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We report a case of corticobasal degeneration (CBD) presenting with visual hallucination. A 65-year-old woman showed clumsiness of the left hand. Clinical symptoms slowly progressed to include rigidity, which was left side dominant, limb-kinetic apraxia of the left hand, disorder of construction and dressing, unilateral spatial neglect, cortical sensory loss and alien limb phenomenon. Cranial MRI showed atrophy of the parietal and medial aspect of the frontal lobes, which was more severe on the right than on the left. SPECT images showed hypoperfusion in the parietal, frontal and temporal lobes, which were similarly more severe on the right than on the left. We diagnosed the patient as having CBD based on the clinical symptoms. Two years' later, she developed recurrent visual hallucinations that were typically well formed and detailed. Since patients with CBD generally do not experience visual hallucination, this case is considered the very rare and indicates the possibility that visual hallucination may be one of the clinical symptoms of CBD.  相似文献   

Priapism associated with risperidone: a case report   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

The goal of the multicenter drug surveillance project AMSP ("Arzneimittelsicherheit in der Psychiatrie") is the monitoring, assessment and analysis of adverse drug reactions (ADR) of psychopharmalogical drugs. We report about a 23 year-old patient with a depressive episode. He developed severe pseudohallucinations under a treatment with moclobemide. The symptoms occur 6 days after starting the medication and decline within two days after stopping moclobemide. The term "pseudohallucinations" is discussed controversially but still of high interest.  相似文献   

Priapism is a known side effect of antipsychotics. The causal mechanism seems to be mediated through α1-adrenergic receptor blockade which many antipsychotics are known to possess. We present the first detailed case of iloperidone-induced priapism in a patient with bipolar disorder with psychotic features. His case highlights some of the important risk factors clinicians should consider when using iloperidone, as it may be the highest-risk antipsychotic for causing priapism given it is a very potent blocker of the alpha-adrenergic receptor.  相似文献   

视幻觉是帕金森病精神病性障碍最常见的一种类型,目前关于帕金森病伴视幻觉的发病 机制尚未明确,临床治疗困难。近年来针对帕金森病伴视幻觉的影像学研究取得了许多成果,现就相 关研究进展作一综述,以期为其发病机制的阐明及治疗药物的研发提供新的视角  相似文献   

A 32 year old man affected by grade 1 astrocytoma of the right sylvian region and epileptic seizures, presented gustatory hallucinations as a post-ictal symptom. Spikes of very low voltage during sleep were the only epileptic abnormalities found on his EEG. It is suggested that post-ictal as well as ictal gustatory hallucinations may be a localizing symptom of glioma involving the sylvian region. Furthermore, if systematically searched for, sleep related microspikes may become an EEG sign useful for the diagnosis of brain tumour in patients with epileptic seizures and no epileptic discharges on the awake EEG.  相似文献   

The case of a 56-year-old man who has been blind for 25 years due to retinal degeneration is herein described. The patient complained of elementary visual hallucination, during which it was difficult for him to read Braille. Brain magnetic resonance imaging showed marked atrophy of the bilateral striate cortex. Visual hallucination as a release phenomenon of the primary visual cortex has never been reported to cause alexia for Braille. The present case supports the results of recent functional imaging studies of the recruitment of striate and prestriate cortex for Braille reading.  相似文献   

Hematological side effects of neuroleptic drugs occur infrequently but remain a potential cause of serious toxicity. A case of recurrent thrombocytopenia due to the repeated exposure to chlorpromazine (twice), haloperidol (four times) and thiothixene (twice) in a 59 year old female treated for schizophrenia is reported. Treatment difficulties and implications of this case are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract We report a patient with visual hallucinations and illusions along with an associated visual field defect after bilateral ischemic damage to his occipital visual cortex. These hallucinations were long-standing and of both simple and complex (well-formed) type. Application of low frequency (1 Hz) repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) to the occipital cortex led to a complete cessation of visual hallucinatory symptoms. The use of TMS to probe the neurophysiology, and possibly alleviate, visual hallucinatory experiences is discussed.  相似文献   

正病历摘要患者女性,64岁,因精神行为异常5 d,于2014年9月5日入院。患者入院前5 d无明显诱因出现躁狂性精神行为异常和认知功能障碍,不识家人、不能正常交流和单独外出,病程中伴流涎,并偶有幻听或幻视,但无明显运动障碍,症状呈进行性加重。患者自发病以来纳差、睡眠差,大小便正常,体重无明显变化。患者发病前5年(2009年12月)曾因"头痛、失语、右侧肢体功能障碍2周"入院,体格检查:混合性失34  相似文献   

患者女性,63岁。主因左侧肢体不自主运动1周,于2010年12月16日入院。患者入院前1周无诱因突发左侧肢体持续性不自主舞蹈样动作,不受意识控制,以上肢显著,入睡后症状消失。发病过程中伴双侧下肢麻木、膝关节肿痛,但无发热、头痛、呕吐,无肢体无力、构音障碍及大小便失禁,精神、饮食及睡眠正常。既往2型糖尿病病史25年,  相似文献   

The author experienced two cases who showed visual hallucinations after they had had CT-proven cerebral infarctions in the left fronto-medial lobe. Cerebral angiography evidenced the occlusion of the left anterior cerebral artery at the genu portion (case 1) and after branching the frontopolar artery (case 2). Case 1 was a 50 year old national rail way officer who had neither past history of a drug abuse nor that of psychoses. His initial symptom was right hemiparesis predominantly in his lower extremity. Mutism and sympathetic apraxia were also observed. About three months after the onset, he showed psychical excitement due to his curious experience of seeing dogs and snakes in the window and ceiling of his hospital room. A famous professional golf player was also seen. This hallucination lasted about three weeks and never occurred afterwards. Case 2 was a 70 year old housewife who was noticed abnormal by her family because of her mutism of sudden onset. Clumsiness of her extremities was also seen. She had nothing to do with a drug abuse and psychoses. Three days after the onset her mutism turned into talkativeness. She complained of seeing dead persons, who were hanging and coming from the ceiling of her room. Animals and familiar landscapes were also seen. This hallucination lasted about a week. In both cases hallucinations were vivid and colorful. Patients were basically critical for the phenomena although they were initially influenced and excited by them. Temporal and occipital lobes have been thought to bo responsible for the occurrence of organic hallucinations in supratentorial lesions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Patients with dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) frequently experience visual hallucination (VH), which has been aptly described as people seeing things that are not there. The distinctive character of VH in DLB necessitates a new theory of visual cognition. We have conducted a series of studies with the aim to understand the mechanism of this dysfunction of the cognitive system. We have proposed that if we view the disease from the internal mechanism of neurocognitive processes, and if also take into consideration recent experimental data on conduction abnormality, at least some of the symptoms can be understood within the framework of network (or disconnection) syndromes.This paper describes the problem from a computational aspect and tries to determine whether conduction disturbances in a computational model can in fact produce a “computational” hallucination under appropriate assumptions.  相似文献   

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