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Informal care‐givers play an important role in society, and many of the people who provide this care are lesbian women and gay men. Being a care‐giver is known to be associated with poorer health and well‐being, and lesbian and gay care‐givers report experiences of stigma and discrimination in the care‐giving context. This study involved a survey of 230 lesbian women and 503 gay men aged 60 years and over living in Australia, of which 218 were care‐givers. We compared care‐givers to non‐caregivers on a range of health and well‐being measures, including psychological distress, positive mental health, physical health and social support. While we found no significant differences between these two groups, we further compared care‐givers who were caring for an LGBTI person to those who were caring for a non‐LGBTI person. Among the lesbian women, care‐givers of an LGBTI person reported feeling less supported in their carer role and reported lower levels of social support more generally. They were also lower on positive mental health and physical health indicators. Among the gay men, care‐givers of an LGBTI person also reported feeling less supported in their carer role, but there were no differences in reported levels of social support more generally or health and well‐being compared to those caring for a non‐LGBTI person. Overall, results from this study suggest that older lesbian and gay care‐givers may be facing some challenges related to their well‐being and feeling supported, especially if they are caring for another LGBTI person.  相似文献   

Restorative home‐care services, or re‐ablement home‐care services as they are now known in the UK, aim to assist older individuals who are experiencing difficulties in everyday living to optimise their functioning and reduce their need for ongoing home care. Until recently, the effectiveness of restorative home‐care services had only been investigated in terms of singular outcomes such as length of home‐care episode, admission to hospital and quality of life. This paper reports on a more complex and perhaps more significant measure – the use and cost of the home‐care and healthcare services received over the 2‐year period following service commencement. Seven hundred and fifty older individuals referred for government‐funded home care were randomly assigned to a restorative or standard service between June 2005 and August 2007. Health and aged care service data were sourced and linked via the Western Australian Data Linkage System. Restorative clients used fewer home‐care hours (mean [SD], 117.3 [129.4] vs. 191.2 [230.4]), had lower total home‐care costs (AU$5570 vs. AU$8541) and were less likely to be approved for a higher level of aged care (N [%], 171 [55.2] vs. 249 [63.0]) during follow‐up. They were also less likely to have presented at an emergency department (OR = 0.69, 95% CI = 0.50–0.94) or have had an unplanned hospital admission [OR (95% CI), 0.69 (0.50–0.95)]. Additionally, the aggregated health and home‐care costs of the restorative clients were lower by a factor of 0.83 (95% CI 0.72–0.96) over the 2‐year follow‐up (AU$19,090 vs. AU$23,428). These results indicate that at a time when Australia is facing the challenges of population ageing and an expected increase in demand for health and aged care services, the provision of a restorative service when an older person is referred for home care is potentially a more cost‐effective option than providing conventional home care.  相似文献   

People, along with their families, feel the impact of chronic illness in many areas of their lives. It has been known that those with chronic illness leave the workforce earlier than their peers, have lower incomes and often need additional support to manage their health and lives. However, limited information is available about whether chronic illness is already present prior to retirement, or has developed subsequently. Similarly, we know little about what personal and household assistance is needed by people with chronic illness. In this study, a random sample of 10 000 members of National Seniors Australia, stratified by age and state of residence, were surveyed by post between August and September 2009 and asked about their chronic illnesses along with their age at diagnosis. In addition, participants were asked about their need for assistance with everyday household tasks and personal care. Responses were received from 4574 respondents, a response rate of 45.7%. Of those responding, 82.2% reported having at least one chronic illness at the time of the survey. The study confirms that ill health leads to earlier retirement from the workforce, and those who are sickest require more assistance with their household tasks and personal care. Each additional chronic illness present at age 50 reduced working life by a year, and each present at age 60 by 0.7 years. Diabetes, arthritis and depression were significantly related to earlier retirement. The impact was greatest for both continued workforce participation and need for assistance for those suffering from depression or anxiety. The relationships between health, workforce participation and need for assistance in daily activities are complex. Further research is required to uncover this complexity; nevertheless, the findings highlight the need to review the adequacy of current social and health policy for this particular population.  相似文献   

Issues of quality and accountability in social care for older people are of increasing importance. A key factor in determining quality is the extent to which older people themselves are satisfied with both the assessment of their needs and the services provided. The 1997 White Paper, Modernising Social Services, stated that local authorities will need to establish authority-wide objectives and performance measures to improve the quality and efficiency of services. In measuring quality, the White Paper stipulated that social service departments would need to design and administer satisfaction surveys as one means of capturing user and carer perceptions and experiences of services. This paper attempts to highlight some of the main issues to be considered when designing and conducting such surveys with older users of community care services. Through a review of the British and North American literature on older people's satisfaction with services, current approaches to measuring satisfaction are outlined and the relationship between the characteristics and circumstances of older people and their responses to satisfaction questions is examined. The paper concludes by offering some solutions to overcoming current problems by drawing conclusions about quality from survey findings, so that older people's opinions about the services they receive can begin to be assessed in a more meaningful way.  相似文献   

The ageing populations of the Western world present a wide range of economic, social, and cultural implications, and given the challenges posed by deteriorating maintenance ratios, the scenario is somewhat worrying. In this paper, I investigate whether Martha C. Nussbaum's capabilities approach could secure dignity for older people in long‐term care, despite the per capita decreases in resources. My key research question asks, ‘What implications does Nussbaum's list of central human capabilities have for practical social care?’ My methodology combines Nussbaum's list with ethnographic data gathered from a Finnish sheltered home for older people. On the basis of this study, it seems that the capabilities approach is a plausible framework for the ethics of care because it highlights differences in the ability to function and thus differences in opportunities to pursue a good life. The ideas presented in this article could assist social policy planners and executives in creating policies and practices that help old people to maintain their dignity until the end of their days.  相似文献   

Social support is a key component in managing long‐term conditions. As people age in their homes, there is a greater risk of social isolation, which can be ameliorated by informal support networks. This study examined the relationship between changes in social support networks for older people living in a regional area following weekly videoconference groups delivered to the home. Between February and June 2014, we delivered 44 weekly group meetings via videoconference to participants in a regional town in Australia. The meetings provided participants with education and an opportunity to discuss health issues and connect with others in similar circumstances. An uncontrolled, pre‐post‐test methodology was employed. A social network tool was completed by 45 (87%) participants either pre‐ or post‐intervention, of which 24 (46%) participants completed the tool pre‐ and post‐intervention. In addition, 14 semi‐structured interviews and 4 focus groups were conducted. Following the intervention, participants identified increased membership of their social networks, although they did not identify individuals from the weekly videoconference groups. The most important social support networks remained the same pre‐ and post‐intervention namely, health professionals, close family and partners. However, post‐intervention participants identified friends and wider family as more important to managing their chronic condition compared to pre‐intervention. Participants derived social support, in particular, companionship, emotional and informational support as well as feeling more engaged with life, from the weekly videoconference meetings. Videoconference education groups delivered into the home can provide social support and enhance self‐management for older people with chronic conditions. They provide the opportunity to develop a virtual social support network containing new and diverse social connections.  相似文献   

The Partnerships for Older People Projects programme provided government funding for local and health authorities to pilot prevention and intervention services in partnership with the voluntary sector and older people between 2006 and 2009. This local evaluation of a pilot in southern England undertaken between 2007 and 2009 used a Theory of Change approach to gathering and reflecting on data with different groups involved in the delivery of this whole‐system based model of prevention. The model was delivered in the same way in seven social services locality areas within a large county authority. The method of data gathering enabled structured reflection on the implementation, development and projected outcomes of the model and a consideration of the key learning of working in a whole‐system way with partners and stakeholders. The whole‐system model, although complex and challenging to implement, was considered overall to have been a success and provided significant learning for partners and stakeholders on the challenges and benefits of working across professional and sectoral boundaries. New posts were created as part of the model. Two of these, recruited to and managed by voluntary sector partners, were identified as ‘new jobs’, but echoed ‘old roles’ within community and voluntary sector based health and social care. The authors reflect on the parallels of these roles with previously existing roles and ways of working and reflect on how the whole‐system approach of this particular pilot enabled these new jobs to develop in particularly appropriate and successful ways.  相似文献   

Social care services for adults are increasingly required to focus on achieving the outcomes that users aspire to, rather than on service inputs or provider concerns. This paper reports a study aimed at assessing progress in developing outcomes-focused services for older people and the factors that help and hinder this. It describes the current policy context and discusses the social care service outcomes desired by older people. It then reports on a postal survey that identified over 70 outcomes-focused social care initiatives across England and Wales, and case studies of progress in developing outcomes-focused social care services in six localities. The study found progress in developing outcomes-focused services was relatively recent and somewhat fragmented. Developments in intermediate care and re-ablement services, focusing on change outcomes, were marked; however, there appeared to be a disjunction between these and the capacity of home care services to address desired maintenance outcomes. Process outcomes were addressed across a range of re-ablement, day care and residential services. The paper concludes by discussing some of the challenges in developing outcomes-focused social care services.  相似文献   

The third sector has played a significant role internationally in the delivery of adult social care services for many years. Its contribution to care co‐ordination activities for older people, however, in England and elsewhere, is relatively unknown. A scoping review was therefore conducted to ascertain the character of the literature, the nature and extent of third sector care co‐ordination activity, and to identify evidence gaps. It was undertaken between autumn 2013 and summer 2014 and updated with additional searches in 2016. Electronic and manual searches of international literature using distinct terms for different approaches to care co‐ordination were undertaken. From a total of 835 papers, 26 met inclusion criteria. Data were organised in relation to care co‐ordination approaches, types of third sector organisation and care recipients. Papers were predominantly from the UK and published this century. Key findings included that: a minority of literature focused specifically on older people and that those doing so described only one care co‐ordination approach; third sector services tended to be associated with independence and person‐centred practice; and working with the statutory sector, a prerequisite of care co‐ordination, was challenging and required a range of features to be in place to support effective partnerships. Strengths and weaknesses of care co‐ordination practice in the third sector according to key stakeholder groups were also highlighted. Areas for future research included the need for: a specific focus on older people's experiences; an investigation of workforce issues; detailed examination of third sector practices, outcomes and costs; interactions with the statutory sector; and an examination of quality assurance systems and their appropriateness to third sector practice. The main implication of the findings is a need to nurture variety within the third sector in order to provide older people and other adults with the range of service options desired.  相似文献   

Malnutrition is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality, particularly among older people. Attention has focused on the inadequacies of food provision in institutions, yet the majority suffering from malnutrition live in the community. The aim of this study was to explore barriers and facilitators to food provision for older people receiving home care. It was a qualitative exploratory study using semi‐structured interviews with nine home‐care workers in June 2013 employed by independent agencies in a large city in northern England. Data were analysed thematically, based on the principles of grounded theory. Findings showed that significant time pressures limited home‐care workers in their ability to socially engage with service users at mealtimes, or provide them with anything other than ready meals. Enabling choice was considered more important than providing a healthy diet, but choice was limited by food availability and reliance on families for shopping. Despite their knowledge of service users and their central role in providing food, home‐care workers received little nutritional training and were not involved by healthcare professionals in the management of malnutrition. Despite the rhetoric of individual choice and importance of social engagement and nutrition for health and well‐being, nutritional care has been significantly compromised by cuts to social care budgets. The potential role for home‐care workers in promoting good nutrition in older people is undervalued and undermined by the lack of recognition, training and time dedicated to food‐related care. This has led to a situation whereby good quality food and enjoyable mealtimes are denied to many older people on the basis that they are unaffordable luxuries rather than an integral component of fundamental care.  相似文献   

Integrated care is increasingly promoted as an effective and cost‐effective way to organise care for community‐dwelling frail older people with complex problems but the question remains whether high expectations are justified. Our study aims to systematically review the empirical evidence for the effectiveness and cost‐effectiveness of preventive, integrated care for community‐dwelling frail older people and close attention is paid to the elements and levels of integration of the interventions. We searched nine databases for eligible studies until May 2016 with a comparison group and reporting at least one outcome regarding effectiveness or cost‐effectiveness. We identified 2,998 unique records and, after exclusions, selected 46 studies on 29 interventions. We assessed the quality of the included studies with the Effective Practice and Organization of Care risk‐of‐bias tool. The interventions were described following Rainbow Model of Integrated Care framework by Valentijn. Our systematic review reveals that the majority of the reported outcomes in the studies on preventive, integrated care show no effects. In terms of health outcomes, effectiveness is demonstrated most often for seldom‐reported outcomes such as well‐being. Outcomes regarding informal caregivers and professionals are rarely considered and negligible. Most promising are the care process outcomes that did improve for preventive, integrated care interventions as compared to usual care. Healthcare utilisation was the most reported outcome but we found mixed results. Evidence for cost‐effectiveness is limited. High expectations should be tempered given this limited and fragmented evidence for the effectiveness and cost‐effectiveness of preventive, integrated care for frail older people. Future research should focus on unravelling the heterogeneity of frailty and on exploring what outcomes among frail older people may realistically be expected.  相似文献   

Many governments have introduced or encouraged home‐care reablement schemes for older people at home with the aim of improving outcomes and reducing costs. We examined if such schemes have the potential to reduce costs from the perspective of the National Health Service (NHS) and Personal Social Services (PSS) in England. Our study was carried out to inform recommendations of a national guideline. Cost‐minimisation analysis was carried out using decision‐analytic Markov modelling. Home‐care reablement was compared with standard home care. Costs included those of the intervention, home care and hospital admission. Uncertainty was explored using univariate and probabilistic sensitivity analysis. Mean costs per person were £56,499 (95% confidence interval 55,690 to 57,307) in the reablement group, and £58,560 (95% confidence interval 57,800 to 59,319) in the standard care group. The mean difference was ‐£2,061 (95% confidence interval 1,933 to 2,129). The probability that home‐care reablement costs less than standard home care was 94.5% (95% confidence interval 93.1 to 95.9). In sensitivity analyses, this probability remained above 85% in all scenarios. Home‐care reablement can be a successful cost‐minimisation strategy for supporting some older people. More research is needed about the impact of home‐care reablement on health outcomes for different groups of older people; and the effects of different durations of reablement on outcomes and costs for different subpopulations.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to explore the attitudes of older people and primary care professionals towards communication of diagnosis, prognosis and symptoms in heart failure. Forty-four interviews were conducted with people aged>60 years with heart failure (New York Heart Association III-IV) recruited from general practices in the UK. Ten focus groups were held with primary care professionals involved in heart failure management. Data were analysed thematically with the aid of the NUD*IST computer program. Participants reported problems with communication, including not being given enough information about their condition, or being given complex information that they did not understand. Many understood little about heart failure and the causes of, and ways to manage, their symptoms. Few participants had had discussions about the prognosis with any health professional, and this was confirmed in professional accounts. Difficulties with terminology were frequently reported: a diagnosis of 'heart failure' was rarely communicated to patients to avoid causing anxiety. Educational needs were identified by most primary care professionals in relation to heart failure management and specifically in relation to communication. In conclusion, communication was identified as being inadequate within primary care from both the patient and professional perspectives. These findings point to a need for an educational intervention tailored specifically to the need to improve the communication skills of primary care professionals in chronic heart failure.  相似文献   

This paper describes the older people's mental health workforce development, policy development and implementation process and quantifies the rural service delivery and access impacts over a 15‐year period in New South Wales. It highlights the factors that are considered to be critical to successful rural service development such as commitment to funding parity, investment in strong local service leadership, and development of innovative, locally adapted rural service models. Building on these foundations, the Older People's Mental Health Program in New South Wales was able to address key challenges relating to service access in rural health and develop new, sustainable specialist older people's mental health service networks. A sustained focus on policy and implementation which explicitly supports rural older people's mental health service enhancement, and development of evidence‐based models of care, has significantly improved access to specialist mental health care for older people in rural areas. It has delivered 23 new rural older people's mental health community teams and a 440% increase in the number of people accessing these teams. It has also doubled the number of acute inpatient units and established new specialist mental health‐residential aged care partnership services in rural New South Wales. It has resulted in increased access to services for the “older old,” while not diminishing older people's rates of access to general adult mental health services. It has also supported innovative, sustainable rural service models such as “hub and spoke” models and step‐up step‐down inpatient services that build on existing health and hospital infrastructure and link geographically dispersed specialist clinicians and services together in rural service delivery.  相似文献   

The number of older homeless people with a limited life expectancy is increasing. European studies on their health‐related characteristics are lacking. This study compared self‐reported health, healthcare service use and health‐related needs of older and younger homeless people in the Netherlands. It is part of a cohort study that followed 513 homeless people in the four major Dutch cities for a period of 2.5 years, starting from the moment they registered at the social relief system in 2011. Using cross‐sectional data from 378 participants who completed 2.5‐year follow‐up, we analysed differences in self‐reported health, healthcare service use, and health‐related needs between homeless adults aged ≥50 years (N = 97) and <50 years (N = 281) by means of logistic regression. Results show that statistically significantly more older than younger homeless people reported cardiovascular diseases (23.7% versus 10.3%), visual problems (26.8% versus 14.6%), limited social support from family (33.0% versus 19.6%) and friends or acquaintances (27.8% versus 14.6%), and medical hospital care use in the past year (50.5% versus 34.5%). Older homeless people statistically significantly less often reported cannabis (12.4% versus 45.2%) and excessive alcohol (16.5% versus 27.0%) use in the past month and dental (20.6% versus 46.6%) and mental (16.5% versus 25.6%) healthcare use in the past year. In both age groups, few people reported unmet health‐related needs. In conclusion, compared to younger homeless adults, older homeless adults report fewer substance use problems, but a similar number of dental and mental problems, and more physical and social problems. The multiple health problems experienced by both age groups are not always expressed as needs or addressed by healthcare services. Older homeless people seem to use more medical hospital care and less non‐acute, preventive healthcare than younger homeless people. This vulnerable group might benefit from shelter‐based or community outreach programmes that proactively provide multidisciplinary healthcare services.  相似文献   

This paper explores how smoking among older smokers with a smoking-related illness is influenced by the wider cultural context of smoking. The paper draws upon a Scottish qualitative interview study to explore lifecourse changes in smoking-related beliefs and behaviours, in current smokers between the ages of 65 and 84 years with arterial disease. The respondents' understanding of smoking, as a socially acceptable behaviour of their youth, had undergone dramatic change over the course of their lives. While some respondents continued to associate their current smoking with their, albeit reduced, participation in social activities, others now smoked at home alone and associated smoking with increasing levels of isolation in their lives. Through an examination of how social attitudes may contribute to smoking as a solitary activity, the paper highlights the implications of cultural context for the adaptive strategies that older people use to cope with the circumstances and conditions of later life. The paper concludes that the wider cultural context of smoking is influential in shaping smoking as either an isolated 'home' activity, or as a 'social' activity for those whose opportunities to smoke in the private sphere are limited by disapproval of significant others. Within the social context, however, these 'social' smokers experience further constraints which shape and reduce their smoking behaviour. The data suggest that in order to be successful with this group of smokers, further research is needed to identify aspects of the lives of older people that sustain smoking in later life. These data will be necessary to develop appropriate health promotion measures to successfully target aspects of lives that support smoking in later life.  相似文献   

The topic of social care for older people has gained increasing attention from the part of academics, professionals, policy makers and media. However, we know little about this topic from the perspectives of older persons, which hinders future developments in terms of theory, empirical research, professional practice and social policy. This article presents and discusses a systematic review of relevant qualitative research‐based evidence on the older persons’ experiences and perspectives of receiving social care published between 1990 and September 2014. This review aimed to obtain answers to the following questions: How is the reception of social care experienced by the older persons? What are the negative and positive aspects of these experiences? What are the factors which influence the experiences? The synthesis of the findings of reviewed papers identified six analytical themes: asking for care as a major challenge; ambivalences; (dis)engagement in decisions concerning care; multiple losses as outcomes of receiving social care; multiple strategies to deal with losses originated by the ageing process; and properties of ‘good care’. These themes are discussed from the point of view of their implications for theory, care practice and social policy, and future research.  相似文献   

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