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<正>皮肤胶原瘤是一种由胶原纤维构成的结缔组织痣,临床表现为生长缓慢的无症状的结节或斑块,好发于躯干及上肢。而发疹性皮肤胶原瘤(eruptive cutaneous collagenoma)属于胶原瘤的一种特殊类型,临床少见,现将我科诊断1例报告如下。临床资料患者,男,61岁。主因双上肢、躯干多发性结节、斑块3年,于2012年5月就诊。患者3年前无明显  相似文献   

发疹性胶原瘤是一种由胶原纤维组成的结缔组织痣,临床表现为后天发病、质地坚硬、无症状的多发性丘疹、结节。现报告1例皮肤发疹性胶原瘤。  相似文献   

患者男,41岁。面部、躯干下部及双下肢泛发橘黄色丘疹3个月。面部、躯干下部及双下肢散在分布橘黄色丘疹,米粒至绿豆大小,质硬,部分基周红晕,有压痛。抠挤后破溃,结痂,遗留色素性或肥厚性瘢痕。患糖尿病和脂肪肝2年。诊断:发疹性黄瘤。嘱低脂饮食,继续治疗高脂血症,面部皮损予激光治疗,现随访中。  相似文献   

报告1例发疹性炎瘤。患者,男,28岁。背部、四肢伸侧出现泛发性橘黄色丘疹半年。皮肤专科检查可见背部、四肢伸侧泛发性橘黄色丘疹,粟粒至绿豆大小,质坚,表面光滑,无压痛。皮肤组织病理:表皮大致正常,真皮浅层、网状层见大地组织细胞浸润,较多泡沫样细胞。诊断为发疹性黄瘤。  相似文献   

报告1例发疹性黄瘤。患者,男,28岁。背部、四肢伸侧出现泛发性橘黄色丘疹半年。皮肤专科检查可见背部、四肢伸侧泛发性橘黄色丘疹,粟粒至绿豆大小,质坚,表面光滑,无压痛。皮肤组织病理:表皮大致正常,真皮浅层、网状层见大量组织细胞浸润,较多泡沫样细胞。诊断为发疹性黄瘤。  相似文献   

报告面部皮肤发疹性胶原瘤1例。患者女,30岁。面部出现多发性扁平丘疹、结节4年。皮损为正常皮色或红色,直径2-10mm,无自觉症状,无家族史。组织病理检查示:胶原显著增厚,胶原束宽大,弹力纤维减少、碎裂。诊断为发疹性皮肤胶原瘤。  相似文献   

 报告发疹性黄瘤1例。患者男,33岁,因背部及四肢间断出现皮疹半年,再发2月就诊。皮肤专科检查:背部密集分布粟粒大小棕黄色丘疹,四肢伸侧散在丘疹。皮损组织病理检查见大量黄瘤细胞。免疫组化提示CD68(+),vim(+),S 100(-),AE 1/3(-)。诊断为发疹性黄瘤。建议调脂治疗。患者通过改善生活方式后皮疹消退。  相似文献   

<正>患者男,28岁。因躯干、双上肢出现多个黄色丘疹6个月余就诊。患者6个月前无明显诱因于背部出现多个黄色丘疹,无明显自觉症状,逐渐泛发至腰、腹、臀部及双上肢,1个月后皮损自行消退,未遗留瘢痕及色素沉着,未予重视。3个月前于躯干、双上肢原皮损处泛发出现类似皮疹。3个月前患者右手中指近端指节背部及无名指与小指间指缝皮肤被热油烫伤,愈后遗  相似文献   

患者女,59岁.因全身丘疹、结节1年余,加重3个月,于2007年5月22日来我院就诊.患者于1年前无明显诱因前额出现瘙痒性丘疹,在外院诊断为结节性痒疹,先后予以咪唑斯汀、沙利度胺、多塞平等药物口服,外用糖皮质激素治疗,皮损无明显好转,遂自行停药.3个月前,面部、耳后、躯干及四肢陆续出现类似皮损,瘙瘴不明显,无其他不适,遂到我院就诊.既往史:有盘状红斑狼疮病史20年.现病情稳定.有老年性骨关节病7年余.2006年2月因右侧桡骨近端骨裂行切开内固定术.无食物及药物过敏史.家族史、个人史无特殊.  相似文献   

发疹性黄瘤1例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄瘤病常伴有血脂质和其它系统的异常,可分为原发性和继发性,发疹性黄瘤是黄瘤病五种基本皮损类型之一种。近期我科曾收治1例,现报告如下:  相似文献   

A 78-year-old woman, who had first noticed asymptomatic eruptions on her neck and shoulders eight years earlier, presented with papules and nodules 2 to 20 mm in diameter that had a normal to white hue and were flatly elevated. These lesions were scattered and multiple, some forming confluent plaques. Histopathologically, the epidermis was slightly atrophied, and collagen fibers in the dermis were coarse and proliferated. In addition, the number of elastic fibers was slightly decreased. No complications were evident. Based on these findings, the patient was given a diagnosis of mild eruptive collagenoma, a type of connective tissue nevus according to the classification of Uitto. This case is unique in that onset was at an advanced age and that distribution was localized on the neck and shoulders.  相似文献   

Familial cutaneous collagenoma: new affected family with prepubertal onset   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two siblings presented with clinical and histopathological findings of familial cutaneous collagenoma which is a rare connective tissue nevus, inherited in an autosomal-dominant pattern. A 13-year-old girl had oval-round, soft, painless papules, 5-10 mm in size and a total of 9-10 on her abdomen and flanks. Skin biopsy demonstrated dense, coarse collagen fibers in the dermis and a decrease in elastic fibers. Doppler echocardiography indicated an atrioseptal defect of the secundum type. Her 9-year-old brother was also examined; four lesions were discovered on his back but he was otherwise normal. Our cases comprise the sixth affected family to be reported in the medical published work and all lesions had appeared prepubertally.  相似文献   

Collagenoma is a hamartomatous lesion consisting of proliferation of normal collagen tissue. We describe a 19-year-old girl with a firm, elastic 3 x 2 cm nodule located on her right plantar fossa. Histopathologically, dense, coarse, thick collagen fibers were located in the dermis. In addition, the number of elastic fibers was slightly decreased. Based on these findings, the case was diagnosed as isolated plantar collagenoma.  相似文献   

Collagenomas are connective tissue naevi composed predominantly of collagen. Isolated collagenomas are usually localized to a single body region, acquired, and of rare occurrence. We describe a patient with an isolated collagenoma that showed an increase in size during pregnancy and regressed afterwards.  相似文献   

A case of eruptive collagenoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

报告1例发疹性假性血管瘤病.患者女,69岁.面部、手背出现血管瘤样红色丘疹,且反复发作6个月.发疹前患者无瘙痒及头痛等症状.皮肤科检查:颜面、手背部散在血管瘤样丘疹,表面光滑,直径2~5 mm.皮损分布区域无鳞屑、结痂和溃疡.组织病理检查:表皮正常,真皮血管未见增生,毛细血管扩张、充血,部分血管内皮细胞肿胀.真皮浅、中层血管周围有以淋巴细胞为主及少量嗜酸性粒细胞浸润.诊断:发疹性假性血管瘤病.  相似文献   

报告1例席纹状胶原瘤。患者男,46岁。背部肿物40年余,缓慢增长,无自觉症状。无系统性疾病病史。皮损组织病理检查示表皮轻度萎缩,真皮内可见一边界清楚的结节,无包膜,病变均匀、局限,由大量透明样变的胶原束组成,胶原束之间见许多裂隙,排列成席纹状。诊断:席纹状胶原瘤。  相似文献   

Connective tissue nevi represents a kind of hamartoma, and coalescence of the lesions in a cerebriform mode in the lumbar region without Proteus syndrome is rarely seen. Here, we report a 26‐year‐old woman presenting with nodules and plaques in her left lumbar region of 26 years in duration. Histopathological examination and Masson‐trichrome stain showed increased dermal collagen bundles in a haphazard array. The diagnosis of connective tissue nevi was made. This is the first case report on cerebriform connective tissue nevi without Proteus syndrome in the lumbar region.  相似文献   

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