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Three hundred ninety-eight randomly selected Nigerian adolescents were surveyed using well structured questionnaires to collect all information on their knowledge, attitude, beliefs and practice regarding AIDS. The questionnaires were carefully administered and analysed.Most of the respondents, aged 10–20 years, were born in metropolitan cities (83.9%), grew up in such cities (93.2%) and have always lived in them (92.7%). Only 37.9% of them knew the causative agent of AIDS, although 96% claimed to have heard of the disease called AIDS. Seventeen percent (17%) knew all the important routes of transmission and 19.1% identified the groups at high risk for contracting AIDS. Limited knowledge and practice of preventive measures were demonstrated. AIDS was identified as a serious health problem for the world but not yet for Nigeria. Nigerian urban youths have been found to be sexually active with multiple sexual partners. Their knowledge of AIDS is limited, and few of them practice preventive measures. They should, thus, be regarded as a high risk group. Coordinated health education programmes coupled with communication and involvement of these youths should be urgently undertaken.Corresponding author.  相似文献   

Lee T  Saskin R  McArthur M  McGeer A 《Vaccine》2005,23(13):1574-1578
With an increasing number of births in Ontario being conducted by midwives, we undertook a survey of the beliefs and practices of 256 licensed Ontario midwives and student midwives about immunization, particularly against influenza. Overall, 42.9% (48/112) of midwives considered that they knew a lot about immunization; however, 36.2% (38/105) reported no education about immunization during their training. A small majority (55.9%) were in favour of vaccination in general and only 2 of 113 reported spending more than 1h discussing vaccination with their clients. Only 26.9% reported having received influenza vaccine in the previous season (compared to 60% of all health care workers in Ontario). Overall, only 37% believed that influenza vaccine is effective, and 22% believed that the vaccine was a greater risk than influenza. Graduation in 1998 or prior was associated with belief in the effectiveness in vaccine, having been vaccinated, and recommending vaccine to clients. Midwives who reported being immunized themselves were more likely to believe in the safety and efficacy of influenza vaccine, and to recommend vaccination to their clients (26% versus 3%, p=0.001). If greater attention is not focused on promoting the utility of immunization to midwives, the success of population immunization programs may be compromised.  相似文献   

Interest in medication-taking as a social behaviour is growing. Drawing on qualitative data, this study interrogates beliefs and practices related to antiretroviral therapy (ART) use among urban poor Kenyan people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). Responding PLWHA relied on a range of ingenious strategies to remember to take their medications but did not necessarily perceive compliance with medical instructions as key to treatment efficacy. They also believed that compliance can even hurt some patients. PLWHA relied on both compliance and non-compliance to seek social acceptance, maintain a reputation of being healthy, dispel rumours about one's status, and minimise economic vulnerability. Compliance was further used to mark gratitude to supportive caregivers and providers, and non-compliance to appraise the efficacy of other treatments which promise permanent cure. The medication-taking practices of poor Kenyan PLWHA reflect their struggles with deprived livelihoods and stigma.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Despite the rising prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) since 1994 in Bangladesh, the World Bank found the epidemic to be preventable provided vigorous and prompt action is taken. High-risk heterosexual contact, especially among commercial sex workers (CSWs), is a major mode of transmission. Formulation of relevant and effective prevention programmes for HIV/AIDS requires better understanding of the knowledge, attitudes, behaviours and practices in the high-risk groups. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: A cross-sectional survey comprising face-to-face interviews using a structured questionnaire with items on knowledge, beliefs, condom use and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). SETTINGS: In total, 300 CSWs were interviewed between July and October 2000 in Daulatdia brothel. Daulatdia is one of the largest river ports in Bangladesh. RESULTS: Although most CSWs had heard of AIDS, correct knowledge of transmission and symptoms was lacking. HIV/AIDS was viewed as a remote threat, over-ridden by immediate economic and survival concerns. Although the majority of CSWs knew that condoms afforded protection against STDs/AIDS, only one-third of sex acts on the last day of work were protected through condom use. CSWs who were married, had been a CSW for less than 5 years, were with a new client, or had two or more clients in last working day reported significantly higher condom use. Client dissatisfaction was the major reason for not using condoms. Many did not obtain treatment for STDs in a timely fashion, if at all. CONCLUSIONS: Bangladesh needs a comprehensive HIV programme that combines clinical and screening measures with behaviour change and communication interventions, along with change in social norms and attention to the rights of CSWs in order to avert a widespread epidemic.  相似文献   

艾滋病是目前世界上还没有可以特效药物根治和有效预防疫苗,而且病死率极高的慢性传染病。过去的十几年全球在艾滋病的预防和控制方面取得了很大的成就,但是艾滋病仍然是全球一个严重的公共卫生问题,今后可能仍将是引起严重死亡的疾病之一。本文总结了近年来艾滋病的流行现状和艾滋病的预防措施,以引起关注。  相似文献   

This study examined the relation between beliefs about the determinants of body weight and self-reported weight-control behaviors. Restrained eaters and unrestrained eaters indicated their beliefs about amount of food eaten and amount of exercise as determinants of body weight. They also reported the extent to which they engaged in several dieting behaviors and exercise. For restrained eaters (but not for unrestrained eaters), there was a positive correlation between beliefs about amount of food eaten as a determinant of body weight and self-reported dieting behaviors. For both restrained and unrestrained eaters, there was a positive correlation between beliefs about exercise as a determinant of body weight and amount of weekly exercise. These results suggest that (a) specific beliefs about the determinants of body weight can be useful predictors of weight-related behaviors, and (b) restrained eaters are likely to engage in a broader range of behaviors aimed at controlling their weight.  相似文献   

This study describes the measures being taken by AIDS surveillance offices across the country to ensure the security of information regarding patients with AIDS and HIV infection. Security measures were evaluated according to the cumulative number of AIDS cases reported, whether partner notification services were provided, and whether HIV seropositive reporting by name was also required. This study showed that public health departments have taken extra steps to ensure the security of AIDS and HIV data.  相似文献   

In August 1988, 1,773 Massachusetts 16-19-year-olds were surveyed by telephone using anonymous random digit dialing; response rate 82 percent. Logistic regression tested whether alcohol and drug use, perceived susceptibility to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), severity of HIV if infected, effectiveness of condoms in preventing infection, barriers to condom use, and behavioral cues such as exposure to media or personal communication about acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) were independently related to condom use. Among sexually active respondents, (61 percent of those interviewed) 31 percent reported always using condoms. Respondents who believed condoms are effective in preventing HIV transmission and worried they can get AIDS were 3.1 and 1.8 times, respectively, more likely to use condoms all the time. Respondents who carried condoms and who had discussed AIDS with a physician were 2.7 and 1.7 times, respectively, more likely to use them. Those who believed condoms do not reduce sexual pleasure and would not be embarrassed if asked to use them were 3.1 and 2.4 times, respectively, more likely to use condoms. Teens who averaged five or more drinks daily or used marijuana in the previous month were 2.8 and 1.9 times, respectively, less likely to use condoms. Among respondents who drink and use drugs, 16 percent used condoms less often after drinking and 25 percent after drug use. Those counseling adolescents about HIV should assess and discuss beliefs outlined in the Health Belief Model, as well as their alcohol and drug use.  相似文献   

The grave challenge posed by the recent pandemic of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is not the first time mankind has faced such a threat. Useful lessons may be drawn from the successful global Smallpox Eradication Program and applied to the current campaign in the areas of surveillance, strategy, operations, and evaluation. The most important epidemiologic characteristic of this new infection is the unprecedented observation that virtually all asymptomatic infected persons are infectious and will remain so indefinitely. In combatting this infection we should concentrate our efforts in the United States on preventing transmission from the estimated 1.5 million persons who are already infected. We must make the best use we can of all the tools we already have: public information, health education, counseling and serologic testing of persons at high risk, treatment and prevention of intravenous drug abuse, and serologic screening of organ and tissue donors. Adequate confidentiality of test results needs to be secured in order to promote voluntary testing as an important means of achieving behavorial change among persons who are most likely to have been exposed to the infections. Persons whose sexual or drug abuse behavior puts them at higher risk of infection are the highest priority target group. They should be sought at every opportunity, whether seen in public clinics or private practice, and advised to be tested. In order to focus on preventing sexual, parenteral, and perinatal transmission of the virus we must avoid numerous potential distractions and irrelevant issues: we don''t have time for them.  相似文献   

某厂机械喷漆“三苯”污染水平严重,危害工人健康,经采取密闭通风、催化燃烧净化通风预防措施系统后,工人作业现场空气中苯、甲苯、二甲苯的平均浓度由技术改造前的44.61、118.71、173.09mg/m^3降到了<0.10,0.10,6.71mg/m^3,预防效果显著。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article was to investigate the effect of personal awareness and attitudes, the dentist's role, oral hygiene habits, and fluoride use on total absence of caries in adults, using a case-control study, matched for sex and age with undergraduate students from two private Brazilian universities. Crude analysis using conditional logistic regression failed to show any effect for the related variables regarding fluoride use and oral hygiene habits (p > 0.20).Use of dental floss was the only exception in this set. It appeared as a risk factor, since individuals who stated not flossing presented a crude odds ratio (OR) of 0.70, or 0.73 when adjusted for regular visits to the dentist. The effect for regular visits to the dentist was that of a risk. Those with a history of caries presented a crude odds ratio of 1.55; after adjusting for dental floss use, the risk was slightly higher (OR = 1.67). Oral hygiene habits, contrary to the formulated hypothesis, did not display the expected protective effect. Likewise, fluoride use was not significantly associated with absence of caries. Individuals with a history of caries were used to visiting more professionals, confirming the formulated hypothesis for this variable. Nevertheless, it is still intriguing that some people fail to develop caries, even they report not practicing measures considered ideal for oral health.  相似文献   

The study discussed in this article addressed the relationship of social support to the maintenance of long-term safer sex practices of 360 HIV-positive adults recruited from outpatient medical facilities. Medical professionals, friends, and siblings were reported the most frequent sources for assistance, whereas regular sexual partners, medical professionals, and community organizations were rated as the most helpful. Differences in social support use across ethnic, gender, and sexual orientation groups were observed. Those engaging in safer sex practices perceived the support they received as more helpful. These findings emphasize the link between positive support networks and avoidance of high-risk sexual behavior in HIV-positive individuals. Implications for the delivery of culturally appropriate, gender-specific, and community-based interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

Two objectives for the nation for 1990 set goals related to the need for schoolchildren and adults to understand the causes of oral diseases and methods of prevention. Five questions related to these objectives were included in the 1985 National Health Interview Survey. Survey responses of adults ages 18 years and older indicated that while the public is generally aware of the importance of a number of factors in the prevention of tooth decay, only 18 percent had both heard of, and knew the purpose of, dental sealants. At the same time, the public fails to discriminate between effective disease preventive factors related to periodontal diseases as opposed to those related to dental decay. Knowledge of oral disease prevention modalities generally varies across educational, income, age, and racial categories. However, there appears to be little variation in knowledge by gender. Additional information from upcoming surveys may shed more light on the relationships between knowledge of oral diseases and their prevention and personal preventive practices.  相似文献   

Nursing students, as future health care providers, need comprehensive instruction about AIDS--the many manifestations of both the disease itself and the pandemic. As health educators and practitioners, nurses play a major role in safeguarding the health care setting and the community by their efforts in preventing transmission of the AIDS virus. Nurses are and will continue to be responsible for administering the major portion of the direct health care that AIDS patients require and for teaching basic nursing skills to other care givers. According to a 1987 survey of 461 nursing programs conducted by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, AIDS content is being incorporated into the curriculums of the majority of programs that responded. Students require an in-depth knowledge of AIDS to enable them to address effectively the needs of AIDS patients and their families. Because of the complex psychosocial, ethical, and legal issues, careful attention must be given to the development of students' skills in making clinical decisions that will promote effective nursing intervention when addressing problems in nursing care. Curriculums should also include assessment of the special needs of members of minority groups that are disproportionately affected by AIDS. Schools of nursing in colleges and universities can serve as key resources for developing curriculums, policies, and practice patterns that will assist the nursing community and the public in responding to the AIDS epidemic.  相似文献   

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