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The present study investigated the role of job/home resources in the relation between job/home demands and exhaustion, job satisfaction, work-home interference, and home-work interference during the COVID-19 pandemic. We explored the prevalence of job/home demands and resources during the COVID-19 pandemic, and examined whether working at different locations (i.e., working from home or at the office) affects how both job/home demands and resources are associated with employees’ health and well-being. An online cross-sectional survey study using self-report questionnaires was carried out among the networks of the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH) association (N=153). The findings of this study illustrated that (1) cognitive job demands/resources and emotional home demands/resources were crucial in predicting employee health and well-being; (2) a conceptual match was detected between corresponding demands and resources; (3) subgroup analysis showed that employees were not heavily affected by the different working locations during the pandemic. In conclusion, this study confirms the positive role of job/home resources. We suggest that cultivating specific job/home resources and establishing an appropriate match between specific job/home resources and corresponding job/home demands is necessary to ensure employees’ health and well-being in times of a pandemic.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Illness and illness behaviour are important problems in the Dutch workforce. Illness has been associated with job demands, with high demands relating to poorer health. It has not been reported whether subjective health complaints relate to job demands. AIMS: To investigate whether perceived (physical and mental) workload and specific job demands are associated with self-reported health complaints. METHODS: Cross-sectional study of a random sample of 983 male employees working in manufacturing industry. Job demands and health complaints were investigated using the self-completed Basic Occupational Health Questionnaire. The relationship between demands and health complaints were studied using logistic regression analysis with health complaints as the outcome variable. RESULTS: The questionnaires of 867 workers (88%) were suitable for analysis. The prevalence of health complaints was high. Physical workload was related to musculoskeletal symptoms. Standing work predicted pain in the legs and thoracic as well as low back pain, while sedentary work predicted low back pain. Heavy lifting predicted low back pain and pain in the extremities. Regular bending predicted low back pain and pain in the legs. Repetitive movements predicted pain in the arms and thoracic as well as low back pain. Mental workload was associated with fatigue and chest pain. Working under time pressure and working behind schedule were not related to self-reported health complaints. CONCLUSIONS: Perceived physical job demands matched with self-reported musculoskeletal complaints, whereas perceived mental job demands were unrelated to specific complaints.  相似文献   

Previous experimental research in other topic areas has shown that the choice of response alternatives can influence respondents' reporting of the frequency of vaguely defined events and that the set of response alternatives is treated as information in the interpretation of the question. The aim of this study was to examine whether such affects would occur in the context of respondents reporting of health-related events using high and medium frequency closed format response categories, which might be used interchangeably by researchers. The study consisted of a postal survey of n = 518 patients aged 18 years randomly selected from the patient list of a diabetes centre and who were equally and randomly allocated to one of three conditions (Condition A: high frequency response alternatives/horizontal orientation; condition B: medium frequency response alternatives/horizontal orientations; condition C: high frequency response alternatives/vertical orientation). Testing for the effect of response alternatives for the combined responses of five vaguely defined questions between conditions A and B was 2 = 5.5, p = 0.019, for the difference in proportions, indicating that overall, those respondents presented with response alternatives discriminating at medium frequency, reported significantly fewer target events than those presented with high frequency response alternatives. Testing for the effect of orientation of the combined question responses between conditions A and C, differences in proportions between conditions, did not reach statistical significance (p > 0.05). Findings from this and previous studies indicate that response alternatives provide information on the interpretation of vaguely defined questionnaire items and that their choice should not be left to intuition alone when designing questionnaire items.  相似文献   

This paper tests for the presence of job lock and “health insurance plan lock” stemming from the health shock of a child family member. Using the onset of an acute, unanticipated health shock, I estimate a 7–14 percent decreased likelihood of all family members leaving their current health insurance network and health plan within one year of the emergency. This corresponds to a reduced one-year job mobility rate of approximately 13 percent for the health plan’s primary policyholder. Furthermore, the non-portability of health insurance products may contribute to the observed job and health plan lock.  相似文献   

张巍  田向阳  北京  )  魏南方  北京  )  严丽萍  北京  ) 《中国健康教育》2010,26(8):571-573
目的了解我国农村居民卫生服务需求利用现状及影响因素,为制定农村卫生服务策略与计划提供依据。方法采用多阶段分层随机整群抽样,抽取河南、江苏、陕西3个省的402户家庭及1535名农村居民,由调查员入户对农村居民卫生服务需求与利用现状等进行问卷调查。结果调查地区农村居民新农合参合率99.5%,两周患病率15.7%,半年内高血压、糖尿病发病率分别为6.3%和1.1%。两周患病未就诊率17.7%。32.6%的高血压患者和36.8%的糖尿病患者在村卫生室有健康档案。63.7%的家庭在村卫生室就诊。未就医原因主要是经济困难(45.5%)和自感病轻(31.8%)。结论农村居民的卫生服务需要量大,但利用率较低,利用主要在村级医疗机构。应继续贯彻、完善新农合制度,加强农村基层医疗卫生机构能力建设与管理,开展健康教育,进一步提高农村基层医疗利用率。  相似文献   

北京市某城区社区卫生服务医务人员满意度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解社区医务人员工作满意度,完善社区卫生服务管理机制。方法:对北京市某城区41个社区卫生服务站和11个区医院的保健科共计458名医务人员进行问卷调查。结果:调查对象工作满意度水平一般,其中满意度较低的项目是收入和福利待遇、工作负担、个人发展机会和机构管理水平。而机构管理水平、工作发展前景和成就荣誉感是影响工作满意度的主要因素。建议:重视社区医务人员满意度状态,宣传社区服务理念;建立有效的激励机制和收入保障制度,提高机构管理水平是提升社区医务人员满意度的重要手段。  相似文献   

高虹 《浙江预防医学》2020,31(6):671-165
目的 依托工作要求-资源模型,系统研究学术期刊编辑的职业倦怠,旨在更好地识别其职业倦怠症状并实施有效的消减措施,从而不断提升编辑的工作效率和满意度,并推动学术期刊的高质量发展。方法 通过构建学术期刊编辑职业倦怠的工作要求-资源模型,定性分析学术期刊编辑职业倦怠的生成机理及其不良影响。结果 学术期刊编辑的工作要求涵盖社会责任大、行业更新快等8项具体内容,工作资源包括社会支持、晋升渠道等3项具体内容。学术期刊编辑职业倦怠的发展过程遵循“情感衰竭—去个人化—低成就感”这一顺序,工作要求会诱发情绪衰竭,工作资源会引发去个人化,在过高工作要求和过少工作资源的双重冲击下,编辑的个人成就感降低,从而产生职业倦怠。编辑职业倦怠会对编辑个体和学术期刊产生较大的负面影响。结论 为消减学术期刊编辑的职业倦怠,一方面,编辑个体需要立足实际,有效调控工作要求;另一方面,学术期刊、管理部门和社会组织需要借助多种渠道,及时供给工作资源。  相似文献   

医护人员职业倦怠原因剖析及干预策略   总被引:7,自引:10,他引:7  
职业倦怠是现代社会的普遍现象,医护人员是职业倦怠的易感人群.分析了引起医护人员职业倦怠的原因,其既有宏观的社会环境和体制原因,也有组织特征、医护职业特点、个体人格特质等方面的原因.从不同层面提出了职业倦怠的干预对策:倡导关心他人福祉,重视人与人之间关系质化生活的文化价值取向;构建和谐医患关系和良好的执业环境;加强社会公关,塑造医疗机构良好的媒体形象;在组织和管理层面上,完善管理制度和运行机制;在个人层面上,可通过培训等干预方式提高个体应对能力等.  相似文献   

目的:探究中国基层医务人员工作满意度对工作绩效的影响,以及控制性动机和自主性动机的中介作用。方法:利用工作满意度量表、工作动机量表和工作绩效量表对6省12县(市、区)75家基层卫生服务机构1 435名基层医务人员进行问卷调查。结果:我国基层医务人员的工作满意度、控制性动机、自主性动机和工作绩效两两之间显著正相关;工作满意度会影响工作绩效,总效应为1.50,其中直接效应值为0.96,占总效应的64.01%,同时还存在3条间接影响路径,分别是控制性动机的独立中介作用、自主性动机的独立中介作用、控制性动机和自主性动机的链式中介作用,中介效应值分别为0.21、0.11、0.23,占中介效应的比例为38.36%、19.55%、40.97%。结论:本研究证明工作满意度会直接或间接的通过4条路径影响工作绩效,其中工作动机发挥了中介作用,并存在"动机内化"的过程。所以要持续关注其工作满意度水平的变化,特别注意满意度改变带来的工作动机的调整,以物质激励因素为基础,非物质激励为推动力,实现良好主观感受向客观绩效提高的持续转变。  相似文献   

Purpose  To assess the association between physical job demands (PJD) and physical/cognitive functional limitations, and the role of adverse health behaviours, obesity, and socio-demographic factors as confounders of those associations. Methods  The sample included 3,368 active subjects aged 18–64 years, randomly selected from North-eastern France. Subjects completed a post-mailed questionnaire. PJD score was defined as the product of years of employment with the cumulative number of a wide range of high job demands. Data were analysed through the logistic regression models. Results  The physical and cognitive functional limitations affected 16.9 and 28.6% of subjects, respectively. A strong relationship was found between PJD and physical functional limitation: significant odds ratios (OR) adjusted for all the factors studied 1.41 for PJD1-29, 1.72 for PJD30-99, and 2.57 for PJD ≥100 versus PJD0; and between PJD and cognitive functional limitation: OR 1.28 for PJD1-29, 1.60 for PJD30-99, and 2.00 for PJD ≥100 versus PJD0. Adverse health behaviours, obesity and job category were modest confounders of those associations. Conclusions  This study identified a wide range of job demands and individual characteristics related to physical/cognitive functional limitations. Prevention should aim at improving working conditions and adverse health behaviours. Lorhandicap Group, Research group on health and disabilities in North-eastern France: N. Chau, F. Guillemin, J. F. Ravaud, J. Sanchez, S. Guillaume, J. P. Michaely, C. Otero Sierra, B. Legras, A. Dazord, M. Choquet, L. Méjean, N. Tubiana-Rufi, J. P. Meyer, Y. Schléret, J. M. Mur.  相似文献   

杨萍 《职业与健康》2014,(3):414-416
职业倦怠是指在以人为服务对象的职业领域中,个体的一种情感耗竭、人格解体和个人成就感降低的症状。由于护士是一种典型的以人为服务对象的职业,因此,护士是职业倦怠的高发人群,也一直是职业倦怠研究中重点关注的职业人群之一,医护人员发生职业倦怠机会高,尤其以护士更为突出,影响护士职业倦怠主要相关因素有年龄、护龄、婚姻、工作之余的家务劳动、学历、职称、劳动关系、收入、工作量、工作岗位和轮班等因素,由于护理模式向整体护理的转变,以患者为中心,护理角色职能发生质的改变,对护士提出了更高的要求,加重护士职业倦怠的发生。作者就护理职业倦怠的概念及内涵、危害、原因、职业倦怠现状及预防,同时指出干预医护人员职业倦怠的不同影响因素探索有效的方法。  相似文献   

The effects of job displacement (i.e. job loss due to downsizing or plant closure) and downsizing survival on different health outcomes (i.e. psychological distress, muscle-skeletal pain, and chest pain) were examined with annual panel data from the Norwegian Panel Survey of Living Conditions 1997-2003. The data were analyzed by means of dynamic panel data regression models, taking explicitly into account pre-downsizing health levels and unobserved heterogeneity. In contrast to some previous studies, but in line with theoretical expectations, no significant effect of downsizing survival was found. Job displacement was, however, found to lead to a significant increase in psychological distress, but even this effect seems transitory rather than long-lasting.  相似文献   

Although socioeconomic status (SES) has been to shown to be associated with susceptibility to involuntary job loss as well as with health, the ways in which individual SES indicators may moderate the job loss-health association remain underexplored. Using data from the Americans' Changing Lives study, we estimate the ways in which the association between job loss and depressive symptoms depends on five aspects of SES: education, income, occupational prestige, wealth, and homeownership. Our findings indicate that higher SES prior to job loss is not uniformly associated with fewer depressive symptoms. Higher education and lower prestige appear to buffer the health impacts of job loss, while financial indicators do not. These results have a number of implications for understanding the multidimensional role that social inequality plays in shaping the health effects of job loss.  相似文献   

合肥市水源与饮用水中挥发性卤代烃健康风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的调查合肥市水源与饮用水中挥发性卤代烃污染水平,评估对人体潜在健康风险。方法顶空气相色谱法测定合肥市A、B两水厂水源水、出厂水及管网末梢水中7种卤代烃;采用美国环保暑(USEPA)水环境健康风险评价模型,从摄入、皮肤接触和吸入3种途径进行定量评估。结果水源水检出CHCl3、CCl4和C2Cl43种卤代烃,出厂水和管网末梢水除CHBr3,其余6种均有检出,平均浓度范围分别为0.17~3.64μg/L、0.11~37.05μg/L和0.03~52.25μg/L,均未超过国家标准。致癌风险主要来自CHCl3、C2HCl3和CHBrCl2,风险值男性6.61E-07~8.21E-05,女性6.70E-10~7.69E-05。不同暴露途径致癌风险,经口摄入>吸入>皮肤接触。引起非致癌风险的化合物主要为CHCl3和C2HCl3,风险指数男性5.05E-02~7.83E-01,女性5.11E-02~7.94E-01。A、B两水厂所检挥发性卤代烃种类和浓度不同,致癌风险和非致癌风险有所差异。结论目前合肥市水源及饮用水中挥发性卤代烃致癌风险和非致癌风险均在可接受水平,不会对成人产生明显的健康危害。  相似文献   

目的评估内蒙古某盟市二级及以上综合类医疗机构卫生应急能力,揭示问题并提出建议。方法运用文献检索、专家咨询/访谈、小组讨论、Delphi法、线性加权法等确定符合当地实情的评估指标体系,构建综合类医疗机构卫生应急评估模型。结果全盟市14家综合类医疗机构卫生应急能力强的有10家,中等的有4家。结论全盟市二级及以上综合类医疗机构卫生应急能力建设总体水平较好,但也存在一些不足。相关政府部门与医疗机构应根据自身工作特点或实际情况持续改进,从而不断提升卫生应急能力水平  相似文献   

城市居民社区卫生服务需求意愿及影响因素分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过大连市居民社区卫生服务需求意愿及影响因素分析表明:居民的健康需求是全方位的,就近就医受到患者的普遍欢迎,其中需求较大的前五位依次是医生到家庭出诊,家庭病床,。医院与患者签定合同,定期上门体检和指导就医,年龄,文化程度,职业,医疗费用支付方式均不同程度地影响居民卫生服务需求。因此,社区卫生服务应以需求为导向,并针对其需求特点,扩大服务范围,提供适宜的卫生服务。  相似文献   

对社区人群进行性病/艾滋病健康教育的效果评价   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
目的 :探讨在社区人群中进行性病 /艾滋病健康教育的可行性。方法 :在南京市已开展社区卫生服务的某区内 ,整群抽取 4个居委会 ,170 0户居民 ,随机分成对照组与干预组。干预组以连续 5次发送“致居民信”的形式进行性病 /艾滋病的健康教育。结果 :对性病 /艾滋病有关知识的知晓率、态度正确率、相关行为正确率 ,干预组人群由干预前的 5 3.3%、4 5 .5 %、77.7%上升到干预后的6 9 .9%、5 8.4 %、82 .7% (P <0 .0 1)。对照组人群由干预前的 4 4 .6 %、37.5 %、6 9.2 %上升到干预后的6 4 .5 %、5 7.2 %、82 .8% (P <0 .0 1)。干预组与对照组均有不同程度的增高。结论 :利用社区卫生服务网络在居民中开展性病 /艾滋病健康教育是有意义的 ,但对不同人群应采取针对性内容。  相似文献   

Objectives To test the validity and reliability of selected scales, namely, decision latitude, psychological job demand, social support, job insecurity, and macro-level decision latitude from the Korean version of the job content questionnaire (K-JCQ), as part of a psychosocial epidemiological study among university hospital workers. Methods K-JCQ was developed by translation and back translation complying with the JCQ usage policy, and its psychometric properties were explored among 338 workers (290 females and 48 males) in a university hospital in Korea. Internal consistency was examined using Cronbach’s alpha correlation coefficients. Factorial validity was tested using exploratory factor analysis. Pearson’s correlation coefficients were used for test–retest reliability among a subset of 157 workers who responded to a repeat survey. Criterion-related validity was assessed by investigating the effects of the scales on job satisfaction and self-identity through work in multiple regression models. Results Cronbach’s alpha for all selected scales was higher than 0.6, except for job insecurity (0.53) and macro-level decision authority (0.52), indicating appropriate internal consistency. Correlation coefficients between test and retest scales of decision latitude, psychological job demand, and social support were 0.60, 0.41, and 0.35, respectively. Exploratory factor analysis found three- and four-factor models, i.e., with and without macro-level decision latitude, respectively, closely corresponding to the theoretical constructs. High levels of decision latitude and social support, and low levels of psychological job demand and job insecurity were significantly associated with high level of job satisfaction. Higher self-identity through work was positively related to decision latitude and social support. Conclusions These findings suggest that K-JCQ is valid and reliable for assessing psychosocial job stress among Korean workers. Macro-level decision latitude showed a separate factorial structure and was strongly associated with task-level decision latitude.  相似文献   

目的 了解护理人员工作满意度现状及影响护理人员工作满意度的因素,为管理者提高护士工作满意度和工作积极性提供参考依据.方法 应用自行设计调查问卷对某院随机抽取的200名护士进行调查,收回有效问卷198份.结果 护士对自己工作总体满意度不高,对工作报酬满意度最低;不同学历、年龄、护龄、婚姻状况的护士工作满意度不同.结论 应根据影响工作满意度因素及护士需求,采取不同的管理措施及激励手段,提高工作满意度.  相似文献   

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