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The current study investigated the efficacy of a Satz-Mogel type short form of the WAIS-R in a closed head injury (CHI) population and whether the short form's effectiveness varied by lesion site. Data were taken from the files of 79 CHI patients, 20 with left hemisphere damage, 15 with right hemisphere damage, 29 with bilateral damage, and 15 with only diffuse damage. Information about IQ scores and age-corrected subtest scores was examined. As expected, correlations between two forms, for both IQ scores and subtest scores were high. However, there was a remarkable percentage of deviation in scaled score points and changes in intellectual classification for some of these scores. No evidence was found to support the notion that usefulness of the short form varied according to the location of lesion.  相似文献   

Comparison of IQ scores from the standard Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) and the Ward (1990) seven-subtest short form (WAIS-R/7 SF) was performed on a sample of 459 patients with traumatic brain injury due to head trauma. The results indicate that this short form provides Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQ scores that vary little from the complete WAIS-R, at approximately one-half the typical administration time. The seven subtest short form predicted WAIS-R Full Scale IQ within 6 points in 95% of this clinical sample, with Verbal-Performance IQ discrepancies that were highly correlated (r(s) =.85, p <.0001). No differential gender effect in proration of IQs was found. Applications and pitfalls of abbreviated neuropsychological testing batteries are discussed, with utilization of the WAIS-R/7 SF offered as a means to reduce intelligence testing time while maintaining the ability to detect subtle information processing abnormalities with appropriate supplemental tasks.  相似文献   

WAIS-R protocols from 81 normal adults were rescored using the Satz-Mogel short form procedure. Although correlations were high between short form and actual WAIS-R scores for Verbal, Performance and Full Scale IQ (over .90), short form estimated FSIQs exceeded +/- 5 points from obtained scores in 55% of cases. At the subtest level, correlations were especially low between the short form and complete subtests for Similarities, Picture Arrangement, Picture Completion and Object Assembly. In those cases, estimated scaled scores exceeded the range of +/- 2 scaled score points from obtained subtest scores in over 25% of cases. Users of the Satz-Mogel procedure with normal range IQ groups are cautioned against employing it for other than a very gross screening device. Interpretations of individual subtests should be avoided.  相似文献   

Effects of lateralized brain damage on the Satz-Mogel (1962) WAIS-R short form were examined. Patients (N = 65) were assigned to groups based on diffuse, predominantly left, or predominantly right brain damage. Overall, results supported the validity of the Satz-Mogel short-form IQs with neurological patients, although there were significant ANOVA results for various subtests when original scores were compared to short-form scores. A comparison of groups in regard to the number of deviations (i.e., +/- 3) from original WAIS-R subtests raised questions with regard to the effects of lesion laterality on certain short-form subtest scores. Criteria for evaluating short forms and issues for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Broken configuration errors on the WAIS-R Block Design subtest have been associated with right hemisphere brain damage. This study examined whether pre-surgical epilepsy patients with seizure foci restricted to the right hemisphere would break configuration more frequently than those with left hemisphere foci. Subjects included 38 patients with unilateral right or left hemisphere epilepsy of frontal or temporal lobe origin. The left and right hemisphere groups did not differ significantly in demographic or disease variables, IQ, or Block Design standard scores. Right hemisphere patients made more broken configurations than did those with left hemisphere foci. In the right hemisphere group, more broken configurations were associated with a lower Block Design Scaled Score and Full Scale IQ. These results suggest that the observation of broken configurations in the Block Design can assist in corroborating the seizure focus and highlight the importance of qualitative Block Design analysis.  相似文献   

A discussion on the distinction between statistically significant Verbal-Performance IQ discrepancies and the frequencies with which such differences occur in the WAIS-R standardization sample is presented. An example is provided to aid in the determination of Wechsler Verbal-Performance IQ frequency data, and comparisons are made between statistically derived and empirically observed WAIS-R Verbal-Performance IQ frequencies. Implications for placing additional emphasis upon evaluating Verbal versus Performance IQ frequencies are delineated.  相似文献   

Compared intellectually delayed and primary reading disable children (N = 64) in respect to WISC-R Verbal-Performance IQ differences and subtest scores on the Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests. First, it was found that the two groups did not differ in respect to overall mean Verbal-Performance IQ differences or in the percentage of children who showed particular directional patterns. Second, the two groups demonstrated more similarities than differences on Woodcock subtest scores. The importance of these findings for the assessment of children's reading problems was discussed.  相似文献   

The relative efficacy of two short forms of the WAIS-R with respect to accurate subtest profile scatter was examined (N = 50). The subtest scores of both the split-half Satz-Mogel (S-M) short form and the criterion referenced Modified WAIS-R (WAIS-RM) short form were found to differ significantly from full length WAIS-R subtest scores. Direct comparison of the S-M to the WAIS-RM showed the WAIS-RM to provide a closer approximation of full length WAIS-R subtest variability. Therefore, selection of the appropriate WAIS-R short form is best guided by the extent to which accuracy of inter-subtest variability is needed.  相似文献   

The WAIS and the WAIS-R were administered in a single composite form to 17 neuropsychological assessment clients and 25 volunteers drawn from hospital staff and the general public. Despite other evidence that suggests that the performance of New Zealanders sometimes may deviate from American norms, our subjects showed the same pattern of high correlations and significant differences between WAIS and WAIS-R IQ scores and subtest scores reported in several American studies. Picture Arrangement was the only subtest on which WAIS scores were not significantly greater than WAIS-R scores, which again confirms previous research.  相似文献   

Analyzed data from the WAIS, WISC-R, and WAIS-R manuals to determine the reliabilities of the differences between Verbal and Performance IQs, of subtest comparisons, and of differences between subtest and IQ scores. The differences between the Verbal and Performance IQs were moderately reliable: 0.76 (WAIS and WISC-R) and 0.81 (WAIS-R). The means of the reliability coefficients of the differences between the 55 pairs of subtests were appreciably lower: 0.58 (WAIS), 0.62 (WISC-R), and 0.65 (WAIS-R). The most consistently reliable subtest differences were between Block Design and Vocabulary and the least reliable differences between Block Design and Object Assembly. The means of the reliability coefficients of the differences between subtest scores and the Full Scale IQs were 0.53 (WAIS), 0.58 (WISC-R), and 0.62 (WAIS-R). It was concluded that caution should be exercised when interpreting configurations on Wechsler protocols.  相似文献   

Several validity studies for a seven subtest WAIS-R short form have been conducted with patients from different populations as participants. All of these studies demonstrated high correlations between the short form IQ estimates and the actual VIQs, PIQs, and FSIQs (i.e., .90 to .98). In general, there also were small mean differences in the short form versus actual IQs across samples. There currently are two computational formulas for the seven subtest short form. The original weighted formula and a revised proration formula. This study investigated the accuracy of the two short form computational formulas in samples of patients with brain impairment. It was found that the two formulas produced nearly identical results from both statistical and clinical perspectives. Given that the formulas produce nearly identical results and the majority of published studies with this short form have used the weighted formula, we recommend that future investigators use the original weighted formula to maintain clinical and scientific consistency. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Clin Psychol 53 : 465–470, 1997.  相似文献   

Investigated the validity of the Arithmetic + Vocabulary + Picture Arrangement + Block Design subtest combination as an estimate of the WAIS-R Full Scale IQ in a sample of 55 elderly patients. The correlation between the short-form IQ and the WAIS-R Full Scale IQ was highly significant, r(53) = .95, p less than .001. A pairwise t-test computed between the mean IQs for the two forms was nonsignificant, t(54) less than 1. Approximately one-fourth of the Ss showed changes in intelligence classification levels when the short form was used. The short form does not provide a precise estimate of IQ; however, it appears to have clinical utility as a screening device to identify patients with atypical cognitive functioning. The short form correctly categorized 84% of the current sample with respect to the presence or absence of abnormalities on the full WAIS-R.  相似文献   

In order to determine whether the "classic" alcoholic WAIS pattern is the result of right hemisphere damage or the loss of fluid intelligence abilities, right-hemisphere damaged, left-hemisphere damaged, alcoholic, and control groups of 40 subjects each were matched on the variables of age and education. They were administered the WAIS-Revised (WAIS-R) and four sensory and motor measures that were sensitive to lateralized damage but not to fluidity. The alcoholic group showed the "classic" pattern of a lower performance than verbal WAIS IQ. Although the left hand scores on the sensory and motor tests were significantly more impaired than the right hand scores for the right-hemisphere damaged group they were not for the alcoholic group. These results did not support the right hemisphere theory. Rather, as indicated by further analysis, the pattern is most adequately explained by the fluidity theory.  相似文献   

The WAIS-R standardization sample was used to develop regression formulas designed to predict WAIS-R IQ scores. In contrast to previous approaches that focused on either "hold" measures or demographic variables as predictors of premorbid functioning, these two domains were used conjointly in the present study. WAIS-R subtests served as measures of present ability, whereas age, race, sex, education, and occupation served as the demographic predictors. Because any WAIS-R subtest may be impaired following brain injury, no subtest(s) were determined a priori to be "hold" measure(s). Instead, 33 regression formulas were developed each combining 1 of the 11 WAIS-R subtests with demographic variables, to predict IQ scores. The current equations generally doubled the amount of variance accounted for by demographic variables alone and accounted for more variance in WAIS-R IQs than any other currently available method of predicting premorbid cognitive functioning. Regression to the mean was not a significant problem. The regression equations are reported to aid in the estimation of premorbid WAIS-R IQ. Tables of predictive accuracy are also presented.  相似文献   

ζ Investigated the validity of the Vocabulary-Block Design subtest combination as an estimate of the WAIS-R Full Scale IQ in a sample of 30 psychiatric patients. The correlation between the short form IQ and the WAIS-R Full Scale IQ was highly significant, r(28) = 0.87, p <0.001. A pairwise t-test computed between the mean IQs for the standard and short form was nonsignificant, t(29) <1. One-half of the Ss showed changes in intelligence classification when the short form was used. The short form should not be used when precise IQ estimates are required. However, the short form appears useful as a screening device to discriminate between patients with normal and subnormal intelligence. With respect to the detection of normal vs. subnormal intelligence. the short form achieved a correct classification rate of 87%.  相似文献   

Compared four groups of matched Ss (40 each) in order to examine different subtest patterns of brain damage on the WAIS, using F-tests and age mean profiles. The groups were: Normals, diffuse cortical degeneration, right and left hemisphere damage. The results indicated three patterns: (1) a normal pattern; (2) a diffuse degenerative and right hemisphere pattern; and (3) a left hemisphere pattern. The diffuse degenerative results were not significantly different from the right hemisphere results. The left hemisphere pattern had no large verbal vs. performance differences. These patterns appear to be produced by the interaction of three brain damage effects: (1) a general effect; (2) a right hemisphere effect; and (3) a left hemisphere effect. Verbal tests are both "hold" and left hemisphere tests, while three Performance Tests are "don't hold" and right hemisphere tests. The WAIS requires other specific tests of brain damage for an adequate assessment of brain damage.  相似文献   

Two hundred twenty-four healthy volunteers, 75 years of age and older (M = 80.67 years; SD = 4.99), completed the WAIS-R and a post WAIS-R questionnaire. The questionnaire gathered information about the subjects' perceptions of the Wechsler Scale across five categories. The vast majority of subjects (over 92%) experienced the WAIS-R as interesting, challenging, motivating, and within their endurance. Only two subtests were rated negatively; Picture Arrangement and Block Design were experienced as tricky by 17% and 22% of the subjects, respectively. There were no significant differences on IQ and subtest scores between subjects who perceived the WAIS-R in a negative manner and those who viewed it positively.  相似文献   

The neurodiagnostic value of Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) Verbal-Performance IQ (VIQ-PIQ) discrepancies was evaluated in a brain-damaged sample. The VIQ-PIQ differences of 260 neurologically impaired patients was compared to the WAIS-R standardization sample. The average VIQ-PIQ discrepancy of the patients was significantly larger than the mean IQ difference for normals. Comparison of the number of subjects whose VIQ-PIQ discrepancy equaled or exceeded 95% of the controls revealed no differences for the total sample and for individuals with low average or average intelligence. Conversely, the frequency of abnormal VIQ-PIQ differences was significantly greater among patients with Full Scale IQs 相似文献   

An exploratory maximum likelihood factor analysis of the inter-correlations among the 11 subtests of the WAIS-R was undertaken for 167 patients who had a primary diagnoses of cerebrovascular accident (right hemisphere, n = 79; left hemisphere, n = 55; diffuse or multifocal, n = 33). On the WAIS-R, this sample performed below normative standards (average scaled score = 7.1), but demonstrated a pattern of variability among subtests similar to the normative groups. Interestingly, VIQ-PIQ discrepancy analyses revealed V > P profiles for patients with lesions in either or both hemispheres. The best fit for the WAIS-R matrix was an oblique two-factor model comprised of the Verbal and Performance subtests. This factor solution, which was moderately correlated (.52), accounted for 58.8% of the total variance. The stability of a two-factor structure in this neurologic impaired population suggests that the WAIS-R is a robust measure, even when used within such a rehabilitation population. Only two of the eleven subtests (i.e., Comprehension and Picture Arrangement), however, were related to lesion site. Rehabilitation settings may need to rely more on neuropsychological procedures that measure the more "fluid" areas of neurocognitive ability, in contrast to the WAIS-R which appears less sensitive to the neurological impairment associated with stroke.  相似文献   

Psychologists estimated "true IQs" or "effective intelligence" from WISC profiles that varied for ethnicity (black, Mexican-American, or white), social class (lower or middle), profile (three scatter patterns), and direction of Verbal-Performance Scale discrepancy. Psychologists gave higher IQ estimates to black and Mexican-American children's profiles than to the same profiles of white children. Social class was not a significant factor. Profiles with much scatter received higher IQs than profiles with limited scatter. The pattern of subtest scores also affected estimates, while the direction of the Verbal-Performance discrepancy was not significant. Finally, the WISC was judged to be more valid for white than for black and Mexican-American children. Explanations of the findings were discussed.  相似文献   

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