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Streptococcus pneumoniae is responsible for many vaccine-preventable deaths, annually causing around 1 million deaths in children younger than 5 years of age. A new generation of pneumococcal vaccines based on conserved proteins is being developed. We evaluated the immunogenicities and protective efficacies of four pneumococcal protein vaccine candidates, PcsB, StkP, PsaA, and PspA, in a neonatal mouse model. Mice were immunized three times and challenged intranasally with virulent pneumococci. All four proteins were immunogenic in neonatal mice, and antibody (Ab) responses were significantly enhanced by the novel adjuvant IC31, which consists of an antibacterial peptide (KLKL5KLK) and a synthetic oligodeoxynucleotide, ODN1a, that signals through Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9). Two single proteins, StkP and PspA, combined with IC31 significantly reduced pneumococcal bacteremia but had no effects on lung infection. Three proteins, PcsB, StkP, and PsaA, were evaluated with alum or IC31. IC31 enhanced Ab responses and avidity to all three proteins, whereas alum enhanced Ab responses and avidity to StkP and PsaA only. Mice receiving the trivalent protein formulation with IC31 had significantly reduced bacteremia and lung infection compared to unvaccinated mice, but the level of protection was dependent on the dose of IC31. When PspA was added to the trivalent protein formulation, the dose of IC31 needed to obtain protective immunity could be reduced. These results demonstrate that a novel pneumococcal protein-based vaccine is immunogenic at an early age of mice and emphasize the benefits of using a combination of conserved proteins and an effective adjuvant to elicit potent protective immunity against invasive pneumococcal disease.  相似文献   

Effective protection against intestinal pathogens requires both mucosal and systemic immune responses. Intranasal administration of antigens induces these responses but generally fails to trigger a strong protective immunity. Mucosal adjuvants can significantly enhance the immunogenicities of intranasally administered antigens. Cholera toxin (CT) and heat-labile enterotoxin (LT) are strong mucosal adjuvants with a variety of antigens. Moreover, the toxicities of CT and LT do not permit their use in humans. Two nontoxic mutant LTs, LTR72 and LTK63, were tested with Toxoplasma gondii SAG1 protein in intranasal vaccination of CBA/J mice. Vaccination with SAG1 plus LTR72 or LTK63 induced strong systemic (immunoglobulin G [IgG]) and mucosal (IgA) humoral responses. Splenocytes and mesenteric lymph node cells from mice immunized with LTR72 plus SAG1, but not those from mice immunized with LTK63 plus SAG1, responded to restimulation with a T. gondii lysate antigen in vitro. Gamma interferon and interleukin 2 (IL-2) production by splenocytes and IL-2 production by mesenteric lymph node cells were observed in vitro after antigen restimulation, underlying a Th1-like response. High-level protection as assessed by the decreased load of cerebral cysts after a challenge with the 76K strain of T. gondii was obtained in the group immunized with LTR72 plus SAG1 and LTK63 plus SAG1. They were as well protected as the mice immunized with the antigen plus native toxins. This is the first report showing protection against a parasite by using combinations of nontoxic mutant LTs and SAG1 antigen. These nontoxic mutant LTs are now attractive candidates for the development of mucosally delivered vaccines.  相似文献   

Nisin-controlled gene expression was used to develop a recombinant strain of Lactococcus lactis that is able to express the pneumococcal protective protein A (PppA) on its surface. Immunodetection assays confirmed that after the induction with nisin, the PppA antigen was predictably and efficiently displayed on the cell surface of the recombinant strain, which was termed L. lactis PppA. The production of mucosal and systemically specific antibodies in adult and young mice was evaluated after mice were nasally immunized with L. lactis PppA. Immunoglobulin M (IgM), IgG, and IgA anti-PppA antibodies were detected in the serum and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of adult and young mice, which showed that PppA expressed in L. lactis was able to induce a strong mucosal and systemic immune response. Challenge survival experiments demonstrated that immunization with L. lactis PppA was able to increase resistance to systemic and respiratory infection with different pneumococcal serotypes, and passive immunization assays of naïve young mice demonstrated a direct correlation between anti-PppA antibodies and protection. The results presented in this study demonstrate three major characteristics of the effectiveness of nasal immunization with PppA expressed as a protein anchored to the cell wall of L. lactis: it elicited cross-protective immunity against different pneumococcal serotypes, it afforded protection against both systemic and respiratory challenges, and it induced protective immunity in mice of different ages.Streptococcus pneumoniae is a common cause of invasive disease and respiratory tract infections in developed and developing countries. Risk groups for diseases caused by pneumococci include children in their first few years of life, elderly people, and patients with immunodeficiencies (7, 8). Because children under 2 years of age have an incompletely developed anatomy and an immature immune system, they are particularly vulnerable to pneumococcal infection by these bacteria (11). The rapid emergence of multidrug-resistant S. pneumoniae strains throughout the world has led to an increased emphasis on the prevention of pneumococcal infections by vaccination (19). However, available vaccines present disadvantages associated with their low immunogenicity in populations at risk (i.e., the pneumococcal 23-valent polysaccharide vaccine) or with their high cost as a public health strategy in developing countries (i.e., conjugated vaccine) (6, 7). Some pneumococcal surface proteins are serotype independent and represent a promising alternative for the design of a vaccine (9, 31). However, it seems probable that several pneumococcal proteins are necessary for the production of an effective vaccine against all serotypes. Thus, worldwide research on this subject is focused on the search for possible additional candidates that are antigenically conserved and that elicit antibodies that reduce colonization or protect against systemic disease or both. A novel pneumococcal surface protein, identified as pneumococcal protective protein A (PppA), has been described (15). This protein is antigenically conserved among different serotype strains of S. pneumoniae, and it has been reported that nasal immunization of adult mice with recombinant PppA administered with mucosal adjuvants elicits antibodies that are effective in reducing pneumococcal nasal colonization.Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are promising candidates as safe vehicles for the in vivo delivery of antigens. Compared with attenuated bacterial vectors, LAB are nonpathogenic and noninvasive gram-positive organisms that are generally recognized as safe. The best-known lactic acid bacterium, Lactococcus lactis, has been extensively engineered for the production of heterologous proteins (for a review see reference 20). Recombinant L. lactis expressing heterologous antigens has been used successfully to elicit an immune response against bacterial (10, 26) or viral antigens (12). In this sense, there are reports of pneumococcal antigens expressed by recombinant LAB which have been used to improve resistance against S. pneumoniae infection (2, 16, 29). In these experiments, nasal immunization was used to evaluate the efficacy of the experimental vaccines, since it has been demonstrated that nasal administration of antigens is an efficient route with which to elicit protective immunity in both the mucosal and the systemic immune compartments. However, immunization challenge experiments were performed with adult mice, despite the fact that young individuals are more susceptible to pneumococcal infection. Moreover, those authors used pneumococcal serotypes which are not the most common serotypes in our country (22), and the efficacy of the experimental vaccines against different pneumococcal serotypes was not evaluated. Thus, in the present work, we carried out experiments better suited to our local conditions: we expressed in L. lactis NZ9000 a recently characterized antigen, PppA, and assessed its efficacy to induce local and systemic immune responses in mice of different ages. In addition, we determined whether the mucosal administration of the recombinant bacteria increased resistance to systemic and mucosal infections caused by the main S. pneumoniae serotypes found in our country (22).  相似文献   

We have previously shown that a hexavalent group A streptococcal M protein-based vaccine evoked bactericidal antibodies after intramuscular injection. In the present study, we show that the hexavalent vaccine formulated with several different mucosal adjuvants and delivered intranasally induced serum and salivary antibodies that protected mice from intranasal challenge infections with virulent group A streptococci. The hexavalent vaccine was formulated with liposomes with or without monophosphorylated lipid A (MPL), cholera toxin B subunit with or without holotoxin, or proteosomes from Neisseria meningitidis outer membrane proteins complexed with lipopolysaccharide from Shigella flexneri. Intranasal immunization with the hexavalent vaccine mixed with these adjuvants resulted in significant levels of antibodies in serum 2 weeks after the final dose. Mean serum antibody titers were equivalent in all groups of mice except those that were immunized with hexavalent protein plus liposomes without MPL, which were significantly lower. Salivary antibodies were also detected in mice that received the vaccine formulated with the four strongest adjuvants. T-cell proliferative assays and cytokine assays using lymphocytes from cervical lymph nodes and spleens from mice immunized with the hexavalent vaccine formulated with proteosomes indicated the presence of hexavalent protein-specific T cells and a Th1-weighted mixed Th1-Th2 cytokine profile. Intranasal immunization with adjuvanted formulations of the hexavalent vaccine resulted in significant levels of protection (80 to 100%) following intranasal challenge infections with type 24 group A streptococci. Our results indicate that intranasal delivery of adjuvanted multivalent M protein vaccines induces protective antibody responses and may provide an alternative to parenteral vaccine formulations.  相似文献   

Most vaccines are still given parenterally. Mucosal vaccination would offer different advantages over parenteral immunization, including blocking of the pathogens at the portal of entry. In this paper, nontoxic Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin (LT) mutants and Supramolecular Biovector systems (SMBV) were evaluated in mice as mucosal adjuvants and delivery systems, respectively, for intranasal immunization with the conjugated group C meningococcal vaccine. The conjugated vaccine formulated together with the LT mutants and the SMBV induced very high titers of serum and mucosal antibodies specific for the group C meningococcal polysaccharide. This vaccination strategy also induced high titers of antibodies with bactericidal activity, which is known to correlate with efficacy. Importantly, the mucosal vaccination, but not the conventional parenteral vaccination, induced bactericidal antibodies at the mucosal level. These data strongly support the feasibility of development of intranasal vaccines with an enhanced protective efficacy against meningococci and possibly against other encapsulated bacteria.  相似文献   

Pneumolysin, the pore-forming toxin produced by Streptococcus pneumoniae, may have an application as an immunogenic carrier protein in future pneumococcal conjugate vaccines. Most of the 90 S. pneumoniae serotypes identified produce pneumolysin; therefore, this protein may confer non-serotype-specific protection against pneumococcal infections such as pneumonia, meningitis, and otitis media. However, as pneumolysin is highly toxic, a nontoxic form of pneumolysin would be a more desirable starting point in terms of vaccine production. Previous pneumolysin mutants have reduced activity but retain residual toxicity. We have found a single amino acid deletion that blocks pore formation, resulting in a form of pneumolysin that is unable to form large oligomeric ring structures. This mutant is nontoxic at concentrations greater than 1,000 times that of the native toxin. We have demonstrated that this mutant is as immunogenic as native pneumolysin without the associated effects such as production of the inflammatory mediators interleukin-6 and cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant KC, damage to lung integrity, and hypothermia in mice. Vaccination with this mutant protects mice from challenge with S. pneumoniae. Incorporation of this mutant pneumolysin into current pneumococcal vaccines may increase their efficacy.  相似文献   

Acid treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa immunotype 1 lipopolysaccharide generated a low-molecular-weight polysaccharide fraction that was detectable in agar gel immunodiffusion but did not induce antibodies or resistance to infection in mice. The polysaccharide was treated with periodate to generate additional aldehyde groups. Oxidized polysaccharide was covalently coupled by reductive amination to 1,4-diaminobutyl-derivatized bovine serum albumin. Physical properties of the conjugate were characterized by gel filtration and high-pressure liquid chromatography. The gelation activity of the conjugate in the Limulus amoebocyte lysate assay was 4,000-fold less than native lipopolysaccharide by weight. Mice immunized with the conjugate resisted challenge with P. aeruginosa immunotype 1 that killed 90% of mice immunized with saline. Immunization with the conjugate vaccine induced humoral immunoglobulin G that passively protected normal and burned mice. These results indicate that conjugation of nonimmunogenic polysaccharide antigen of P. aeruginosa restores immunogenicity similar to that of native lipopolysaccharide without restoring endotoxicity inherent in lipopolysaccharide.  相似文献   

Zhang  Yue  Guo  Xiaonan  Guo  Mengze  Chen  Xiaorui  Li  Bo  Yu  Jinfei  Gu  Tiejun  Kong  Wei  Wu  Yongge 《Immunologic research》2019,67(4-5):398-407

Limited protective effects of commercially available vaccines necessitate the development of novel pneumococcal vaccines. We recently reported a pneumococcal systemic vaccine containing two proteins, Pneumococcal surface protein A (PspA of family 1 and 2) and a bacterium-like particle-based pneumococcal mucosal vaccine containing PspA2 and PspA4 fragments, both eliciting broad protective immune responses. We had previously reported that subcutaneous (s.c.+s.c.+s.c.) immunization with the systemic vaccine induced more pronounced humoral serum IgG responses, while intranasal (i.n.+i.n.+i.n.) immunization with the mucosal vaccine elicited a more pronounced mucosal secretory IgA (sIgA) response. We hypothesized that a combinatorial administration of the two vaccines might elicit more pronounced and broader protective immune responses. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the efficacy of combinatorial prime-boost immunization using both systemic and mucosal vaccines for a pneumococcal infection. Combinatorial prime-boost immunization (s.c.+i.n. and i.n.+s.c.) induced not only IgG, but also mucosal sIgA production at high levels. Systemic priming and mucosal boosting immunization (s.c.+i.n.) provided markedly better protection than homologous prime-boost immunization (s.c.+s.c.+s.c. and i.n.+i.n.+i.n.). Moreover, it induced more robust Th1 and Th17 cell-mediated immune responses than mucosal priming and systemic boosting immunization (i.n.+s.c.). These results indicate that combinatorial prime-boost immunization potentially induces a robust systemic and mucosal immune response, making it an optimal alternative for maximum protection against lethal pneumococcal infections.


Recent preclinical and epidemiologic studies have suggested that certain Mycobacterium tuberculosis genotypes (in particular, Beijing lineage strains) may be resistant to Mycobacterium bovis BCG vaccine-induced antituberculosis protective immunity. To investigate the strain specificity of BCG-induced protective responses in a murine model of pulmonary tuberculosis, C57BL/6 mice were vaccinated with BCG vaccine and then challenged 2 months later with one of nine M. tuberculosis isolates. Four of these strains were from the W-Beijing lineage (HN878, N4, NHN5, and ChS) while four were non-Beijing-type isolates (C913, CDC1551, NY669, and NY920). As a control, the WHO standard M. tuberculosis Erdman strain was evaluated in these vaccination/challenge experiments. To assess the protective responses evoked by BCG immunization, organ bacterial burdens and lung pathology were assessed in vaccinated and naïve mice at 4, 12, and 20 weeks postchallenge as well as during the day of infection. At 4 weeks after the aerosol challenge with each of these strains, significantly reduced bacterial growth in the lungs and spleens and significantly improved lung pathology were seen in all vaccinated animals compared to naïve controls. After 12 weeks, reduced organ bacterial burdens were detected in vaccinated animals infected with six of nine challenge strains. Although lung CFU values were lower in vaccinated mice for only three of nine groups at 20 weeks postchallenge, significantly decreased lung inflammation was seen in all immunized animals relative to controls at 20 weeks postchallenge. Taken together, these data demonstrate that BCG vaccination protects against infection with diverse M. tuberculosis strains in the mouse model of pulmonary tuberculosis and suggest that strain-specific resistance to BCG-induced protective immunity may be uncommon.  相似文献   

NB-1008 is a surfactant-stabilized soybean oil-in-water nanoemulsion (NE) adjuvant with influenza virus antigen incorporated into the NE by simple mixing. Intranasal administration of the antigen with NE adjuvant efficiently produces both mucosal and serum antibody responses as well as a robust cellular Th1 immune response. To demonstrate the adjuvant effect of the W805EC NE, a killed commercial influenza vaccine for intramuscular administration (Fluzone or Fluvirin) was mixed with the W805EC NE adjuvant and administered intranasally to naïve ferrets. After a single intranasal immunization, the adjuvanted influenza vaccine elicited elevated serum hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) geometric mean titers (GMTs) ranging from 196 to 905 for the three hemagglutinin (HA) antigens present in the vaccine, which are approximately 19- to 90-fold higher titers at 1/50 the standard intramuscular commercial nonadjuvanted influenza vaccine dose. Seroconversion rates of 67% to 100% were achieved against each of the three viral strains present. The adjuvanted nasal influenza vaccine also produced significant cross immunity to five other H3N2 influenza virus strains not present in the vaccine and produced sterile immunity after challenge with homologous live virus. No safety issues were observed in 249 ferrets receiving the adjuvanted influenza vaccine. These findings demonstrate the ability of W805EC NE to adjuvant nasally administered influenza vaccine and provide a basis for studying the intranasal W805EC-adjuvanted influenza vaccine in humans.  相似文献   

In an attempt to confer long-term protective immunity, BALB/c female mice were immunized intranasally with 10(4) inclusion-forming units (IFU) of the Chlamydia trachomatis mouse pneumonitis biovar (MoPn). Animals were subsequently challenged in the ovarian bursa with 10(5) C. trachomatis MoPn IFU at 60, 120, or 180 days post-intranasal immunization. Two control groups were included in the study. One control was sham immunized and mock challenged, and another group was sham immunized and challenged with 10(5) C. trachomatis MoPn IFU. Vaginal cultures were collected at regular intervals following the intrabursal challenge. In comparison with the sham-immunized mice, the animals that were intranasally immunized with C. trachomatis had significant protection, as shown by a reduction in the number of animals that had positive vaginal cultures and by a decrease in the intensity and length of the shedding. Furthermore, histopathological characterization of the genital tract following challenge, in the three groups of mice, showed a minimal inflammatory infiltrate in the C. trachomatis-immunized animals, when compared with the sham-immunized control group. Subsequently, the three groups of female mice that were challenged at 60, 120 and 180 days postimmunization were mated at 6 weeks following the challenge. Overall, in the mice intranasally immunized with C. trachomatis the fertility rates and the number of embryos were similar to those in the sham-immunized and mock-challenged group. In contrast, there was a significant increase in infertility in the groups of mice that were sham immunized and C. trachomatis challenged. In conclusion, intranasal immunization with C. trachomatis induces long-term protection against a genital challenge as shown by a decrease in the infection and infertility rates when compared with sham-immunized animals. Thus, this model may help to characterize the parameters of the immune response that are important in maintaining long-term protection and may aid in identifying the antigenic determinants involved in eliciting protection.  相似文献   

Acquisition of pneumococci is generally from carriers rather than from infected individuals. Therefore, to induce herd immunity against Streptococcus pneumoniae it will be necessary to elicit protection against carriage. Capsular polysaccharide-protein conjugates, PspA, and PsaA are known to elicit some protection against nasopharyngeal carriage of pneumococci but do not always completely eliminate carriage. In this study, we observed that PsaA elicited better protection than did PspA against carriage. Pneumolysin elicited no protection against carriage. Immunization with a mixture of PsaA and PspA elicited the best protection against carriage. These results indicate that PspA and PsaA may be useful for the elicitation of herd immunity in humans. As PspA and pneumolysin are known to elicit immunity to bacteremia and pneumonia, their inclusion in a mucosal vaccine may enable such a vaccine to prevent invasive disease as well as carriage.  相似文献   

In this study, we demonstrated that the 40-kDa outer membrane protein of Porphyromonas gingivalis (40-kDa OMP) nasally administered with a nontoxic chimeric adjuvant that combines the A subunit of mutant cholera toxin E112K with the pentameric B subunit of heat-labile enterotoxin from enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (mCTA/LTB) elicited a long-term protective immune response. Immunization with the 40-kDa OMP and mCTA/LTB induced high levels of 40-kDa-OMP-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgA antibodies (Abs) in sera and elicited a significant IgA anti-40-kDa OMP Ab response in saliva. These Ab responses were maintained for at least 1 year after the immunization. Although using adjuvant mCTA/LTB gave Ab responses in the saliva comparable to those obtained using native cholera toxin (nCT) as the adjuvant, the levels of total IgE and 40-kDa-OMP-specific IgE Abs as well as interleukin-4 levels induced by the immunization with mCTA/LTB were lower than those induced by the immunization with nCT. Importantly, IgG Abs generated by nasal immunization with the 40-kDa OMP plus mCTA/LTB inhibited the coaggregation and hemagglutinin activities of P. gingivalis. Furthermore, the mice given nasal 40-kDa OMP plus mCTA/LTB showed a significant reduction of alveolar bone loss caused by oral infection with P. gingivalis even 1 year after the immunization compared to the loss in unimmunized mice. Because mCTA/LTB is nontoxic, nasally administered 40-kDa OMP together with mCTA/LTB should be an effective and safe mucosal vaccine against P. gingivalis infection in humans and may be an important tool for the prevention of chronic periodontitis.  相似文献   

Malaria transmission-blocking vaccines based on antigens expressed in sexual stages of the parasites are considered one promising strategy for malaria control. To investigate the feasibility of developing noninvasive mucosal transmission-blocking vaccines against Plasmodium falciparum, intranasal immunization experiments with Pichia pastoris-expressed recombinant Pfs25 proteins were conducted. Mice intranasally immunized with the Pfs25 proteins in the presence of a potent mucosal adjuvant cholera toxin induced robust systemic as well as mucosal antibodies. All mouse immunoglobulin G (IgG) subclasses except IgG3 were found in serum at comparable levels, suggesting that the immunization induced mixed Th1 and Th2 responses. Consistent with the expression patterns of the Pfs25 proteins in the parasites, the induced immune sera specifically recognized ookinetes but not gametocytes. In addition, the immune sera recognized Pfs25 proteins with the native conformation but not the denatured forms, indicating that mucosal immunization induced biologically active antibodies capable of recognizing conformational epitopes of native Pfs25 proteins. Feeding Anopheles dirus mosquitoes with a mixture of the mouse immune sera and gametocytemic blood derived from patients infected with P. falciparum resulted in complete interference with oocyst development in mosquito midguts. The observed transmission-blocking activities were strongly correlated with specific serum antibody titers. Our results demonstrated for the first time that a P. falciparum transmission-blocking vaccine candidate is effective against field-isolated parasites and may justify the investigation of noninvasive mucosal vaccination regimens for control of malaria, a prototypical mucosa-unrelated mosquito-borne parasitic disease.  相似文献   

Immunization of the female reproductive tract is important for protection against sexually transmitted diseases and other pathogens of the reproductive tract. However, intravaginal immunization with soluble antigens generally does not induce high levels of secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA). We recently developed safe mucosal adjuvants by genetically detoxifying Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin, a molecule with a strong mucosal adjuvant activity, and here we describe the use of the nontoxic mutant LTK63 to induce a response in the mouse vagina against ovalbumin (Ova). We compared intravaginal and intranasal routes of immunization for induction of systemic and vaginal responses against LTK63 and Ova. We found that LTK63 is a potent mucosal immunogen when given by either the intravaginal or intranasal route. It induces a strong systemic antibody response and IgG and long-lasting IgA in the vagina. The appearance of vaginal IgA is delayed in the intranasally immunized mice, but the levels of vaginal anti-LTK63 IgA after repeated immunizations are higher in the intranasally immunized mice than in the intravaginally immunized mice. LTK63 also acts as a mucosal adjuvant, inducing a serum response against Ova, when given by both the intravaginal and intranasal routes. However, vaginal IgA against Ova is stimulated more efficiently when LTK63 and antigen are given intranasally. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that LTK63 can be used as a mucosal adjuvant to induce antigen-specific antibodies in vaginal secretions and show that the intranasal route of immunization is the most effective for this purpose.  相似文献   

《Molecular immunology》2015,68(2):492-500
Although intranasal vaccination has been shown to be effective for the protection against inhalational anthrax, establishment of long-term immunity has yet to be achieved. Here, we investigated whether intranasal immunization with recombinant protective antigen (rPA) of Bacillus anthracis induces immunological memory responses in the mucosal and systemic compartments. Intranasal immunization with rPA plus cholera toxin (CT) sustained PA-specific antibody responses for 6 months in lung, nasal washes, and vaginal washes as well as serum. A significant induction of PA-specific memory B cells was observed in spleen, cervical lymph nodes (CLNs) and lung after booster immunization. Furthermore, intranasal immunization with rPA plus CT remarkably generated effector memory CD4+ T cells in the lung. PA-specific CD4+ T cells preferentially increased the expression of Th1- and Th17-type cytokines in lung, but not in spleen or CLNs. Collectively, the intranasal immunization with rPA plus CT promoted immunologic memory responses in the mucosal and systemic compartments, providing long-term immunity.  相似文献   

Toxin-coregulated pilin A (TcpA) is the main structural subunit of a type IV bundle-forming pilus of Vibrio cholerae, the cause of cholera. Toxin-coregulated pilus is involved in formation of microcolonies of V. cholerae at the intestinal surface, and strains of V. cholerae deficient in TcpA are attenuated and unable to colonize intestinal surfaces. Anti-TcpA immunity is common in humans recovering from cholera in Bangladesh, and immunization against TcpA is protective in murine V. cholerae models. To evaluate whether transcutaneously applied TcpA is immunogenic, we transcutaneously immunized mice with 100 mug of TcpA or TcpA with an immunoadjuvant (cholera toxin [CT], 50 mug) on days 0, 19, and 40. Mice immunized with TcpA alone did not develop anti-TcpA responses. Mice that received transcutaneously applied TcpA and CT developed prominent anti-TcpA immunoglobulin G (IgG) serum responses but minimal anti-TcpA IgA. Transcutaneous immunization with CT induced prominent IgG and IgA anti-CT serum responses. In an infant mouse model, offspring born to dams transcutaneously immunized either with TcpA and CT or with CT alone were challenged with 10(6) CFU (one 50% lethal dose) wild-type V. cholerae O1 El Tor strain N16961. At 48 h, mice born to females transcutaneously immunized with CT alone had 36% +/- 10% (mean +/- standard error of the mean) survival, while mice born to females transcutaneously immunized with TcpA and CT had 69% +/- 6% survival (P < 0.001). Our results suggest that transcutaneous immunization with TcpA and an immunoadjuvant induces protective anti-TcpA immune responses. Anti-TcpA responses may contribute to an optimal cholera vaccine.  相似文献   

The increasing death toll from malaria, due to the decreasing effectiveness of current prophylactic and therapeutic regimens, has sparked a search for alternative methods of control, such as vaccines. Although several single proteins have shown some promise as subunit vaccines against sexual blood stages in experimental systems, it is clear that multicomponent vaccines are required. Many logistic difficulties make such an approach prohibitively expensive. In an effort to try to overcome some of these issues, we examined the possibility of oral immunization as a route for inducing host protective immunity. We report here that oral feeding of a malaria protein induced serum antibody levels similar to those induced by intraperitoneal immunization with Freund's adjuvant. Further, responses to conformational epitopes were induced. In the rodent challenge system, significant levels of protection to lethal challenge with malaria were induced in mice. The protective efficacy was highly correlated with antibody levels, which depended on the antigen dosage and required cholera toxin subunit B as an oral adjuvant. These findings offer new approaches to the development of a malaria vaccine and provide justification for the investigation of transgenic plants as a means of vaccine delivery.  相似文献   

Wang X  Zhang W  Liu F  Zheng M  Zheng D  Zhang T  Yi Y  Ding Y  Luo J  Dai C  Wang H  Sun B  Chen Z 《Archives of virology》2012,157(8):1451-1461
Our previous studies have proven the adjuvanticity of chitosan in mice when administered with inactivated and subunit influenza vaccine. In this study, we investigated the adjuvant effect of chitosan on the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a live attenuated influenza vaccine. Mice were inoculated intranasally with live attenuated influenza vaccine plus chitosan and then challenged with a high, lethal dose of homologous or heterologous virus. Antibody responses, secretion of IFN-γ by spleen cells, body weight loss, survival rates, and residual lung virus titers were tested. The results demonstrated that live attenuated influenza vaccine with chitosan adjuvant not only protected mice completely against challenge with the homologous virus but also provided good cross-protection against a heterologous virus. In addition, chitosan as adjuvant could significantly increase the levels of antigen-specific antibodies and the population of IFN-γ-secreting T cells. These results reveal the potential of chitosan as a candidate adjuvant for use in a live attenuated influenza vaccine.  相似文献   

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