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孔雀绿是一种弱碱性胞核染料,也是一种很好的指示剂。纪伟华等用孔雀绿染色法制作的带绦虫妊娠节片标本,子宫与周围组织清楚。旋毛虫标本常通过卡红或苏木精染色制作永久标本,作者首次用孔雀绿染色法制作旋毛虫标本。  相似文献   

带绦虫妊娠节片标本制作方法的研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
目的 制作结构清晰、易于观察、颜色鲜亮的带绦虫妊娠节片标本。方法 采用孔雀绿染色法。结果 经孔雀绿染色的妊娠节片 ,子宫及其侧枝均呈绿色 ,其它组织为无色透明。结论 该方法弥补了以往传统染色法的缺陷 ,使子宫与周围组织清晰可辨 ,利于观察  相似文献   

目的观察人工感染家犬肠道中多头多头绦虫(Multiceps multiceps)的显微和超微结构。方法收集自然感染的羊脑多头蚴,分别经口感染2只6月龄雄性家犬(80~100个/只)。感染后67 d,取家犬肠道中多头多头绦虫成虫,常规方法固定后,分离多头多头绦虫的头节、颈节、成熟节片和未成熟节片,制备石蜡切片和电镜超薄切片,分别进行苏木素-伊红(HE)染色和醋酸双氧铀染色后,用光学显微镜和透射电镜观察。结果光镜下见多头多头绦虫成虫各节片均可分为皮质层和髓质层。电镜下皮质层的基本结构为绒毛、合胞体和基质,髓质层主要为肌肉组织,以排泄系统、生殖系统为主。头节的绒毛层比颈节、成节的薄,绒毛最长的部位主要分布在节片的结合部位。头节部位肌肉组织发达。神经系统和排泄系统见于各节片。成熟节片有雌性、雄性生殖器官各一套。孕卵节片中的雄性生殖器官萎缩,主要以子宫和虫卵为主。结论多头多头绦虫显微结构的特别之处在于皮质部位的绒毛以圆柱状为主,成熟节片间的连接部位的微绒毛比成熟节片其他部位的微绒毛长。  相似文献   

孔雀绿是一种弱碱性胞核染料 ,也是一种很好的指示剂。纪伟华等[1] 用孔雀绿染色法制作的带绦虫妊娠节片标本 ,子宫与周围组织清楚。旋毛虫标本常通过卡红或苏木精染色制作永久标本[2 ] ,作者首次用孔雀绿染色法制作旋毛虫标本。1 材料和方法1.1 材料1.1.1 成虫 每只小鼠感染 5 0 0条肌幼虫 ,第 6d禁食 1d ,于第 7d处死 ,取出小肠并纵行剪开 ,无菌生理盐水洗去肠内容物 ,将小肠剪成 2~ 3cm长的小段 ,放入盛有 3 7℃预温的无菌生理盐水的大平皿内 ,置 3 7℃恒温培养箱中孵育 2h~ 3h ,成虫从肠壁钻出 ,反复用无菌生理盐水漂洗、沉淀收集…  相似文献   

目的探讨制作旋毛虫成虫染色标本的最佳方法。方法分别使用乙醇硼砂卡红、醋酸卡红、固绿3种染色法制作旋毛虫成虫标本。结果乙醇硼砂卡红染色的标本,颜色鲜艳,结构清晰,另外两种染液染色效果不佳。结论乙醇硼砂卡红染色可用于旋毛虫成虫永久标本的制作。  相似文献   

目的探讨旋毛虫肌幼虫囊包染色标本的制作方法。方法采用醋酸卡红染色法制作旋毛虫肌幼虫囊包标本。结果醋酸卡红染色的标本,囊包轮廓清晰,囊内幼虫透明度及清晰度高,体态自然,立体感较强。结论醋酸卡红染色可用于旋毛虫肌幼虫囊包永久标本的制作。  相似文献   

目的通过采用南瓜子-槟榔法治疗四川省甘孜藏族自治州雅江县绦虫病患者,了解南瓜子-槟榔法的驱绦效果,为控制绦虫病/囊尾蚴病提供安全、有效的药物治疗。方法于2007-05/2009-11,在四川省雅江县7个乡镇18个村寨,对部分村民进行问卷调查,对近年内有排绦虫节片史且自愿接受治疗的患者采用南瓜子-槟榔法进行驱绦。对驱绦后获得的绦虫标本用mu ltip lex PCR作进一步虫种鉴定。结果共治疗175例,完成治疗后5h内共计112例排出绦虫,获虫率为64.0%。在排出虫体的112例中,83.0%(93例)排出全虫(可见头节),其余19例仅排出绦虫节片。药物常见不良反应是头昏和胃肠不适,排虫后均自行消失。结论南瓜子-槟榔法是安全、有效的治疗带绦虫病方法。  相似文献   

第一例为野口氏,73岁,男性,1974年诊断为阔节裂头绦虫病例而报道;另一例为矢崎氏,40岁,男性,1983年报道时曾作为海洋性裂头绦虫病例而发表的,但末作虫种鉴定。本文作者在进一步对这些裂头绦虫标本进行深入的形态学探讨后,根据虫体形态特征:前端的未成熟的节片,呈灰白色,其后为成熟的节片呈茶褐色,成熟节片的表皮见较多纵形皱襞平行地排列在子宫的两侧,生殖孔位于节片正中线前缘约1/5处,子宫呈分  相似文献   

亚洲无钩绦虫感染者在云南省首次发现   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
目的:对云南兰坪防治绦虫病试点进行病原学调查,查明流行虫种与流行环节。方法:对该地2例患者作驱绦虫治疗,获取成虫,洗净,取孕节直接灌喂本地圈养的健康断乳猪5头,并设健康断乳猪2头作对照,分别隔离饲养观察。2-3个月后,解剖观察各组织器官,查找囊尾蚴。另对该地放养的自然感染疫猪1头同法解剖观察。结果:驱出成虫4条,取头节和孕节观察,形态特征与牛带绦虫相似。取其孕节人工感染猪,于2头猪的肝脏、大网膜及肠系膜查见囊尾蚴23个。自然感染猪1头,经解剖仅在肝脏及大网膜查见囊尾蚴3个。取囊尾蚴直接压片、染色、镜检,见成熟囊尾蚴原头节均有钩,具顶突及4个吸盘,与猪囊尾蚴相似。根据形态特征及囊尾蚴寄生部位鉴定为亚洲无钩绦虫。结论:亚洲无钩绦虫感染者在云南省首次发现。  相似文献   

本试验为得到大量牛囊尾蚴以制作教学用标本,解决教学标本奇缺的问题,同时观察囊尾蚴在牛体的分布情况。 一、方法 从患者驱出完整活的牛带绦虫成虫中,筛出脱落的妊娠节片100节,置生理盐水内,于4℃冰箱存1~2d备用.另购出生20d小公奶牛一只(重约50kg),将上述节片分两次(间隔三d)人工经口灌入小牛消化道内,第一次40个节片,第二次60个节片,进行饲养。 二、对感染后小公奶牛的观察  相似文献   

Qualities of microscopical pictures of digeneic larvae total slides stained with different acetocarmines were compared. Semichon's acidifying carmine for topographical staining, Schneider's and Belling's carmines for chromosomes as well as iron acetocarmine (modification of the last two) were used. The last stain permits to obtain the slides, that in respect of their colour and quality of microscopical picture may be compared with slides stained with Semichon's carmine. Contrast, colour and reaction of staining depend on concentration of iron acetate in the staining solution. Total slides of investigated larvae stained respectively with Schneider's and Belling's carmines are not enough readable.  相似文献   

三例喉兽比翼线虫病   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的 :研究 3例患者因吃未熟透的龟血及内脏而感染何种寄生虫。方法 :采用涂片法及饱和盐水漂浮法检查粪便 ,采用涂片和沉淀法检查 2 4 h痰液 ,采用支气管纤维镜 (支纤镜 )检查气管和支气管。对虫体及虫卵活体和用洋红染色制成玻片标本进行测量和鉴定。结果 :粪涂片及漂浮法均阴性 ,2 4 h痰中查见虫卵和虫体 ,支纤镜及服药后均获虫体。结论 :鉴定为喉兽比翼线虫。  相似文献   

Li D  Yang D  Pi BW  Niu LN  Zhang Y  Wang GY 《中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志》2012,30(2):164, inside back cover-165
本研究采用单染和复染两种方法对旋毛虫肌幼虫囊包标本进行染色。单染方法:制片经甲醛、乙醇和冰醋酸溶液固定,用乙醇硼砂卡红染色液(4%硼砂水溶液100 ml,卡红1 g,70%乙醇100 ml)染色。复染方法:制片经甲醛、乙醇和冰醋酸溶液固定,用乙醇硼砂卡红染色液和固绿染色液(固绿0.1 g,95%乙醇100 ml)染色。结果显示,单染标本,囊包与周围肌细胞着色无明显差别,结构不清晰,不易观察,囊内幼虫可辨认。复染标本,囊包结构清晰;囊内幼虫、囊包和肌细胞呈不同的颜色,囊包梭形显著,囊内幼虫特征典型。与单染标本相比,复染标本着色适度,染色效果好,易于观察。  相似文献   

To obtain more information about Paragonimus species prevalent in Manipur, India, hundreds of freshwater crabs, Potamiscus manipurensis, were captured from mountain streams in the Motbung Mountains in Senapati District, from December 1997 to January 1998. Crab extracts were prepared by digestion, differential filtration, and sedimentation. The filtered sediments were critically examined under a stereomicroscope. Isolated Paragonimus metacercariae were used for morphological study and animal experimentation. Forty-seven metacercariae were fed orally to a 3-month-old male puppy of local breed; at autopsy 155 days after inoculation, 12 adult worms were recovered; 2 were free in the thoracic cavity and 5 pairs were in lung cysts. Two adult worms were flattened and fixed in 70% ethanol and the remaining worms were put directly into 70% ethanol and preserved until July 2005. The former 2 worms were stained with borax carmine for morphological study at Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences, Sikkim, India. Two adult worms in the latter group were sent to the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo, Japan, for morphological identification and DNA sequencing. The morphological features of the borax carmine-stained worms were characteristic of P. skrjabini, although no genetic material for PCR amplification and sequencing could be extracted from the worm.  相似文献   

胸主动脉阻断后脊髓各段血供状况的动物实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:了解胸主动脉阻断后转流术或部分体外循环改善脊髓血供的程度。方法:6只家兔分别在左锁骨下动脉远侧和膈肌上方阻断胸主动脉建立脊髓缺血模型,阻断段远、近端灌注印度墨汁。结果:阻断段相应脊髓组织内墨汁分布明显少于远、近侧。结论:胸主动脉阻断后转流术或部分体外循环法,不能完全改善阻断段脊髓血供。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Indigo carmine dye is usually spread directly over the colon in many chromoscopic techniques aiming better visualization of a lesion already detected by conventional colonoscopy. Examination of the colon already stained by oral administration of indigo carmine dye may increase detection of small lesions resulting in higher sensibility of the colonoscopy in diagnosing diminutive lesions. OBJECTIVE: Analyze the results regarding the quality of chromoscopic technique and the indigo carmine dye distribution over the colon after oral administration. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Fifty patients undergoing colonoscopy were evaluated. A capsule containing 100 mg of indigo carmine dye was offered to these patients 30 min before oral mannitol prep routinely used. The indigo carmine dye contrast effect was graded as bad, regular or good according to preestablished criteria in three segments of the colon: right and left colon and the rectum. RESULTS: In the right colon, good indigo carmine dye contrast effect was observed in only 9 (18.8%) patients, while it was considered regular and bad in 32 (66.6%) and in 7 (14.6%) patients, respectively. A good indigo carmine dye contrast effect was never observed in this series for the left colon or in the rectum. As a matter of fact, no indigo carmine dye was observed in the left colon in 80.9% and in the rectum in 92% of patients in this series. CONCLUSION: Although it may be simple and desirable, oral administration of indigo carmine dye seems ineffective for enhancing detection of diminutive lesions by chromoscopy as result of poor colonic distribution of indigo carmine dye mainly at distal colonic sites.  相似文献   

新疆牛源细粒棘球绦虫成虫发育的扫描电镜观察   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
江莉  焦伟 《地方病通报》1991,6(4):16-18
本报告为用新疆阿勒泰地区牛体内采集的原头节人工感染家犬,在感染后第15、25、35天分别剖杀犬,收集虫体进行扫描电镜观察的结果。成虫体节发育在15天时为1节,25天为2节,35天为3~4节并已达到性成熟。成虫体表均被一层微毛覆盖,不同部位体表微毛的形态不同。在吻突顶部,微毛呈绒线状,纤细柔软,较稀疏,随着发育逐渐变长、变浓密,末端卷曲。吻突基部和吸盘区的微毛呈绒线状,但较顶突微毛粗短。体节部位微毛在不同发育时间形态不同,呈现圆锥形绒线状,锯齿形鳞片状。成熟虫体体表微毛呈圆锥形绒线状,较坚硬,有规律排列。性成熟虫体生殖孔为圆形,有的虫体可见伸出的雄茎,雄茎表面也被有纤细的微毛。生殖孔周围体表微毛较密短,呈地毯样,间有大小不等的乳头状突起,可能为感觉乳头。  相似文献   

我国西部4地牛带绦虫成虫的形态学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 比较观察贵州省都匀、从江新疆乌什和西藏拉萨等4地牛带绦虫成虫的形态学特征。 方法 分别测量采自都匀(42条)、从江(41条)、乌什(7条)和拉萨(18条)等4地完整牛带绦虫成虫的长度,计数链体节片数,并采用整体染色封制法观察头节、成节和孕节的形态结构,进行显微测量、计数和摄影。结果 都匀的成虫平均长为(1.81±0.69)m,显著短于从江的(3.84±1.32)m、乌什的(2.76±0.86) m和拉萨的(3.72±1.12)m成虫(P<0.05)。都匀成虫的链体平均节片数为(574.64±189.33),也显著少于从江的(913.84±317.41)、乌什的(971.29±168.30)和拉萨的(940.38±368.26) (P<0.05)。都匀牛带绦虫成节的排泄管间距与卵黄腺长度比值平均为(1.71±0.13), 明显小于从江的(2.23±0.06)、乌什的(2.03±0.21)和拉萨的(2.31±0.15)比值(P<0.05)。染色观察都匀牛带绦虫10个头节中有3个明显可见发育不良的顶突。 结论 都匀的牛带绦虫成虫形态特征与牛带绦虫亚洲亚种相似,而从江、乌什和拉萨等3地的牛带绦虫成虫形态特征与牛带绦虫指名亚种相似。  相似文献   

In order to study the infectivity and development of the human strain of Hymenolepis nana in mice, a human strain of H. nana was inoculated into ICR mice. H. nana eggs were concentrated by the sedimentation method and inoculated by a disposable syringe (1 ml) connected to a long needle (8 cm) into the stomach of mice. Mouse feces were examined daily beginning day 5 after inoculation and the mice were sacrificed from days 19 to 65 post-infection (PI). The infection rate and worm recovery rate were 69% and 17%, respectively. The prepatent period ranged from 7 to 23 days. Autoinfection was found to occur in an ICR mouse infected with 60 eggs; 102 worms were recovered from its small intestinal lumen on day 19 PI. One row of hooklets was found on the scolex and the mean number of hooks was 19. The average length, width, and number of segments were 51 mm, 0.6 mm, and 1,099, respectively. The mean length and number of immature segments were 9 mm and 414 segments, mature segments 20 mm and 390 segments, and gravid segments 22 mm and 295 segments. The average length, width, and number of segments in 26 autoinfected worms were 11.5 mm, 0.3 mm, and 189 segments. The mean length and number of immature segments were 3.9 mm and 41 segments, mature segments 4.4 mm and 65 segments, and gravid segments 3.2 mm and 83 segments, respectively.  相似文献   

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