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DIALOGUEPatient:Recently I’ve been feeling very thirsty and pass-ing alot of urine,Is there any wrong with me?Doctor:Howis you appetite?How do you feel otherwise?P:I’ve lost weight despite my good appetite,and I feelweak all the ti me.D:Let me examine y…  相似文献   

DIALOGUENurse:What seems to be the trouble?Patient:It’s my stomach.I think probably I had too muchat supper yesterday evening.N:Can you tell me what you had for supper yesterdayevening?P:Seafood,roastduck.,a great variety of things,I can’t name them exactly.N:Have you vomitted?P:Yes,I have vomitted three ti mes and made severaltrips to the bathroomlast night.N:I see.Nowyou haveto get your stools tested.I’ll writeout a slip and you can take it to the laboratory.Waitfor a while and …  相似文献   

DIALOGUENurse:What seems to be the problem?Patient:Well,I was crossingthe road,where a car cameround the corner too quickly,and when the driversaw me,it was too late to stop.I was knockedto the ground,and whenI got up,myleft ar mandelbow were grazed and now,I have a painin myribs.N:I’ll just take alook.Where does it hurt?P:It’s hard to say.It hurts all over.N:Does it hurt when I do this?P:Ouch!The pain is very bad when you press here.N:Your ar m and elbowseemto be all right.But,to…  相似文献   

Admitting New PatientNun犯:F场w do yot,do?Patient:卜IOw do youdo?111氏妇to be adinitted.Nun祀:1 see.Please sit down here.Patient:Thaxlk you.Nun记:I’m the nurse in eharge oft拓5 ward.1 ho伴you诚11 feelat址〕me. 办理住院护士:您好?病人:您好?我要办住院手续。护士:好的。请您先坐。病人:谢谢。护士:我是这个病区的护士。希望您到这儿像在家里一样。 (计惠民)护士英语简易会话@计惠民~~…  相似文献   

正Constipation便秘Conversation Nurse:Mrs. Walker,did you go to the toilet tonight?Patient:Yes, I did.But I had some problems with my bowels.Nurse:Oh,whatwasyourbowelmovement like?Patient:I just passed a few hard lumps. It hurt a lot to go to the toilet.Nurse:I see.You take a laxative every night,don't you?  相似文献   

曹影婕  王美德 《护士进修杂志》2007,22(10):F0004-F0004
冠脉搭桥术后病人便秘的护理指导Post-operative Nursing Instructions on Constipationfor a Coronary Artery Bypass Graft(CABG)Patient护士:你这些天不太敢吃蔬菜和水果是吗?(一边按摩一边微笑着说)Nurse:You haven’t eaten vegetables and fruits thesedays,haven’t you?(Speaking with a smile while massagingthe patient)病人:是啊,你怎么知道的?以前我每天都是吃很多水果的,排便一直很正常。但是开完刀后就什么都不敢吃,每天就吃点米饭和鱼汤啊什么的。Patient:Yes,how do you know?I used to eat manyfruits and have r…  相似文献   

PhysicalAssessment      护理查体Nurse :Hello ,Mr .Zhang .CanIhelpyou ?护士 :您好 ,张先生。您有事需帮忙吗 ?Patient :Yes.I’vegotasorethroatandabadcough .IthinkIshouldhaveathoroughexamination . 病人 :是的。我嗓子痛 ,还咳嗽。我想应该全面检查一下。Nurse :Pleasesitdownandletmeexamineyou .Atfirst,I’lllookatyourthroat .Pleaseopen yourmouthandsay“Ah” .护士 :请坐。让我来为您做全面检查。我先来看看您的嗓子 ,请您张开嘴 ,发“啊”音。Patient:Ah— .病人 :啊—。Nurse :It’sredandswollen .Next,…  相似文献   

消化性溃疡病人用药指导Medication Instructions for a patient with Peptic Ulcer病人:好吧。他真的好了吗?Patient:OK.Has he really recovered?护士:是真的。你现在最主要的是放松心情,保持愉快良好的情绪,我这有一本《笑话全集》介绍给你看,希望对你有所帮助。Nurse:Really.Nowthe most i mportant thing for youto do is to relax and try to be in a cheerful mood.I have acomic book.I’ll let you readit and hope it will help you re-lax.护士:我一会儿再来看你,有什么不舒服告诉我或者直接按铃呼我好吗?Nurse:I will come backto see you after a while.If youfeel uncomfortable in the meanti me,please tell me or pressthe call button.OK?病人:好的。P...  相似文献   

Doctor:Wearegoingtodotheoperationonyoutomor row.Ihopeyouwon’tworry. Patient:Iwilltrynotto,butwillithurt? D:We’llgiveyouanaesthesia.Ifyoufeelanypainduring theoperation,justletmeknow. Nurse:I’dliketoShaveoffthehairaroundtheoperation. P:Ihaveneverbeeninahospitalbefore.I’msoscared. N:Thereisnothingtoworryabout.Thedoctorwhowill operateonyouisveryexperencedandconsiderate.If youhaveanydiscomfortduringtheoperation,please don’thesitatetotellhim.I’llgiveyouanenema tonight.Afterthatp…  相似文献   

Patient:Nurse ,I’msuretodiesoon .Theyjustdon’ttellmethetruth ,butIknowit .Nurse :ButIdon’tthinkso .Noonehaseversaidawordthatyouaretodie ,onlyyourself .Thatmeansyouarenotwillingtodie ,OK ?Actually ,youarerecoveringandwhatyouimagineasyourworryisslowingdo…  相似文献   

心脏移植病人的心理护理Psychological Nursing Care for a HeartTransplant Patient(情景三)(术后第三天晚上。10Pm,护士小李看见病人在流泪。)(Scene 3)(Nurse Li saw the patient was crying at 10 o’clock onthe third day after the operation.)交流:Interactions:护士:朱丽,怎么了?还没休息?是哪里不舒服吗?(递上纸巾让其擦泪)Nurse:Hi,Mr.Zhu,what’s wrong?It’s time to go tobed.(give her facial tissue to wipe her tears.)病人:(摇摇头)睡不着。心里不舒服。Patient:(shook her head)I can’t fall sleep,because I f…  相似文献   

胡秀英  李惠玲  王美德 《护士进修杂志》2007,22(18):F0004-F0004
拇指再植术前病人的护理Preoperative Nursing for a Thumb Re-plantation Patient病人:那好吧,那么检查前需要做哪些准备工作,检查后是否可以进食?Patient:Well,what should I do to prepare for the exami-nation?Can I take food after the examination?护士:做检查前需要禁食禁水6小时,并准备一块干毛巾以擦拭唾液用。术后2小时方可进食,过早进食可因咽部麻醉未消失吞咽功能未恢复而造成呛咳窒息等情况。Nurse:Foods and water are not allowed6hours beforethe examination.You should take a dry towel with you towipe saliva.…  相似文献   

Antinatal Care 产前检查Patient:I think I’m pregnant.wouldyou give me an examination? 我想我怀孕了,您能给我检查一下吗?Doctor:Take off your shoes,We’ll weigh  相似文献   

Nurse:What seems to be the problem? 护士:有什么问题吗? Patient:I think I have a cold. 病人:我想我感冒了。  相似文献   

Conversation Between Ward Nurse and Patient 病房护士和病人对话 Health Advice for the Aged 老年保健指导Nurse: Good afternoon, Mr. Li. How are you feeling now? Do you still have pain in your chest? 护士:李先生,你好。现在你感觉如何?胸还疼吗?Patient: No, There is no more pain, but I feel a little tight in my chest. I also feel dizzy when I stand up. 病人:不痛了,但胸部有点紧迫的感觉。我站立时还 感到眩晕。N: Your electrocardiogram shows that you have coronary heart disease. Your attack…  相似文献   

Nurse:Mr.Martin,it’stheninthdayafteryouroperation, isn’tit? Patient:Yes. N:Howareyoufeelingnow? P:Mywoundishealing.Icanwalknow.IthinkI’mquite allrightnow. N:Youaregoingtobedischargedthedayaftertomor row. P:Isthatso?I’msohappy. N:Thedoctorgaveyoutheorderthatyoushouldstartto weartheelasticstockings. P:Whatkindofstockingsarethey? N:TheyarecalledRVS(ReducedVenousStasis)stock ing.Theyareusedasaroutinepreventativetreat mentofvenousstasis.Wearingapairofthestock ings,pre…  相似文献   

AdmittingNewPatient      办理住院Nurse :Howdoyoudo ?护士 :您好 ?Patient:Howdoyoudo ?Ineedtobeadmitted .病人 :您好 ?我要办住院手续。Nurse :Isee.Pleasesitdownhere .护士 :好的。请您先坐。Patient:Thankyou . 病人 :谢谢。Nurse:I’mthenurseinchargeofthisward .Ihopeyouwillfeelathome. 护士 :我是这个病区的护士。希望您到这儿像在家里一样。护士英语简易会话@计惠民…  相似文献   

PsychologicalNursing      心理护理Nurse :Hello ,Mr.Zhang .Ifindthatyouareunhappytoday .CanIhelpyou ?护士 :您好 !张先生。好像您今天不大高兴 ,有什么事需帮助吗 ?Patient:Hello ,NurseHuang .I’mnothappythesedays . 病人 :您好 !黄护士。近来我的情绪一直不好。Nurse :Maybethereissomethingthattroubledyou . 护士 :可能是有些事情给您带来烦恼。Patient:Idon’tthinkso .Ijustthinklifeisboring . 病人 :不是的。我只是觉得生活没什么意思。Nurse :Ithinkthatyouhavesomepsychologicalproblems. 护士 :我想您可…  相似文献   

AtOPD ,adoctoristalkingtoapatient.    Doctor :What’syourproblem ?    Patient :I’vegotapainrighthere .    Doctor :Doesthepainradiateanywhere ?    Patient :No ,it’sjustinthisonespot .    Doctor :Howlongdoesthepainusuallylast?    Patient :About 5minutes ,anditcomesseveraltimesaday .    Doctor :Whendidyoufirstfeelthepain ?    Patient :Itstartedabouttwomonthsago .    Doctor :Whydidn’tyoucomehereearlier?    Patient :Iwenttothedruggistdownstairs .(T…  相似文献   

胆石症病人的健康教育 Health Instructions for a patient With Cholelithiasis 病人:噢,我明白了.只是张护士,能麻烦你给我写在纸上吗?以防忘记. Patient:OK.I got it.But Nurse Zhang,would you mind writing this down on a piece of paper in case I forget?  相似文献   

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