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目的 进一步阐述CCR5、CCR2和SDFl基因多态性与HIV-1异性传播的关系。方法 通过PCR/RFLP技术分析CCR5、CCR2和SDF1基因的多态性,继而分析基因多态性与HIV-1异性传播的关系。结果 在收集到的70对异性配对病例中,未能在汉族人群发现CCR5基因缺失突变,维吾尔族人CCR5Δ32基因频率为6.5%(6/92),未发现纯合突变。有暴露史而未感染HIV-1者CCR2-64I基因频率明显高于受暴露后感染病毒者,说明CCR2-64I对异性传播可能具有一定保护作用。对SDFl基因的多态性研究发现,将病毒传播给配偶的指标病例(先感染:HIV-1一方)SDF-3′A的基因频率高于未发生传播者(较接近于统计学检验水准),SDFl-3′A似乎是危险因素。结论 CCR5Δ32对汉族人群的HIV-1异性传播无明显意义,CCR2-64I对HIV-1异性传播可能具有一定的保护作用,而SDFl-3′A则有可能是危险因素,但有必要扩大样本量对后二者作进一步的深入研究。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to quantify the histological changes in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) and the sciatic nerve in rats subjected to sciatic nerve crush (SNC) following curcumin treatment. The rats were divided into four groups, each including five animals, and underwent the following intervention: group I: control animals which received olive oil; group II: sham-operated animals whose skin of the posterior thigh was opened, sutured, and received the vehicle; group III: SNC animals which received the vehicle; and group IV: SNC plus curcumin (100 mg/kg/day) solved in the vehicle. On the 28th day, the fifth lumbar DRG and sciatic nerve were removed. Volume of the ganglion, mean cell volume, total volume of DRG cells (A- and B-cells), and total surface of DRG cells, total number, diameter, and area of the myelinated nerve fibers were estimated using stereological methods. Except for the volume of the ganglion, all other parameters were decreased after nerve crush. In curcumin-treated rats, these parameters decreased, but to a lesser extent, and the values were significantly higher than in the non-treated SNC group (p < 0.04).It can be concluded that in rats after crush, curcumin has a protective effect on the DRG and sciatic nerve.  相似文献   

It has been proposed clinically that delayed surgery after traumatic brachial plexus injury may adversely affect functional outcome. In the present experimental study the neuroprotective and growth-promoting effects of early and delayed nerve grafting following proximal seventh cervical spinal nerve (C7) axotomy were examined. The ventral branch of C7 spinal nerve was transected and axons projecting out of the proximal nerve stump were labelled with Fast Blue (FB). At the same time, the biceps brachii muscle was denervated by transecting the musculocutaneous nerve at its origin. Neuronal survival and muscle atrophy were then assessed at 1, 4, 8 and 16 weeks after permanent axotomy. In the experimental groups, a peripheral nerve graft was interposed between the transected C7 spinal nerve and the distal stump of the musculocutaneous nerve at 1 week [early nerve repair (ENR)] or 8 weeks [delayed nerve repair (DNR)] after axotomy. Sixteen weeks after nerve repair had been performed, a second tracer Fluoro-Ruby (FR) was applied distal to the graft to assess the efficacy of axonal regeneration. Counts of FB-labelled neurons revealed that axotomy did not induce any significant cell loss at 4 weeks, but 15% of motoneurons and 32% of sensory neurons died at 8 weeks after injury. At 16 weeks, the amount of cell loss in spinal cord and dorsal root ganglion (DRG) reached 29 and 50%, respectively. Both ENR and DNR prevented retrograde degeneration of spinal motoneurons and counteracted muscle atrophy, but failed to rescue sensory neurons. Due to substantial cell loss at 8 weeks, the number of FR-labelled neurons after DNR was significantly lower when compared to ENR. However, the proportion of regenerating neurons among surviving motoneurons and DRG neurons remained relatively constant indicating that neurons retained their regenerative capacity after prolonged axotomy. The results demonstrate that DNR could protect spinal motoneurons and reduce muscle atrophy, but had little effect on sensory DRG neurons. However, the efficacy of neuroprotection and axonal regeneration will be significantly affected by the amount of cell loss already presented at the time of nerve repair.  相似文献   

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and humanimmunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection continues to bemajor global health concerns. Although highly active an-tiretroviral therapy (HAART) has led to profound and pro-longed reductions in circulating viru…  相似文献   

淋巴细胞HIV-1辅受体表型剔除阻断病毒感染的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 观察HIV 1辅受体CCR5和CXCR4表型剔除对HIV 1DP1株感染的阻断作用。方法 用含有pLNCX R K S K的重组逆转录病毒液感染原代人PBLs(外周血淋巴细胞 ) ,抗体 免疫磁珠法分离筛选转化成功PBLs,流式细胞仪检测筛选效率 ;HIV 1DP1株攻击转化PBLs ,进行合胞体形成和p2 4抗原分泌检测。结果 抗 NGFR 免疫磁珠法获得了转化成功的PBLs ,流式细胞仪检测发现pLNCX R K S K转染组 77.4%的PBLsNGFR(神经生长因子受体 )标记物为阳性 ;HIV 1DP1株攻击后 ,未转染组和pLNCX转染组可以见到明显的合胞体形成 ,而在pLNCX R K S K转化PBLs没有见到合胞体形成 ;pLNCX R K S K转染组在感染后第 4、7和 10天皆可发现显著的p2 4抗原分泌抑制 ,抑制率分别为 15%、43 %、19%。结论 细胞内趋化因子通过与CCR5和CXCR4细胞内结合 ,使HIV 1两类主要辅受体难以在PBLs表面表达 ,从而可以达到阻断HIV 1病毒感染的目的  相似文献   

The mechanisms underlying the pathogenicity of CCR5-restricted (R5) human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) strains are incompletely understood. Acquisition or enhancement of macrophage (M)-tropism by R5 viruses contributes to R5 HIV-1 pathogenesis. In this study, we show that M-tropic R5 viruses isolated from individuals with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (late R5 viruses) require lower levels of CD4/CCR5 expression for entry, have decreased sensitivity to inhibition by the entry inhibitors TAK-779 and T-20, and have increased sensitivity to neutralization by the Env MAb IgG1b12 compared with non-M-tropic R5 viruses isolated from asymptomatic, immunocompetent individuals (early R5 viruses). Augmenting CCR5 expression levels on monocyte-derived macrophages via retroviral transduction led to a complete or marginal restoration of M-tropism by early R5 viruses, depending on the viral strain. Thus, reduced CD4/CCR5 dependence is a phenotype of R5 HIV-1 associated with M-tropism and late stage infection, which may affect the efficacy of HIV-1 entry inhibitors.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection can be inhibited by small molecules that target the CCR5 coreceptor. Here, we describe some properties of clonal viruses resistant to one such inhibitor, SCH-D, using both chimeric, infectious molecular clones and Env-pseudotypes. Studies using combinations of CCR5 ligands, including small molecule inhibitors, monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and chemokine derivatives such as PSC-RANTES, show that the fully SCH-D-resistant viruses enter target cells by using the SCH-D-bound form of CCR5. However, the way resistance to SCH-D and other small molecule CCR5 inhibitors is manifested depends on the target cell and the nature of the assay (single- vs. multi-cycle). In multi-cycle assays using primary lymphocytes, SCH-D does not inhibit resistant molecular clones, and it can even enhance their infectivity modestly. In contrast, the same viruses (as Env-pseudotypes) are significantly inhibited by SCH-D in single-cycle entry assays using U87-CD4/CCR5 cells, resistance being manifested by incomplete inhibition at high SCH-D concentrations. When a single-cycle, Env-pseudotype entry assay was performed using either U87-CD4/CCR5 cells or PBMC under comparable conditions, entry was inhibited by up to 88% in the former cells but by only 28% in the PBMC. Hence, there are both cell- and assay-dependent influences on how resistance is manifested. We also take this opportunity to correct our previous report that SCH-D-resistant isolates are also substantially cross-resistant to PSC-RANTES [Marozsan, A.J., Kuhmann, S.E., Morgan, T., Herrera, C., Rivera-Troche, E., Xu, S., Baroudy, B.M., Strizki, J., Moore, J.P., 2005. Generation and properties of a human immunodeficiency virus type 1 isolate resistant to the small molecule CCR5 inhibitor, SCH-417690 (SCH-D). Virology 338 (1), 182-199]. A substantial element of this resistance was attributable to the unappreciated carry-over of SCH-D from the selection cultures into analytical assays.  相似文献   

The occurrence and distribution of Bcl-2, a protein involved in the death-life cell pathways, was investigated in the peripheral sensory nervous system of healthy adult humans, including lumbar dorsal root ganglia, nerve trunks and glabrous skin (to analyze sensory corpuscles) using Western blot and immunohistochemistry. The antibody used labelled a protein of 26 kDa of estimated molecular weight corresponding with Bcl-2. Immunohistochemistry showed that only a neuronal population in dorsal root ganglia, some axons in peripheral nerves and the axon supplying Meissner and Pacinian corpuscles contained Bcl-2, whereas peripheral glial cells (i.e. satellite glial cells, Schwann cell, and lamellar cells of sensory corpuscles) did not. These results suggest that in normal conditions, Bcl-2 is only present in some neuronal, but not glial, elements of the sensory peripheral nervous system. The functional significance, if any, of these results remains to be determined.  相似文献   

目的 观察HIV 1辅受体CCR5和CXCR4的配体在细胞内共表达抑制HIV 1感染的作用。方法 应用磷酸钙沉淀法共转染HIV 1辅受体及其配体的质粒 ,制成辅受体表型剔除的靶细胞 ,与转染HIV 1膜蛋白质粒的细胞混合 ,观察合胞体形成并记数 ;脂质体介导法将含有报告基因CAT而缺失HIV包膜蛋白的质粒与HIV包膜蛋白质粒共转染 2 93细胞 ,包装成具有一次感染活性的假病毒 ,感染转化pCMV R K S K、pCMV R K、pCMV S K或pCMV的PM 1细胞 ,采用同位素薄层层析分析法检测CAT活性。结果 pCMV R K S K转染可以显著抑制M及T嗜性HIV膜蛋白诱导的合胞体形成 ;CAT检测发现与pCMV转染组相比 ,当两种嗜性重组病毒感染pCMV R K S K转染组PM 1细胞时 ,仅检测到背景水平的CAT活性。结论 HIV 1辅受体CCR5 CXCR4表型剔除可以明显抑制M和T嗜性HIV 1病毒进入靶细胞  相似文献   

目的研究CCR5A32、CCR5m303、CCR2-64I、SDF1—3’A基因多态性对中国HIV-1感染者预后的影响。方法对在深圳地区发现的HIV-1感染者进行流行病学调查,应用PCR/RFLP技术分析感染者CCR5G32、CCR5m303、CCR2-64I、SDF1-3’A4种基因的多态性,对部分人群进行HIV-1血浆病毒载量和CD4^+细胞计数的检测,判断感染者的潜伏期,使用SPSS11.0统计软件分析基因多态性对感染者病毒载量和潜伏期的影响。结果在189例HIV-1感染者中没有发现CCR5A32和CCR5-m303突变基因型,SDF1—3’A的等位基因频率为26.14%,CCR2—64I的等位基因频率为19.82%。方差分析发现,CCR2-64I基因野生型与杂合型的两组HIV-1感染者人群病毒载量对数的大小差异无统计学意义(P=0.272),两组人群潜伏期的长短差异无统计学意义(P=0.662)。SDF1基因野牛型、杂合型和纯合型的3组HIV-1感染者人群病毒载量对数的大小差异有统计学意义(P=0.001),但3组人群潜伏期的长短差异无统计学意义(P=0.228)。结论CCR2-64I基因突变对中国汉族HIV-1感染者病毒载量没有明显影响,因而也不影响感染者的潜伏期。SDF1-3’A基因突变对于病毒载量有降低作用,但对延长感染者潜伏期可能没有作用。  相似文献   

R5X4 HIV-1 has impaired utilization of CCR5 on primary CD4+ lymphocytes but the mechanisms responsible are not well defined. Using a panel of diverse R5X4 Envs we identified a spectrum of CCR5 use on CD4+ lymphocytes. Greater lymphocyte CCR5 use correlated with relative resistance to CCR5 mAbs and small molecule antagonists. Increasing CCR5 expression on lymphocytes increased the proportion of entry mediated by CCR5 for all R5X4 isolates except 89.6. In cell lines with regulated CCR5 expression, strains with greater lymphocyte CCR5 use better exploited limiting levels of CCR5. Introduction of an R306S mutation in the 89.6 V3 domain enhanced its utilization of CCR5 at low levels and switched its preference to CCR5 for lymphocyte entry. Thus, the degree to which R5X4 HIV-1 use primary lymphocyte CCR5 is determined by low CCR5 expression coupled with variations in the efficiency of Env-CCR5 interactions, which is in part governed by V3 sequences.  相似文献   

While CCR5 is the principal coreceptor used by macrophage (M)-tropic HIV-1, not all primary CCR5-using (R5) viruses enter macrophages efficiently. Here, we used functionally-diverse R5 envelope (Env) clones to characterize virus-cell interactions important for efficient CCR5-mediated macrophage entry. The magnitude of macrophage entry by Env-pseudotyped reporter viruses correlated with increased immunoreactivity of CD4-induced gp120 epitopes, increased ability to scavenge low levels of cell-surface CCR5, reduced sensitivity to the CCR5 inhibitor maraviroc, and increased dependence on specific residues in the CCR5 ECL2 region. These results are consistent with an altered and more efficient mechanism of CCR5 engagement. Structural studies revealed potential alterations within the gp120 V3 loop, the gp41 interaction sites at the gp120 C- and N-termini, and within the gp120 CD4 binding site which may directly or indirectly lead to more efficient CCR5-usage. Thus, enhanced gp120-CCR5 interactions may contribute to M-tropism of R5 HIV-1 strains through different structural mechanisms.  相似文献   

A possible correlation between the rate of vertical transmission of HIV-1 and the presence of the defective HIV co-receptor gene Δ32ccr5 in the chromosomes of infants born to HIV-positive mothers was assessed. The prevalence and genotypic distribution of the Δ32ccr5 gene were studied in 451 uninfected and 225 HIV-1-infected adults and 79 children born to HIV-1-positive mothers in Austria (45 uninfected and 34 infected by vertical transmission). As expected in a Caucasian population, the Δ32ccr5 allele was found in uninfected Austrians at a frequency of 10% (17.3% heterozygotes and 1.3% Δ32ccr5/Δ32ccr5 homozygotes, consistent with the expected Hardy-Weinberg distribution). The mutant allele frequency was 11.1% in uninfected children (17.8% heterozygotes, 2.2% homozygotes) and 9.6% in HIV-positive adults (19.1% heterozygotes but no Δ32ccr5/Δ32ccr5 homozygotes). Among the group of 34 vertically infected children, however, there were only two heterozygotes and no Δ32ccr5/Δ32ccr5 homozygotes, corresponding to a significantly reduced mutant allele frequency of 2.9% (P = 0.05 compared to HIV-negative children). These results suggest that CCR5/Δ32ccr5 heterozygous children are less susceptible to vertical transmission of HIV-1. The data also support the hypothesis that Δ32ccr5 homozygous individuals are resistant to HIV-1 infection. J. Med. Virol. 55:51–55, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的:研究HIV-1协同受体CXCR4、CCR5及CXCR4的特异性配体SDF-1在人胎盘组织的表达,探索HIV-1子宫内垂直传播的分子机制。方法:半定量RT-PCR检测早、中、晚孕期胎盘及早孕滋养细胞CXCR4、CCR5 mRNA水平;免疫组化和免疫细胞化学检测早孕胎盘及原代培养滋养细胞CXCR4、CCR5蛋白表达;原位杂交及免疫组化分析SDF-1在早孕胎盘的表达;ELISA测定滋养细胞SDF-1的动态分泌水平。结果:各孕期胎盘表达CXCR4及CCR5 mRNA;CXCR4蛋白定位于滋养细胞,而CCR5蛋白定位于绒毛基质中。滋养细胞可转录并翻译SDF-1,且能分泌可溶性SDF-1。结论:滋养细胞同时表达CXCR4及SDF-1,SDF-1可能通过降调CXCR4而拮抗X4-HIV-1感染胎儿细胞;R5-HIV-1或许能通过滋养层裂隙感染CCR5^#基质细胞和/或Hotbauer细胞,从而发生子宫内垂直传播。  相似文献   

Interaction of small molecule inhibitors of HIV-1 entry with CCR5   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The CC-chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) is the major coreceptor for macrophage-tropic (R5) HIV-1 strains. Several small molecule inhibitors of CCR5 that block chemokine binding and HIV-1 entry are being evaluated as drug candidates. Here we define how CCR5 antagonists TAK-779, AD101 (SCH-350581) and SCH-C (SCH-351125), which inhibit HIV-1 entry, interact with CCR5. Using a mutagenesis approach in combination with a viral entry assay to provide a direct functional read out, we tested predictions based on a homology model of CCR5 and analyzed the functions of more than 30 amino acid residues. We find that a key set of aromatic and aliphatic residues serves as a hydrophobic core for the ligand binding pocket, while E283 is critical for high affinity interaction, most likely by acting as the counterion for a positively charged nitrogen atom common to all three inhibitors. These results provide a structural basis for understanding how specific antagonists interact with CCR5, and may be useful for the rational design of new, improved CCR5 ligands.  相似文献   

Peripheral nerve injury induces the retrograde degeneration of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells, which affects predominantly the small-diameter cutaneous afferent neurons. This study compares the time-course of retrograde cell death in cutaneous and muscular DRG cells after peripheral nerve transection as well as neuronal survival and axonal regeneration after primary repair or nerve grafting. For comparison, spinal motoneurons were also included in the study. Sural and medial gastrocnemius DRG neurons were retrogradely labeled with the fluorescent tracers Fast Blue (FB) or Fluoro-Gold (FG) from the homonymous transected nerves. Survival of labeled sural and gastrocnemius DRG cells was assessed at 3 days and 1–24 weeks after axotomy. To evaluate axonal regeneration, the sciatic nerve was transected proximally at 1 week after FB-labeling of the sural and medial gastrocnemius nerves and immediately reconstructed using primary repair or autologous nerve grafting. Twelve weeks later, the fluorescent tracer Fluoro-Ruby (FR) was applied 10 mm distal to the sciatic lesion in order to double-label sural and gastrocnemius neurons that had regenerated across the repair site. Counts of labeled gastrocnemius DRG neurons did not reveal any significant retrograde cell death after nerve transection. In contrast, sural axotomy induced a delayed loss of sural DRG cells, which amounted to 22% at 4 weeks and 43–48% at 8–24 weeks postoperatively. Proximal transection of the sciatic nerve at 1 week after injury to the sural or gastrocnemius nerves neither further increased retrograde DRG degeneration, nor did it affect survival of sural or gastrocnemius motoneurons. Primary repair or peripheral nerve grafting supported regeneration of 53–60% of the spinal motoneurons and 47–49% of the muscular DRG neurons at 13 weeks postoperatively. In the cutaneous DRG neurons, primary repair or peripheral nerve grafting increased survival by 19–30% and promoted regeneration of 46–66% of the cells. The present results suggest that cutaneous DRG neurons are more sensitive to peripheral nerve injury than muscular DRG cells, but that their regenerative capacity does not differ from that of the latter cells. However, the retrograde loss of cutaneous DRG cells taking place despite immediate nerve repair would still limit the recovery of cutaneous sensory functions.  相似文献   

目的 探讨CCR2-641、SDF1-3’A、CCR5Δ32基因变异对中国HIV—1感染疾病长期不进展者(long-term nonprogressors,LTNPs)疾病进程的影响。方法 收集17例中国HIV-1感染LTNPs和39例中国HIV-1感染疾病典型进展者(typical progressors,TPs)的抗凝全血标本,用全自动核酸提取仪提取基因组DNA,采用PCR/RFLP技术对CCR2、SDF1、CCR5基因进行检测分析。结果 LTNP组的CCR2-64I、SDF1-3’A基因突变率分别为50%和62.5%,TP组的CCR2-64I和SDF1-3’A基因突变率分别为23.08%、33.33%,LTNP组CCR2—64I、SDF1-3’A基因突变率明显高于TP组(P〈0.05);LTNP组有1例CCR5Δ32杂合突变,未发现纯合变异,而TP组未发现CCR5Δ32突变。结论 CCR2-64I、SDF1-3’A和CCR5Δ32基因突变可能是中国HIV-1感染者疾病长期不进展的保护性因素之一。  相似文献   

Truncation of the envelope cytoplasmic tail has enabled FIV, SIV, and some laboratory HIV-1 strains to acquire broader cellular tropism and enhanced fusogenicity. Here we have characterized a primary CD4-independent HIV-1 isolate (92UG046-T8) with a truncated cytoplasmic tail that was able to infect and induce syncytia in primary lymphocytes from human, chimpanzee, and monkey, as well as CD4-negative cell lines from human and monkey. Increased syncytia were also noticeable with 293 cells expressing the cloned envelope from the 92UG046-T8 isolate suggesting envelope-mediated cellular fusion. Except pooled serum from HIV-1-infected individuals, monoclonal anti-envelope antibodies or antibodies/antagonists against CD4, CXCR4, and CCR5 were not able to prevent infection by the 92UG046-T8 isolate. This is the first report showing a primary HIV-1 variant with truncated cytoplasmic tail which is highly fusogenic and can infect a broad range of cells from human and non-human origins. In vivo evolution of similar HIV-1 mutants may have important implications in AIDS pathogenesis.  相似文献   

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