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Optic flow is essential for the perception of self motion and the control of path integration during locomotion. Inverting prisms oriented 15 degrees off vertical in the roll plane were used to experimentally distort optic flow during locomotion. Depending on the direction in which the prisms were rotated, optic flow was diagonally upward to the right or upward to the left. A reproducible deviation of gait toward the direction of perceived optic flow was found in ten healthy subjects. This deviation is explained to be a gait deviation that compensates for misleading perceived self motion induced by optic flow. The amount of deviation was dependent on locomotion speed. When walking slowly (about 1 m/s), mean deviation was 0.22+/-0.08 m/s to the right and -0.18+/-0.08 m/s to the left for right and left, respectively, diagonal prism orientation. Deviation was significantly less when running (about 3 m/s) with mean deviations of 0.05+/-0.03 m/s and -0.06+/-0.03 m/s, respectively (ANOVA, P<0.01). It is assumed that path integration during running is largely achieved by highly automated spinal programs operating independently of sensory control. In contrast, walking is more dependent on afferent and reafferent visual control. Thus, the experiments show that visual control of locomotion is direction specific and dependent on optic-flow-induced vection. It becomes less influential with increasing speed of locomotion, e.g., when walking in contrast to running.  相似文献   

The muscle activation patterns in anterior and posterior leg muscles were investigated with two types of perturbations to standing balance. Subjects stood with each foot on adjacent force platforms and performed arm flexion movements to shoulder height. Nine subjects performed ten repetitions unilaterally and bilaterally at 100, 75, 50, 25, and 12.5% of maximal acceleration as measured by an accelerometer placed on the dominant hand. Four subjects also performed the fastest movements while leaning forwards and backwards. The area and latency of the EMG activity from the quadriceps (QUAD), hamstrings (BF), soleus (SOL), and tibialis anterior (TA) were measured bilaterally, along with the excursions of the center of pressure (COP) during each movement. In both unilateral and bilateral tasks, subjects showed a scaling of EMG area and COP excursion with the acceleration of the arm movement. Prior to movement onset, significant scaling of EMG area with movement speed occurred in both unilateral and bilateral tasks in most muscles. Following movement onset, EMG areas scaled significantly to movement speed in only the anterior musculature, with the exception of the left BF. The latency of BF was consistent for the four fastest movements. Only the slowest movements resulted in a significant rightward shift of the BF EMG latency. During the unilateral task, the ipsilateral hamstrings were activated significantly earlier than in the bilateral task and the contralateral hamstrings were activated significantly later. It was also observed that subjects utilized one of two different strategies to maintain balance. Five individuals displayed simultaneous anterior/posterior muscle activation while the other four displayed a reciprocal pattern of activation. Regardless of the initial standing position (leaning forwards or backwards), subjects used the same simultaneous or reciprocal activation strategy. The results indicate that muscle activation patterns change with different tasks, but remain the same during variations of the same task.  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of inertial anisotropy at the hand in causing distortions in movement. Subjects drew circles in the horizontal plane at four locations in the workspace at three instructed paces using elbow and shoulder movements. Specifically, we tested two hypotheses, which we would expect if the anisotropy of inertia were not completely accounted for by the CNS when generating circle-drawing movements: 1) speed will affect the circularity of figures, with faster movements associated with greater elongation into an oval shape, irrespective of workspace location for configurations with a similar angle between the forearm and upper arm. 2) The elongation of the circle at fast speeds will be in the direction of least inertia. The results showed that despite individual differences in the speed dependence of the relative motions at the elbow and the shoulder, the circularity decreased (distortion increased) with increased speed, and workspace location had no effect on circularity. We also found that the elongation of the circles at fast speeds was in a direction close to but significantly different from the direction of least inertia for three workspace locations and was in the direction of least inertia for the fourth location. We suggest that the elongation results from lack of full accounting by the CNS of the anisotropy of viscosity and inertia.  相似文献   

Trunk movements in the frontal and sagittal planes were studied in 10 healthy males (18–35 yrs) during normal walking (1.0–2.5 m/s) and running (2.0–6.0 m/s) on a treadmill. Movements were recorded with a Selspot optoelectronic system. Directions, amplitudes and phase relationships to the stride cycle (defined by the leg movements) were analyzed for both linear and angular displacements. During one stride cycle the trunk displayed two oscillations in the vertical (mean net amplitude 2.5–9.5 cm) and horizontal, forward—backward directions (mean net amplitude 0.5–3 cm) and one oscillation in the lateral, side to side direction (mean net amplitude 2–6 cm). The magnitude and timing of the various oscillations varied in a different way with speed and mode of progression. Differences in amplitudes and timing of the movements at separate levels along the spine gave rise to angular oscillations with a similar periodicity as the linear displacements in both planes studied. The net angular trunk tilting in the frontal plane increased with speed from 3–10°. The net forward-backward trunk inclination showed a small increase with speed up to 5° in fast running. The mean forward inclination of the trunk increased from 6° to about 13° with speed. Peak inclination to one side occurred during the support phase of the leg on the same side. Peak forward inclination was reached at the initiation of the support phase in walking, whereas in running the peak inclination was in the opposite direction at this point. The adaptations of trunk movements to speed and mode of progression could be related to changing mechanical conditions and different demands on equilibrium control due to e.g. changes in support phase duration and leg movements.  相似文献   

 A neural network model has been developed to represent the shaping function of a central pattern generator (CPG) for human locomotion. The model was based on cadence and electromyographic data obtained from a single human subject who walked on a treadmill. The only input to the model was the fundamental timing of the gait cycle (stride rate) in the form of sine and cosine waveforms whose period was equal to the stride duration. These simple signals were then shaped into the respective muscle activation patterns of eight muscles of the lower limb and trunk. A network with a relatively small number of hidden units trained with back-propagation was able to produce an excellent representation of both the amplitude and timing characteristics of the EMGs over a range of walking speeds. The results are further discussed with respect to the dependence of some muscles upon sensory feedback and other inputs not explicitly presented to the model. Received: 9 February 1998 / Accepted: 13 August 1998  相似文献   

Healthy persons exhibit relatively small temporal and spatial gait variability when walking unimpeded. In contrast, patients with a sensory deficit (e.g., polyneuropathy) show an increased gait variability that depends on speed and is associated with an increased fall risk. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of vision in gait stabilization by determining the effects of withdrawing visual information (eyes closed) on gait variability at different locomotion speeds. Ten healthy subjects (32.2 ± 7.9 years, 5 women) walked on a treadmill for 5-min periods at their preferred walking speed and at 20, 40, 70, and 80 % of maximal walking speed during the conditions of walking with eyes open (EO) and with eyes closed (EC). The coefficient of variation (CV) and fractal dimension (α) of the fluctuations in stride time, stride length, and base width were computed and analyzed. Withdrawing visual information increased the base width CV for all walking velocities (p < 0.001). The effects of absent visual information on CV and α of stride time and stride length were most pronounced during slow locomotion (p < 0.001) and declined during fast walking speeds. The results indicate that visual feedback control is used to stabilize the medio-lateral (i.e., base width) gait parameters at all speed sections. In contrast, sensory feedback control in the fore-aft direction (i.e., stride time and stride length) depends on speed. Sensory feedback contributes most to fore-aft gait stabilization during slow locomotion, whereas passive biomechanical mechanisms and an automated central pattern generation appear to control fast locomotion.  相似文献   

Ground reaction forces at different speeds of human walking and running   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
In this study the variation in ground reaction force parameters was investigated with respect to adaptations to speed and mode of progression, and to type of foot-strike. Twelve healthy male subjects were studied during walking (1.0-3.0 m s-1) and running (1.5-6.0 m s-1). The subjects were selected with respect to foot-strike pattern during running. Six subjects were classified as rearfoot strikers and six as forefoot strikers. Constant speeds were accomplished by pacer lights beside an indoor straightway and controlled by means of a photo-electronic device. The vertical, anteroposterior and mediolateral force components were recorded with a force platform. Computer software was used to calculate durations, amplitudes and impulses of the reaction forces. The amplitudes were normalized with respect to body weight (b.w.). Increased speed was accompanied by shorter force periods and larger peak forces. The peak amplitude of the vertical reaction force in walking and running increased with speed from approximately 1.0 to 1.5 b.w. and 2.0 to 2.9 b.w. respectively. The anteroposterior peak force and mediolateral peak-to-peak force increased about 2 times with speed in walking and about 2-4 times in running (the absolute values were on average about 10 times smaller than the vertical). The transition from walking to running resulted in a shorter support phase duration and a change in the shape of the vertical reaction force curve. The vertical peak force increased whereas the vertical impulse and the anteroposterior impulses and peak forces decreased. In running the vertical force showed an impact peak at touch-down among the rearfoot strikers but generally not among the forefoot strikers. The first mediolateral force peak was laterally directed (as in walking) for the rearfoot strikers but medially for the forefoot strikers. Thus, there is a change with speed in the complex interaction between vertical and horizontal forces needed for propulsion and equilibrium during human locomotion. The differences present between walking and running are consequences of fundamental differences in motor strategies between the two major forms of human progression.  相似文献   

The objectives of the study were to measure the prevalence of periodic leg movements during NREM and REM sleep (PLMS) and while awake (PLMW) and to assess the impact of PLMS on nocturnal sleep and daytime functioning in patients with narcolepsy. One hundred and sixty-nine patients with narcolepsy and 116 normal controls matched for age and gender were included. Narcoleptics with high and low PLMS indices were compared to assess the impact of PLMS on sleep and Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) variables. More narcoleptics than controls had a PLMS index greater than 5 per hour of sleep (67% versus 37%) and an index greater than 10 (53% versus 21%). PLMS indices were higher both in NREM and REM sleep in narcoleptic patients, but the between-group difference was greater for REM sleep. A significant increase of PLMS index was also found with aging in both narcoleptic patients and controls. PLMW indices were also significantly higher in narcoleptic patients. Patients with an elevated index of PLMS had a higher percentage of stage 1 sleep, a lower percentage of REM sleep, a lower REM efficiency and a shorter MSLT latency. The present study demonstrates a high frequency of PLMS and PLMW in narcolepsy, an association between the presence of PLMS and measures of REM sleep and daytime functioning disruption. These results suggest that PLMS represent an intrinsic feature of narcolepsy.  相似文献   

Knowledge of adaptations to changes in speed and mode of progression (walking-running) in human locomotion is important for an understanding of underlying neural control mechanisms and allows a comparison with more detailed animal studies. Leg movements and muscle activity patterns were studied in ten healthy males (19-29 yr) during level walking (0.4-3.0 m X s-1) and running (1.0-9.0 m X s-1) on a motor-driven treadmill. Movements were recorded in the sagittal plane with a Selspot optoelectronic system. Recordings of EMG were made from seven different muscles of one leg by means of surface electrodes. Durations, amplitudes and relative phase relationships of angular displacements and EMG activity were analysed in relation to different phases of the stride cycle (defined by the leg movements). The durations of the entire stride cycle and of the support phase were found to decrease curvilinearly with velocity. Swing and support phase durations were linearly related to cycle duration in walking, and curvilinearly related in running. The characteristic occurrence of double support phases in walking was also seen in very slow running. Support length increased with speed up to about 1.2 m both in walking and running, but was longer in walking at the same velocity. Increases in net angular displacements were largest for hip movements and for knee flexion-extension during the swing phase in running. With increasing velocity a clear shift in relative rectus femoris activity occurred from knee extension to hip flexion. Gastrocnemius lateralis (LG) was co-activated with the other leg extensors prior to foot contact in running, whereas in walking LG was not turned on until later in the support phase. The ankle flexor tibialis anterior had its main peak of activity after touch-down in walking and before touch-down in running. The same basic structure of the stride cycle as in other animals suggests similarities in the underlying neural control. Human speed adaptation is distinguished primarily by an increase in both frequency and amplitude of leg movements and by a possibility of changing between a walking and a running type of movement pattern.  相似文献   

In an attempt to explore the relationship between force production during voluntary contractions at different speeds of isokinetic movement and the myofibrillar protein isoform expression in humans, an improved isokinetic dynamometer that corrects for gravitation, controls for acceleration and deceleration, and identifies a maximum voluntary activation was used. Muscle torque recordings were compared at the same muscle length (knee angle) and the torque was calculated as the average torque at each angle over a large knee angle range (75°–25°) to reduce the influence of small torque oscillation on the calculated torque. Muscle torque at fast (240° s−1) versus slow (30° s−1) speeds of movement, torque normalized to muscle cross-sectional area (specific tension), and absolute torque at fast speeds of movement were measured in 34 young healthy male and female short-, middle-, and long-distance runners. The relationship between the different measures of muscle function and the expression of myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoforms using enzyme–histochemical and electrophoretic protein separation techniques were investigated. A significant correlation between the 240° s−1 vs 30° s−1 torque ratio and the relative area of the type II fibers and type II MyHC isoforms were observed in both the men (r=0.74;P<0.001) and the women (r=0.81; P<0.05). Thus, the present results confirm a significant relationship between in vivo human muscle function and the MyHC isoform expression in the contracting muscle. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Muscular force at different speeds of shortening   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

Muscle co-contraction is important in stabilizing the spine. The effects of movement speed and direction on the cervical co-contraction were, however, not yet investigated. Surface electromyographies of three paired cervical muscles were measured in 17 young healthy subjects. The subjects performed voluntary neck movements in sagittal and coronal plane at fast, medium, and slow speeds. The co-contraction ratio was defined as the normalized integration of antagonistic electromyographic activities divided by that of total muscle activities. The results showed that the co-contraction ratio at fast speed (0.42 +/- 0.21) was smaller than that at medium (0.45 +/- 0.20) and slow (0.46 +/- 0.19) speeds (P 相似文献   

During human walking, a sudden trip may elicit a Ia afferent fibre mediated short latency stretch reflex. The aim of this study was to investigate soleus (SOL) muscle mechanical behaviour in response to dorsiflexion perturbations, and to relate this behaviour to short latency stretch reflex responses. Twelve healthy subjects walked on a treadmill with the left leg attached to an actuator capable of rapidly dorsiflexing the ankle joint. Ultrasound was used to measure fascicle lengths in SOL during walking, and surface electromyography (EMG) was used to record muscle activation. Dorsiflexion perturbations of 6 deg were applied during mid-stance at walking speeds of 3, 4 and 5 km h−1. At each walking speed, perturbations were delivered at three different velocities (slow: ∼170 deg s–1, mid: ∼230 deg s–1, fast: ∼280 deg s–1). At 5 km h−1, fascicle stretch amplitude was 34–40% smaller and fascicle stretch velocity 22–28% slower than at 3 km h−1 in response to a constant amplitude perturbation, whilst stretch reflex amplitudes were unchanged. Changes in fascicle stretch parameters can be attributed to an increase in muscle stiffness at faster walking speeds. As stretch velocity is a potent stimulus to muscle spindles, a decrease in the velocity of fascicle stretch at faster walking speeds would be expected to decrease spindle afferent feedback and thus stretch reflex amplitudes, which did not occur. It is therefore postulated that other mechanisms, such as altered fusimotor drive, reduced pre-synaptic inhibition and/or increased descending excitatory input, acted to maintain motoneurone output as walking speed increased, preventing a decrease in short latency reflex amplitudes.  相似文献   

The present study examined the correlations between the dynamics of hippocampal theta waves and pontine waves (P waves) and rapid eye movements (REMs) densities during REM sleep. Theta wave peak frequency and theta amplitude were estimated as the parameters of theta wave dynamics in each 3s segment. The peak frequency and theta amplitude were positively correlated with P wave and REMs densities, however their detailed correlation properties were distinct from each other. Dependency of peak frequency on P wave/REMs density did not change significantly from that on REMs/P wave density. On the other hand, dependency of the theta amplitude on P wave/REMs density significantly increased with an increased REMs/P wave density. Because hippocampal theta waves and P waves are involved in learning and memory functions during REM sleep, the correlation between theta parameters and P wave density might help to clarify these functions.  相似文献   

Summary We investigated the effects of pedal speed on changes in plasma volume, electrolytes and protein during incremental exercise. Ten adult males participated in two, 30 minute incremental cycle ergometer exercise tests at room temperature (22° C, rh=56%). Exercise load was increased from 20 to 70% of peak . Five minutes were spent at each of six stages which were equally spaced in exercise intensity. Subjects pedaled at 50 (50 RPM) and 90 (90 RPM) rev · min–1. Venous blood samples were drawn prior to exercise and during the last minute of each stage. Relative plasma volume changes showed a progressive hemoconcentration during the exercise. There were no significant differences due to pedal speed as plasma volume loss averaged –7.3% during exercise. [Na+], [Cl–], and [K+] increased significantly during exercise but were not influenced by pedal speed. Changes in plasma protein and albumin concentrations indicated that there was a loss of globulin from the vascular volume in both conditions and an addition of albumin to the plasma in 50 RPM. The difference in plasma albumin dynamics was possibly related to an effect of pedal speed on movement of fluid in the lymphatic vessels of the legs.This work was supported in part by Grants from the Theresa Monaco Endowment of the University of Houston College of Education and Nautilus Sports/Medical IndustriesThe constructive criticism of Dr. L. C. Senay, Jr. was sincerely appreciated.  相似文献   

Periodic leg movements during sleep (PLMS) are sequences of ≥4 motor events with intermovement intervals (IMI) of 10–90 s. PLMS are a supportive diagnostic criterion for restless legs syndrome (RLS) and entail cardiac activation, particularly when associated with arousal. RLS patients also over‐express short‐interval leg movements during sleep (SILMS), which have IMI <10 s and are organized mainly in sequences of two movements (doublets). We tested whether the cardiac activation associated with SILMS doublets differs from that associated with PLMS in a sample of 25 RLS patients. We analysed time–series of R–R intervals synchronized to the onset of SILMS doublets or PLMS that entailed an arousal during non‐rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. We assessed cardiac activation based on the R–R interval decrease with respect to baseline during NREM sleep without leg movements. We found that the duration of the R–R interval decrease with SILMS doublets was significantly longer than that with PLMS, whereas the maximal decrease in R–R interval was similar. Scoring SILMS in RLS patients may therefore be relevant from a cardiac autonomic perspective.  相似文献   

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