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AIM—To test a paediatric intensive care mortality prediction model for UK use.
METHOD—Prospective collection of data from consecutive admissions to five UK paediatric intensive care units (PICUs), representing a broad cross section of paediatric intensive care activity. A total of 7253 admissions were analysed using tests of the discrimination and calibration of the logistic regression equation.
RESULTS—The model discriminated and calibrated well. The area under the ROC plot was 0.84 (95% CI 0.819 to 0.853). The standardised mortality ratio was 0.87 (95% CI 0.81 to 0.94). There was remarkable concordance in the performance of the paediatric index of mortality (PIM) within each PICU, and in the performance of the PICUs as assessed by PIM. Variation in the proportion of admissions that were ventilated or transported from another hospital did not affect the results.
CONCLUSION—We recommend that UK PICUs use PIM for their routine audit needs. PIM is not affected by the standard of therapy after admission to PICU, the information needed to calculate PIM is easy to collect, and the model is free.


AIM: The aim of the study was to determine antimicrobial usage in paediatric intensive care units (PICUs) in China. METHODS: Data were equally collected from 540 charts of PICUs in the three Chinese tertiary teaching children hospitals in 2006. The data included demographic, clinical data and those on antimicrobial usage and results of microbiological examinations. RESULTS: Of the 540 cases, 524 (94.7%) patients received at least one antimicrobial agent. The main treatment started empirically in 387 (71.6%). The third-generation cephalosporins were the major antimicrobials used in all participating hospitals, accounting for 227 (31%). Bacteria were isolated from 48%, 68% and 59% of the three PICUs. Six common pathogens accounted for more than 75% of the isolated bacteria. The rates of Escherichia coli isolates resistant to cefotaxime were 73.8%, 58.3% and 49.2%, respectively, with the rate being higher in H1 than in H2 and H3 (both p<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Irrational use of antimicrobials exists in clinical practice of PICUs in China. It is recommended that antimicrobial usage should be guided by bacterial isolation and antimicrobial susceptibility tests in order to select correct antimicrobials and to prevent emergency of drug-resistant strains in PICUs.  相似文献   

A review of neonatal special and intensive care units in the UK in 1980-81 shows that although the number of cot/incubator units provided for special care conforms with current recommendations, there is a contrasting shortfall of 40% in cot/incubator units for intensive care. Admission policies are vague, vary considerably, and not all units are engaged in the type of care for which they are officially intended. Many units would admit fewer babies if the number and level of expertise of nursing staff in postnatal wards was improved. Rationalisation and redistribution of facilities seems advisable. The number of trained nurses falls far short of those recommended. Almost 21% of units had no formal staffing establishment, and of those that did less than half were filled. The total number of nurses of all ranks and experience failed to reach recommended levels, as did the ratio of trained staff to ''others''. Recruitment of nurses to this specialty is slow and the high turnover rate endangers maintenance of high standards and continuity of patient care.  相似文献   

Aim: To analyse the methods used to manage and monitor sedoanalgesia at Italian paediatric intensive care units (ICUs). Methods: Data were collected by administering a questionnaire that aimed to investigate whether ICUs adopted a validated protocol to manage sedoanalgesia. Results: The results revealed that a majority of the ICUs adopt a protocol for dealing with sedation and analgesia, but this protocol is implemented with difficulty or not at all in routine clinical practice. The most often used pharmacological combination, is midazolam and fentanyl. Several weaknesses remain in terms of the methods used to assess sedoanalgesia, which are generally not standardized, but rather based on recording the patient’s physiological parameters. Conclusion: Sedation and analgesia are priority issues in the management of critically ill children. None of the numerous drugs available is ideal and the protocols currently used in clinical practice involve the combined use of different drugs. There is currently no shared and validated approach as to which is the most effective and safest sedoanalgesic regimen in critically ill children.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine the incidence of different modes of death in French paediatric intensive care units and to compare patients' characteristics, including a severity of illness score (Paediatric Risk of Mortality: PRISM score) and prior health status (Paediatric Overall Performance Category scale), according to the mode of death. Design: A 4-month prospective cohort study. Setting: Nine French multidisciplinary paediatric intensive care units. Patients: All patients who died in PICUs, except premature babies. Main results: Among 712 admissions, 13% patients died. Brain death was declared in 20%, failure of cardiopulmonary resuscitation occurred in 26%, do-not-resuscitate status was identified in 27%, and withdrawal of supportive therapy was noted in 27%. The PRISM score and the baseline Paediatric Overall Performance Category were not different between the four groups. Brain-dead patients were older than those in whom a do-not-resuscitate order and withdrawal of therapy were made (median age 81 vs 7 and 4 months). Conclusions: Decisions to limit or to withdraw supportive care were made for a majority of patients dying in French paediatric intensive care units. Chronic health evaluation and severity of illness index are not sufficient to describe dead-patient populations.  相似文献   

Bronchoscopy is a highly versatile technique in the context of intensive care and has many potentially valuable indications. Safety is of paramount importance and the risks in critically unstable patients are correspondingly greater than in more stable children. The main contraindication to bronchoscopy is if it will provide no useful information. The procedure is obviously more risky in children with severe hypoxia, uncontrolled bleeding diathesis, cardiac failure or severe pulmonary hypertension. Monitoring should include at least oxygen saturation, blood pressure (ideally by continuous, invasive monitoring) and preferably capnography. Indications for bronchoscopy in paediatric intensive care include endobronchial toilet, sometimes instilling recombinant human DNAase even in children who do not have cystic fibrosis; checking tube patency and position; assisting in a difficult intubation or tube change; achieving the selective intubation of a main bronchus; the diagnosis and management of ventilator-associated pneumonia or the ventilated, immunocompromised host; the assessment of lobar collapse or focal hyperinflation; airway stent assessment; assessment of stridor on extubation and the diagnosis of any associated disease. New iatrogenic complications are also likely to be discovered. The procedure is very safe if performed by experienced operators with back-up from doctors skilled in airway management and the monitoring of sick children.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe aim of the study was to define the strategies for the use and monitoring of sedative, analgesic, and muscle relaxant medication in Spanish paediatric intensive care units (PICU).Material and methodsA questionnaire with 102 questions was sent by e-mail to all Spanish PICUs.ResultsReplies were received from 36 of the 45 PICUs (80%). A written protocol for sedation and analgesia was used in 64%; this medication was adjusted according to the diagnosis and clinical status of the patient in 30% of the units. Midazolam was the most widely used drug for sedation, followed by ketamine and propofol. Fentanyl was the most widely used drug for analgesia, followed by paracetamol and metamizole. The combination of midazolam and fentanyl in continuous infusion was used most frequently in patients on mechanical ventilation (MV), followed by propofol. Scales to monitor sedation and analgesia were employed in 45% of PICUs, most used the Ramsay scale. The bispectral index (BIS) was used in 50% of PICUs. Muscle relaxants were administered to 26% of patients on MV; the most common indications for MV were head injury and severe respiratory disease. The principal methods for avoiding withdrawal syndrome were a progressive withdrawal of the drugs and morphine chloride.ConclusionsAlthough there is insufficient scientific evidence to determine the ideal drugs for sedation and analgesia in the critically ill child and the methods for monitoring and control, the production of guidelines and written treatment and monitoring protocols could help to improve the management and control of sedation and analgesia.  相似文献   

The continued rise of health care costs, despite private and governmental control efforts, has sustained cost containment as a central issue for health care researchers and policy makers. In keeping with these concerns, the Florida Health Care Cost Containment Board conducted a study of neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) in Florida to ascertain the costs, charges, and net revenues associated with NICU services in individual hospitals, to document cost shifting and cross-subsidization as a means of financing NICU care for indigent populations, and to assess the fiscal impact of NICUs in state-sponsored vs non-state-sponsored Regional Perinatal Intensive Care Center hospitals providing NICU care. Hospitals in the state-sponsored program reported a loss of approximately $16.5 million in contrast to the non-state-sponsored hospitals, which reported a gain of $1 million. Payment being generated by private-pay patients amounted to almost 60% of total revenues but constituted less than one third of the costs in state-sponsored hospitals, indicating a high level of cost shifting. Government support of state-sponsored NICUs, while substantial, has been insufficient; increasing constraints on this funding source would likely worsen the deficit and increase the necessity of cost shifting.  相似文献   

There were 70 admissions from a regional paediatric oncology centre to the intensive care unit over a six and a half year period. Patients were divided into those with systemic infections (n = 19), respiratory infections (n = 15), metabolic effects (n = 9), tumour mass effects (n = 10), neurological complications (n = 8), and others (n = 9). The overall survival was 51%. Patients admitted with metabolic or tumour mass related effects had the best prognosis with a survival of 84%. If dialysis is required in this group of patients then continuous arteriovenous haemofiltration is recommended. Patients with systemic or respiratory infections comprised the main poor prognosis group with a survival of 26%. For patients with a systemic infection who required ventilation, the mortality was 100%. The outlook for patients with a generalised encephalopathy was also poor, with no neurologically intact survivors. The median APACHE-II (acute physiology and chronic health evaluation) score for patients who died was 27 and for survivors was 16. There is a need for close cooperation between staff of intensive care and paediatric oncology units. Alternative treatments should be considered for patients with systemic infections who require ventilation.  相似文献   

Many situations exist imposing the use of bronchoscopy in intensive care units (ICU). There are many diagnostic and therapeutic indications. Interventional bronchoscopy represents a group of endoscopic techniques used in emergency or during the handling of different situations of airway obstruction.1 These situations seem quite frequent in paediatric ICU. This field has been developed with the availability of small endoscopes on the market and progress in instrumental and anaesthetic techniques.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--The purposes of this study were to compare the frequency and severity of manifestations of anxiety, depression, delirium, and withdrawal in pediatric patients hospitalized in intensive care unit vs ward settings and to evaluate the impact of preexisting psychopathologic disorders on the expression of these symptoms. RESEARCH DESIGN--Prospective patient series. SETTING--Tertiary care pediatric center. PATIENTS--Forty-three subjects aged 6 to 17 years hospitalized in either the pediatric or cardiovascular intensive care unit (n = 18) or on the general wards (n = 25) were recruited to participate. Subjects were excluded if their parents were unavailable for diagnostic interview or if they could not answer interview questions themselves. SELECTION PROCEDURES--Consecutive sample. INTERVENTIONS--None. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS--The Hospital Observed Behavior Scale, developed for this study, was used to describe objectively subjects' manifestations of anxiety, depression, delirium, and withdrawal. The Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents and Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents-Parents were used to determine the presence of preexisting psychopathologic disorders. As measured by the Hospital Observed Behavior Scale, subjects in the intensive care unit exhibited apprehension, anxiety, detachment, sadness, and weeping more often than did patients in the ward. Behavior was also significantly influenced by severity of illness, duration of hospitalization, number of previous hospitalizations, and presence of a preexisting anxiety or mood disorder. We found the Hospital Observed Behavior Scale to have good interrater reliability. CONCLUSIONS--Our data indicate that critically ill children in the intensive care unit, children with prolonged or repeated hospitalizations, and children with preexisting anxiety and mood disorders are at greater risk than other hospitalized pediatric patients for psychological trauma and/or behavior problems that may warrant psychiatric intervention. The Hospital Observed Behavior Scale is a reliable tool to quantitate behaviors in hospitalized children.  相似文献   

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