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The present study investigated the association between therapist dispositional mindfulness and therapist self-affiliation, the therapeutic alliance, and treatment outcome. Total therapist mindfulness was associated with therapist self-affiliation, r=.413, p<.05. Therapist mindfulness was positively correlated with therapist ratings of the working alliance, r=.456, p<.05, though only the Act with Awareness subscale showed a relationship with patient rated alliance, r=.379. Therapist mindfulness was not associated with patient rated decreases in global symptomatology, but was associated with patient rated improvements in interpersonal functioning, r=.481, p<.05. All correlations correspond to a medium effect size. The results indicate that therapist dispositional mindfulness may be an important pre-treatment variable in psychotherapy outcome.  相似文献   

Relationships between the proportion of transference interpretations provided by therapists and both therapeutic alliance and therapy outcome were investigated for a sample of 64 patients who had received approximately 20 sessions of short-term individual psychotherapy within a controlled, clinical trial investigation. Inverse relationships were found between the proportion of transference interpretations and both therapeutic alliance and favorable therapy outcome for patients with a history of high quality of object relations. An examination of individual sessions revealed evidence that was consistent with two different, but not mutually exclusive, causal explanations. The first concerned the negative effects of high proportions of transference interpretations; the second concerned the reaction of the therapist to the presence of a weak therapeutic alliance. While the evidence from our study was correlational, it was sufficiently strong to warrant alerting clinicians to the possibility of negative treatment effects when high levels of transference interpretations are used with certain types of patients receiving short-term individual psychotherapy.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to investigate the importance of therapists’ and patients’ interpersonal problems as well as the impact of the therapeutic alliance on symptomatic outcome in psychotherapy. Of interest were direct effects of interpersonal problems, represented through the dimensions of affiliation and control, as well as possible interaction effects between patient and therapist variables on outcome. Further hypotheses referred to therapist differences in the predictive impact of the therapeutic alliance for outcome. Outcome ratings of 1,513 psychotherapy inpatients treated by 31 psychodynamically oriented individual psychotherapists were studied. Therapists’ and patients’ interpersonal dispositions were assessed with the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems, and patients answered standardized outcome measures before and after therapy and retrospectively evaluated the therapeutic alliance at discharge. The results indicate that dominant patients profited better from their therapy and that therapists’ interpersonal disposition did not have a direct influence on outcome. The influence of the therapeutic alliance on outcome varied among the therapists. The general positive effect of therapeutic alliance on outcome was stronger for less affiliative therapists. Limitations of the study and implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

The current study examined whether alliance interacted with psychodynamic interventions to predict patients' psychotherapy outcomes. A prospective study of psychodynamic psychotherapy with 68 outpatients who were treated by 23 therapists was used. The patients rated the alliance with their therapist early in treatment. Therapist use of psychodynamic techniques was reliably rated by independent clinicians for the same sessions. The therapy outcomes were measured at the end of treatment based on the patients' global symptomatology as well as estimate of improvement across a broad range of functioning. In all models, we controlled for the patients' pretherapy psychiatric severity. Analyses were conducted using multilevel modeling to account for therapist effects. Results revealed that patient rated alliance was significantly related to improvement on a measure of broad band functioning. In addition, alliance and psychodynamic interventions interacted to predict this scale of multidimensional therapy outcome. Further, results showed that several individual psychodynamic techniques interacted with alliance that were meaningfully related to this measure of broad band outcome including (1) linking current feelings or perceptions to the past; (2) focusing attention on similarities among patient's relationships repeated over time, settings, or people; and (3) identifying recurrent patterns in patient's actions, feelings, and experiences. In this sample of outpatient psychodynamic treatments, the dynamic techniques were most effective when provided in the context of strong alliances.  相似文献   

Objective: This paper focuses on the need for connection as a common core theme at the heart of both close relationships and therapeutic relationships and explores ways to connect these two research domains that have evolved as separate fields of study. Bowlby's attachment theory provides a strong conceptual and empirical base for linking human bonds and bonds in psychotherapy. Method: The growing body of research intersecting attachment and psychotherapy (1980–2014) is documented, and meta-analytic studies on attachment–outcome and attachment–alliance links are highlighted. Results: Five ways of studying attachment as a variable in psychotherapy are underscored: as moderator, as mediator, as outcome, client–therapist attachment match, and as process. By integrating conceptualizations and methods in studying relational narratives of client–therapist dyads (Core Conflictual Relationship Theme), measures of alliance, and client attachment to therapist during psychotherapy, we may discover unique client–therapist relational dances. Conclusions: Future fine-grained studies on how to promote core authentic relational relearning are important to clinicians, supervisors and trainers, who all share the common quest to alleviate interpersonal distress and enhance wellbeing. Directions for advancing research on interpersonal and therapeutic relationships are suggested. Learning from each other, both researchers of close relationships and of psychotherapy relationships can gain a deeper and multidimensional understanding of complex relational processes and outcomes.  相似文献   

Transference interpretations are one of the distinguishing features of dynamically oriented psychotherapy. Previous studies have suggested that too many transference interpretations may be detrimental, in particular for certain kinds of patients. Given the potential for negative effects, attempts to validate (replicate) the previous findings are worthwhile. The relationships between the frequency and proportion of transference interpretations and both the therapeutic alliance and treatment outcome were examined in a sample of 40 patients who received time-limited, 20-session, individual psychotherapy. Inverse relationships were found between the frequency of transference interpretations and both patient-rated therapeutic alliance and favorable outcome. The relationships differed as a function of the patient personality characteristic known as quality of object relations (QOR). These results extend previous findings regarding transference technique in short-term dynamic therapy with low-QOR and high-QOR patients.  相似文献   

A constellation of theoretically relevant pretherapy patient variables--object relations, psychological mindedness, hope for success, psychic pain, and intrapsychic flexibility--were used to predict patient therapeutic alliance readiness during the initial psychoanalytic psychotherapy interview. Therapeutic alliance readiness was viewed as a dual concept, assessed by psychological freedom, a variable measuring patient expressiveness, and quality of alliance, a variable measuring patient collaborativeness. A significant amount of the variance (approximately 40%) in the combined dependent alliance readiness variables was predicted from the pretherapy constellation of variables. As anticipated by psychoanalytic theory and related psychotherapy research, quality of object relations accounted for the greatest part of the variance (about 30%) in both the expressive and collaborative dimensions of psychoanalytic alliance readiness behavior. These findings are discussed in terms of predictor variables specific to alliance behavior, and eventually to outcome, as anticipated by the theory within any particular form of psychotherapy. A model for future psychotherapy research, based on a prediction-type equation approach, is presented.  相似文献   

The aim of the study described in this paper was to develop a method for measuring the therapeutic alliance from an intersubjective perspective and to evaluate the efficacy of the measure in predicting psychotherapy outcome. We conducted the study using data from 22 patient-therapist dyads engaged in a 30-session protocol of a brief relational therapy. The alliance measure chosen for this purpose was the short form of the Working Alliance Inventory. We used the subjective patient and therapist versions of the measure and created a correlation index representing the intersubjective congruence between patients and therapists on their ratings of the alliance. We examined the relations among the measures, as well as their predictive relation to an outcome measure. The results showed significant intercorrelations among the three alliance measures, suggesting that all captured aspects of the therapeutic alliance. In addition, all three measures were significantly predictive of outcome, with the correlation index appearing more powerful.  相似文献   

We studied the ongoing relationship of patients and their therapist in a long-term, analytic group. The therapeutic alliance was rated weekly and group cohesion was rated every month, by patients and therapist. The patients' symptoms (SCL-90-R) and interpersonal problems (IIP-C) were rated every third month during therapy (self-reports). There was a steady increase in the alliance ratings by patients and therapist during the first 2 years of therapy. This differs from findings in short-term therapies, where the alliance quickly reaches a high level and then remains stable throughout therapy. Therapist ratings of early alliance correlated significantly with positive symptomatic outcome, but did not predict interpersonal change. Patients' alliance ratings did not predict change. Early cohesion ratings did not predict change. The concordance between the patients' and the therapist's alliance ratings was highest between 16 and 30 sessions, and was essentially maintained throughout therapy. An early concordance of patient and therapist alliance ratings predicted a better symptomatic outcome. The measures of therapeutic alliance and cohesion used in this study seem to address different elements in the group process.  相似文献   

Therapeutic alliance has been a robust predictor of therapy outcome, yet little is known about which patient variables predict the development of an alliance between patient and therapist in time-limited manualized therapies. The authors evaluated pretreatment predictors of therapeutic alliance, controlling for symptom change before its assessment, using a large sample of patients treated with either supportive-expressive (SE) dynamic psychotherapy or cognitive therapy. They found that SE patients with greater pretreatment expectations of improvement formed better alliances with their therapist at Session 2, and expectations significantly predicted alliance at Session 10 for both treatment groups. Further, patients in the SE condition demonstrated a significant relation between positive expectations and growth in alliance. Women achieved better alliances at Session 10. Finally, hostile-dominant interpersonal problems significantly predicted poor alliance. Pretreatment symptom level was not significantly predictive of alliance.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study addresses several issues concerning patients' and therapists' perceptions of key therapy process variables. This includes examining whether patients and therapists differ in their perceptions of the therapeutic alliance and therapist technique, what the relation is between perceptions of the alliance and technique, and whether these perceptions are predictive of treatment outcome. METHOD: Patient and therapist perceptions of the therapy process were provided in a comparative trial of 2 forms of short-term individual dynamic psychotherapy. Patients (n = 144) were randomly assigned to each condition. Treatment outcome was assessed using a large, comprehensive battery of reliable measures. RESULTS: The findings revealed several differences in the patients' and therapists' ratings of the alliance and technique in the 2 forms of therapy. Patient ratings of the alliance and technique were predictive of treatment outcome. CONCLUSION: The findings contribute to understanding the extent to which therapy participants share views of therapy processes and highlight the importance of the therapist's attending to the patient's perception of therapy.  相似文献   

The concept of object relations has been shown to be relevant for the process and outcome of psychodynamic psychotherapies. However, little is known about its relevance for the psychotherapeutic treatment of depression. In this study, we explored the predictive value of object relational functioning (ORF) for the therapeutic alliance and outcome of short-term psychodynamic supportive psychotherapy in patients with mild to moderately severe depression. The ORF of 81 patients was rated by using the Developmental Profile. The overall maturity of ORF measured at baseline was higher in patients who showed a better treatment response. In multiple regression analysis, the adaptive level of individuation appeared to be specifically predictive of outcome. Patients with a recurrent depression showed less mature levels of ORF, lower adaptive levels and a higher score on the symbiotic level. No association was found between ORF and therapeutic alliance during treatment. In contrast to the single measure of alliance early in therapy, the growth of the alliance was related to outcome. The study indicated the relevance of ORF for depression and established that it is distinctive from the actual therapeutic alliance.  相似文献   

This study examined clinical predictors of client and therapist alliance ratings early in therapy, the relationship between client and therapist alliance ratings, and the psychometric properties of the Working Alliance Inventory in individuals with schizophrenia receiving manual-based treatment. Assessment of clinical symptoms and social functioning were conducted at baseline, and alliance ratings were obtained at 5 weeks. The Working Alliance Inventory had high internal consistency, but there were low correlations between client and therapist ratings. Results also indicated that social functioning and the activation and autistic preoccupation factors on the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale were significant predictors of therapists' alliance ratings. There were no significant relationships between clinical predictors and clients' therapeutic alliance ratings. The findings indicate that client interpersonal factors are significant predictors of the therapist-rated alliance in the treatment of schizophrenia. Low correlations between clients' and therapists' ratings of the alliance should be examined in future research.  相似文献   

This study examined the relation of client attachment to the therapist to diverse facets of the therapeutic alliance, client personality, and psychopathological symptoms, as well as the relative importance of therapeutic attachments, personality, and symptomatology in predicting the alliance. Eighty clients in ongoing therapy completed measures of client attachment to therapist (CATS), personality (6FPQ), psychopathological symptoms (BSI), and therapeutic alliance (WAI-Short, CALPAS, HAQ). Secure and Avoidant-Fearful attachment to the therapist correlated positively and negatively, respectively, with total and subscale alliance scores. Preoccupied-Merger therapeutic attachment was unrelated to the alliance. Exploratory analyses suggested however that the relationship between Preoccupied-Merger attachment and the alliance was moderated by the extent to which clients were distressed. Clients' therapeutic attachments were unrelated to basic personality dimensions. Preoccupied-Merger attachment to the therapist correlated significantly with several symptom dimensions. Clients' therapeutic attachments emerged as superior and more consistent predictors, relative to client personality and symptomatology, of the therapeutic alliance.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the convergent validity of the Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure Q-Sort Dysphoric Q-Factor with scales from the therapist, the patient, and independent observers. Therapists used the Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure Q-Sort to describe their patients after the therapeutic assessment and the first two therapy sessions (when available). Independent observers completed a number of symptom distress, global functioning, and Axis II psychopathology measures after watching videotapes of the therapeutic assessment. They also completed a measure of social cognition and object relations after watching videotape of the therapeutic assessment and the first two therapy sessions (when available). Patients completed measures of symptomatology and personality assessment. Results indicated several significant correlations between the Dysphoric Q-Factor and a number of the clinician ratings of depressive symptomatology. In addition, three clinician ratings (Personality Disorder Index, Global Assessment of Functioning scale, and the experience and management of aggressive impulses variable of the Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale) demonstrated unique and nonredundant predictive ability in accounting for the variance of the Dysphoric Q-Factor. The patient self-report measures, however, did not correlate significantly with the Dysphoric Q-Factor, although several correlations demonstrated trends toward statistical significance.  相似文献   

The construct of transference has been central to theories of dynamic psychotherapy. This investigation evaluated the similarity between patients' interpersonal themes, derived from pretreatment interpersonal interviews, and the theme evident in psychotherapy narratives about the therapist for 18 patients treated in supportive-expressive psychotherapy for major depression. This investigation was designed to sort out the potential confound of the therapist's influence on the report of interpersonal themes and to explore how transference might vary over the course of therapy. The results indicated that 33% of patients demonstrated a significant relation between the most pervasive theme evident from the pretreatment narratives and the narratives about the therapist. These results remained consistent when early and late session therapist narratives were evaluated separately. Further, patients rated with higher quality of interpersonal relationships and lower symptoms prior to treatment demonstrated greater similarity between their pretreatment interpersonal themes and the theme described in the therapeutic relationship.  相似文献   

The therapeutic alliance consistently predicts positive psychotherapy outcomes. Thus, it is important to uncover factors that relate to alliance development. The goal of this study was to examine the association between patient interpersonal characteristics and alliance quality in interpersonal therapy for depression. Data derive from a subsample (n = 74) of a larger naturalistic database of outpatients treated at a mood disorders clinic of a university-affiliated psychiatric hospital. Following Session 3 of treatment, therapists completed the Impact Message Inventory (Kiesler & Schmidt, 1993) to assess patients' interpersonal impacts on them. Also following Session 3, patients completed the Working Alliance Inventory (Horvath & Greenberg, 1989) to assess alliance quality. As predicted, patients' affiliative interpersonal impacts, as perceived by their therapists, were positively associated with alliance quality, controlling for baseline depression severity. Although unrelated to the initial hypotheses, patients concurrently taking psychotropic medications reported better alliances than patients receiving psychotherapy only.  相似文献   


Objective: The therapeutic alliance is a well-established predictor of psychotherapy outcome, yet much research has shown that therapists' and patients' views of the alliance can diverge substantially. Therapists systematically underestimate their patients' perceived level of alliance, and the correlation between therapist and patient estimates of patient alliance is only moderate. The present study explored the divergence between therapists' and patients' perspectives on patients' alliance experience, and its relations to therapists' concurrent work involvement and session process experiences. Method: Data from 98 patients treated by 26 therapists with psychodynamic psychotherapy were analyzed. Results: Therapist-patient divergence was significantly related to therapists' case-wise work involvement, but not to therapist's views of session process. The best predictor of therapist-patient divergence was therapists experiencing a “distressed practice” work involvement pattern. Conclusion: Although therapists' work involvement experiences are not commonly investigated, they can be a relevant predictor of therapy processes.  相似文献   

Although countertransference phenomena have been given much attention within psychotherapy theory, single-case studies and clinical anecdotes, empirical research is still conspicuous by its absence. To assess the therapists' emotional reactions, which are understood to be part of the countertransference (CT), we used the Feeling Word Checklist 58 (R?ssberg, Hoffart, & Friis, 2003); a self-report questionnaire, comprising 58 feeling words. The aims of the present study were to examine the underlying factor structure and psychometric properties of these factors, and to validate the factors by exploring the relationships between countertransference feelings and the following variables: therapeutic alliance, patient personality pathology, suitability for psychodynamic therapy, interpersonal problems, level of general functioning, and symptoms. Six therapists, who treated 75 patients, with weekly, psychodynamic therapy, over 1 year, completed the checklist after each session. To establish the number of subscales in the checklist, a principal component analysis with promax rotation was conducted. The analysis revealed four clinically meaningful factors named Confident, Inadequate, Parental and Disengaged. The psychometric properties of all subscales proved to be acceptable. Alliance as reported by both patient and therapist showed differential correlations with the subscales. The patients' relational functioning showed stronger correlations with the CT feelings than the patients' symptoms and level of functioning. The four subscales found in the Feeling Word Checklist-58 seem to capture clinically meaningful aspects of the therapeutic dyad, and countertransference feelings are systematically related to different relational variables.  相似文献   

Objectives: Therapist effects, independent of the treatment provided, have emerged as a contributor to psychotherapy outcomes. However, past research largely has not identified which therapist factors might be contributing to these effects, though research on psychotherapy implicates relational characteristics. The present Randomized Clinical Trial tested the efficacy of therapists who were selected by their facilitative interpersonal skills (FIS) and training status. Method: Sixty-five clients were selected from 2713 undergraduates using a screening and clinical interview procedure. Twenty-three therapists met with 2 clients for 7 sessions and 20 participants served in a no-treatment control group. Results: Outcome and alliance differences for Training Status were negligible. High FIS therapists had greater pre–post client outcome, and higher rates of change across sessions, than low FIS therapists. All clients treated by therapists improved more than the silent control, but effects were greater with high FIS than low FIS therapists. From the first session, high FIS therapists also had higher alliances than low FIS therapists as well as significant improvements on client-rated alliance. Conclusions: Results were consistent with the hypothesis that therapists’ common relational skills are independent contributors to therapeutic alliance and outcome.  相似文献   

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