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目的探讨关节镜下治疗膝关节前交叉韧带(anterior cruciate ligament,ACL)断裂合并半月板损伤的治疗效果。方法回顾72例ACL断裂合并半月板损伤的临床资料,其中ACL断裂并内侧半月板损伤25例,并外侧半月板损伤37例,并内、外侧半月板损伤9例,双膝均有ACL断裂并半月板损伤1例。行关节镜下单纯半月板切除9例,半月板切除(或缝合)同时ACL重建63例。术前Lysholm评分为42.5±10.5 单纯半月板切除组为45.7±9.6 同时ACL重建组为40.9±12.7。结果术后均获随访,平均3.1年,术后总Lysholm评分为82.2±12.5 单纯半月板切除组为78.6±11.8 同时ACL重建组为85.3±9.0,三者组内手术前后比较,术后均优于术前(P〈0.001) 而同时ACL重建组又优于单纯半月板切除组(P〈0.01)。结论ACL损伤后膝关节发生半月板损伤的可能性增高,一期同时修复可以减少膝关节其它继发损伤的发生。  相似文献   

膝关节前交叉韧带急性损伤早期关节镜下检查和手术治疗   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Ao Y  Tian D  Wang J  Yu J  Hu Y  Cui G  Xiao J 《中华外科杂志》1999,37(11):671-673
目的 探索关节镜下早期微创修复与重建膝关节交叉韧带(ALC)的方法。方法 对23例ACL急性完全断裂者施行了早期关节镜术。结果 18例主前诊断相符;3你关节镜下明确诊断,2例发现断裂:观察到内侧副韧带断裂间接与直接损伤征象各2例。ACL断裂病理类型:韧带体部断裂21例,上、下止点撕脱各1例。21例早期重建ACL中,6例在关节镜下完成。结论 ACL急性损伤早期施以关节镜手术,创伤小、诊断明确,可观察  相似文献   

前十字韧带损伤合并内侧半月板ramp损伤   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
目的探讨前十字韧带损伤合并内侧半月板ramp损伤的发生率、诊断方法、修补术及其临床疗效。方法2002年4月至2005年4月,共进行333例单纯前十字韧带损伤重建术,陈旧性损伤(>3个月)215例,急性损伤(<3个月)118例。合并内侧半月板ramp损伤者89例,其中85例需手术修补。手术取腘绳肌腱、自体或异体骨-髌腱-骨移植物重建前十字韧带,同时应用全内缝合方法,经两个后内入路配合经髁间窝入路,利用缝合钩修补ramp损伤。前十字韧带损伤中,ramp损伤的总发生率为26.7%,其中陈旧性损伤的发生率为30.7%,急性损伤为19.5%。结果可随访者75例(88.2%),随访5~41个月,平均20.2个月。随访时采用主观症状观察、临床查体、二次关节镜手术观察及MR检查。其中二次手术观察25例,MR复查21例。在可随访的75例患者中,所有患者的主观症状及临床查体均呈正常表现;在二次关节镜手术观察的25例中,均全部愈合。在经MR复查的21例中,18例完全愈合,3例部分愈合。结论大约1/3的前十字韧带损伤合并有内侧半月板ramp损伤,陈旧性损伤较新鲜损伤合并ramp损伤的发生率更高。在重建前十字韧带的同时应修补ramp损伤,全内缝合方法是修补ramp损伤的很好方法,可以达到很高的愈合率。  相似文献   

背景:前交叉韧带合并半月板损伤临床常见,针对不同的损伤类型,采取不同的治疗策略,对术后膝关节功能恢复至关重要。目的目的:研究前交叉韧带合并半月板不同损伤类型的特点,探讨相应的治疗策略。方法方法:选取2005年10月至2013年12月期间收治的前交叉韧带合并半月板损伤患者139例,男98例,女41例;年龄13~71岁,平均31.2岁;左膝62例,右膝77例,病程5 d至1.6年,陈旧性损伤(病程>3周)32例,新鲜性损伤(病程≤3周)107例。患者均有外伤史。临床主要表现为膝关节不稳、疼痛、弹响、绞锁。将术中镜下影像资料进行分析,统计前交叉韧带合并半月板损伤的类型特征及手术方式。结果结果:所有病例均采用关节镜微创手术治疗,前交叉韧带完全断裂113例,部分断裂26例。外侧半月板损伤46例(盘状半月板损伤8例,胫骨髁间棘撕脱2例)占33.1%,内侧半月板损伤65例(46.7%),内外侧半月板同期损伤28例(20.2%)。半月板纵行撕裂42例(桶柄状撕裂24例),水平状撕裂8例,斜行撕裂36例,瓣状撕裂13例,横断性撕裂12例,复合性撕裂28例。前交叉韧带重建139例,半月板部分切除36例,半月板缝合103例。结论结论:陈旧性前交叉韧带合并半月板损伤以外侧半月板多见,急性损伤以内侧半月板损伤为主。内外侧半月板同期损伤多见于陈旧性损伤。陈旧性损伤多数需要半月板部分切除,急性损伤多数可以缝合。前交叉韧带合并半月板损伤应早期手术。  相似文献   

膝关节前交叉韧带损伤合并外侧半月板损伤是临床上较常见的一种疾病,治疗不当常易导致膝关节不稳。断裂的前交叉韧带常因撕裂或萎缩而需要用其它的替代物进行重建。我院自1997年12月~2 0 0 2年10月,采用单纵裂损伤半月板编织后替代修复前交叉韧带治疗各种类型的膝关节前交叉韧带损伤合并单纵裂半月板损伤12例,疗效满意。现介绍如下。临床资料1.一般资料:本组12例,男10例,女2例,年龄18~3 5岁,平均2 4岁。致伤方式:高处坠落伤3例,运动扭伤7例,侧方暴力致伤2例。正常半月板损伤9例,盘状半月板损伤3例,其中左侧4例,右侧8例。损伤半月板按Henn…  相似文献   

目的探讨前交叉韧带损伤关节镜下重建治疗的临床护理方法。方法责任护士与主管医生共同制定标准化的临床护理计划和康复训练计划,做好术前和术后护理及健康指导,并根据患者具体情况随时调整。结果本组术后随访6~18个月,所有患者术前症状均消失,关节稳定性明显改善,关节活动度正常。结论关节镜直视下交叉韧带重建手术是一种比较安全实用的新技术,具有创伤小、恢复快、疗效高、并发症少、术后痛苦少等优点,但精湛的手术只有结合及时的康复训练和优质的护理服务才能获得最理想的效果,所以关节镜临床护理更加重要。  相似文献   

目的比较关节镜下保留残端手术与常规手术重建前交叉韧带(ACL)的疗效。方法采用关节镜下自体腘绳肌腱单束重建治疗66例膝关节ACL断裂患者,其中采用常规手术方法重建治疗37例,保留残端手术方法重建治疗29例。结果 66例均获随访,时间12~28个月。常规手术组及保留残端手术组术后前抽屉试验和Lachman试验比较差异均无统计学意义(P0.05);采用Lysholm、IKDC评分评价膝关节功能:两组术后比较差异均有统计学意义(P0.05),保留残端组优于常规手术组。结论关节镜下保留残端手术与常规手术行自体腘绳肌腱单束重建治疗膝关节ACL损伤都能获得满意的临床疗效,但关节镜下保留残端手术有利于移植物的再血管化及本体感受器的恢复。  相似文献   

目的 探讨全关节镜下前交叉韧带重建后内侧和外侧半月板同期移植的微创手术技术.方法 2008年8月对1例实施膝关节双束双通道前交叉韧带重建、内侧和外侧半月板切除的患者,在关节镜下实施内侧和外侧半月板同期移植微创手术.内侧半月板移植采用前后角骨栓固定方法,外侧半月板移植采用前后角骨桥固定方法.术后结果采用VAS疼痛评分、Cysholm评分和国际膝关节评分委员会(IKDC)分级评价.关节稳定性检查包括Lachman试验、抽屉试验和轴移试验.结果 术后随访26个月,患者膝关节屈曲、伸直和负重行走功能正常.VAS膝关节疼痛评分较术前降低2分,Lysholm评分较术前升高20分.IKDC分级由术前C级上升到B级.膝关节稳定性检查基本正常.术后1年MRI检查显示,重建前交叉韧带连续性完整,内侧和外侧移植异体半月板外形均较好,内侧半月板后角和外侧半月板前角有轻微萎缩.术后18个月关节镜复检观察到,外侧和内侧移植半月板均愈合良好,形态完整,但前角表面均有轻度磨损现象.结论 对膝前交叉韧带损伤和内、外侧半月板切除的患者,在前交叉韧带重建术后同期实施内侧和外侧半月板移植术可以尽量恢复膝关节的稳定性和力学平衡,对年轻患者是可供选择的治疗方式.术中建议采用同一供体的内侧和外侧异体半月板,制作各骨道时须注意其方向以避免骨道相互交通.
Objective To discuss the minimal invasive arthroscopic surgery technique and clinical results of both the medial and lateral meniscal transplantation following the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with double bundles and bone tunnels.Methods In August 2008 a minimal invasive surgery of both the medial and lateral meniscal allograft transplantation following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction was preformed for 1 case with both the medial and lateral menicectomy by arthroscopic surgery.The method of two bone plugs attached on tibial plateau was employed for medial meniscal allograft transplantation and the technique the bridge in slot for lateral meniscal allograft transplantation.The VAS,Lysholm score and IKDC rating were recorded before and after operation.The stability of knee was assessed by Lachman test,drawer sign and pivot shift test.Results The patient was followed up 26 month after the operations.The degrees of knee flexion,extension and function of walk were normal.The Lachman test,drawer sign and pivot shift test were nearly normal.The VAS after operation was 2 points lower than that before operation.The Lysholm score post-operation was 20 points higher than pre-operation.The IKDC became B degree in late following-up from C degree before the operation.MRI revealed anterior cruciate ligament graft was continuous and the meniscal allograft was normal shape on year 1 after the operation.The posterior horn of medial meniscal allograft and anterior corner of lateral meniscal allograft showed slightly shrunk.The second-look arthroscopy showed that the healing occurring between meniscal allograft and the capsule and meniscal allograft was normal shape on month 18 after the operation.The anterior horn of medial and lateral meniscus was slightly worn.Conclusions Both the medial and lateral meniscal transplantation following the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in appropriately selected patients with the medial and lateral meniscus-deficient knee may recover the knee mechanic balance and stability,which is a option of treatment for that young and activity patients.It is proposed that the medial and lateral meniscal grafts harvested from a single donator.Attention should be paid to the direction of the bone tunnels fixing the horns of the meniscus in order to avoid communication with the tunnels of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.  相似文献   

关节镜手术治疗半月板损伤的近期疗效   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
目的 探讨膝关节镜下治疗半月板损伤的近期疗效。方法 总结116例患者诊断及治疗情况,分析其近期治疗效果。结果 术后92例患者获得随访,平均随访时间12个月,疗效评价:优57例,良29例,可4例,差2例,优良率为93.5%。结论 镜下半月板手术创伤小、出血少、术后恢复快且能最大程度地保留半月板,宜为半月板损伤首选的治疗方法。  相似文献   

关节镜下异体韧带移植重建前交叉韧带的手术配合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前交叉韧带 (AnreriorCruciateLigamert,ACL)是膝关节内主要稳定因素 ,ACL损伤后形成瘢痕或愈合能力有限 ,ACL体部撕裂不能自行愈合 ,因此 ,需行ACL重建术。采用关节镜下异体韧带移植重建交叉韧带与开放手术重建方法相比 ,明显减少了手术本身造成的创伤 ,减少关节粘连、感染等并发症 ,病人术后疼痛减轻 ,移植物定位精确 ,可做到等长重建 ,利于关节早期活动 ;与自体韧带移植相比 ,避免了取材所造成的并发症 ,保留了拟取材部位韧带的原有功能 ,节约了手术时间。我院骨科研究所自 1998年 6月至 2 0 0 1年 …  相似文献   

目的探讨关节镜下自体腘绳肌腱单束移植重建前十字韧带(anterior cruciate ligament,ACL)部分束损伤的临床效果。方法2007年1月至2010年5月关节镜下行自体腘绳肌单束重建ACL部分束损伤16例。术前Ly.sholm评分平均为55.4±6.7分。结果全部获得随访,随访时间为12~23个月,平均18±4.3个月。术后Lysholm评分增至平均89.3±3.3分,有统计学差异(P〈0.05)。所有患者主观症状均消失,全部恢复正常工作与体育锻炼。结论应用自体腘绳肌腱重建ACL部分束损伤明显改善膝关节功能。  相似文献   

Discoid shapes of lateral menisci are relatively common finding, whereas discoid medial menisci are less common. Discoid medial meniscus with associated anomalous variants has been reported. However, symptomatic complex tear of complete type discoid medial meniscus with anomalous blending with anterior cruciate ligament is an extremely rare pathology. A 35-year-old male was admitted to our hospital with left knee pain and loss of terminal extension for 2 years. On physical examination, the patient presented with clicking and restriction during the extension motion of the knee joint. Magnetic resonance imaging and arthroscopy indicated complex tear of complete discoid medial meniscus in association with anomalous connection between entire apical portion of discoid medial meniscus and tibial insertion portion of the anterior cruciate ligament. We obtained a successful outcome with arthroscopic resection and shaping in one-piece method using no. 11 scalpel blade.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨关节镜下保留残端纤维前交叉韧带重建的手术方法及其与标准手术方法的疗效比较.[方法]回顾性分析采用关节镜技术重建前交叉韧带293例,其中ACL完全断裂253例,男187例,女66例,平均年龄28岁.2004年5月~ 2007年12月,采用标准重建技术对85例ACL完全断裂患者进行关节镜下ACL重建手术,2007年1月~2010年5月,采用保留残端技术对168例ACL完全断裂患者进行关节镜下ACL重建手术.[结果]在术后第12个月时有211例患者得到随访.Lachman试验:标准组患者术后阴性55例,弱阳性7例,阳性2例;保残组患者中132例阴性,10例弱阳性,阳性5例.采用两组比较秩和检验,P=0.438.通过Lysholm评分表对两组患者术前及术后患膝关节进行评分,标准组术后评分为90.84;保残组术后评分为92.09,两组评分相比,P=0.462.采用被动活动察觉阈值评估两组术后患膝本体感觉功能,标准组TTDPM(被动活动察觉阈值)为2.099°±0.159°,保残组TTDPM为1.683° ±0.218°,两组比较P=0.001,两组患者术后被动活动察觉阈值的差异具有统计学意义.[结论]保留残端纤维关节镜下前交叉韧带重建,术后患者膝关节本体感觉功能恢复更好.  相似文献   



The diagnostic accuracy of anterior drawer (AD) sign, Lachman test and the pivot shift test for anterior cruciate ligament injury and McMurray test for medial and lateral meniscus is varied with sensitivity and specificity ranging from 2 to 100%. Generally, it is accepted that the pivot shift test is the most specific test to diagnose anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears and that the Lachman test is more sensitive than AD sign. This study was undertaken to calculate the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and efficiency for the above-mentioned diagnostic tests.

Materials and Methods:

Twenty-eight male patients with clinical ACL injury were examined in the outpatient department and under anaesthesia, the findings were compared with arthroscopy.


The sensitivity and specificity for the Lachman test, AD sign and pivot shift test performed in the outpatient setting are 78.6 and 100%, 89.3 and 100%, and 75 and 100%, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity for the Lachman test, AD sign, and pivot shift test performed under anesthesia are 92.9 and 100%, 92.9 and 100%, and 100 and 100%, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of the McMurray test for medial and lateral meniscus were 35.7 and 85.7% and 22.2 and 100%, respectively.


The Lachman test, AD sign and pivot shift test are highly specific tests to diagnose ACL laxity in a non-acute setting; pivot shift test under anesthesia is the most sensitive and specific test for diagnosing ACL laxity in a non-acute setting and the McMurray test is not a sensitive test to diagnose meniscal injury in the presence of ACL injury.  相似文献   

关节镜下膝关节前、后交叉韧带重建53例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的总结关节镜下前、后交叉韧带(ACL、PCL)及膝内外侧复合体重建的经验。方法关节镜下移植中1/3骨-髌腱-骨组织、4股腘绳肌腱及LARS人工韧带重建膝关节ACL、PCL。合并膝内、外侧结构损伤患者在重建的同时进行膝关节侧副韧带和关节囊的修补。术后佩戴可调式膝关节固定带3个月行康复训练。结果53例随访2个月~5年4个月,Lysholm评分由术前平均(20±4.6)分提高到(85±7.3)分。所有患者术前抽屉试验及Lachman试验存在阳性体征,术后1例后抽屉试验阳性,4例Lachman试验弱阳性。所有患者关节功能明显改善。结论在关节镜直视下交叉韧带重建能准确定位ACL、PCL解剖止点,具有损伤小,关节粘连率低,恢复快的优点,能达到坚强固定,早期功能锻炼的目的。  相似文献   

目的探讨关节镜下对前交叉韧带胫骨髁间嵴撕脱骨折应用缝合线加钢缆进行复位和内固定的疗效。方法 56例前交叉韧带胫骨髁间嵴撕脱骨折患者(Ⅱ型13例,ⅢA型15例,ⅢB型13例,Ⅳ型15例),关节镜下应用Ethibond X519缝合线加钢缆对胫骨髁间嵴撕脱骨折区进行缝合捆绑,通过胫骨髁前置双隧道牵引复位、固定。结果术后X线片显示胫骨嵴撕脱骨折完全复位。56例均获随访,时间18~21个月。末次随访时骨折完全愈合。Lachmen试验(-)56例;前抽屉试验(-)55例,1例弱阳性。IKDC评定:术前C级30例,D级26例;术后A级55例,B级1例。Lysholm评分:术前37~52(42.7±0.34)分;术后91~96(95.7±0.56)分,平均提高53.0分±0.43分,术前、术后比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论关节镜下应用缝合线加钢缆内固定治疗膝关节前交叉韧带胫骨髁间嵴撕脱骨折,可以对移位的撕脱骨折很好地复位,最大限度地加大单位面积上的压力,增加刚性稳定。并可早期功能锻炼。  相似文献   

目的探讨关节镜下自体半腱肌、股薄肌肌腱保留残端重建前交叉韧带(ACL)的疗效。方法在关节镜下取自体半腱肌、股薄肌肌腱保留残端重建38例ACL断裂患者。记录术后并发症、膝关节屈曲活动度,采用Lysholm评分评定临床疗效。结果患者均获得随访,时间12~20个月。术后患者均未出现切口感染、腘动脉血管损伤、下肢深静脉血栓、韧带二次断裂、关节失稳等严重合并症。术后1例下肢皮肤痛觉减退,给予营养神经等治疗5 d后逐渐恢复,考虑为术中使用止血带引起的神经损伤。Lysholm评分:术后6个月、1年明显高于术前,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),术后1年明显高于术后6个月,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。膝关节屈曲活动度末次随访时较术前明显改善,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论关节镜下自体半腱肌、股薄肌肌腱保留残端重建ACL手术破坏性小,术后可以早期愈合,功能恢复良好。  相似文献   

关节镜下应用Rigidfix和Intrafix系统固定重建前交叉韧带   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
目的探讨关节镜下应用Rigidfix和Intrafix系统固定自体4股腘绳肌单束重建前交叉韧带临床效果。方法40例前交叉韧带断裂患者在关节镜下均采用4股腘绳肌肌腱单束重建前交叉韧带,术后进行系统的康复治疗。结果40例随访6~12个月,均未发生严重并发症,膝关节屈曲均达到130°,伸直达到0°。随访时前抽屉试验35例阴性,5例Ⅰ度阳性;Lachman试验37为阴性,3例Ⅰ度阳性;轴移试验均为阴性。所有患者均无膝关节不稳的主观症状。按照Lysholm膝关节评分标准:平均评分从(40.3±4.2)分提高至(90.4±3.6)分,差异有显著性(P〈0.01):结论关节镜下4股自体腘肌腱重建前交叉韧带应用Rigidfix和Intrafix系统固定是一种较好方法,具有手术操作简单、固定牢固、愈合率高等优点.  相似文献   

Abnormal lateral notch in knees with anterior cruciate ligament injury   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We reviewed plain radiograms of anterior cruciate ligament injuries to determine the frequency of an abnormal lateral notch found in the lateral femoral condyle, and we investigated a possible mechanism for its occurrence by determining the relationship with associated injuries. We analyzed data for 216 patients who underwent ACL reconstruction between 1993 and 1996, whose radiographic images of the contralateral knee were available. The numbers of male and female patients were 122 and 94, respectively, and their ages ranged from 14 to 47 years (average, 25 years). The abnormal notch visualized by lateral radiograph was found in 66 of 216 knees (30.6%) and was classified into three types. The type of abnormal notch seen most frequently (73%) was located at the same site as the notch on the contralateral side, but appeared deeper than normal. Knees with abnormal notches showed lateral meniscal injuries more frequently than those without such notches (P < 0.005). The abnormal notch was assumed to have formed at the time of injuries, after impingement of the lateral femoral condyle on the lateral tibial condyle. Cartilage damage at the abnormal notch should be carefully observed in the future. Received for publication on Aug. 14, 1998; accepted on Aug. 27, 1999  相似文献   



The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of the major stabilizing factor of the knee that resist anterior translation, valgus and varus forces. ACL is the most commonly ruptured ligament of the knee. The graft fixation to bone is considered to be the weakest link of the reconstruction. According to the parallel forces to the tibial drill hole and the quality of tibial metaphyseal bone is inferior to femoral bone stock, graft fixation to the tibia is more difficult to secure. AperFix system (Cayenne Medical, Inc., Scottsdale, Arizona, USA) which consists femoral and tibial component that includes bioinert polymer polyetheretherketone (PEEK) is one of the new choice for ACL reconstruction surgery. aim of this study was to assess the clinical outcomes and fixation durability of the AperFix (Cayenne Madical, Inc., Scottsdale, Arizona, USA) system and to determine the effect of patient''s age in arthroscopic reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament.

Materials and Methods:

Patients with symptomatic anterior cruciate ligament rupture underwent arthroscopic reconstruction. Patients were evaluated in terms of range of motion (ROM) values; Lysholm, Cincinati and Tegner activity scales; laxity testing and complications. Femoral tunnel widening was assessed by computer tomography scans. Early postoperative and last followup radiographs were compared.


Fifty one patients were evaluated with mean followup of 29 months (range 25–34 months). Mean age at the surgery was 26.5 ± 7.2 years. Lysholm, Cincinati and Tegner activity scales were significantly higher from preoperative scores (Lysholm scores: Preoperative: 51.4 ± 17.2, postoperative: 88.6 ± 7.7 [P < 0.001]; Tegner activity scores: Preoperative 3.3 ± 1.38, postoperative: 5.3 ± 1.6 [P < 0.001]; Cincinati scores: Preoperative: 44.3 ± 17, postoperative: 81.3 ± 13.9 [P < 0.001]). The mean femoral tunnel diameter increased significantly from 9.94 ± 0.79 mm postoperatively to 10.79 ± 0.95 mm (P < 0.05). The mean ROM deficit (involved vs. contra knee) was −7.2 ± 16 (P < 0.001). There was no significant difference for knee score, ROM deficits (<30 years: −7.3 ± 15 and >30 years −7.06 ± 19) and femoral tunnel enlargement (<30 years: 0.83 ± 0.52 and >30 years 0.87 ± 0.43) of the patients with below and above 30 year. There was no significant difference for knee scores and femoral tunnel enlargement between patients with meniscal injuries and don’t have meniscus lesions.


The AperFix system gives satisfactory clinical and radiological results with low complication rate. However, long term clinical and radiological results are needed to decide the ideal anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction method.  相似文献   

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