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福建省登革热的血清流行病学调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
登革热是由蚊媒传播的一种病毒性急性传染病。该病多发生在蚊媒密度高的热带和亚热带地区 ,在东南亚及太平洋等一带有广泛的流行 ,我国南方地区近几年亦曾发生流行。福建省属于亚热带地区 ,与东南亚及国内各地交流频繁 ,人员流动大。为了做好防范工作 ,我们从 1992年开始对登革  相似文献   

一起登革热暴发的流行病学调查彭志强,席云珍,孙均明,袁文汉,周干成(广州军区后勤部卫生防疫队,广州,510500)关键词:登革热,暴发,流行病学调查1995年10月4~16日,某部队医院发生一起登革热暴发流行。通过大面积灭蚊措施,隔离病人,迅速控制疫...  相似文献   

目的 了解2018年浙江省衢州市居民麻疹抗体水平,为完善麻疹防控策略提供依据.方法 随机抽取衢州市柯城区和常山县10个乡镇(街道)的0~59岁常住居民进行调查,收集居民人口学和含麻疹成分疫苗(MCV)接种资料,采集血清并采用酶联免疫吸附试验检测麻疹IgG抗体,分析居民麻疹抗体阳性率、保护率和几何平均浓度(GMC).结果...  相似文献   

根据佛山市法定传染病报告年报表 ,对佛山市 1 978~ 1 998年登革热的流行病学特征进行了分析。 2 1年间佛山市共发生五次有病毒学诊断依据的登革热大流行 ,共报告病例 2 541 8例 ,死亡 1 4例。疫情高度集中在顺德市、佛山市区 (城区和石湾区 )和南海市等旧疫区。 8~ 1 0月是流行的高峰季节 ,白纹伊蚊是佛山市登革热的传播媒介 ,人群普遍易感 ,旧疫区内健康人群血抑抗体水平较非疫区健康人群高 ,登革热旧患者血抑抗体水平逐年下降。今后预防工作的重点应在旧疫区。根据流行病学及病毒流行型别特点 ,登革热在佛山市可能已经形成地方性流行  相似文献   

目的了解湖北省肺吸虫病流行区居民肺吸虫感染现状。方法随机抽取湖北省肺吸虫病流行区的6个县(市)18个调查点,对常住居民采取静脉血1.5~2.0ml,用酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)检测肺吸虫特异性抗体。结果ELISA检测血清8251人(份),检出肺吸虫特异性抗体刚性250人(份),阳性率为3.03%;其中男性阳性率为3.44%(135/3926)、女性阳性率为2.66%(115/4325)。10岁以下年龄组阳性率最高为4.26%(41/963),其次是20~29岁年龄组阳性率为4.23%(42/993),30~39年龄组阳性检出率最低,为2.47%(45/1 824)。年龄组之间存在有显著性差异(P<0.05)。不同调查点、不同民族肺吸虫的特异性抗体阳性率不尽相同,阳性率最高的调查点为18.44%(92/499)。侗族、土家族与汉族居民中肺吸虫特异性抗体阳性率分别为15.38%(20/130)、3.19%(123/3855);2.51%(107/4265)。结论6县(市、区)居民中肺吸虫的隐性感染依然存在;肺吸虫病对当地居民存在着潜在的危害。  相似文献   

1978—1998年佛山市登革热流行病学调查分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据佛山市法定传染病报告报表,对佛山市1978-1998年登革热的流行病持征进行了分析。21年间佛山市共发生五次有病毒学诊断依据的登革热大流行,共报告病例2418例,死亡14例。疫情高度集中在顺德市、佛山市区(城区和石湾区)和南海市等旧疫区,8-10月是流行的高峰季节,白纹伊蚊是佛山市登革热的传播媒介,人群普遍易感,旧疫区内健康人群血抑抗体水平较非疫区健康人群高,登革热旧患者血抑抗体水平逐年下降。  相似文献   

为了解广东人群白喉免疫状况,于1990年5月间,对11县(市、区)4个年龄组1792人,作白喉血清流行病学调查,阳性率81.19%,群体GMT1:38.03,平均抗毒素74IU/L,人群抗体水平随年龄的增大而下降,是我省当前白喉流行向大年龄组偏移的主要原因。  相似文献   

目的分析一起地铁工地登革热暴发疫情的流行病学特征,为制定登革热预防控制措施提供依据。方法确定病例定义,进行回顾性病例搜索和流行病学调查。使用登革热IgM/IgG酶联免疫吸附试验检测部分病例血清登革热抗体。用布雷图指数(B I)评估蚊蚴密度。结果2006年10月4日至11月5日广州某地铁工地报告登革热病例35例,罹患率为14.89%(35/235),其中9例为实验室确诊病例,3例为临床诊断病例,23例为疑似病例。病例有宿舍集聚性,病例均为男性。在建筑工作面上工作与非建筑工作面的人群罹患率分别为20.73%(34/164)、1.41%(1/71)(P<0.01);是否在建筑工作面上工作的人群相对危险度RR值是14.72,RR95%可信区间在2.05~105.45之间(P<0.01),工地施工现场有伊蚊幼虫孳生,幼虫量约50条/视野,成蚊密度约为24只/人工小时。经采取快速杀灭成蚊和清除伊蚊孳生地为主的综合防治措施后,疫情得到控制。结论该地铁工地媒介伊蚊的大量繁殖是引起此次登革热暴发流行的主要因素。  相似文献   

应用间接荧光抗体试验对河北省某村进行了阿米巴病血清流行病学调查。结果显示血清抗体流行率显著高于溶组织内阿米巴包囊粪检阳性率;溶组织内阿米巴感染率随年龄的增长而升高。调查结果表明:该村不仅存在众多的阿米巴病传染源,而且侵袭性阿米巴病流行亦相当严重。本文对低血清抗体滴度的流行病学意义作了初步讨论。  相似文献   

目的 查明发生输入性登革热疫情的原因.方法 对病例开展流行病学调查,并采样进行实验室检测.结果 19名船员中8名发病,罹患率为42.11%.所有病例近期均有蚊虫叮咬史,均出现头痛、腓肠肌痛、红斑、结膜充血和出血点.登革热特异性抗体IgM、IgG双阳性1例,占12.50%;IgM阳性3例,占37.50%;IgG阳性1例占...  相似文献   

登革热和登革出血热流行趋势的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

The purpose of this research was to review the topic of dengue fever transmission and investigate the relationship between seasonal temperature fluctuations and cyclical dengue fever incidence. Data from Puerto Rico (1988-1992) were used to test the model proposed. Dengue fever is a viral disease caused by any one of four antigenically distinct serotypes. It is transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes and infects 80 million people per year. Currently, dengue is endemic in specific tropical and subtropical regions worldwide and epidemic dengue has been reported in the Americas, Asia and some Pacific Islands. Data for Puerto Rico were collected from the NCDC/NOAA and a study conducted by Perez et al. (1994). Multivariate linear regression analysis was used to determine if a relationship exists between the monthly mean temperature lagged and the monthly incidence of dengue fever in Puerto Rico. Statistical significance was achieved and a second-order model produced an R2 of 0.71. A residual analysis reveals positive autocorrelation, thus weakening the model's power to predict monthly dengue incidence. This suggests that other forces or factors related to the history of the herd immunity, the introduction of a new serotype, or demographic transitions are also influencing the cyclical transmission of dengue fever. Case clustering information, regional dengue distributions, and population density transformations must also be obtained in order to assess the forecasting ability of this model. Additional research is needed to avoid oversimplifying the problem. Without such attempts at establishing significant correlations, dengue prevention and control will remain a formidable task for many developing and developed countries.  相似文献   

摘要:目的 对阳春市首起登革热暴发疫情进行调查分析,为有效控制登革热疫情提供依据。方法 采用流行病学调查方法对疫情数据、蚊媒调查资料以及可能传播来源等进行分析。结果 2014年9月5日- 10月3日,阳春市春城街道发生1起登革热暴发疫情,共报告病例19例,其中本地感染病例16例,输入性病例3例,病例均为轻症,无重症死亡病例。疫情主要集中在春城街道东门居委会,共报告7例,占36.84%;男女性别比0.73∶1;年龄最大的77岁,最小的6岁,以50岁以上中老年人居多,占47.37%。疫情发生时反映蚊媒密度的布雷图指数最高达56.41,发生登革热传播的风险极高,经采取各项综合防治措施,蚊媒密度快速下降,疫情得到控制。结论 症状不典型的输入性病例容易引起本地登革热疫情,人员的流动性易造成疫情的扩散,快速杀灭成蚊、清除蚊虫孳生地并将布雷图指数控制在5以下可以有效控制疫情。  相似文献   








DeRoeck D  Deen J  Clemens JD 《Vaccine》2003,22(1):121-129
A survey of policymakers and other influential professionals in four southeast Asian countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam) was conducted to determine policymakers' views on the public health importance of dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF), the need for a vaccine and the determinants influencing its potential introduction. The survey, which involved face-to-face interviews with policymakers, health programme managers, researchers, opinion leaders and other key informants, revealed an almost uniformly high level of concern about dengue fever/DHF and a high perceived need for a dengue vaccine. Several characteristics of the disease contribute to this high sense of priority, including its geographic spread, occurrence in outbreaks, the recurrent risk of infection each dengue season, its severity and the difficulty in diagnosis and management, its urban predominance, its burden on hospitals, and its economic toll on governments and families. Research felt to be key to future decision-making regarding dengue vaccine introduction include: disease surveillance studies, in-country vaccine trials or pilot projects, and studies on the economic burden of dengue and the cost-effectiveness of dengue vaccines. The results suggest favourable conditions for public and private sector markets for dengue vaccines and the need for creative financing strategies to ensure their accessibility to poor children in dengue-endemic countries.  相似文献   

Serological and virological features of dengue fever (DF) and dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) in Thailand were analysed in 2715 patients from 1999 to 2002. The illness was caused by DEN-1 in 45%, DEN-2 in 32%, DEN-3 in 18% and DEN-4 in 5% of patients. Almost all of the DHF cases caused by DEN-2 and DEN-4 were in secondary infection, while approximately 20% of the DHF cases caused by DEN-1 and DEN-3 were in primary infection. Male:female ratio and age distribution were not different among four serotypes in primary and secondary infections. These results indicate that DEN-1 and DEN-3 induce DHF in both primary and secondary infections, and suggest that DEN-2 and DEN-4 in Thailand are less likely to cause DHF in primary infections.  相似文献   

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