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1病例 患者男,25岁。因右眼经常红、异物感加剧1周于2007年2月6日来我院就诊。查体:一般情况良好,视力右眼0.5,左眼1.2。右睑缘睫毛方向良好,球结膜混合性充血(++),角膜上皮点状脱落,内眼结构无异常。翻转上睑,在睑板中线垂直睑缘,有一纵行与睑板上下缘同长,宽约1mm的瘢痕样组织突出于睑结膜面,上有毛发生长,性状与睫毛相似。患者否认有眼外伤及手术史。鉴于患者眼睑刺激症状不能缓减,初步诊断“眼睑先天异常”予以手术治疗。  相似文献   

毛鞘瘤曾有学者称为毛母质瘤 ,好发于中老年妇女 ,临床上多见于 40 a以上者 ,90 %的病例生长在头皮 ,多数表现为圆球形态。我院曾遇到 1例毛鞘瘤为先天性 ,且生长在眼睑 ,现报告如下。1 临床资料患儿 ,男 ,4mo。母代诉 :患儿出生后即发现左眼上睑内眦长一管状肉瘤 ,并随患儿发育而逐渐增大。查体 :患儿营养发育良好 ,对外界刺激反应灵敏 ,全身检查无异常。左眼上睑内眦长一约 1.0 cm× 1.0 cm× 3.5 cm大管形肉瘤 ,瘤体光滑 ,表面与全身皮肤相同 ,硬度中等 ,基底无明显粘连 ,瘤体顶端有一 0 .1cm瘘口 ,偶有淡清粘液分泌物溢出 ,但与患儿进…  相似文献   

患者。罗某,男,6岁,因“家长发现左眼肿物伴增大2月余”入院。入院眼科体检:双眼视力1.0,  相似文献   

眼睑粘液性囊肿很少见,去年我院对一例罕见的上睑巨大粘液性囊肿进行了手术,疗效满意,现报告如下。 患者,女,48岁,因左眼上睑无痛性渐进增大性肿块9年,于2002年4月5日入院。查V_(OD)1.2/0.8,V_(OS)1.0/0.8(检查左眼视力时,用眼睑拉钩向上提起上睑进行)。右眼未见异常,左眼眼睑见一肿块,其上皮肤无红肿,无压痛,皮温不变,有3.3cm×2.5cm大小,边界清,有水样波动感,无血管性博动,用力按压肿块,有所减少。因无法翻转眼睑,用眼睑拉钩向前牵拉眼睑,窥视上穹窿部,见结膜稍有充血,内眦端透过结膜可见一水样突出物,约0.8cm×2cm大小,在睑皮肤侧按压肿块,内侧肿块增大。眼球未见异常,平视时左眼上睑覆盖全部瞳孔。  相似文献   

患者 ,男 ,2 9岁。因右眼上睑包块 7年 ,加重 3月入院。自诉右眼上睑包块已有 7年历史 ,视力未受影响 ,近 3月来 ,右眼包块突然增大 ,伴右眼疼痛、上睑下垂、视力下降 ,曾在当地医院就诊。体检 :一般情况好 ,无心、肺、肝、肾疾病。眼科检查 :视力左眼 5 .2 ,右眼 5 .0 - 1 ,右  相似文献   

1 临床资料1.1病例1患儿女,8岁.父母发现其左眼上睑外侧长一硬结半年,无明显长大,无红肿疼痛.于2009-07-14日至我院就诊,初步诊断为:左眼上睑包块性质待查.体格检查:发育正常,营养中等,全身检查无异常发现.眼部检查:双眼视力均为1.5,右眼未见异常,左眼上睑皮肤光滑,颜色正常,颞侧皮下可触及1个10 mm×9 mm大小的硬结,边界清楚,无触痛,结节与皮肤部分粘连,其余眼部检查无异常.  相似文献   

目的分析儿童毛母质瘤在眼部的临床特点。方法对我院21例病理确诊的儿童毛母质瘤患者的临床、病理及超声等表现进行回顾性研究。结果眼睑毛母质瘤占同期儿童眼睑皮下肿块(除外睑板腺囊肿)手术患者的7.9%。男女比例约为1.11.0。发生于上下睑的比例为165。术前诊断与病理检查一致的仅5例,占23.8%。组织病理观察可见典型的影细胞及嗜碱性粒细胞,伴钙化灶者18例(85.7%)。超声主要表现为低回声团块,内显示点状或斑块状高回声;或伴有低回声边缘的高回声团块。所有病例经手术切除后均未见复发。结论发生于眼睑的毛母质瘤在儿童临床并不罕见,但术前容易误诊。组织病理学及超声表现具有一定特征性表现。手术切除不易复发。  相似文献   

患者女性,9岁.因左眼发现上睑肿块3个月来诊,其母述3个月前偶然发现患儿左上睑一粟粒大小肿物生长,因表面皮肤无红肿破溃,故并未在意.1个月后发现该肿物长至高粱米大小,隆起于皮肤表面,呈浅蓝色,以后继续增大,故来诊.否认眼部外伤及手术史.发现肿物前2周曾因治疗近视在眼周皮肤涂抹某药膏并进行按摩.药品主要成分为麝香、珍珠、川芎、当归、草决明、红花等.查体:左眼上睑略偏颞侧距眉弓约0.6 cm处可见一肿物,位于皮下突出于皮表,外观不平整,大小约0.7 cm×0.6cm,呈蓝色,触之质硬,形状不规则,与皮下组织无粘连,无红肿破溃,轻度压痛.局麻下行手术切除,手术顺利分离出该肿物,包膜完整,外形不规则,凹凸不平.剖开肿物见内容物为黄白色粟粒状.送病理科回报:眼睑毛母质瘤.随访1年无复发.  相似文献   

孙旭芳 《眼科新进展》2007,27(6):423-423
皮肤混合瘤为汗腺发生的一种较小且少见的良性肿瘤。分大汗腺型和小汗腺型,又名多形性汗腺腺瘤或软骨样汗腺瘤,以形成汗腺样结构和软骨样结构为特征。类似涎腺的混合瘤。常发生头颈部,以鼻、上唇,颊部多见,偶见躯干和四肢,眼睑皮肤发生混合瘤非常少见,作者诊治1例,现报告如下。  相似文献   

张红  周虹 《眼科新进展》2007,27(4):265-265
患者,男,25岁,某疾病控制中心检验员,左下睑包块2月余,于当地医院诊断为“左下睑霰粒肿”,行切开骚刮治疗。术后创面不愈合,且新生物逐渐增大,伴左颌下淋巴结肿大,于2005年5月20日以“左下睑包块,性质待查”收住我院。发病以来,否认发热、咳嗽及胸痛史,但因工作需要,经常接触结核患者的痰标本。全身检查:一般情况好,体格中等。眼部检查:双眼矫正视力1.0;左下睑包块,约1.5cm×1.7cm,边界不清,红肿,表面及相应睑结膜面溃破,溃疡表面类似肉芽状,未见渗出物;眼球前、后段(-)。左耳前后、左颌下、左锁骨上、下淋巴结肿大,无压痛。胸片:正常。血液常规检查及血生化检查正常,体温36.8℃~36.4℃,彩色多普勒超声显示:双颈部多个淋巴结肿大。PPD实验(人型、牛型)均呈阳性。入院后行眼睑包块部分切除病检,报告为:  相似文献   

We herein describe a patient in whom two intraocular eyelashes and an anterior chamber cyst embedded into the anterior surface of the iris was detected following penetrating eye injury. After a one year asymptomatic period, the patient was hospitalized because of uveitic reaction in the anterior chamber which may be due to cyst development. The lashes and cyst were removed surgically, and examined pathologically. There was no complication in one year follow-up period.  相似文献   

We report the case of a 15-month-old boy who presented with a mass lesion of the right upper eyelid that had been present since birth and had slowly enlarged over the last 3 months. The lesion had minimal surrounding erythema simulating the appearance of a chalazion. Intraoperatively the lesion was noted to be firmly adherent to the underlying tarsus. The lesion was excised completely through an eyelid crease approach leaving the tarsus intact. The histopathology was consistent with dermoid cyst. To our knowledge, this is the third case of a tarsal dermoid cyst reported in the literature. Dermoid cyst should be included in the differential diagnosis of eyelid mass lesions, and particulary differentiated from a chalazion to avoid mismanagement that may lead to scarring, recurrence and inflammation. The excision of these lesions sparing the underlying tarsus can be possible.  相似文献   

Muzaffar W  Dar NR  Malik AM 《Ophthalmology》2002,109(10):1944-1946
AIM: To report a rare presentation of colloid milium occurring only on the upper eyelid margins. DESIGN: Interventional case report. METHODS: (1) Slit-lamp examination of eyelids and eyes and clinical examination including the face and a general physical examination; (2) photography of the lesions on the lids; and (3) excision biopsy and histopathologic examination. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Histologic examination confirmed the clinical diagnosis. RESULTS: Clinical examination and histopathologic findings revealed the cysts to be colloid milium. CONCLUSIONS: Colloid milium can involve upper eyelids in isolation, sparing the lower eyelids and facial skin. Such rare presentations should be kept in mind while examining similar lesions.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the short-term effects of commercially available eyelid-cleaning wipes on film parameters. METHODS: This study enrolled 48 healthy participants aged 20-35y (both males and females). Clinical assessment included the Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) questionnaire, non-invasive tear break-up time (NITBUT), tear meniscus height (TMH), and lipid layer pattern (LLP). Based on these initial results, participants were categorized as either non-dry eye or dry eye. Participants in each group were randomly allocated to either Blephaclean® or Systane® treatments. Changes in NITBUT, TMH, and LLP levels before and after lid wipe treatment were assessed. RESULTS: The dry eye group exhibited significantly higher OSDI scores and lower NITBUT and TMH levels than in the non-dry eye group (P<0.001). Following the application of eyelid wipes (Systane® wipes), dry eye subjects experienced a significant improvement in NITBUT levels (P=0.0014) compared to the non-dry eye individuals. Although the remaining participants showed a marginal increase in TMH and NITBUT levels, these changes did not achieve statistical significance (P>0.05). Similarly, the LLP levels were significantly improved with Systane® (P<0.001) post-treatment compared to individuals in the non-dry eye group. However, the dry eye subjects showed higher post-treatment LLP levels than the untreated group (P<0.02). CONCLUSION: The short-term effects of Systane® eyelid wipes on tear film parameters suggest their effectiveness in dry eye disease. Nonetheless, further exploration of their long-term impact is essential to justify their cost effectiveness and efficacy in treating both aqueous deficiency and evaporative dryness.  相似文献   

Dermoid cysts are one of the most common non-inflammatory space-occupying orbital lesions in the pediatric population. They are ectodermal cysts which may contain squamous epithelium with dermal contents such as skin, hair follicles, sebaceous glands, or sweat glands. Dermoid cyts are often innocent, however complications such as inflammation of the fistula or preseptal cellulitis are occasionally seen. We present a case of a 6-year-old girl with a glabellar dermoid cyst and describe the appropriate investigations and definitive treatment.  相似文献   

Lipoid proteinosis is a rare disorder seen even more rarely by ophthalmologists. The interesting clinical and histopathological features of this disease are described in a brother and sister who presented predominantly with lid lesions, without any systemic complaints. Knowledge of the typical lid lesions may help to diagnose this disorder.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Sclerosing sweat duct carcinoma (SSDC) is a rare, slow-growing, locally invasive skin tumor of eccrine and pilar origin. It is usually located on the face, particularly the upper lip, cheek, and forehead. It has been infrequently reported on the eyelid, secondarily involved from adjacent cheek and brow tumors. Only four previous cases have reported primary eyelid tumors. The authors present four cases of primary eyelid margin involvement, which show the variability in clinical presentations. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. The authors present four case studies of lower eyelid margin tumors diagnosed as SSDC. PARTICIPANTS/METHODS: The history of this recently recognized neoplasm is discussed in relation to the cases presented and the role of the ophthalmologist and pathologist in such cases. RESULTS: Primary SSDC of the eyelid margin is a reportedly rare entity. This particular presentation can occur in all age groups; can mimic benign, acanthotic, or basal cell-like tumors; and is usually misdiagnosed initially. This can lead to a delay in definitive treatment for a tumor that classically presents late in its natural history to health professionals. All eight cases of primary eyelid SSDC now reported in the literature have occurred in the lower lid. CONCLUSION: This rare but aggressive tumor is difficult to diagnose from a simple biopsy and may be more common than previously believed. Initial or early diagnosis is important because of unusually invasive characteristics. Recurrence is common and usually leads to extensive tissue loss via direct invasion or subsequent wide resection. Correct histologic diagnosis at the time of initial tumor removal will likely aid in achieving complete excision with fewer recurrences.  相似文献   

The most common abnormality of the lacrimal drainage system is congenital or acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction. The causes of acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction may be primary or secondary. The secondary acquired obstructions may result from infection, inflammation, neoplasm, trauma or mechanical causes. The maxillary sinus cysts usually obstruct the nasolacrimal duct mechanically. Dentigerous cysts are one of the main types of maxillary cysts. These cysts are benign odontogenic cysts which are associated with the crowns of unerupted teeth. The clinical documentations of mechanical nasolacrimal duct obstructions due to a dentigerous cyst in the maxillary sinus are very rare in literature. In this case report, we describe a dentigerous cyst with a supernumerary tooth in the maxillary sinus in an 11-year-old male child causing an obstruction to the nasolacrimal duct. The case was successfully managed surgically by Caldwell Luc approach.  相似文献   

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