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Young chicks were inoculated with six different strains of attaching and effacing Escherichia coli isolated from the feces of calves, pigs, chicks, and humans. Colibacilli of some serotypes had colonized the cecum of chicks by 7 days after inoculation. The characteristic lesions associated with bacterial attachment were also seen on the mucosal surface of the cecum. Electron microscopy revealed numerous colibacilli closely attached to the surface membrane of enterocytes. Cell membranes formed cups and pedestals at the base of the attached bacilli. The results of this study support the conclusion that young chicks can be used as a model for the study of the lesions caused by attaching and effacing E. coli strains.  相似文献   

One hundred and ninety strains of Escherichia coli that were isolated from pigs with diarrhea in the state of S?o Paulo, Brazil, and that were negative for enterotoxins and cytotoxins were investigated. Strains which adhered to HeLa cells were examined for fluorescence actin staining (FAS), the ability to induce attaching and effacing (A/E) lesions on HEp-2 cells detectable by transmission electron microscopy and the presence of eae gene sequences detected by PCR. Intimin production was detected by western blot and serogrouping was performed. Forty-seven isolates adhered to HeLa cells in several patterns, but none adhered in a localized adherence pattern. However, seven of the 47 adherent strains were positive for the FAS reaction, although the reactions were usually weak or atypical. One FAS-negative and three FAS-positive strains, which were examined for their ability to induce A/E lesions, were all positive. Subsequently, testing of these strains for the eae gene showed that they all lacked this gene. These findings, along with earlier reports of eae-negative A/E E. coli, suggest that higher quantities of E. coli in this category might be detected if more reliance were placed on phenotypic tests rather than on gene detection tests alone.  相似文献   

In this study, we determined the sequences of four intimin variant genes detected in attaching and effacing Escherichia coli isolates of human origin. Three of them were novel and were designated eae-eta (eta), eae-iota (iota), and eae-kappa (kappa). The fourth was identical to the recently described eae-zeta (zeta), isolated from a bovine E. coli O84:NM isolate. We compared these sequences with those of published intimin-alpha, intimin-beta, intimin-gamma1, intimin-gamma2, intimin- epsilon, and intimin-theta alleles. Sequence analysis of these 10 intimin alleles confirmed extensive genetic diversity within the intimin gene family in E. coli. The genetic diversity was more prominent in the 3' region (starting at bp 2,112), which encodes the binding domain of intimin. Phylogenetic analyses revealed four groups of closely related intimin genes: alpha and zeta; beta and kappa; gamma1 and gamma2/theta; and epsilon and eta. Calculation of homoplasy ratios of sequences of the 5' region of eae (positions 1 to 2,111) revealed evidence for intragenic recombination. Split decomposition analysis also indicates that recombination events have played a role in the evolutionary history of eae. In conclusion, we recommend an eae nomenclature system based on the Greek alphabet and provide an updated PCR scheme for amplification and typing of E. coli eae.  相似文献   

Nonenterotoxigenic porcine Escherichia coli strains belonging to the serogroup O45 have been associated with postweaning diarrhea in swine and adhere to intestinal epithelial cells in a characteristic attaching and effacing (A/E) pattern. O45 porcine enteropathogenic E. coli (PEPEC) strain 86-1390 induces typical A/E lesions in a pig ileal explant model. Using TnphoA transposon insertion mutagenesis on strain 86-1390, we found a mutant that did not induce A/E lesions. The insertion was identified in a gene designated paa (porcine A/E-associated gene). Sequence analysis of paa revealed an open reading frame of 753 bp encoding a 27.6-kDa protein which displayed 100, 51.8, and 49% homology with Paa of enterohemorrhagic E. coli O157:H7 strains (EDL933 and Sakai), PEB3 of Campylobacter jejuni, and AcfC of Vibrio cholerae, respectively. Chromosomal localization studies indicated that the region containing paa was inserted between the yciD and yciE genes at about 28.3 min of the E. coli K-12 chromosome. The presence of paa and eae sequences in the porcine O45 strains is highly correlated with the A/E phenotype. However, the observation that three eae-positive but paa-negative PEPEC O45 strains were A/E negative provides further evidence for the importance of the paa gene in the A/E activity of O45 strains. As well, the complementation of the paa mutant restored the A/E activity of the 86-1390 strain, showing the involvement of Paa in PEPEC pathogenicity. These observations suggest that Paa contributes to the early stages of A/E E. coli virulence.  相似文献   

Gnotobiotic calves were inoculated with an O5:K4:H-, urease-positive strain of Escherichia coli isolated from a 2-day-old calf with diarrhea. The calves developed elevated temperatures and passed loose mucoid feces, with or without blood. The E. coli strain was negative for heat-stable and heat-labile enterotoxins but produced high levels of Shiga-like toxin. Bacteria attached diffusely to the epithelium of the large intestine and multifocally to the epithelium of the ileum. The duodenum and jejunum were not affected. At the sites of bacterial attachment, microvilli were effaced, enterocytes were degenerate, and necrosis and exfoliation had occurred. These results confirm a previous report from England that calves may naturally contract infections similar to those caused by enteropathogenic E. coli strains pathogenic to humans or rabbits. This suggests that the calf bacterial strains, like some enteropathogenic E. coli strains, produce high levels of Shiga-like toxin and cause attachment and effacement lesions in the colonic epithelium of the infected host.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) and Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) induce cytoskeletal changes in infected epithelial cells. To further characterize host cytosolic responses to infection, a series of specific cell-signaling inhibitors were employed. Initial bacterial adhesion to HEp-2 epithelial cells was not reduced, whereas alpha-actinin accumulation in infected cells was blocked by a phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C inhibitor (ET-18-OCH3), phosphoinositide 3-kinase inhibitors (wortmannin and LY294002), and a 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor, nordihydroguaretic acid. A cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor (NS-398), however, did not block alpha-actinin reorganization in response to EPEC and STEC infections. Understanding signal transduction responses to enteric pathogens could provide the basis for the development of novel therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Thirteen Escherichia coli isolates from dogs manifesting attaching and effacing lesions were characterized genetically with respect to the presence of the following virulence determinants associated with human enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC): eaeA, encoding the outer membrane protein intimin; eaeB, which is necessary for inducing signal transduction; bfpA, encoding the bundle-forming pilus; and the EAF (stands for EPEC adherence factor) plasmid. These isolates were also analyzed phenotypically with respect to adherence to mammalian cells in vivo and in vitro. Nine of these 13 isolates were found to be eaeA positive by PCR: four of these nine were eaeB positive. The 5' end, but not the 3' end, of the eaeA gene was amplified by PCR when primers derived from the eaeA gene of EPEC were used. Six and eight of these 13 isolates were found to be bfpA positive and EAF positive, respectively. The bfpA gene and EAF locus were found on high-molecular-weight plasmids, whereas the eaeA and eaeB genes were chromosomally located when present. Only one canine E. coli isolate, 4221, which was positive for eaeA, eaeB, bfpA, and EAF, adhered to HEp-2 cells in a localized manner and was positive in the fluorescence actin staining test. The nine eaeA-positive isolates adhered to the mucosal surface of piglet ileal explants and induced some microvillus effacement. However, when tested in experimentally inoculated gnotobiotic piglets, isolate 4221 did not induce attaching and effacing lesions at any level of the intestinal tract. Our results indicate that canine E. coli isolates associated with attaching and effacing lesions share some properties with human EPEC but form a heterogeneous group.  相似文献   

Previous studies on virotypes and antimicrobial resistance in a collection of porcine enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) O149 strains from Quebec revealed an increase in the number of multiresistant strains (in particular to tetracycline) and the appearance of new virulence factors with time. Among these factors is paa (for porcine attaching- and effacing-associated), originally identified in a porcine enteropathogenic strain, but also present in enterohemorrhagic E. coli O157:H7. In the present study, the association of paa with other ETEC virulence genes, its conservation and expression were investigated in the O149 ETEC collection. All 37 paa-positive strains possessed estB, elt, astA and faeG, and more than half also carried the estA gene, defining two main virotypes, estA(+) and estA(-). Most strains were tetA- or tetB-positive, or both. paa is carried on high molecular weight plasmids. On tetA plasmids, paa is mostly found with enterotoxin gene estA and autotransporter gene sepA. Paa, a 30 kDa protein, is highly conserved and expressed in these strains. Moreover, paaETEC and porcine EPEC/EHEC contain IS signatures, suggesting that paa could be derived from a common ancestor. All these observations suggest a broader role than previously assessed in virulence for paa.  相似文献   

The cytoskeletal lesions associated with enteropathogenic Escherichia coli adhering to cultured HeLa epithelial cells were examined by immunofluorescence microscopy. The microfilament-associated proteins actin, alpha-actinin, talin, and ezrin were localized with adherent enteropathogenic E. coli, whereas tropomyosin, keratin and vimentin (intermediate filaments), tubulin (microtubules), and vinculin were not localized. These cytoskeletal structures differed significantly from those associated with Salmonella typhimurium internalization (invasion).  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic (EPEC) and enterohaemorrhagic (EHEC) Escherichia coli isolated from cattle were studied by DNA colony hybridization to subtype their intimin-encoding (eae) gene with probes derived from the variable parts of the eae alpha gene of the human EPEC strain E2348/69, the eae gamma gene of the human O157:H7 EHEC strain ATCC43888, and the eae beta gene of the bovine O26:H- EHEC strain 193, whose eae gene was first cloned and sequenced during this work. The EPEC and EHEC had been isolated from diarrhoeic calves (143 EPEC and 48 EHEC) and from healthy animals at the slaughterhouse (10 EPEC and 34 EHEC). The 191 bovine EPEC and EHEC isolated from diseased calves were positive with the Eae beta probe (55 and 27% respectively) and with the Eae gamma probe (9 and 73% respectively), whereas 52 EPEC (36%) were negative with the Eae alpha, Eae beta, and Eae gamma probes. The results were different for the 44 bovine EPEC and EHEC isolated from healthy cattle at slaughterhouses: most tested positive with the Eae gamma probe (80 and 82% respectively) and the remaining (20 and 18% respectively) with the Eae beta probe. Nine O26 human EHEC tested positive with the Eae beta probe and seven O111 with the Eae gamma probe. The bovine and human EPEC and EHEC belonging to these two serogroups gave identical results: the 18 bovine and human O26 isolates tested positive with the Eae beta probe, whereas the 13 O111 isolates were positive with the Eae gamma probe. In contrast, the isolates belonging to other serogroups (O5, O15, O18, O20, and O118) gave more variable results. The eae beta and eae gamma, but not the eae alpha, variants were thus distributed amongst bovine EPEC and EHEC. The eae beta variant seemed to be more frequently associated with the presence of clinical signs in calves, but one third of EPEC from diarrhoeic calves carried an eae gene variant other than the alpha, beta, or gamma variants. In addition, the use of these gene probes did not enable differentiation between bovine and human EHEC belonging to the same O serogroup.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine whether 17 Escherichia coli O157:H8 strains isolated from patients with diarrhoea in the United Kingdom were putative pathogens. METHODS: The strains had been isolated by the use of O157 antiserum, available for the detection of Vero cytotoxin (VT) producing strains of E coli O157 that are usually of flagellar (H) type 7, but may also be non-motile. The strains were examined for VT production, for their ability to adhere to HEp-2 cells, and for hybridisation with several DNA probes that recognise pathogenic properties of E coli. Their ability to ferment sorbitol and to produce beta-glucuronidase was also investigated, as these tests are used to discriminate VT positive O157 strains. RESULTS: The O157:H8 strains did not produce VT. All gave localised attachment to HEp-2 cells, associated with a positive fluorescence-actin staining test, and all hybridised with the E coli attaching and effacing (eae) probe. In addition to the difference in VT production, O157:H8 strains could be distinguished from VT positive O157 strains by their beta-glucuronidase activity, their failure to produce enterohaemolysin, and their lack of hybridisation with the CVD419 probe derived from a plasmid in an O157:H7 strain. CONCLUSIONS: The 0157:H8 strains had in vitro properties characteristic of the class of E coli that causes attaching and effacing lesions in epithelial intestinal cells. They may therefore be considered a putative cause of diarrhoea but their prevalence remains to be established. Several O157:H8 strains failed to ferment sorbitol in agar plates and therefore could be misidentified as VT positive O157 strains. Confirmatory tests for VT production are needed when O157 strains are isolated from faeces.  相似文献   

The pathogenicity of six strains of Escherichia coli originating from different commercial rabbitries was tested in neonatal rabbits. Two strains isolated from healthy weaned rabbits (O7:H6 and O9:H?) did not induce any clinical sign or lesion. Two strains (O109:H2) isolated from diarrheic suckling rabbits caused yellow diarrhea 36 to 60 h after inoculation and high mortality between 60 and 72 h after infection. At 12 h after infection, light and electron microscopy showed attachment to epithelial cells and effacement of microvilli from proximal small intestine to colon. Bacteria were often present in the apical cytoplasm of epithelial cells. The two strains isolated from diarrheic weanling rabbits (O109:H2 and O15:H-) did not induce any clinical sign. Attachment to epithelial cells and effacement of microvilli was observed 48 h after inoculation in distal small intestine, cecum, and colon. These data are further evidence for the existence of two groups of attaching effacing enteropathogenic E. coli in rabbits, showing different preferences for age group and intestinal compartment.  相似文献   

A total of 568 strains of Escherichia coli isolated from healthy and diarrheic rabbits were separated into 11 different biotypes according to the fermentation patterns of four carbohydrates. Strains belonging to biotypes 1 to 3, 6, and 8 induced lesions characteristic for attaching and effacing E. coli (AEEC). They attached to the intestinal epithelium of the terminal small intestine and the large intestine of 5-week-old rabbits after experimental infection and caused effacement of the microvillous brush border. However, pathogenicity for weaned rabbits, as judged by diarrhea score, anorexia, and reduced weight gain, varied according to the biotypes of the strains. Strains belonging to biotypes 1 and 6 produced only discrete clinical signs, strains belonging to biotypes 2 and 3+ (motile) induced diarrhea and growth depression, whereas strains belonging to biotypes 3- (immotile) and 8 caused severe clinical signs and high mortality. This confirms evidence from the field. Biotypes 3- and 8, accounting for 35.5 and 7.1% of AEEC strains in weaned diarrheic rabbits, respectively, were not detected in weaned healthy rabbits, while biotype 2 was the predominant strain in weaned healthy rabbits (62.3%). Finally, serotyping showed a close relationship between biotype and serotype of the AEEC examined. Most strains of biotypes 1+ and 2+ tested were O109:K-:H2 and O132:K-:H2, respectively, whereas all strains tested of biotype 3- were O15:K-:H- and those of biotype 8 were O103:K-:H2. These data indicate that specific clones of AEEC might be involved in juvenile rabbit enteritis. It was concluded that determination of biotypes allows the screening of highly pathogenic AEEC in weaned rabbits (biotypes 3- and 8).  相似文献   

Escherichia coli of the serotype O157:H7 is an enterohemorrhagic human pathogen which demonstrates attaching and effacing adhesion to colonocytes in vivo and to epithelial cells grown in tissue culture. Transposon TnphoA mutants of E. coli O157:H7 strain CL-8 were produced. Two of 300 alkaline phosphatase positive mutants, designated JB6 and JB27, did not express O157 side chains as assessed by agglutination with specific polyclonal O157 antiserum, silver staining of lipopolysaccharide extracts separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and Western immunoblots with polyclonal O157-specific antiserum. Both O157-negative mutants and the parent strain demonstrated localized adherence to HEp-2 cells when examined by Giemsa staining and bright-field microscopy. Furthermore, both O157-negative mutants showed enhanced adherence to HEp-2 cells compared with the parent strain when assessed by quantification of adherent bacterial CFUs. The parent strain, CL-8, and both of the mutants produced fluorescent foci when adherent bacteria and HEp-2 cells were stained with fluorescein isothiocyanate-labelled phalloidin. Transmission electron microscopy confirmed attaching and effacing adherence of strain CL-8 and the OO7-negative mutants to HEp-2 cells. These findings indicate that mutants deficient in O157 polysaccharide repeats exhibit adherence to tissue culture cells in vitro and that O157 polysaccharide repeats are not required to produce the attaching and effacing lesion.  相似文献   

The ability of a nonenterotoxigenic, K88-negative porcine Escherichia coli strain of serogroup O45:K"E65" to induce attaching-effacing lesions was investigated in newborn pigs. Typical attaching-effacing lesions, characterized by intimate adherence of bacteria to mature enterocyte brush borders with effacement of the microvilli, were observed on light and electron microscopy. Bacteria were also seen in intracytoplasmic vacuoles of mature enterocytes and, in areas of heavier colonization, in the lamina propria of the intestinal mucosa. A moderate inflammatory response with mild focal ulceration of the intestinal mucosa was observed. In a sequential study, we observed that the attaching-effacing lesions were well established in the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum at 12 h postinoculation but did not develop in the cecum and colon until 24 to 48 h postinoculation, although bacteria had colonized the latter areas as early as 12 h postinoculation. Initially, bacteria were very intimately attached, with an irregular arrangement on the enterocyte apical cell membrane, and subsequently reoriented to form a typical palisade arrangement with a narrow regular gap between the bacterial cell wall and the enterocyte apical cell membrane. This phenomenon of early intimate attachment of irregularly disposed bacteria has not been reported for human enteropathogenic attaching and effacing E. coli and could represent a new and different mechanism of attachment and effacement to intestinal epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Attaching and effacing (AE) lesions were observed in the caecum, proximal colon and rectum of one of four lambs experimentally inoculated at 6 weeks of age with Escherichia coli O157:H7. However, the attached bacteria did not immunostain with O157-specific antiserum. Subsequent bacteriological analysis of samples from this animal yielded two E. coli O115:H(-) strains, one from the colon (CO) and one from the rectum (RC), and those bacteria forming the AE lesions were shown to be of the O115 serogroup by immunostaining. The O115:H(-)isolates formed microcolonies and attaching and effacing lesions, as demonstrated by the fluorescence actin staining test, on HEp-2 tissue culture cells. Both isolates were confirmed by PCR to encode the epsilon (epsilon) subtype of intimin. Supernates of both O115:H(-) isolates induced cytopathic effects on Vero cell monolayers, and PCR analysis verified that both isolates encoded EAST1, CNF1 and CNF2 toxins but not Shiga-like toxins. Both isolates harboured similar sized plasmids but PCR analysis indicated that only one of the O115:H(-) isolates (CO) possessed the plasmid-associated virulence determinants ehxA and etpD. Neither strain possessed the espP, katP or bfpA plasmid-associated virulence determinants. These E. coli O115:H(-) strains exhibited a novel combination of virulence determinants and are the first isolates found to possess both CNF1 and CNF2.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) strains deliver effector proteins Tir, EspB, Map, EspF, EspH, and EspG into host cells to induce brush border remodeling and produce attaching and effacing (A/E) lesions on small intestinal enterocytes. In this study, the role of individual EPEC effectors in brush border remodeling and A/E lesion formation was investigated with an in vitro human small intestinal organ culture model of EPEC infection and specific effector mutants. tir, map, espB, and espH mutants produced "footprint" phenotypes due to close bacterial adhesion but subsequent loss of bacteria; an espB mutant and other type III secretion system mutants induced a "noneffacing footprint" associated with intact brush border microvilli, whereas a tir mutant was able to efface microvilli resulting in an "effacing footprint"; map and espH mutants produced A/E lesions, but loss of bacteria resulted in a "pedestal footprint." An espF mutant produced typical A/E lesions without associated microvillous elongation. An espG mutant was indistinguishable from the wild type. These observations indicate that Tir, Map, EspF, and EspH effectors play a role in brush border remodeling and production of mature A/E lesions.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) induces tyrosine phosphorylation of a 90-kDa protein (Hp90) in infected epithelial cells. This in turn facilitates intimate binding of EPEC via the outer membrane protein intimin, effacement of host cell microvilli, cytoskeletal rearrangement, and bacterial uptake. This phenotype has been commonly referred to as attaching/effacing (A/E). The ability of EPEC to induce A/E lesions was dependent on bacterial growth phase and temperature. Early-logarithmic-phase EPEC grown at 37 degrees C elicits strong A/E activity within minutes after infection of HeLa epithelial cells. EPEC de novo protein syntheses during the first minutes of interaction with the host cell was required to elicit A/E lesions. However, once formed, bacterial viability was not needed to maintain A/E lesions. The type of growth media and partial O2 pressure level do not seem to affect the ability of EPEC to cause A/E lesions. These results indicates that the A/E activity of EPEC is tightly regulated by environmental and host factors.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown that genetic susceptibility plays a key role in determining whether bacterial pathogens successfully infect and cause disease in potential hosts. Surprisingly, whether host genetics influence the pathogenesis of attaching and effacing (A/E) bacteria such as enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli has not been examined. To address this issue, we infected various mouse strains with Citrobacter rodentium, a member of the A/E pathogen family. Of the strains tested, the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) nonresponder C3H/HeJ mouse strain experienced more rapid and extensive bacterial colonization than did other strains. Moreover, the high bacterial load in these mice was associated with accelerated crypt hyperplasia, mucosal ulceration, and bleeding, together with very high mortality rates. Interestingly, the basis for the increased susceptibility was not due to LPS hyporesponsiveness, as the genetically related but LPS-responsive C3H/HeOuJ and C3H/HeN mouse strains were also susceptible to infection. Analysis of the intestinal pathology in these susceptible strains revealed significant crypt epithelial cell apoptosis (terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end label staining) as well as bacterial translocation to the mesenteric lymph nodes. Further studies with infection of SCID (T- and B-lymphocyte-deficient) C3H/HeJ mice demonstrated that loss of lymphocytes had no effect on bacterial numbers but did reduce crypt cell apoptosis and delayed mortality. These studies thus identify the adaptive immune system, crypt cell apoptosis, and bacterial translocation but not LPS responsiveness as contributing to the tissue pathology and mortality seen during C. rodentium infection of highly susceptible mouse strains. Determining the basis for these strains' susceptibility to intestinal colonization by an A/E pathogen will be the focus of future studies.  相似文献   

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