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This study examined patterns of connectedness among 774 sexually-active gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (GBM), aged ≥ 16 years, recruited using respondent-driven sampling in Metro Vancouver. Latent class analysis examined patterns of connectedness including: attendance at gay venues/events (i.e., bars/clubs, community groups, pride parades), social time spent with GBM, use of online social and sex seeking apps/websites, and consumption of gay media. Multinomial regression identified correlates of class membership. A three-class LCA solution was specified: Class 1 “Socialites” (38.8%) were highly connected across all indicators. Class 2 “Traditionalists” (25.7%) were moderately connected, with little app/website-use. Class 3 “Techies” (35.4%) had high online connectedness and relatively lower in-person connectedness. In multivariable modelling, Socialites had higher collectivism than Traditionalists, who had higher collectivism than Techies. Socialites also had higher annual incomes than other classes. Techies were more likely than Traditionalists to report recent serodiscordant or unknown condomless anal sex and HIV risk management practices (e.g., ask their partner’s HIV status, get tested for HIV). Traditionalists on the other hand were less likely to practice HIV risk management and had lower HIV/AIDS stigma scores than Socialites. Further, Traditionalists were older, more likely to be partnered, and reported fewer male sex partners than men in other groups. These findings highlight how patterns of connectedness relate to GBM’s risk management.  相似文献   

Young gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (YGBMSM) and young transgender women are disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS. The success of biomedical prevention strategies is predicated on regular HIV testing; however, there has been limited uptake of testing among YGBMSM and young transgender women. Anticipated HIV stigma—expecting rejection as a result of seroconversion- may serve as a significant barrier to testing. A cross-sectional sample of YGBMSM (n = 719, 95.5%) and young transgender women (n = 33, 4.4%) ages 15–24 were recruited to participate in a one-time survey. Approximately one-third of youth had not tested within the last 6 months. In a multivariable model, anticipated HIV stigma and reporting a non-gay identity were associated with an increased odds of delaying regular HIV testing. Future research and interventions are warranted to address HIV stigma, in order to increase regular HIV testing among YGBMSM and transgender women.  相似文献   

AIDS and Behavior - Despite having some of the world’s highest rates of HIV, there is a lack of knowledge on correlates of transmission risk among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex...  相似文献   

Serosorting, the practice of selectively engaging in unprotected sex with partners of the same HIV serostatus, has been proposed as a strategy for reducing HIV transmission risk among men who have sex with men (MSM). However, there is a paucity of scientific evidence regarding whether women engage in serosorting. We analyzed longitudinal data on women’s sexual behavior with male partners collected in the Women’s Interagency HIV Study from 2001 to 2005. Serosorting was defined as an increasing trend of unprotected anal or vaginal sex (UAVI) within seroconcordant partnerships over time, more frequent UAVI within seroconcordant partnerships compared to non-concordant partnerships, or having UAVI only with seroconcordant partners. Repeated measures Poisson regression models were used to examine the associations between serostatus partnerships and UAVI among HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected women. The study sample consisted of 1,602 HIV-infected and 664 HIV-uninfected women. Over the follow-up period, the frequency of seroconcordant partnerships increased for HIV-uninfected women but the prevalence of UAVI within seroconcordant partnerships remained stable. UAVI was reported more frequently within HIV seroconcordant partnerships than among serodiscordant or unknown serostatus partnerships, regardless of the participant’s HIV status or types of partners. Among women with both HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected partners, 41% (63 HIV-infected and 9 HIV-uninfected) were having UAVI only with seroconcordant partners. Our analyses suggest that serosorting is occurring among both HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected women in this cohort.  相似文献   

This study is among the first to examine the association between multiple domains of HIV-related stigma and health-related correlates including viral load and medication adherence among young Black men who have sex with men (N = 92). Individual logistic regressions were done to examine the hypothesized relationships between HIV-related stigma and various health and psychosocial outcomes. In addition to examining total stigma, we also examined four domains of HIV stigma. Findings revealed the various domains of stigma had differential effects on health-related outcomes. Individuals who reported higher levels of total stigma and personalized stigma were less likely to be virally suppressed (OR 0.96, 95 % CI 0.91–1.00 and OR 0.50, 95 % CI 0.25–1.02, respectively). Concerns about public attitudes toward HIV were positively related to medication adherence (OR 2.18, 95 % CI 1.20–3.94) and psychological distress (OR 5.02, 95 % CI 1.54–16.34). The various domains of HIV stigma differentially affected health and psychosocial outcomes, and our findings suggest that some forms of HIV stigma may significantly affect viral load and medication adherence among this population. Stigma-informed approaches to care and treatment are needed, along with incorporated psychological and social supports.  相似文献   

Frequent HIV testing among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBM) is a strategic priority for HIV prevention in Australia. To overcome barriers to testing in conventional clinical services, Australia recently introduced peer HIV rapid point of care (RPOC) testing services for GBM. This mixed methods evaluation describes client acceptability and HIV prevention benefits of a peer HIV testing model. Most aspects of the service model were overwhelmingly acceptable to clients. Two-thirds of survey participants reported preferring testing with peers rather than doctors or nurses and over half reported learning something new about reducing HIV risk. Focus group findings suggested peer-delivered HIV RPOC testing reduced stigma-related barriers to frequent testing and provided novel opportunities for GBM to openly discuss HIV prevention and sexual practices, enhancing their HIV risk-reduction knowledge. Analysis of survey data suggested knowledge transfer occurred particularly among younger and less gay community-attached GBM.  相似文献   

Resiliency factors such as social support have been associated with more frequent HIV testing among MSM. We examined the association between social support and delayed HIV testing in the context of structural discrimination and individual factors among young Black MSM. We combined two independent cross-sectional samples recruited 1 year apart from a venue-based, modified time-location sampling study of young Black MSM aged 18–29 years in the US South. Our subsample (N = 813) was men who self-reported not being HIV positive and who indicated they had one or more male sex partners in the past 2 months. Using a social epidemiology framework we estimated associations of structural (racism and homophobia), social (social support from other Black MSM friends) and individual factors with delayed HIV testing (>6 months ago) using logistic regression. Bivariate analyses demonstrated that individual level variables as well as experiences of racism (OR 1.20, 95% CI 1.02–1.41) and homophobia (OR 1.49, 95 % CI 1.02–2.17) were associated with higher risk of delayed HIV testing. Receiving social support from other Black MSM friends was associated with lower risk of delayed HIV testing (OR 0.80, 95 % CI 0.67–0.95). In multivariable models, social support remained significantly associated with lower risk of delayed HIV testing after inclusion of structural and individual level variables. Social support has a positive and robust association with HIV testing among young Black MSM. Whether community building and development of resiliency factors can overcome structural, social, and individual-level barriers to HIV prevention and care for young Black MSM warrants further study.  相似文献   

The primary romantic relationship plays a fundamental role in health maintenance, but little is known about its role in HIV care engagement among young Black men who have sex with men (MSM) living with HIV. We examined how HIV care engagement outcomes (i.e., having a primary healthcare provider, receiving HIV treatment, taking antiretroviral medication, and medication adherence) vary by partnership status (single vs. concordant-positive vs. discordant) in a sample of young Black MSM living with HIV. Results showed mixed findings. Partnership status was significantly associated with HIV care engagement, even after adjusting for individual, social, and structural factors. While partnered men were consistently more likely than their single counterparts to have a regular healthcare provider, to receive recent treatment, and to have ever taken antiretroviral medication, they were less likely to report currently receiving antiretroviral therapy. Moreover, men with a discordant partner reported better adherence compared to men with a concordant or no partner. The association between partnership status and HIV care engagement outcomes was not consistent across the stages of the HIV Care Continuum, highlighting the complexity in how and why young Black men living with HIV engage in HIV healthcare. Given the social context of HIV disease management, more research is needed to explicate underlying mechanisms involved in HIV care and treatment that differ by relational factors for young Black MSM living with HIV.  相似文献   

AIDS and Behavior - Although HIV incidence is rising among gay, bisexual, and other men (MSM) and transgender people who have sex with men (TSM) in Kazakhstan, whether stigmatizing attitudes and...  相似文献   

At public sex environments in four U.S. cities, 1,369 men who have sex with men (MSM) were asked about sexual self-identification, recent HIV risk behaviors, and exposures to HIV information. Half of respondents (n = 687) self-identified as gay, 40% (n = 546) as bisexual, and 10% (n = 136) as straight. Ninety-nine percent of both gay and bisexual MSM and 96% of straight MSM reported oral sex with men; 94%, 68%, and 46%, respectively, reported anal sex with men, while 62%, 98%, and 97%, respectively, reported vaginal sex with women. Recent exposure to any HIV information was reported by 96%, 91%, and 89% respectively of gay, bisexual, and straight MSM; gay MSM were most likely to get HIV information from talking with someone. However, television was the only medium to reach more than half of gay, bisexual, and straight MSM. Non-gay-identified MSM and their partners are at high risk for HIV transmission, but more study is needed to identify the most effective channels for conveying risk reduction messages to this population.  相似文献   

Vengeance has been shown to be a risk factor for HIV nondisclosure. Research examining the associations between vengeance, condomless sex, and HIV nondisclosure is lacking. The aim of the current study was to explore the association between vengeance, condomless sex and disclosure (behavior, attitude and intention) among men who have sex with men (MSM) living with HIV. Participants included 266 MSM who were a part of a disclosure intervention study. Men were recruited from local and state AIDS service organizations (ASOs), HIV-related venues and forums, and at local eating and drinking establishments in Tampa, Florida, and Columbus and Dayton, Ohio metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs). Advertisements were also placed in local daily newspapers. Vengeance was operationalized into three groups based on percentiles (least, more, and most vengeful) and as a continuous variable. Crude and multivariable logistic regression models were used to examine the association between vengeance and condomless sex in the past 30 days. Simple and multiple linear regression models were used to determine the association between vengeance and HIV disclosure. After adjusting for demographic and geographic characteristics, participants who were “most vengeful” had, on average, an approximate six-point decrease (β: ?5.46; 95% CI ?9.55, ?1.36) in disclosure intention compared to MSM who were “least vengeful.” Prevention and intervention programs geared towards improving disclosure among MSM should address vengeance.  相似文献   

China’s HIV epidemic may be shifting towards predominantly sexual transmission and emerging data point to potential increases in HIV prevalence among men who have sex with men (MSM). There is particular need to assess the extent of risk behavior among MSM outside of China’s most cosmopolitan cities. We conducted a respondent-driven sampling survey (N = 428) to measure HIV seroprevalence and risk behavior among MSM in Jinan, China, the provincial capital of Shandong. HIV prevalence was 0.5% (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.1–1.0). Unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) in the last 6 months (reported by 61.4%) was associated with buying or selling sex to a man in the last 6 months, syphilis infection, multiple partners in the last month, low HIV knowledge and migrant status. No participant had previously tested for HIV. Risk for HIV transmission is widespread among MSM throughout China; basic prevention programs are urgently needed.  相似文献   

Young men who have sex with men (YMSM) are increasingly using mobile smartphone applications (“apps”), such as Grindr, to meet sex partners. A probability sample of 195 Grindr-using YMSM in Southern California were administered an anonymous online survey to assess patterns of and motivations for Grindr use in order to inform development and tailoring of smartphone-based HIV prevention for YMSM. The number one reason for using Grindr (29 %) was to meet “hook ups.” Among those participants who used both Grindr and online dating sites, a statistically significantly greater percentage used online dating sites for “hook ups” (42 %) compared to Grindr (30 %). Seventy percent of YMSM expressed a willingness to participate in a smartphone app-based HIV prevention program. Development and testing of smartphone apps for HIV prevention delivery has the potential to engage YMSM in HIV prevention programming, which can be tailored based on use patterns and motivations for use.  相似文献   

Online social networking sites (SNS)—the Internet-based platforms that enable connection and communication between users—are increasingly salient social environments for young adults and, consequently, offer tremendous opportunity for HIV behavioral research and intervention among vulnerable populations like young men who have sex with men (YMSM). Drawing from a cohort of 525 young Black MSM (YBMSM) living in Chicago, IL, USA April 2014–May 2015, we conducted social network analysis, estimating an exponential random graph model (ERGM) to model YBMSM’s group affiliations on Facebook in relation to their sex behaviors and HIV prevention traits. A group’s privacy setting—public, closed, or secret—was also modeled as a potential moderator of that relationship. Findings reveal that HIV positive individuals were more likely to affiliate with Facebook groups, while those who engaged in group sex were less likely to do so. When it came to the privacy of groups, we learned that HIV positive individuals tended not to belong to groups with greater privacy (e.g., closed and secret groups), while individuals who engaged in group sex and those who engaged in regular HIV testing were more likely to belong to those groups. Results also showed that individuals who engaged in condomless sex showed significant signs of clustering around the same set of groups. HIV positive individuals, on the other hand, were significantly less likely to demonstrate clustering. Implications for interventions and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Adopting socioecological, intersectionality, and lifecourse theoretical frameworks may enhance our understanding of the production of syndemic adverse health outcomes among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM). From this perspective, we present preliminary data from three related studies that suggest ways in which social contexts may influence the health of MSM. The first study, using cross-sectional data, looked at migration of MSM to the gay resort area of South Florida, and found that amount of time lived in the area was associated with risk behaviors and HIV infection. The second study, using qualitative interviews, observed complex interactions between neighborhood-level social environments and individual-level racial and sexual identity among MSM in New York City. The third study, using egocentric network analysis with a sample of African American MSM in Baltimore, found that sexual partners were more likely to be found through face-to-face means than the Internet. They also observed that those who co-resided with a sex partner had larger networks of people to depend on for social and financial support, but had the same size sexual networks as those who did not live with a partner. Overall, these findings suggest the need for further investigation into the role of macro-level social forces on the emotional, behavioral, and physical health of urban MSM.  相似文献   

The National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) clearly emphasized the need to provide services to black men who have sex with men (MSM). However, there are no estimates of the unmet HIV-related service delivery needs among black MSM. We estimate that of 195,313 black MSM living with HIV in the US, 50,196 were not yet diagnosed, and 145,118 were aware of their seropositivity (of whom 67,625 were not linked to care and 77,493 were linked to care). Also, of those already diagnosed, ~43,390 had undetectable viral load and 101,728 had detectable viral load. Approximately 19,545 of diagnosed black MSM engage in unprotected risk behavior in serostatus-discordant partnerships. The cost of delivering services needed to meet the NHAS goals is ~$2.475 billion in 2011 U.S. dollars. Mathematical modeling suggests that provisions of these services would avert 6213 HIV infections at an economically favorable cost of $20,032 per quality-adjusted life year saved.  相似文献   

Sexual transmission risk occurs in the context of serodiscordant condomless anal intercourse (CAI) where the seropositive partner is virologically detectable (VL+) and/or seronegative partner is not on PrEP. We analyzed correlates of serodiscordant CAI among 688 VL+ young men who have sex with men (YMSM). In multivariable analyses, serodiscordant CAI was associated with a receiving a HIV diagnosis in the past 6 months, greater depressive symptoms, and cocaine use during the past 90 days. Although HIV+ YMSM currently experience disparities across the continuum of care, those new to care may need support adopting risk reduction strategies with their sexual partners.  相似文献   

We conducted the first study to examine health correlates of discrimination due to race/ethnicity, HIV-status, and sexual orientation among 348 HIV-positive Black (n = 181) and Latino (n = 167) men who have sex with men. Participants completed audio computer-assisted self-interviews. In multivariate analyses, Black participants who experienced greater racial discrimination were less likely to have a high CD4 cell count [OR = 0.7, 95 % CI = (0.5, 0.9), p = 0.02], and an undetectable viral load [OR = 0.8, 95 % CI = (0.6, 1.0), p = 0.03], and were more likely to visit the emergency department [OR = 1.3, 95 % CI = (1.0, 1.7), p = 0.04]; the combined three types of discrimination predicted greater AIDS symptoms [F (3,176) = 3.8, p < 0.01]. Among Latinos, the combined three types of discrimination predicted greater medication side effect severity [F (3,163) = 4.6, p < 0.01] and AIDS symptoms [F (3,163) = 3.1, p < 0.05]. Findings suggest that the stress of multiple types of discrimination plays a role in health outcomes.  相似文献   

Little work has examined how individuals’ social affiliations—the venues in which they meet friends and engage in informal social interaction—influence their engagement with public health services. We investigate how links to these local places shape access to information and exposure to health-seeking behavior. Using longitudinal data from a respondent-driven sample of 618 young black men who have sex with men (YBMSM) in Chicago, we identify different sets of social venues that connect YBMSM. We then examine how YBMSM’s connections within this network influence their receipt of HIV prevention and treatment services and knowledge of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Our results show that YBMSM’s positions within Chicago’s venue network shape the types of health-related services they access, net of demographic, structural, and community covariates. Men with affiliations that are linked to the city’s gay enclave are most likely to know about PrEP, while men with affiliations that are predominately in the black community demonstrate improved HIV treatment outcomes. Outreach engaging MSM beyond venues in gay enclaves is needed.  相似文献   

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