 2-nitroimidazole radiosensitizer Ro 03-8799 (pimonidazole). Paired plasma samples were also obtained from four patients. The pharmacokinetic data were compared with those for the racemic mixture in the same individuals. The results revealed no major differences in the plasma pharmacokinetics, urinary clearance orN-oxidation of the individual enantiomers as compared with the racemic mixture. A similar lack of steroselectivity with respect to the acute dose-limiting CNS toxicity syndrome suggests that this may not involve a specific CNS receptor interaction.  相似文献   

Two hypoxic cell radiosensitizers, RSU-1069 and Ro-03-8799 were investigated for their in vitro cytotoxicity and ability to induce oncogenic transformation and sister chromatid exchanges in the C3H 10T1/2 cell system. Their effects were then compared to those of the clinically used sensitizer misonidazole. Equitoxic doses of Ro-03-8799 and RSU-1069 were approximately 3-fold and 150-fold less than misonidazole, respectively, with both agents exhibiting dose and contact time dependence for cell killing. Both sensitizers appeared no more oncogenic than misonidazole when administered at equitoxic dosages. At doses of equivalent sensitizing efficiencies relative to misonidazole, RSU-1069, but not Ro-03-8799, induced significantly higher transformation incidence. In conjunction with gamma-irradiation, both Ro-03-8799 and misonidazole induced an additive transformation response. Preliminary studies also indicate that RSU-1069, at a concentration of 0.03 mM, induced significantly higher sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) per chromosome than either Ro-03-8799 or misonidazole at concentrations 30-fold higher. Although several earlier studies have indicated that RSU-1069 may be more efficient than misonidazole as an hypoxic cell sensitizer, the present findings suggest that it may also carry a higher risk of inducing tumors by itself at clinically relevant concentrations.  相似文献   

A fluorinated 2-nitroimidazole radiosensitizer KU-2285 was given before intraoperative radiotherapy (IORT) to 30 patients with unresectable, unresected or macroscopic residual tumours. Twenty-three patients had pancreatic cancer and five had osteosarcoma. The IORT dose was 30 Gy for unresectable pancreatic cancer and 60 Gy for osteosarcoma. The dose of KU-2285 administered ranged from 1 to 9 g m-2. Four patients received a dose of 9 g m-2, and ten received 6.8-7 g m-2. All patients tolerated KU-2285 well, and no drug-related toxicity was observed. The average tumour concentration of KU-2285 immediately after IORT was 166 microg g-1 at dose of 6.8-7 g m-2 and 333 microg g-1 at 9 g m-2. The average tumour-plasma ratio was > or = 0.82. Eleven patients with unresectable but localized pancreatic cancer treated with KU-2285 plus IORT and external beam radiotherapy had a median survival time of 11 months and 1-year local control rate of 50%, which compares favourably with those of 8 months (P = 0.26) and 28% (P = 0.10) for 22 matched historical control patients. The five patients with osteosarcoma attained local control. The results of this first study on KU-2285 and IORT appear encouraging, and further studies of this compound seem to be warranted.  相似文献   

The flavonol monohydroxyethylrutoside (monoHER) has demonstrated protection against doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity in in vitro and in vivo studies without affecting the antitumor effect. In the present phase I study, the possible side effects and the pharmacokinetics of monoHER were evaluated in healthy volunteers with the aim to develop a safe and feasible dose to be evaluated in cancer patients treated with doxorubicin. The study was performed as a single blind, randomized trial in healthy volunteers (age between 19 and 56 years). At each dose level, six subjects received monoHER and three placebo. MonoHER was solubilized in 100 ml dextrose 5% and administered as an i.v. infusion in 10 min. The placebo consisted of 100 ml dextrose 5%. The starting dose of monoHER was 100 mg/m2. Dose escalation by 100% of the preceding dose took place after finishing each dose level until the protecting pharmacokinetic values for C max and AUC (as observed in mice after 500 mg/kg monoHER i.p.) were reached and/or serious side effects were observed. The dose was escalated up to 1,500 mg/m2. The mean values of C max and AUC were 360±69.3 μM and 6.8±2.1 μmol min/ml, respectively. These values were comparable to the C max and AUC observed under the protecting conditions in mice. No serious side effects occurred during the entire study. Thus, 1,500 mg/m2 is a feasible and safe dose to be evaluated in a phase II study to investigate the protective properties of monoHER against doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity in cancer patients. Preliminary results of this study have been presented as a poster at AACR (Proc. AACR 43 (2002) 2751).  相似文献   

A new hypoxic cell radiosensitizer, Ro 03-8799, has been administered i.v. to 2 normal and 6 patient volunteers. Generally in non-necrotic tumours the concentrations obtained were 3 times greater than in plasma sampled at the same time. These observations added to the reports concerning toxicology in monkeys and rats and radiosensitizing efficiency in the laboratory, suggest that Ro 03-8799 may prove to be much more effective sensitizer than misonidazole in man.  相似文献   

The hypoxic cell sensitizer misonidazole began phase I evaluation in the United States in July 1977. One hundred two patients received 104 individual courses of drug. Drug was administered from once to five times per week over time spans from one to six weeks. The individual doses ranged 1-5 g/m2, and 411 mean 4-6 hour serum levels were determined. The mean 4-6 hour serum level ranged from 30 micrograms/ml at 1 g/m2 to 183 micrograms/ml at 5 g/m2. The major toxicity noted was neurologic; 49% of evaluable courses showed peripheral neuropathy, and 9% of evaluable courses showed central nervous system effects and/or ototoxicity. In addition, 48 of 102 patients exhibited some degree of nausea and vomiting. The concomitant administration of dexamethasone and phenytoin sodium appeared to lower the incidence of neuropathy. Observations of efficacy were made comparatively in five patients who had multiple lesions treated with and without misonidazole. All five showed increased response in the lesions treated with misonidazole. It is concluded that misonidazole is a reasonably safe and potentially effective hypoxic cell sensitizer whose dose-limiting toxicity is neurologic.  相似文献   

There is now evidence that several classes of nitro compounds which have been used as radiosensitizers also function as cytotoxic agents specific for hypoxic cells. The 2-nitroimidazole, Ro-07-0582, (1-(2-nitroimidazol-1-yl)-3-methoxy-2-propanol) is a compound of this type, and its effectiveness as a cytotoxic agent is dependent on drug concentration, contact time and temperature. In vitro, Ro-07-0582 in air at 37 degrees C does not cause loss of cell viability at concentrations up to 2 mM, even when in contact for several days. In contrast, hypoxic cells do not tolerate much lower concentrations of drugs, even if the contact time is only a few hours. When the temperature is raised above 37 degrees C, there is a pronounced increase in the slope of the survival curves; for example, at 41 degrees C (for 1 mM Ro-07-0582, (200 microng/ml), the slope changes by a factor of 2-0 relative to that for 37 degrees C. For cells in air at 41 degrees C, as at 37 degrees C, there is no toxic effect at the concentration of drug tested. In the absence of drug, there is no cytotoxic effect of hyperthermia alone under these conditions. These results are discussed in terms of Arrhenius parameters.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of 50 min whole-body hyperthermia (WBH; 15 min equilibration followed by 41 degrees C for 35 min) on the toxicity and pharmacokinetics of the radiosensitizer Ro 03-8799 in mice. WBH markedly reduced Ro 03-8799 LD50/7d from 779 to 259 micrograms g-1 (P less than 0.001). Pharmacokinetics were studied at 175 micrograms g-1 (approximately 0.6 WBH LD50/7d) with and without heat and 437 micrograms g-1 (approximately 0.6 control LD50/7d) without heat. WBH increased Ro 03-8799 plasma concentrations and prolonged its elimination t1/2 by 26% (P less than 0.01). Total plasma area under the curve (AUC0-infinity) was increased by 22%, but was still less than 50% of the unheated high-dose value. Ro 03-8799 concentrated 300-400% in tumour and brain relative to plasma. Absolute tumour and brain levels were unaltered by WBH, giving reduced tissue/plasma ratios. WBH greatly inhibited glomerular filtration (51Cr EDTA clearance) during heating, contributing to the increased plasma Ro 03-8799 concentrations. WBH increased peak plasma concentrations of the Ro 03-8799 N-oxide metabolite Ro 31-0313 by 61% and the beta-phase AUC of i.v. administered Ro 31-0313 by 36%. Since Ro 31-0313 levels were increased to a greater extent after Ro 03-8799 and WBH than Ro 31-0313 and WBH, WBH must both increase metabolite production and decrease its plasma clearance. WBH had no effect on Ro 31-0313 tumour concentrations or its exclusion from brain. These complex effects of WBH on Ro 03-8799 pharmacokinetics may contribute to the enhanced toxicity, possibly through hyperthermia-stimulated bioreductive drug activation, but do not wholly explain it.  相似文献   

Twenty-four patients with locally advanced (19 patients) or metastatic (5 patients) tumors were treated in a Phase I study combining constant intravenous infusions of iododeoxyuridine (IUdR) and hyperfractionated radiation therapy. IUdR was given as a constant infusion for 12 hours/day for two separate 14-day infusion periods in most patients. The dose of IUdR was escalated from 250 to 1200 mg/m2/12-hour infusion in this study. The initial tumor volume was treated to 45 Gy/1.5 Gy BID/3 weeks followed by a cone-down boost to 20-25 Gy/1.25 Gy BID/2 weeks after a planned 2-week break. THe IUdR infusion preceded the initial and cone-down irradiation by 1 week. Local acute toxicity (within the radiation volume) was uncommon and few patients required an alteration of the planned treatment schedule. Two patients developed late local toxicity with one patient showing clinical signs of radiation hepatitis and another patient developing a large bowel obstruction that required surgical bypass. Dose-limiting systemic toxicity was confined to the bone marrow with moderate to severe thrombocytopenia developing on Day 10-14 of infusions at 1200 mg/m2/12 hours. Mild stomatitis and partial alopecia occurred in some patients at this dose level. No systemic skin toxicity was seen. Pharmacology studies revealed steady-state arterial plasma levels of IUdR of 1 to 8 X 10(-6) M over the dose range used. In vivo IUdR incorporation into tumors was studied in three patients with high-grade sarcomas using an anti-IUdR monoclonal antibody and immunohistochemistry and demonstrated incorporation in up to 50-70% of tumor cells. The preliminary treatment results, particularly in patients with unresectable sarcomas, are encouraging. In comparison to our previous experience with intravenous bromodeoxyuridine, this Phase I study of IUdR shows less systemic toxicity (especially to skin), higher (2-3X) steady-state arterial levels, and comparable in vivo tumor cell incorporation.  相似文献   

Purpose  To determine the maximum-tolerated dose (MTD) and antitumor activity of twice-weekly gemcitabine when combined with palliative-dose thoracic radiation therapy (RT) in patients with recurrent or progressive lung cancer. Methods  Patients were enrolled in a dose-escalating study of gemcitabine with a starting dose level of 40 mg/m2 given as 30-minute infusions twice weekly concurrent with RT. The RT dose was 30 Gy in 10 fractions, 5 fractions per week. Results  A total of 18 patients were enrolled on three dose levels: 40, 50, and 65 mg/m2. Four patients came off study early due to rapid progression of disease and therefore were not evaluated. The MTD of gemcitabine was found to be 50 mg/m2. Dose-limiting toxicities were grade-4 esophagitis in one patient and grade-4 neutropenia in another patient. Overall response included 1 partial response (PR). Local response included six PR, four minor response (MR), three stable disease (SD), and one progressive disease (PD). Conclusion  The MTD of gemcitabine with concominant palliative thoracic radiation therapy is 50 mg/m2 twice weekly. The DLTs observed were grade-4 esophagitis and grade-4 myelotoxicity at 65 mg/m2.  相似文献   

Purpose: The dolastatins are a class of naturally occurring cytotoxic peptides which function by inhibiting microtubule assembly and tubulin polymerization. Cemadotin is a synthetic analogue of dolastatin 15 with potent antiproliferative and preclinical antitumor activity. This report describes a phase I study to evaluate the administration of cemadotin to adult cancer patients by a 5-day continuous intravenous (CIV) infusion. Methods: All patients had histologically confirmed refractory solid tumors. The dose was escalated from an initial level of 2.5 mg/m2 (0.5 mg/m2 daily) according to a modified Fibonacci algorithm. A minimum of three patients was evaluated at each dose level until the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) was established. Treatment was repeated every 21 days until patients were removed from the study due to toxicity or disease progression. Drug-related toxicities were evaluated and graded by the U.S. National Cancer Institute's Common Toxicity Criteria. A radioimmunoassay (RIA) that detected both the parent drug and its metabolites with an intact N-terminal region of the molecule was used for pharmacokinetic studies. Results: Twenty heavily pretreated patients received a total of 40 courses of cemadotin over five dose levels ranging from 2.5 to 17.5 mg/m2. Reversible dose-related neutropenia was the principal dose-limiting toxicity and 12.5 mg/m2 was established as the MTD. Nonhematologic toxicities attributed to the drug were moderate, and there was no evidence of the cardiovascular toxicity noted in the prior phase I studies of cemadotin given IV as a 5-min injection or 24-h infusion. There were no objective antitumor responses. Time courses of the cemadotin RIA equivalent concentration in whole blood were defined in 14 patients during the first cycle of therapy. The RIA-detectable species exhibited apparent first-order pharmacokinetics across the entire range of doses. The mean ± SD of the observed steady-state blood concentration at the 12.5 mg/m2 MTD was 282 ± 7 nM (n=3). Blood levels decayed monoexponentially following the end of the infusion, with a mean half-life of 13.2 ± 4.3 h (n=14) in all patients. Mean values (n=14) of the total blood clearance and apparent volume of distribution at steady state were 0.52 ± 0.09 l/h/m2 and 9.9 ± 3.3 l/m2, respectively. Conclusions: The cardiotoxic effects of cemadotin were completely avoided by administering it as a 120-h CIV infusion. Thus, cardiovascular toxicity appears to be associated with the magnitude of the peak blood levels of the parent drug or its metabolites, whereas myelotoxicity is related to the duration of time that blood levels exceed a threshold concentration. Nevertheless, the data acquired during the extensive clinical experience with cemadotin requires careful examination to assess whether advancing this compound into disease-oriented efficacy studies is merited. Received: 8 November 1999 / Accepted: 28 April 2000  相似文献   

A total of 18 patients received 6-week ambulatory infusions of carboplatin in groups at dose levels of 14, 28, 35 and 42 mg/m2 per day. The dose-limiting toxicity was myelosuppression. At 42 mg/m2, three of four patients had WHO grade 4 and one of four had grade 3 neutropenia, whereas two patients had grade 3 thrombocytopenia. At 35 mg/m2, two of five patients had grade 3 neutropenia, whereas one had grade 4 and two had grade 3 thrombocytopenia. Non-hematological toxicities were predominantly gastrointestinal, with 3 of 18 patients experiencing grade 3 emesis. Total and ultrafiltrable platinum (UFPt) were assayed by flameless atomic absorption spectrometry in weekly and post-infusion plasma and urine samples. In plasma, levels of total platinum increased throughout the infusion, and the protein binding slowly increased from 60% platinum bound at week 1 to 90% bound by week 4. Although the UFPt level reached a steady state within 1 week, the concentration did not increase with the dose level, remaining at a mean value of 0.58±0.24 M. Renal excretion of platinum accounted for 70±12% of the dose at steady state. There was a high inter-patient variability in both total body clearance of UFPt (range, 83–603 ml/min) and renal clearance (range, 67–390 ml/min). A terminal elemination half-life of 13–27 h was noted for post-infusion UFPt. Neutropenia was linearly related to the total daily carboplatin dose, but neither neutropenia nor thrombocytopenia could be related to steady-state UFPt or the UFPt area under the concentration-time curve (AUC). The recommended dose for phase II studies is 28 mg/m2 per day.  相似文献   

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