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This study attempted to determine whether patients with major depression and panic disorder could be differentiated by personality features, measured by the Munich Personality Test (MPT). One of the six MPT personality dimensions, `rigidity', was developed in relation to the `melancholic type of personality', which may be a specific personality feature of depressive subjects. We therefore hypothesized that the MPT might be sensitive to possible personality differences between patients with major depression and panic disorder. Sixty-six patients with major depression and 27 patients with panic disorder, taken from consecutive intakes at an outpatient unit, were compared in terms of six personality dimensions of the MPT. The results demonstrated that rigidity could significantly differentiate the two patient groups, even after the possible confounding effects on the personality assessments were statistically partialled out. The MPT was suggested to be powerful for describing distinctive personality features of depressive subjects from anxiety subjects.  相似文献   

The present study examined the impact of comorbid major depressive disorder (MDD) on psychiatric morbidity, panic symptomatology and frequency of other comorbid psychiatric conditions in subjects with panic disorder (PD). Four hundred thirty-seven patients with PD were evaluated at intake as part of a multicenter longitudinal study of anxiety disorders; 113 of these patients were also in an episode of MDD. Patients were diagnosed by DSM-III-R criteria utilizing structured clinical interviews. The 113 PD/MDD patients were compared with the 324 remaining PD subjects regarding panic symptoms at intake, sociodemographic, quality of life and psychiatric morbidity variables. Differences in frequency of other comorbid Axis I psychiatric disorders were assessed at intake; personality disorders were evaluated twelve months after intake. The results revealed that PD/MDD patients exhibit increased morbidity and decreased psychosocial functioning as compared to PD patients. Personality disorders were more prevalent in the PD/MDD group at six month follow-up assessment; the PD/MDD group also had an increased frequency of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and more comorbid Axis I anxiety disorders as compared to the PD group. The total number and frequency of panic symptoms was highly consistent between the two patient groups. Depression and Anxiety 5:12–20, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Previous findings in referred adult samples document major depression as having important moderating effects on the patterns of comorbidity for panic disorder and major depression. This study evaluated whether these patterns of comorbidity are moderated by referral bias. Panic disorder (PD) and major depression (MD) were used to predict the risk for comorbid psychiatric disorders and functional outcomes using data from a large sample of adults who had not been ascertained on the basis of clinical referral (N=1,031). Participants were comprehensively assessed with structured diagnostic interview methodology to evaluate childhood and adult comorbid psychiatric disorders. PD increased the risk for anxiety disorders, independently of MD. MD increased the risk for mania, antisocial personality disorder, psychoactive substance use disorder, disruptive behavior disorders, overanxious disorder, social phobia, and generalized anxiety disorder, independently of PD. These results extend to nonreferred samples' previously reported findings documenting that MD has important moderating effects on patterns of comorbidity for PD and indicate that patterns of comorbidity for PD are not due to referral bias.  相似文献   

A consecutive sample of 298 nonpsychotic psychiatric outpatients was classified according to DSM-III and divided into 4 diagnostic groups: pure major depression, mixed major depression/panic disorder, pure panic disorder and a remaining group of other disorders. The patients' report of childhood relationship to parents and siblings, family atmosphere, their own personality characteristics as children and precipitating events were compared in the various groups. In addition, differences in personality and frequencies of personality disorders were investigated by means of various instruments. Our results show that the type of relationship to parents in childhood differed in the various groups. The mother seems to be the most crucial person for the development of depression, the father for the development of panic disorder. Patients with major depression are more obsessive and patients with panic disorder more infantile and avoidant with less control of their personality. Finally, patients with mixed conditions are more in accordance with the DSM-III anxious personality disorder cluster.  相似文献   

Patients attending an inpatient phobia treatment program were diagnosed for DSM-III-R Axis I and II disorders, using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R Disorders, and completed a set of self-report instruments. They were divided into 3 groups: (a) those who met the criteria for panic disorder with agoraphobia (n= 57), (b) those who met the criteria for agoraphobia without a history of panic disorder (n= 21), and (c) those who met criteria for other anxiety disorders, but not for panic/agoraphobia (n= 14). On Axis I, more of the panic with agoraphobia than of the agoraphobia without panic patients had obsessive-compulsive disorder. On Axis II, no significant differences between the agoraphobic patients with and without panic occurred. However, the number of hysterical traits was related to the presence of panic disorder among the agoraphobic patients. Avoidant and dependent traits were related to symptom severity.  相似文献   

Personality and temperament features, assessed with the Structured Interview for DSM-III-R Personality Disorders — Revised (SIDP-R) and the Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire (TPQ), respectively, were evaluated in 62 patients affected by panic disorder with (PD+MD) (n= 22) or without comorbid mood disorder (PD) (n=40). A significant difference in the prevalence of personality disorders (PD+MD, 86% vs. PD, 62%; P <0.05), particularly dependent (PD+DM, 50% vs. PD, 17%; P < 0.01) and borderline (PD+DM, 9% vs. PD, 0%; P=0.05) personality disorders, was observed between the groups. Moreover, patients in the PD+MD group had higher scores for harm avoidance (PD+MD, 22.2±5.6 vs. PD, 26.9±5.1; P < 0.05) than patients in the PD group. The harm avoidance score in PD patients was significantly related to personality disorder and not to MD, suggesting that harm avoidance is not associated with greater severity of the illness. Our data confirm the hypothesis that subjects with higher harm avoidance scores have a greater probability of being affected by cluster C personality disorders and comorbid mood and anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

Chen Y‐H, Lin H‐C. Patterns of psychiatric and physical comorbidities associated with panic disorder in a nationwide population‐based study in Taiwan. Objective: This study aims to document a range of risk of psychiatric and physical comorbidities among PD patients using a nationwide population‐based dataset in Taiwan. Method: A total of 3672 patients with at least three consensus diagnoses with PD were included, together with 18 360 matched controls without PD. Logistic regression analyses were performed after adjusting for sociodemographic characteristics. Results: After adjusting for the patients’ sex, age and geographic region, patients with PD were more likely to have major depressive disorder (OR = 23.45), bipolar disorder (OR = 15.54), cardiac dysrhythmia (OR = 15.12), coronary heart disease (OR = 7.69), myocardial infarction (OR = 6.55), irritable bowel syndrome (OR = 4.82), peptic ulcers (OR = 4.30), cerebrovascular disease (OR = 3.61), hypertension (OR = 3.31), epilepsy (OR = 3.07), hepatitis (OR = 2.70), hyperlipidemia (OR = 2.20), asthma (OR = 2.17), schizophrenia (OR = 2.14), neoplasms (OR = 2.02), renal disease (OR = 1.89) and diabetes (OR = 1.26), compared to patients in the comparison cohort. Conclusion: We conclude that PD is associated with an array of psychiatric and physical illnesses.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: In earlier reports, we found that perfectionism might be involved in the development and/or maintenance of agoraphobia in panic disorder. The present report extends this work by examining the relationship between perfectionism and comorbidity with personality disorders in panic disorder patients with agoraphobia (PDA) and those without agoraphobia (PD). METHOD: We examined comorbidity of personality disorders by Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R Personality Disorders (SCID-II) and assessed perfectionism using multidimensional perfectionism scale in 56 PDA and 42 PD patients. RESULTS: The PDA group met criteria for at least one personality disorder significantly more often than the PD group. With stepwise regression analyses, avoidant and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders emerged as significant indicators of perfectionism in patients with panic disorder. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that perfectionism in panic disorder patients may be more common in those with comorbid personality disorders, and may be an important target for preventive and therapeutic efforts.  相似文献   

Alcoholism and panic disorder: is the comorbidity more than coincidence?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Studies on alcoholic patients have found a higher than expected prevalence of panic disorder, and suggest a positive correlation between the level of alcohol consumption and severity of anxiety. Conversely, there is an increased prevalence of alcoholism among patients with panic disorder and their blood relatives. A comparison of symptoms, physiological and neurochemical changes known to occur in both alcohol withdrawal and panic disorder reveals a degree of similarity between the 2 conditions. Based on the data, we propose that the chemical and cognitive changes occurring as the result of repeated alcohol withdrawals may kindle and condition coincidence of panic attacks in susceptible individuals. Implications of our postulates for treatment of alcohol withdrawal and panic disorder in alcoholics and for future studies are discussed.  相似文献   

目的:了解重性抑郁障碍(MDD)与双相障碍(BD)患者躯体疾病共病情况。方法:对141例MDD和52例BD患者进行一般情况、躯体疾病调查及精神疾病评估。结果:MDD和BD患者躯体疾病的共病率分别为68.1%、46.2%,共病的躯体疾病以慢性病为主,依次为高血压、慢性胃炎、腰椎间盘突出、糖尿病。与非共病患者比较,共病患者年龄及起病年龄大,精神疾病复发次数多(P0.05或P0.01)。MDD共病患者自杀意念风险明显增加(P0.01)。结论:较高龄及较高龄起病的MDD、BD患者更易共病慢性躯体疾病。  相似文献   

Objective: A few case-reports have previously described transient psychotic-like symptoms in non-psychotic patients with panic disorder (PD). We aimed to systematically explore whether PD patients without any current or past psychosis can be differentiated according to the severity of ‘psychoticism’ as a dimension, comprising clinical features such as psychotic-like experiences, increased social alienation, hostility and suspiciousness.

Methods: Sample included 35 (female?=?26) medication-free, non-psychotic patients consecutively referred from our Department’s Outpatient Clinic for acute symptoms of DSM-5 PD with (PDA; N?=?29) or without concurrent agoraphobia. Psychometric measures included the Symptom Checklist–90–Revised (SCL-90-R), Agoraphobic Cognitions Questionnaire (ACQ), Body Sensations Questionnaire (BSQ), and panic attacks during last 21 days PA-21d.

Results: Multiple regression analysis (forward stepwise) revealed that, among all SCL-90-R subscales, the psychoticism-subscale was most significantly associated with panic-related beliefs included in the ACQ, while significant associations emerged between the paranoid ideation-subscale and the ACQ and BSQ measures. Moreover, significant correlations emerged between the SCL-90-R psychoticism-subscale and all three measures of PD symptoms (ACQ, BSQ, PA-21d) and between the SCL-90-R paranoid ideation-subscale and both the ACQ and BSQ.

Conclusions: This significant association between levels of psychoticism and severity of panic symptoms may reflect a more severe subtype of PD.  相似文献   

To understand the familial relationship between obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), other anxiety disorders, and major depressive disorder (MDD), we examined the rates of anxiety disorders and MDD in first-degree relatives of OCD probands and controls, the association between age at onset of OCD and the occurrence of other anxiety disorders and major depressive disorder in relatives of probands, and the co-transmission of specific anxiety disorders, MDD, and OCD within families of probands. Recurrence risks were estimated from 466 first-degree relatives of 100 probands with OCD and 113 first-degree relatives of 33 non-psychiatric controls. Rates of non-OCD anxiety disorders and MDD were comparable in relatives of OCD probands and controls. Rates of anxiety disorders and MDD were higher among case relatives with OCD than among case relatives without OCD and control relatives. Fifty percent of case relatives with OCD had at least one comorbid anxiety disorder. Early age at onset (<10 years) in probands was associated with higher rates of anxiety and depression comorbidity among case relatives with OCD but not among case relatives without OCD. The occurrence of specific anxiety disorders and MDD in case relatives was independent of the same comorbid diagnosis in the OCD probands. OCD, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and MDD occurred together more often than expected by chance among individuals with OCD. Furthermore, age at onset in probands is associated with specific anxiety and affective comorbidity among case relatives. These findings support the hypothesis that early- and late-onset OCD represent different etiologic variants.  相似文献   

Phenylacetic acid (PAA) excretion was measured in 39 patients who met criteria for panic disorder; 9 of these also had major depression, and 30 did not. Patients with panic and depression excreted 66 +/- 23 mg/day of PAA, an amount significantly lower than in normal controls; patients with panic disorder but without depression excreted 104 +/- 23 mg/day of PAA (not significantly lower than controls). The results support previous studies indicating that PAA excretion is a marker for depressive disorder.  相似文献   

The purpose of this case–control genetic association study was to explore potential relationships between polymorphisms in the limbic system-associated membrane protein (LSAMP) gene and mood and anxiety disorders. A total of 21 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from the LSAMP gene were analyzed in 591 unrelated patients with the diagnoses of major depressive disorder (MDD) or panic disorder (PD) and in 384 healthy control subjects. The results showed a strong association between LSAMP SNPs and MDD, and a suggestive association between LSAMP SNPs and PD. This is the first evidence of a possible role of LSAMP gene in mood and anxiety disorders in humans.  相似文献   

目的:了解汶川地震部分极重灾区所致创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)患者共病其他精神障碍的情况,以及影响共病的因素。方法:采用方便取样,对四川省绵阳市所辖的安县、平武县及北川县部分受灾群众进行调查,以DSM-Ⅳ-TR轴Ⅰ障碍定式临床检查(SCID-I/P)为诊断工具。结果:共138例诊断PTSD,其中90例共病其他精神障碍,共病率65.2%;42.8%患者共病重性抑郁障碍,12.3%共病特殊恐怖症,10.9%共病惊恐发作;40~59岁共病率最高为70.4%(χ2=5.94,P=0.05),有亲人死亡者共病抑郁症35例,明显高于无亲人死亡者24例,两者差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.16;P=0.04)。结论:65.2%PTSD患者共病其他精神障碍,以共病重性抑郁障碍、特殊恐怖症、惊恐发作最多见,共病率与年龄相关,地震中有亲人死亡将增加PTSD共病抑郁症风险。  相似文献   

Major depressive disorder is the most frequent comorbid condition in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). This study investigated factors associated with the development of recurrent major depressive disorder (RDD) in patients with OCD. Eighty OCD cases and 73 control probands were examined by psychiatrists or clinical psychologists using the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia-Lifetime Anxiety (SADS-LA). Two experienced psychiatrists independently reviewed all clinical materials and made final consensus diagnoses using DSM-IV criteria. Family history of OCD and RDD, additional comorbid disorders, OCD symptoms and illness severity were compared between persons with OCD alone (n = 21) and OCD with RDD (n = 41). Compared to OCD probands without RDD, OCD probands with RDD had earlier age at first diagnosis, more severe obsessive-compulsive symptoms, and were more likely to have a family history of RDD. Social phobia, separation anxiety disorder, and body dysmorphic disorder occurred more frequently in the comorbid group. In a multiple logistic regression model, only early age of OCD diagnosis was significantly associated with RDD. Early age at onset of OCD increases the risk of depressive disorder in individuals with OCD.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To make a direct comparison of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and major depression (MD) and a normal control group in terms of the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) personality dimensions. METHOD: Additionally to 43 patients with primary OCD, 43 MD patients and 43 normal subjects who were matched against the OCD patients for sex and age filled out the TCI. RESULTS: Compared to the controls, the OCD and MD patients scored significantly higher on harm avoidance and significantly lower on self-directedness and co-operativeness. The OCD patients scored significantly lower on novelty-seeking than the MD patients and the controls. CONCLUSION: Whereas OCD and MD share similar personality deviations on harm avoidance, self-directedness and co-operativeness, OCD is distinguishable from MD in terms of low novelty-seeking. Low novelty-seeking may have a profound relationship to the specific aetiology of OCD.  相似文献   

Adrenergic receptor dysregulation has been described as occurring in both major depressive disorder (MDD) and panic disorder. Measurements of platelet alpha 2 adrenergic receptors in these patients may be confounded by the coexistence or comorbidity of both diagnoses in the same patient. To explore this possibility, we measured platelet alpha 2 adrenergic receptors (3H-clonidine and 3H-yohimbine binding) in 3 groups of patients (MDD only, panic disorder only, and those showing comorbidity of MDD and panic) and normal controls. Patients with comorbidity of MDD and panic disorder had significantly lower agonist binding (3H-clonidine).  相似文献   

By using data from the Bremer Adolescent Study, this report presents findings on the frequency, comorbidity, and psychosocial impairment of panic disorder and panic attacks among 1,035 adolescents. The adolescents were randomly selected from 36 schools in the province of Bremen, Germany. Panic disorder and other psychiatric disorders were coded based on DSM-IV criteria using the computerized-assisted personal interview of the Munich version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview. Panic disorder occurred rather rare, with only 0.5% of all the adolescents met the DSM-IV criteria for this disorder sometimes in their live. Panic attack occurred more frequently, with 18% of the adolescents reported having had at least one panic attack. Slightly more girls than boys had panic attack and panic disorder. The occurrence of panic attack and panic disorder were the greatest among the 14–15 year olds. The experience of having a panic attack was associated with a number of problems, the most frequent being avoiding the situation for fear of having another attack. Four most common symptoms associated with a panic attack were that of palpitations, trembling/shaking, nausea or abdominal distress, and chills or hot flushes. Panic disorder comorbid highly with other psychiatric disorders covered in our study, especially with that of major depression. Among those with a panic disorder, about 40% of them were severely impaired during the worst episode of their illness. Only one out of five adolescents with panic disorder sought professional help for emotional and psychiatric problems. The implication of our findings for research and clinical practice are discussed. Depression and Anxiety 9:19–26, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Background: Previous research in outpatient samples suggests that panic and agoraphobic comorbidity is related to suicidality in outpatients with major depression. The purpose of the study was to further investigate this relationship specifically in a hospitalized sample. Method: This study examined the severity of current suicidal ideation and behaviors in a psychiatric hospital sample diagnosed with major depressive disorder alone (MDD; n=28) versus MDD plus panic‐agoraphobic spectrum disorders (MDD+PAS; n=69). Results: Members of the MDD+PAS group were significantly more likely to have had a suicide attempt history, higher current depression severity, and higher current suicidal severity compared with individuals in the MDD alone group. The relationship between the current suicidality and comorbid PAS remained significant after controlling for the overall depression severity and other clinical factors. Conclusions: These findings suggest that panic‐agoraphobic comorbidity is associated with a greater risk for suicidality in hospitalized patients, which cannot be adequately explained by the level of current depression alone. The clinical and research implications for these findings are discussed. Depression and Anxiety, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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