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Responses to pressor nerve stimulation in the pithed rat have been variously described as mediated, at least in part, by α(2)-adrenoceptors and by α(1A) and α(1D)-adrenoceptors. We have examined the subtypes of α-adrenoceptor involved in rises in diastolic blood pressure in the pithed rat preparation produced by vasopressor nerve stimulation with 10 pulses at 1 Hz or 20 pulses at 5 Hz. Vasopressor nerve responses to 1 Hz stimulation were markedly inhibited by the α(1A)-adrenoceptor antagonist RS 100329 (0.1mg/kg) and by the α(1D-)adrenoceptor antagonist BMY 7378 (0.1mg/kg). The α(2)-adrenoceptor antagonist yohimbine (0.1mg/kg) significantly increased pressor nerve responses to 1 Hz stimulation, but yohimbine (1mg/kg) significantly reduced pressor nerve responses. However, following BMY 7378 (0.1mg/kg), yohimbine (1mg/kg) did not produce any further inhibition of pressor nerve responses to 1 Hz stimulation. The α(2A)-adrenoceptor antagonist BRL 44408 (1mg/kg) did not reduce pressor responses to 1 Hz stimulation. BMY 7378 produced much less inhibition of pressor nerve responses to 5 Hz stimulation, whereas RS 100329 produced similar inhibition of 1 Hz and 5 Hz responses. Yohimbine (0.1 and 1mg/kg) did not significantly affect pressor nerve responses to 5 Hz stimulation. In conclusion, pressor nerve responses in the pithed rat involve both α(1A) and α(1D)-adrenoceptor, but there is no clear evidence for the involvement of α(2)-adrenoceptors.  相似文献   

Summary Additional evidence has been obtained indicating a possible subclassification of postsynaptic -adrenoceptors into 1 and 2-subtypes. The pressor responses to the -adrenoceptor agonists L-phenylephrine and guanfacine were quantified after i.v. administration to pithed rats. The -sympatholytic drug yohimbine (1 mg/kg) displaced both dose-response curves to the right, but the effect was greatest for guanfacine. After prazosin (0.1 mg/kg) a 53-fold shift to the right was noticed for the dose-response characteristic of L-phenylephrine. Prazosin antagonized the effect of only the higher doses of guanfacine. The findings indicate that L-phenylephrine and prazosin preferentially interact with 1-adrenoceptors as agonist and antagonist, respectively. Yohimbine proved less selective than prazosin, but preferentially blocks postjunctional 2-adrenoceptors in the vascular wall. The results obtained with guanfacine may be interpreted to indicate that this drug acts on 2-adrenoceptors at lower doses and additionally stimulates 1-adrenoceptors at higher ones. Preliminary findings with corynanthine and rauwolscine support this interpretation.  相似文献   

TMB-8 has been characterized as an inhibitor of the release of Ca+ from intracellular pools. We have studied the modification of the pressor responses to selective l-adrenoceptor agonists (methoxamine and phenylephrine), and to selective 2-adrenoceptor agonists (B-HT 920 and B-HT 933) in pithed rats, produced by TMB-8. We have compared this modification with that produced by the calcium antagonist nifedipine. Nifedipine (100 g/kg, 300 g/kg, and 1000 g/kg) inhibited in a dose-dependent manner the pressor responses to the 1- and 2-adrenoceptor agonists, the dose-response curves to the 2-adrenoceptor agonists being shifted further to the right. TMB-8 at a dose of 3000 g/kg did not modify the pressor effects of the l-adrenoceptor agonists, and neither did it reinforce the inhibition of such responses produced by nifedipine. By contrast, TMB-8 pretreatment (0.03 g/kg, 0.3 g/kg, 3 g/kg, 30 g/kg, 300 g/kg and 3000 g/kg) inhibited the responses to both 2-adrenoceptor agonists, the inhibition being more pronounced with B-HT 920. A similar effect was obtained with 0.03 g/kg TMB-8 and 0.3 g/kg TMB-8, particularly in the case of B-HT 920. It was stronger with higher doses, but similar for all doses over 3 g/kg. The inhibition of the pressor responses mediated by the stimulation of 2-adrenoceptors by TMB-8 was less in rats treated with the Ca2+ entry promoter BAY K 8644 (300 g/kg), and could also be reduced by the continuous infusion of CaCl2 (0.25 g/min). These results suggest that in pithed rats TMB-8 may also behave as an inhibitor of the Ca+ influx into vascular smooth muscle.  相似文献   

Summary Interactions between the putative calcium entry promotor Bay k 8644 and both -1 and 1-adrenocepter mediated increases in diastolic pressure were studied in the pithed normotensive rat. The 1-adrenocepter mediated pressor responses elicited by B-HT920, TL-99, DP-6,7-ADTN and B-HT958 were potentiated by Bay k 8644, reflected by a leftward shift and an increase in the maximum of the log dose-pressor respinse curves. The -1-adrenocepter effects elicited by cirazoline, methoxamine, (–)-amidephrine, St 587, (–)-phenylephrine and Sgd 101/75 were less enhanced by Bay k 8644. Only a leftward shift of the dose-response curves was observed, which was most pronounced for (–)-phenylephrine and Sgd 101/75. The -1 and 2-adrenocepter pressor components of (–)-noradrenaline were similarly distinguished by Bay k 8644 as observed for the selective -1 or 2-adrenocepter agonists.Effects of Bay k 8644 on the increase in diastolic pressure mediated by B-HT 920, St 587 and cirazoline were also studied after pretreatment with the calcium entry blocker nifedipine. After additional pretreatment with nifedipine the potentiation by Bay k 8644 observed for B-HT 920 and St 587 was more pronounced. The presence of nifedipine had no effect on the interaction between Bay k 8644 and cirazoline.It is concluded that Bay k 8644 behaves as a mirror image of nifedipine. The observation that Bay k 8644 enhances 2-adrenocepter mediated pressor effects more effectively than 1-adrenocepter increases in diastolic pressure is in accordance with the hypothesis of the more pronounced calcium dependency of 2-adrenocepter mediated pressor responses. The data obtained for ceptor mediated pressor responses. The data obtained for St 587 and (–)-phenylephrine are in apparent contradiction to the finding that the pressor responses to the former drug are more markedly inhibited by calcium entry blockade than those of the latter. It is suggested that St 587 employs calcium channels which are already maximally modulated and that (–)-phenylephrine makes use of calcium channels which are in a rather inactive state. The hypothesis is put forward that the intrinsic activity of 2-adrenocepter agonists reflects their ability to bring calcium channels in an active state.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of respiratory acidosis and alkalosis on the vasoconstriction to 1- and 2-adrenoceptor stimulation was studied in pithed normotensive rats. The selective 1-adrenoceptor agonists (-)amidephrine, cirazoline, (±)erythro methoxamine (-)phenylephrine, Sgd 101/75 and St 587 were used, as well as the selective 2-adrenoceptor agonists B-HT 920, B-HT 933, DP-6,7-ADTN, M-7 and UK 14,304. The non-selective-adrenoceptor agonists xylazine, noradrenaline and adrenaline were included as well. The latter two were also studied under selective doses of the antagonists rauwolscine and prazosin, thus yielding the respective 1- and 2-adrenoceptor components of the vasoconstriction to these agonists. The effect of acid-base balance disturbances on presynaptically released noradrenaline elicited by electrical stimulation of preganglionic nerves was studied as well. Dose response curves for the agonists were generated under various conditions of ventilation, yielding either alkalotic, normal or acidotic values of arterial blood pH. Pressor responses to all agonists were maximally affected by changes in acid-base status at the low doses of the agonists. Acidosis was found to inhibit increases in diastolic pressure mediated by the 1- as well as the 2-adrenoceptor agonists studied, although not to the same extent. Alkalosis exerted either an obvious potentiation or did not significantly influence 1-adrenoceptor mediated pressor responses. On the basis of acid-base sensitivity the following groups of agonists were distinguised: (1) Cirazoline, phenylephrine, methoxyamine, electrically released noradrenaline from presynaptic sites, of which pressor responses are obviously potentiated and attenuated by alkalosis and acidosis, respectively. (2) Sgd 101/75, St 587, noradrenaline- 1, amidephrine and adrenaline- 1, eliciting pressor responses which are strongly acid-sensitive and base-insensitive. (3) B-HT 920, B-HT 933, DP-6, 7-ADTN (lower doses), of which vasoconstriction is markedly inhibited by both acidosis and alkalosis. (4) Noradrenaline- 2, UK 14,304, M-7 (lower doses), adrenaline- 2 and high doses of the agonists of the former group. Pressor responses of these agonists were found to be not or slightly base-sensitive, but profoundly acid-sensitive. Xylazine does not fit into this classification. The present data are not in accordance with purported subdivisions of-adrenoceptor agonists by others. It is therefore concluded that the differential effect of acid-base status on-adrenoceptor mediated vasoconstriction in pithed rats is an exponent of the differential way of interaction of the agonists with the adrenoceptors involved.Preliminary data were communicated at the Joint Meeting of the French and German Pharmacological and Toxicological Societies, Feiburg i. Br., September 19–22, 1983 (De Jonge et al. 1983)  相似文献   

  1. The α1-adrenoceptor population mediating contraction of caudal artery of rat has been characterized by using quantitative receptor pharmacology.
  2. Cumulative concentration-effect (E/[A]) curves to noradrenaline (NA) yielded a p[A]50 of 5.56±0.05 (n=16). Prazosin caused concentration-dependent, parallel, dextral shifts of E/[A] curves to NA yielding a pKb of 8.9 (Schild regression slope=1.0). RS-17053 (N-[2-(2-cyclopropyl methoxy phenoxy) ethyl]-5-chloro-α ,α-dimethyl -1H-indole- 3-ethanamine hydrochloride; 10–100 nM), a selective α1A-adrenoceptor antagonist, produced non-parallel, biphasic, dextral shifts of E/[A] curves to NA, suggesting the involvement of more than one α1-adrenoceptor subtype. Analysis of the high affinity component yielded an apparent pA2 value of 9.2±0.3.
  3. A-61603, a selective agonist at α1A adrenoceptors behaved as a full agonist relative to NA and yielded monophasic E/[A] curves with a p[A50] of 7.59±0.04 (n=15). Pretreatment of tissues with chloroethylclonidine (CEC; 100 μM for 20 min, followed by 40 min washout), which preferentially alkylates α1B- and α1D-adrenoceptors, did not alter E/[A] curves to A-61603. Prazosin (3–300 nM) caused concentration-dependent, parallel, dextral shifts of E/[A] curves to A-61603 yielding a pA2 estimate of 9.2±0.2.
  4. Experiments with α1-adrenoceptor antagonists of varying subtype selectivities (RS-17053, SNAP 5089, tamsulosin, 5-methylurapidil, BMY 7378, HV 723 and REC 15/2739) revealed parallel dextral shifts of E/[A] curves to A-61603. Schild regression analyses yielded pA2 estimates of 9.2, 9.3, 11.2, 9.0, 6.3, 8.7 and 10.0 for RS-17053, SNAP 5089, tamsulosin, 5-methylurapidil, BMY 7378, HV 723 and REC 15/2739, respectively, although deviations from unit slope (possibly reflecting a secondary involvement of another α1-adrenoceptor) hindered estimations of pKb for some antagonists. The antagonist affinity profile obtained reflects best that described for the α1A-adrenoceptor.
  5. In conclusion, caudal artery of rat contracts in response to NA via activation of at least two α1-adrenoceptor subtypes. One of these subtypes displays the pharmacology of the α1A-adrenoceptor, while the other remains to be defined. Use of the novel selective agonist, A-61603, allows for limited pharmacological isolation of the α1A-adrenoceptor permitting characterization of the properties of selective antagonists.


Background and purpose:

Mesenteric and carotid arteries from the α1B/D-adrenoceptor knockout (α1B/D-KO) were employed to isolate α1A-adrenoceptor pharmacology and location and to reveal these features in the wild-type (WT) mouse.

Experimental approach:

Functional pharmacology by wire myography and receptor localization by confocal microscopy, using the fluorescent α1-adrenoceptor ligand BODIPY FL-Prazosin (QAPB), on mesenteric (an ‘α1A-adrenoceptor’ tissue) and carotid (an ‘α1D-adrenoceptor’ tissue) arteries.

Key results:

α1B/D-KO mesenteric arteries showed straightforward α1A-adrenoceptor agonist/antagonist pharmacology. WT had complex pharmacology with α1A- and α1D-adrenoceptor components. α1B/D-KO had a larger α1A-adrenoceptor response suggesting compensatory up-regulation: no increase in fluorescent ligand binding suggests up-regulation of signalling. α1B/D-KO carotid arteries had low efficacy α1A-adrenoceptor responses. WT had complex pharmacology consistent with co-activation of all three subtypes. Fluorescent binding had straightforward α1A-adrenoceptor characteristics in both arteries of α1B/D-KO. Fluorescent binding varied between cells in relative intracellular and surface distribution. Total fluorescence was reduced in the α1B/D-KO due to fewer smooth muscle cells showing fluorescent binding. WT binding was greater and sensitive to α1A- and α1D-adrenoceptor antagonists.

Conclusions and implications:

The straightforward pharmacology and fluorescent binding in the α1B/D-KO was used to interpret the properties of the α1A-adrenoceptor in the WT. Reduced total fluorescence in α1B/D-KO arteries, despite a clear difference in the functionally dominant subtype, indicates that measurement of receptor protein is unlikely to correlate with function. Fewer cells bound QAPB in the α1B/D-KO suggesting different cellular phenotypes of α1A-adrenoceptor exist. The α1B/D-KO provides robust assays for the α1A-adrenoceptor and takes us closer to understanding multi-receptor subtype interactions.  相似文献   

We have compared the coupling mechanisms of rat renal 1A- and 1B-like adrenoceptors to inositol phosphate formation. The experiments were performed in parallel in native renal tissue preparations and in those where 1B-adrenoceptors had been inactivated by treatment with 10 mol/l chloroethylclonidine for 30 min at 37°C; renal slices were used in most experiments but isolated renal cells were also used in some cases. The Ca2+ chelating agent, EGTA (5 mmol/l), reduced noradrenaline-stimulated inositol phosphate formation in native but enhanced it in chloroethylclonidine-treated renal slices. The inhibitory effect of EGTA was not mimicked by 100 nmol/l nifedipine. Inactivation of 87% of cellular Gi by 16–20 h treatment with 500 ng/ml pertussis toxin did not significantly affect noradrenaline-stimulated inositol phosphate formation in isolated renal cells but abolished the inhibitory effect of chloroethylclonidine. The adenylate cyclase activator, forskolin (20 mol/l), inhibited noradrenaline-stimulated inositol phosphate formation in native and chloroethylclonidine-treated slices, and the inhibitory effects of chloroethylclonidine treatment and forskolin were additive. We conclude that in rat kidney inositol phosphate formation via 1B-like adrenoceptors may involve the influx of extracellular Ca2+ and a pertussis toxin-sensitive G-protein but is insensitive to inhibition by forskolin. In contrast 1A-like adrenoceptor-mediated inositol phosphate formation does not require the presence of extracellular Ca2+ or of Gi and is sensitive to inhibition by forskolin. In comparison to published data from other model systems we further conclude that the signaling mechanisms of 1-adrenoceptor subtypes may depend on their cellular environment.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of functional impairment of the renin-angiotensin system on the vasoconstriction mediated by postsynaptic 1 and 2-adrenoceptors in pithed normotensive rats was studied. Selective 1-adrenoceptor stimulation was induced by intravenously administered cirazoline, whereas B-HT 920 was used as a selective agonists at 2-adrenoceptors. The angiotensin converting enzyme was inhibited by intravenous treatment of the pithed rats with captopril, teprotide or enalapril. Blockade of angiotensin receptors was produced by intravenously applied [Sar1 Ala8]angiotensin II (saralasin). Pretreatment with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors or with saralasin in doses which produced a maximal reduction in basal diastolic blood pressure, only slightly attenuated the hypertensive response to cirazoline. In contrast, these drugs provoked a most significant reduction of the 2-adrenoceptor mediated vasoconstriction. Restoration of the basal diastolic blood pressure by intravenous infusion with angiotensin II or with vasopressin completely reversed the inhibitory effect of captopril on the vasopressor response to B-HT 920. One hour after bilateral nephrectomy, captopril still reduced the 2-adrenoceptor mediated vasoconstriction. However, 18–24 h after bilateral nephrectomy, captopril had no additional inhibitory effect on the vasopressor response to selective 2-adrenoceptor stimulation. It is concluded that in pithed normotensive rats the pressor response to 2-adrenoceptor stimulation is significantly potentiated by endogenous angiotensin II, even at low circulating levels of the octapeptide. The modulatory action of angiotensin II on the -adrenoceptor mediated vasoconstriction probably represents an effect on the basal arteriolar muscular tone rather than a specific interaction.  相似文献   

The transition to addiction often involves a gradual process of escalated drug intake. The purpose of the present study was to characterize neuronal activation in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and substantia nigra (SN) following chronic escalating-dose morphine exposure (days 1-7, 2 mg/kg/d; days 8-21, beginning at 10 mg/kg/d, increasing by 2 mg/kg/d), with steady-dose morphine (2 mg/kg/d, i.p., for 21 days) as the comparison. Using immunohistochemical double-staining for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and Fos, we found that the number of Fos(+)TH(+) neurons in the rostral VTA and number of Fos(+)TH(-) neurons in the lateral SNr were significantly increased in escalating-dose morphine-treated rats compared with steady-dose morphine-treated rats and acute morphine-treated rats. Meanwhile, this increase was associated with robust expression of behavioral sensitization after a challenge with 10 mg/kg morphine. The number of Fos(+)TH(+) neurons was significantly increased by acute morphine in the caudal VTA and SNc, but this number did not increase further with morphine pretreatment. These results demonstrate that behavioral sensitization was associated with elevated activation of dopaminergic neurons in the rostral VTA and nondopaminergic neurons in the lateral SNr, which could only be induced by chronic escalating-dose morphine rather than chronic steady-dose morphine pretreatment.  相似文献   

《General pharmacology》1996,27(2):299-304
  • 1.1. It is well known that α1A-adrenoceptors have binding sites for imidazolic and for phenylethylaminic drugs. A study was made relating α1A-adrenoceptor involvement in cardiovascular responses to intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of BHT-920, an imidazoliclike drug, and phenylephrine, a phenylethylaminic drug, in conscious sham-operated and sinoaortically-denervated rats.
  • 2.2. In sham-operated rats, cardiovascular responses to BHT-920 (30 μg, ICV) were increase of blood pressure and bradycardia but in sinoaortically denervated rats, after the pressor response, a decrease of blood pressure was also seen. The pressor and bradycardic responses to agonist were greater in sinoaortically denervated rats than in sham-operated rats. Phenylephrine (90 μg, ICV) showed a biphasic effect on blood pressure: an increase followed by a decrease, and bradycardia. The cardiovascular responses to phenylephrine in sinoaortic-denervated rats were greater than in sham-operated rats.
  • 3.3. In sinoaortically denervated and sham-operated rats subchronically treated with the α1-adrenoceptor antagonist prazosin (0.5 mg kg−1, intraperitoneally twice daily, for 6 days), an increase of cardiovascular responses to ICV administration of BHT-920 and phenylephrine was seen.
  • 4.4. Baroreceptor deafferentation by sinoaortic denervation enhances the cardiovascular responses to BHT-920 and phenylephrine. The effects of BHT-920 could be mediated by brain α1A-adrenoceptors because this agonist has an imidazoliclike structure; phenylephrine could also be activating central α1A-adrenoceptors. The enhanced cardiovascular responses after prazosin treatment could also be due to a supersensitivity of brain α1A-adrenoceptors.

Summary Dopamine causes a dose-dependent contraction of the rat rectum in vitro followed by a relaxation. This contraction can be inhibited by apomorphine and phenylephrine. This inhibition can be attenuated by the -endorphin (E) fragments 2–17 (des-Tyr1--endorphin, DTE) and 6-17 (des-enkephalin--endorphin, DEE). E 6-17 seems to be the shortest sequence with full activity in this respect since a shorter fragment (E 10-17) was less effective. The atypical neuroleptics oxypertine, sulpiride, and clozapine, the classic neuroleptic haloperidol and metoclopramide have a similar action to DEE. The peptides and atypical neuroleptics do not affect the dopamine response per se while the classic neuroleptics haloperidol and metoclopramide enhance the dopamine response.The effects of the -type endorphins are opposite to those of the -type endorphins, since des-Tyr1--endorphin (DTE, E 2-16) and des-enkephalin--endorphin (DEE, E 6-16) enhance the phenylephrine-induced decreased responsiveness to dopamine. Structure-activity studies revealed that the active moiety of the -endorphin fragments probably resides in the 6–9 region. In addition the -type endorphins directly inhibit the dopamine response.It is concluded that the rat rectum may be used to analyse neuroleptic-like action. In this model - and -endorphin fragments may directly or indirectly influence the interaction of dopamine with the rectum. Because of the strong similarities between the effects of -type endorphins and that of neuroleptics the results support the purported neurolepticlike action of -type endorphins. The influence of -type endorphins and -type endorphins on the apomorphine or phenylephrine induced decreased responsiveness to dopamine, although opposite, seems to be mediated by an influence on different dopamine sensitive systems.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Coronary vasoconstriction was examined in response to the neuronal release of noradrenaline produced by bilateral carotid occlusion and the infusion of tyramine (5 – 50 Erg/kg/min i. v.) in anaesthetized dogs which had been vagotomized and treated with the -adrenoceptor antagonist propranolol (1.0 mg/kg i. v.). These responses were compared to those produced by the infusion of noradrenaline (0.1 – 0.5 g/kg/min i. v.). 2. Similar increases in late diastolic coronary resistance were produced by bilateral carotid occlusion (0.70 ± 0.25 mmHg min/ml), and intravenous infusions of tyramine, 20 g/kg/min (0.70 ± 0.12 mm Hg min/ml) and noradrenaline, 0.5 gg/kg/min (0.59 ± 0.11 mm Hg min/ml). 3. Selective antagonism at 1-adrenoceptors with prazosin (0.5 mg/kg i. v.) attenuated the coronary constrictor response to bilateral carotid occlusion (0.36 ± 0.09 mm Hg min/ml), tyramine (0.12 ± 0.06 mm Hg min/ml) and noradrenaline (0.18 ± 0.07 mm Hg min/ml). Antagonism at 2-adrenoceptors with idazoxan (1 mg/kg i. v.) attenuated the coronary vasoconstriction produced by bilateral carotid occlusion (0.30 ± 0.06 mmHg min/ml), tyramine (0.17 ± 0.08 mmHg min/ml) and noradrenaline (0.12 ± 0.03 mm Hg min/ml). Combined antagonism at both 1- and 2-adrenoceptors with prazosin and idazoxan abolished the responses to bilateral carotid occlusion, tyramine and noradrenaline. 4. These results show that coronary vasoconstriction produced by either neuronally released or exogenous noradrenaline is mediated by both 1 and 1-adrenoceptors. It appears that in the coronary resistance vessels of the dog postjunctional 1- and 2-adrenoceptors are both innervated by sympathetic nerves.  相似文献   

Summary Presynaptic 2-autoreceptors in rat and rabbit brain cortex were compared by means of antagonists and agonists. Brain cortex slices were preincubated with [3H]-noradrenaline and then superfused and stimulated by 3 (rat) or 4 (rabbit) pulses at a frequency of 100 Hz.The 2-adrenoceptor agonist bromoxidine (UK 14 304) reduced the electrically evoked overflow of tritium with EC50 values of 4.5 nmol/l in the rat and 0.7 nmol/l in the rabbit. The antagonists phentolamine, 2-[2H-(1-methyl-1,3-dihydroisoindole)methyl]-4,5-dihydroimidazole (BRL 44408), rauwolscine, 1,2-dimethyl-2,3,9,13b-tetrahydro-1H-dibenzo(c,f)imidazo(1,5-a)azepine (BRL 41992), 2-(2,6-dimethoxyphenoxyethyl)aminomethyl-1,4-benzodioxane (WB 4101), 6-chloro-9-[(3-methyl-2-butenyl)oxy]-3-methyl-1H-2,3,4, 5-tetrahydro-3-benzazepine (SKF 104078), imiloxan, prazosin and corynanthine did not per se increase the evoked overflow of tritium but shifted the concentration-inhibition curve of bromoxidine to the right in a manner compatible with competitive antagonism. Up to 4 concentrations of each antagonist were used to determine its dissociation constant KD. The KD values correlated only weakly between the rat and the rabbit. Dissociation constants KA of bromoxidine were calculated from equieffective concentrations in unpretreated brain slices and slices in which part of the 2-adrenoceptors had been irreversibly blocked by phenoxybenzamine. The KA value was 123 nmol/l in the rat and 7.2 nmol/l in the rabbit.The results confirm the species difference between rat and rabbit brain presynaptic 2-autoreceptors. Comparison with data from the literature indicates that the rat brain autoreceptors can be equated with the 2D subtype as defined by radioligand binding, whereas the rabbit brain autoreceptors conform to the 2A subtype. For example, the antagonist affinities for the rat autoreceptors correlate with their binding affinities for the gene product of 2-RG20, the putative rat 2D-adrenoceptor gene (r = 0.97; P<0.01), but not with their binding affinities for the gene product of 2-C10, the putative human 2A-adrenoceptor gene. Conversely, the rabbit autoreceptors correlate with the 2-C10 (r = 0.98; P<0.001) but not with the 2-RG20 gene product. Since presynaptic 2-autoreceptors are also 2D in rat submaxillary gland and perhaps vas deferens and 2A in rabbit pulmonary artery, the possibility arises that the majority of 2-autoreceptors generally are 2D in the rat and 2A in the rabbit. Moreover, receptors of the 2A/D group generally may be the main mammalian 2-autoreceptors.Correspondence to: N. Limberger at the above address  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether 1-adrenoceptor subtypes (co)exist in the rat portal vein and, if so, whether they could be functionally associated with the phasic and tonic types of contraction as a response to 1-adrenoceptor stimulation by phenylephrine.A low Ca2+ concentration (0.9 mmol/l) in the Tyrode solution enabled us to quantify changes both in the phasic myogenic activity and in the basal tone of the rat portal vein preparation very precisely. We used both competitive and non-competitive -adrenoceptor antagonists which have been employed successfully by other investigators to discriminate between 1-adrenoceptor subtypes in vascular and other tissues. Schild analysis showed that the competitive -adrenoceptor antagonists prazosin, phentolamine, yohimbine, corynanthine, idazoxan, rauwolscine and 5-methyl-urapidil could not distinguish between the phasic and tonic responses to phenylephrine and/or different 1-adrenoceptor subtypes in the rat portal vein. However, when we compared our pA2 values with those found to be representative indicators according to subclassifications based on the use of selective antagonists in different tissues, the 1-adrenoceptors in the rat portal vein appeared to belong to the 1L- or 1a-subtype. This subclassification was not in accordance with the data obtained with the irreversible -cadrenoceptor antagonist chloroethylclonidine. However, the validity of this alkylating agent as a tool for receptor classification was restricted, at least in the rat portal vein, by its effects on receptor reserve. In contrast to the competitive -adrenoceptor antagonists, the irreversible -adrenoceptor antagonists phenoxybenzamine and chloroethylclonidine could indeed discriminate between the phasic and tonic types of contraction in response to 1-adrenoceptor stimulation by phenylephrine, indicating two different receptor reserves for phenylephrine for the two types of responses.In conclusion, both the phasic and tonic types of contraction elicited by phenylephrine in the longitudinal smooth muscle of the rat portal vein appear to be mediated by one particular 1-adrenoceptor subtype as defined by Schild analysis with selective, competitive -adrenoceptor antagonists. However, using the method of receptor alkylation with phenoxybenzamine, two different affinity constants for the two types of responses could be calculated for phenylephrine. This may reflect the involvement of two different subtypes of 1-adrenoceptors or more probably, the existence of only one 1-adrenoceptor subtype, which is coupled with two different intrinsic efficacies to the effector pathways mediating the phasic and tonic responses, respectively. Send offprint requests to H. R. Schwietert at the above address  相似文献   

Summary In pithed normotensive rats, i.v. injection of the selective 1-adrenoceptor agonist cirazolien produced vasoconstriction which was largely resistant to inhibition by nifedipine. On the other hand, the pressor effects of the selective 1-adrenoceptor agonists St 587 and Sgd 101/75 were much more effectively blocked by nifedipine, although not as effectively as the pressor effects to the selective 2-adrenoceptor agonist B-HT 920. The sensitivity to inhibition of vasoconstriction in pithed rats to the different agonists increased in the order cirazoline St 587 1-, but not to 2-adrenoceptor activation was dose-dependently enhanced. The potency of nifedipine to inhibit 1-vasoconstriction by cirazoline, St 587 and Sgd 101/75 was increased maximally to the level of efficacy at which nifedipine antagonized B-HT 920-induced vasoconstriction. The dose of phenoxybenzamine required to maximally increase the potency and efficacy of nifedipine to antagonize vasoconstriction of the 1-adrenoceptor agonists was inversely related to the level of sensitivity to blockade by nifedipine of the vasoconstriction they produced. In contrast, pretreatment of rats with the irreversible antagonist, benextramine (10 mg/kg, i.v., –100 to –60 min) did not increase the potency or efficacy of nifedipine to antagonize vasoconstriction to cirazoline, St 587, Sgd 101/75 or B-HT 920, despite irreversible blockade of 1- and 2-adrenoceptors. These data suggest that phenoxybenzamine, but not benextramine, selectively inhibits the 1-adrenoceptor mediated vasoconstrictor mechanism that is independent of influx of extracellular calcium. Moreover, the results show that the existence of receptor reserve or the number of 1-adrenoceptors activated does not determine the relative contribution of calcium influx-independent mechanisms in 1-adrenoceptor-mediated vasoconstriction.Preliminary data were communicated at the Joint Meeting of the French and German Pharmacological and Toxicological Societies, Freiburg i. Br., September 19–22, 1983 (Timmermans et al. 1983a) and at the Winter Meeting of the British Pharmacological Society, London, January 1984 (De Jonge et al. 1984)  相似文献   

Medial amygdaloid nucleus (MeA) neurotransmission has an inhibitory influence on cardiovascular responses in rats submitted to restraint, which are characterized by both elevated blood pressure (BP) and intense heart rate (HR) increase. In the present study, we investigated the involvement of MeA adrenoceptors in the modulation of cardiovascular responses that are observed during an acute restraint. Male Wistar rats received bilateral microinjections of the selective α1-adrenoceptor antagonist WB4101 (10, 15, and 20 nmol/100 nL) or the selective α2-adrenoceptor antagonist RX821002 (10, 15, and 20 nmol/nL) into the MeA, before the exposure to acute restraint. The injection of WB4101 reduced the restraint-evoked tachycardia. In contrast, the injection of RX821002 increased the tachycardia. Both drugs had no influence on BP increases observed during the acute restraint. Our findings indicate that α1 and α2-adrenoceptors in the MeA play different roles in the modulation of the HR increase evoked by restraint stress in rats. Results suggest that α1-adrenoceptors and α2-adrenoceptors mediate the MeA-related facilitatory and inhibitory influences on restraint-related HR responses, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary We have examined the responsiveness of - and -adrenoceptors in aortae from 1.5, 3, 6 and 24 month old rats. The isometric contraction to phenylephrine was antagonised competitively by prazosin with a pA2 value of 9.45, suggesting that the receptor is an 1-adrenoceptor. The potency of phenylephrine was significantly reduced in 24 months old as compared with all younger rats combined. The maximum contraction to phenylephrine was unaltered in 24 month old rats. The maximum contraction to potassium chloride was significantly less than that to phenylephrine only in 1.5 months old rats. In tissues contracted by potassium chloride, isoprenaline produced a marked relaxation in 1.5 months old animals, but there was a progressive loss with increasing age of the -adrenoceptor-mediated relaxation which was markedly reduced by 6 months and abolished in 24 months old. It is concluded that, in the rat aorta, there is a decrease in 1-adrenoceptor responsiveness in senescence, and a loss of -adrenoceptor-mediated responses in maturation. Send offprint requests to J. R. Docherty at the above address  相似文献   

Summary In the present study the relationship between adrenergic nerve terminals and postjunctional -adrenoceptors mediating the responses to the endogenous transmitter was compared at proximal and distal levels of the canine saphenous vein.Concentration-response curves to noradrenaline and to tyramine as well as frequency-response curves to electrical stimulation were compared at both levels of the vessel, in the absence and presence of either prazosin (100nmol·l–1) or yohimbine (100nmol·l–1) The influence of inhibition of neuronal uptake by cocaine (12 µmol·l–1) on the responses to noradrenaline in the presence of prazosin (56 nmol·l–1) or yohimbine (20 nmol·l–1) was compared at the proximal level. The results show that, at the proximal level, the maximal responses to electrical stimulation and tyramine reached 80.1±2.2 (n = 18) and 74.2±1.9 (n = 18)%, respectively, of the maximal responses to noradrenaline, and 70.3±0.8 (n = 15) and 53.1 ± 1.2 (n = 14) %, respectively, at the distal level. Furthermore, the proximal strips were more sensitive to electrical stimulation than the distal ones. Prazosin had a much greater inhibitory effect on the contractile responses to noradrenaline than on those to electrical stimulation, at both levels. At proximal level, the shifts (to the right) of the concentration (frequency)-response curves (at EC50) amounted to 0.58±0.02 (n = 16) and 0.18±0.02 (n = 8) log units, respectively (P<0.05), but, at the distal level, to 1.12±0.03 (n = 16) and 0.28±0.08 (n = 8) log units, respectively (P< 0.05). At the proximal level, yohimbine antagonizes about equally the responses to noradrenaline and the responses to electrical stimulation. However, at the distal level, the shift of the concentration-response curve to noradrenaline was much larger than that of the frequency-response curve to electrical stimulation [1.12±0.07 and 0.80±0.10 (n = 6) log units at EC50, respectively (P<0.05)]. The leftward shift of the concentration-response curve to noradrenaline caused by cocaine was more pronounced in the presence of prazosin than in the presence of yohimbine: 0.95±0.15 and 0.69±0.12 (n = 12) log units, respectively (P<0.05).We conclude that, in the canine saphenous vein: 1) noradrenaline released from the adrenergic nerve terminals by electrical stimulation and by tyramine preferentially activates 2-adrenoceptors at both proximal and distal levels; 2) the effectiveness of 2-adrenoceptor stimulation is greater at the proximal than at the distal level; 3) 1-adrenoceptors at the distal level seem to be different from those at the proximal one. Send offprint requests to S. Guimarães at the above address  相似文献   

《General pharmacology》1997,28(5):721-725
  • 1.1. In rat papillary muscle, stimulation of α1-adrenoceptors results in a biphasic inotropic response: a transient negative inotropic phase and a subsequent sustained positive inotropic phase. This study was designed to determine whether the positive and negative inotropic effects in this tissue are mediated by different α1-adrenoceptor subtypes.
  • 2.2. After treatment with the tumor-promoting compound, phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate, phenylephrine (in the presence of propranolol) produced only a positive inotropic effect. The selective α1A-adrenoceptor antagonist, WB4101, significantly inhibited the positive inotropic effect. In contrast, inactivation of α1B-adrenoceptors with chloroethylclonidine (CEC) did not alter the positive effect.
  • 3.3. In the presence of the Ca2+ channel antagonist, nifedipine, phenylephrine induced only a sustained negative inotropic effect. The negative inotropic effect was significantly attenuated by WB4101, but was not affected by CEC.
  • 4.4. We conclude that both the positive and negative inotropic responses of rat papillary muscle to phenylephrine are mediated exclusively by the WB4101-sensitive but CEC-resistant α1-adrenoceptor subtype. The α1-adrenoceptor subtype with such a property may correspond to the α1A-subtype.

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