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为掌握枣庄市各级医院法定传染病疫情报告情况 ,根据《全国医院法定传染病报告管理工作监测方案》的要求 ,对监测区滕州市各级医院 1998~ 2 0 0 1年疫情报告资料进行分析。1 资料与方法1 1 资料 滕州市卫生防疫站 1998~ 2 0 0 1年各级医院 (县级 4处 ,乡镇级 2 4处 ,厂矿职工医院 3处 )传染病报告监测有关报表 ;人口资料由公安局提供。1 2 方法 按照中国预防医学科学院制定的《全国医院法定传染病管理工作监测方案》执行。1 3 内容 各级医院法定传染病的实际报告数、及时报告数、门诊报告数和疑似病例报告数。2 结果2 1 法定传…  相似文献   

吕少丽 《中国公共卫生》2012,28(9):1262-1263
传染病的日常监测和及时报告是传染病疫情防控的关键环节。2004年"国家法定传染病疫情报告系统"运行后,极大提高了医疗机构的传染病监测报告能力。由于信息安全的需要以及各医院诊疗信息系统(简称"HIS系统")的差异化,多数大型医院内,"国家法定传染病疫情报告系统"与HIS系统完  相似文献   

医院法定传染病报告存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解影响我院法定传染病疫情报告质量的原因 ,提高我院法定传染病疫情报告的及时、完整、准确 ,2 0 0 0年和2 0 0 1年 ,本文对全院的法定传染病疫情报告管理工作进行了检查 ,对在管理工作中存在的薄弱环节进行了剖析 ,针对问题 ,采取对策 ,现将结果分析如下 :1 法定传染病疫情报告的现状1.1 门诊就诊入院患者的疫情报告情况 按照《医院传染病漏报调查方案》,查询门诊日志和出入院登记 ,与医院每日所收的疫情报告卡核对 ,最后以预防保健科收到的疫情报告卡为准 ,共查出应报传染病 8种 16 83例 ,实际报告 7种共16 4 0例 ,报告率为 97% ,…  相似文献   

目的分析岳池县疫情直报单位2008年法定传染病报告情况,为规范法定传染病报告管理工作提供依据。方法对岳池县2008年疫情网络直报系统中报告的法定传染病疫情资料进行统计分析。结果2008年全县48个疫情直报单位有疫情报告单位38个,直报率为79.17%;全年共报告法定传染病2478例,其中县级医疗机构报告2181例,占报告病例数的88.01%,乡镇级报告279例,占报告病例数的11.26%;有疫情报告乡镇与无疫情报告乡镇卫生院所属乡镇年发病率差异无显著性。结论应加强乡镇(中心)卫生院法定传染病报告管理工作。  相似文献   

医院的疫情报告是疫情报告系统的重要环节,对各级医院的疫情报告管理工作开展经常性的检查与指导,对促进疫情报告工作质量起到了积极的作用。为了解医院疫情报告管理情况,对湖州市1988~1997年的医院法定传染病漏报调查情况进行了分析,结果报告如下。资料与方法1.资料来源:市区与三县卫生防疫站1988~1997年上报的医院传染病漏报调查报表。2.调查方法:按照全国法定传染病漏报调查方案与全国法定传染病医院报告管理梭查和居民回顾性调查方案进行。结果1 .总漏报情况:1988~1997年共查出传染病34319例,漏报2982例,平均漏报率为8.69%。十年来漏报率呈下降趋势,其中最高是1988年,为18~36%,最低是1994年,为3.30%,见表1。  相似文献   

广西法定传染病疫情报告管理监测探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了更好地贯彻执行《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》有关疫情报告的规定 ,我们于1997年开始对医疗单位法定传染病报告管理工作进行监测 ,现将3个监测年度的监测结果报告如下。1监测方法、内容及范围1.1方法根据预防医科院《全国医院法定传染病报告管理监测》方案 ,我们于1997年4月至2000年3月对全区15个地、市按整群抽样方法抽取30个县 (市 )进行监测。1.2内容监测项目为甲乙类传染病报告病例数、医院传染病报告率 (医院实际报告传染病例数/门诊人次 )、门诊报告数、疑似病例报告数、报告人、报告科室、医生填卡…  相似文献   

湘潭市2006年医疗机构法定传染病漏报调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]估计法定报告传染病的实际发生情况,加强传染病疫情报告管理工作,提高疫情报告质量.[方法]采用普查和随机抽查的方法对不同级别的医疗机构进行法定报告传染病的漏报调查.[结果]医疗机构中共查出法定报告传染病16种3125例,漏报率为10.66%,不同级别医疗机构的漏报率有明显差别.[结论]加强乡镇医院、民营医院、县级医疗机构的疫情报告管理工作.  相似文献   

医院应建立健全传染病监测报告系统   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:20  
目的提高法定传染病报告率和报告卡填写完好率. 方法完善各项规章制度和工作流程,严格法定传染病三级报告责任人追究制度;应用"军队医院信息管理系统" 提高传染病疫情报告的实效性和准确性;强化医务人员培训,专人负责传染病报告卡的收集、核查、上报工作,将传染病疫情报告纳入科室医疗质量管理范畴. 结果医院法定传染病报告率97.3%,传染病登记及报告卡填写完整率100%. 结论医院应建立健全传染病监测报告系统,依法实行传染病报告管理,提高法定传染病报告质量.  相似文献   

近几年由于各方面的原因 ,山东省疫情报告管理工作呈现不同程度的滑坡。为掌握全省传染病疫情报告管理真实情况 ,进一步做好传染病防治工作 ,根据省卫生厅的指示 ,于 1999年 5月 10日~ 17日组织开展了一次全省范围的法定报告传染病疫情报告管理工作调查。现将其中医疗保健机构有关人员对《传染病防治法》的认知情况报告如下。1 材料和方法1 1 调查对象 凡诊治甲、乙类法定传染病的各级综合性医院 ,厂矿、铁路等单位所属综合性医院 ,传染病医院 ,乡 (镇 )卫生院 ,村卫生室 ,市 (地 )皮防所 ,性病防治门诊的分管领导、预防保健科疫情报告…  相似文献   

濮阳市医院法定传染病管理监测分析朱希素根据中国预防医学科学院关于《全国医院法定传染病报告管理工作监测方案》要求,于1994年开始对本市所辖市区、范县、两地区进行医院法定传染病报告管理工作监测,现将1994─1996年各级医院监测结果总结如下:1监测医...  相似文献   

王林华  罗道金 《现代预防医学》2007,34(13):2509-2510
[目的]寻求提高综合性医院传染病疫情报告质量的方法.[方法]根据荆门市第一人民医院的实际情况,按照《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》及《实施细则》的要求,制定医院传染病疫情报告管理规范和实施意见并组织实施.[结果]传染病报告人数有了明显增加,报告及时率、报告完整率有了显著提高,漏报率显著下降.[结论]提高综合性医院传染病疫情报告质量,领导重视是关键,明确责任是前提,狠抓落实是重点.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Outbreak detection algorithms play an important role in effective automated surveillance. Although many algorithms have been designed to improve the performance of outbreak detection, few published studies have examined how epidemic features of infectious disease impact on the detection performance of algorithms. This study compared the performance of three outbreak detection algorithms stratified by epidemic features of infectious disease and examined the relationship between epidemic features and performance of outbreak detection algorithms. METHODS: Exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA), cumulative sum (CUSUM) and moving percentile method (MPM) algorithms were applied. We inserted simulated outbreaks into notifiable infectious disease data in China Infectious Disease Automated-alert and Response System (CIDARS), and compared the performance of the three algorithms with optimized parameters at a fixed false alarm rate of 5% classified by epidemic features of infectious disease. Multiple linear regression was adopted to analyse the relationship of the algorithms' sensitivity and timeliness with the epidemic features of infectious diseases. RESULTS: The MPM had better detection performance than EWMA and CUSUM through all simulated outbreaks, with or without stratification by epidemic features (incubation period, baseline counts and outbreak magnitude). The epidemic features were associated with both sensitivity and timeliness. Compared with long incubation, short incubation had lower probability (beta*=-0.13, P<0.001) but needed shorter time to detect outbreaks (beta*=-0.57, P<0.001). Lower baseline counts were associated with higher probability (beta*=-0.20, P<0.001) and longer time (beta*=0.14, P<0.001). The larger outbreak magnitude was correlated with higher probability (beta*=0.55, P<0.001) and shorter time (beta*=-0.23, P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study suggest that the MPM is a prior algorithm for outbreak detection and differences of epidemic features in detection performance should be considered in automatic surveillance practice. KEYWORDS: Epidemic feature, Outbreak detection algorithms, Performance, Automated infectious disease surveillance.  相似文献   

广州市2006年登革热疫情流行病学特征分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
目的分析广州市2006年登革热疫情流行病学特征,为登革热预防控制工作的开展提供参考依据。方法对广州市疫情监测与报告信息系统和实验室监测信息系统,以及相关的现场调查报告、疫情简报等进行统计与分析。结果广州市2006年报告登革热输入性病例10例,本地感染病例765例,累计发病率为10.19/10万,无死亡病例,疫情涉及9个区82个行政街(镇);全年本地疫情流行期为6月中旬至12月上旬,明显存在8-9月和10-11月两次发病高峰;共发生60起暴发疫情,其中10起暴发疫情对流行曲线的走势有较大影响,累计病例456例,占全年全市总报告病例数的59.61%;实验室监测表明2006年广州市病毒流行株为Ⅰ型登革病毒,各1例输入性病例,毒株分别为Ⅲ、Ⅰ型登革病毒。结论2006年广州市发生登革热流行,其持续时间长,波及范围较广;疫情由输入性病例引起本地暴发流行的可能性较大,尚无明确证据表明登革热在广州市已形成地方性流行的态势。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: It is important to examine how critical values for initiation/termination affect the trend and frequency of epidemic/pre-epidemic warnings with the early epidemic detection system in Japan. Here we looked at the number of epidemic warning/pre-warning weeks and the influence of changing the criteria values for infectious diseases surveillance. METHODS: An epidemic warning is initiated if the number of cases per week per sentinel medical institution exceeds a critical value. A pre-warning for an epidemic is initiated if cases per week per sentinel medical institution exceed a critical value and there is a non-epidemic warning. To determine effects of the criteria values for epidemics/pre-epidemics for warning onset and termination, we set different values and compared the number of weeks of epidemic warning, the proportion of the total observed weeks. Also, pre-epidemic warning measurements were compared. Data from the infectious diseases surveillance system were analyzed from fiscal years 1999 to 2003. RESULTS: When the critical value for warning onset was lowered, the warning week started sooner and ended later. When the critical value was raised, the opposite occurred: the number of weeks with a warning status decreased. When the critical value was changed within a certain range, the number of weeks with a warning status became 0.5 to 2 times larger than those with the defined value. Similar trends were observed when the pre-warning was examined: the number of warning weeks was 0.4 to 2 times (for influenza and chickenpox) and 0.3 to 3 times (for measles and mumps) larger than those with the defined value. Except for pertussis and rubella, the proportion of warning weeks was approximately 5% for all diseases listed in the early epidemic detection system. In addition, there was no distinct issue with the critical values themselves. CONCLUSION: The present examination of linkage between trends and frequencies of epidemic warnings/ pre-warnings and the critical values in the early epidemic detection system of infectious disease surveillance in Japan confirmed the expected increase with lowering of the threshold. Except for pertussis and rubella, there was no distinct issue with the critical values themselves.  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情突如其来,武汉快速建立火神山医院等传染病专科医院,对阻止疫情蔓延起到了至关重要的作用。分析了火神山医院信息化建设现状和做法,并结合新的信息化技术手段,对传染病专科医院信息化建设与改进进行展望,旨在为今后高效应对突发公共卫生事件中信息化建设总体设计,以及传染病专科医院或者综合医院传染病专科病区的信息化建设提供参考  相似文献   



To understand the structure and capacity of current infection disease surveillance system, and to provide baseline information for developing syndromic surveillance system in rural China.


To meet the long-term needs of public health and social development of China, it is in urgency to establish a comprehensive response system and crisis management mechanism for public health emergencies. Syndromic surveillance system has great advantages in promoting early detection of epidemics and reducing the burden of disease outbreak confirmation (1). The effective method to set up the syndromic surveillance system is to modify existing case report system, improve the organizational structures and integrate new function with the traditional system.


Since August 2011, an integrated syndromic surveillance project (ISSC) has been implemented in China. Before the launching of the project, a cross-sectional study was carried out in Fengxin County and Yongxiu County of Jiangxi province during October 11 to 18, 2010. Institution information were investigated in the county hospital, township hospital and County Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to understand the performance of existing case report system for notifiable infectious diseases with regard to its structure, capacity and data collection procedure. Health care workers from each township hospital and village health station were questionnaire interviewed for information on qualification of human resources, basic healthcare delivery condition, hardware and software needs for ISSC.


An internet-based real-time (quasi real-time) case report system for notifiable infectious diseases, based on the three-tier public health service System, had been established in these two counties since 2004. The farthest end of net user in case report system was township hospital. Blood routine test, urine routine test, B ultrasound and electrocardiogram were available in all township hospitals. There was no laboratory equipment in village health stations in these two counties. All the township hospitals in these two counties were equipped with land-line telephones and desktop computers. The internet covers all township hospitals in both counties. Most clinical doctors in township hospital(TH) and village health station(VHS) were male. The age of doctors ranged from 21 to 72 years old, with the average at 42 and median at 40 years. The village health workers were significantly older, less educated and served in health care longer than the township hospital doctors. In Yongxiu County, 95.6% of the village health stations were equipped with computers, including private-owned computers, and 80.7% of them had access to the internet; while in Fengxin County, 66.5% of the village health stations possessed computers, among which most were private property of village doctors, and only 44.2% of them had access to the internet.


The current case report system, with full coverage and stable human resource, has established a solid basis for developing syndromic surveillance system in rural China. The syndromic surveillance system could play its role in early detection of infectious disease outbreaks in rural area where laboratory service for infectious disease diagnosis are not available. However, the lack of computerized patient registration in village and township health care facilities and incomplete internet coverage in rural area and relatively low quality of human resource in village level should be taken into consideration seriously before establishing the syndromic surveillance system in rural China.  相似文献   

探讨Rogerson空间模式监测方法在中国传染病实时监测中的应用。文中介绍该方法的原理,以中国疾病预防控制中心监测流行性脑脊髓膜炎为例,探索关键参数如K、H、n0和τ的设定、模拟监测过程及解释结果等。结果表明Rogerson空间模式监测方法能够连续不断地监测传染病疫情变化,及时发出预警信息,同时确定传染病病例发生的时间和地点。Rogerson空间模式监测方法能够做到实时和动态监测,克服多重检验问题,为传染病早期防控提供可靠信息,因此在传染病聚集性探测和实时分析中具有重要应用价值。  相似文献   

为满足肠道传染病防控需要,2012年起上海市创新探索腹泻病综合监测模式,监测科学布点、系统采样、多病原集合、联通医院信息系统,实现了"一个监测、多个病种;一份样本,多种病原"的监测模式,对全年龄段人群进行持续的主动监测,监测内容包括人口学、临床医学、流行病学、病原检测、药敏监测等病例信息.监测取得了如下初步成效:掌握真...  相似文献   

2001~2003年湖北省流行性感冒监测结果分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 为控制湖北省流感流行提供参考。方法总结、分析流感监测点病毒分离及流感样病人三间分布。结果3年的监测结果表明,H3N2、H1N1和B型流感毒株在我省都有流行,三种毒株的流行优势交替出现,2001年以流行H1N1为主,2002年B型流感是主要流行株,2003年为H3N2。湖北省的流感流行有三个流行峰,分别为1~2月,7~9月和12月,流感所累及的人群以0~4岁儿童为主。结论引起湖北省流感流行的毒株是H3N2、H1N1和B型流感病毒,流行规律没有发生改变。  相似文献   

目的创建和应用口岸体检管理和传染病电子监管系统,提高口岸出入境人员体检和查验效率,建立口岸传染病防控屏障。方法应用计算机网络技术、数据库技术,建立符合我国国情的口岸体检管理和传染病监控的共享服务系统。结果基于体检管理、预防接种管理、检验管理、仪器接口管理、医学影像管理、信息查询、业务统计、检疫查验、疫情管理、后续监管、风险预警、外籍人员管理及系统设置等15个功能模块的开发与融合,创建了交互式的口岸体检管理和传染病电子监管平台。结论系统的建立实现了保健中心监测体检与口岸查验的有效协作,加快了疫情信息上报和传输,实现了远程病例会诊,极大地提高了传染病监测效率与准确率,并节约人力、物力、财力,达到了体检信息的高效利用和资源共享,提高了口岸传染病防控力度。  相似文献   

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