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The following observations were drawn from the study of 80 patients with anti-erythrocyte auto antibodies (AEAA) :
- The average age was about 62 years with a maximal incidence in the 65–75 year range. There was a female predominance which increased after the age of 65 ;
- In 20 p. 100 cases, the majority being elderly patients, anti-erythrocytic auto immunisation seemed to be idiopathic. The aetiologies in the remaining cases comprised malignant haemoreticulopathies, connective tissue diseases, liver disorders, microorganism infection and treatment with alpha-methyldopa ;
- Anti-erythrocyte auto immunisation does not always cause haemolytic anaemia. In 66 p. 100 of patients with AEAA there were no clinical or biological signs of haemolysis ;
- The association of other immunological abnormalities (anti-organ antibodies, positive rheumatoid factor, hypergammaglobulinaemia…) and AEAA is common and seems to reflect a complex disorder of the immune system. This also applies in patients in whom the immunological type of AEAA changes during the course of the disease ;
- These observations lead to the discussion as to the possible relationship between auto immunity and the ageing process.
L'étude d'une série de 80 patients porteurs d'auto-anticorps anti-érythrocytaires (AAAE) met en évidence les caractéristiques suivantes :
- La moyenne d'âge générale est proche de 62 ans, avec un pic de fréquence net dans la tranche d'âge 65 ans – 75 ans. Il existe une prédominance féminine qui s'accentue à partir de 65 ans.
- Dans 20 p. 100 des cas, dont une majorité de sujets âgés, l'auto-immunisation anti-érythrocytaire paraît idiopathique. Aux autres cas sont associées divers affections dont le rôle étiologique est classiquement reconnu (hémoréticulopathies malignes, connectivités, hépatopathies, infections à micro-organisme, traitement par alpha-méthyl-dopa…).
- Une anémie hémolytique auto-immune n'est pas obligatoirement la conséquence de l'auto-immunisation anti-érythrocytaire puisque dans deux tiers des cas la présence d'AAAE n'entraîne aucune manifestation patente d'hémolyse, clinique ou biologique.
- Par contre, l'association d'autres anomalies immunitaires (auto-anticorps anti-organes, sérologie rhumatoïde positive, hypergammaglobulinémie…) à la présence d'AAAE, est un phénomène couramment observé et qui semble traduire une perturbation complexe de la régulation immunitaire. Il en est de même dans les cas où l'on observe, au cours de l'évolution, un changement du type immunologique de l'AAAE.
L'ensemble de ces constatations amène à discuter les relations éventuelles entre l'auto-immunité et la sénescence.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Hypocholesterolemia is a common finding in hospitalized elderly people and is associated with increased mortality. Changes in plasma lipid levels are well known in the acute phase response. It has also been suggested that malnutrition is a cause of hypocholesterolemia. However, malnutrition is the reflect of general condition, and the respective roles of malnutrition and inflammation have not yet been clearly established. This research project was undertaken to examine the impact of nutritional and inflammatory status on the hypocholesterolemia. METHODS: In a prospective study, 597 elderly patients (83 +/- 7 years) consecutively admitted in a geriatric acute care unit were included. Clinical and anthropometric data: Body Mass Index (BMI), Tricipital Skinfold Thickness (TSF), Sub-Scapular Skinfold Thickness (SSF), Mid Arm Circumference (MAC) have been collected. The blood samples were obtained within the 72 hours following the admission. Nutritional proteins (albumin, prealbumin, transferrin, retinol binding protein); inflammatory proteins (CRP, alpha-1 acid glycoprotein), and blood lipids (cholesterol, LDL, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, apoproteins A1 and B) were dosed. RESULTS: The anthropometric and biologic parameters have been compared on the two sexes, significant differences were observed only for blood lipids. The analyses are thus realized and presented by sex separately. Four groups of patients are generated according to the quartile of total cholesterol. Means and standard deviation for all factors are calculated within each group. Both, the trend of means and analyses of correlation show associations with cholesterol in the two sexes. The analysis of variance showed that the cholesterolemia is associated with 1/ decrease in the values of the anthropometrics, and nutritional proteins and 2/ upward trends of the inflammatory parameters. Significant correlations were observed for all transport proteins and CRP with total cholesterol in men and women. The multiple linear regression of the total cholesterol retained albumin, APO A1, APO B and RBP as predictor factors of cholesterolemia for women and APO A1, APO B and tryglicerid for men. When patients with infectious diseases were compared to the others, significant differences have been observed for total cholesterol and all blood lipids, as well as for nutritional and inflammatory proteins. CONCLUSION: The results confirm an association between nutritional status and hypocholesterolemia, and suggest also the responsability of inflammation as a cause of hypocholesterolemia.  相似文献   

Osteoporotic vertebral crush fractures with neurologic complications are rarely reported in the literature. We report six new cases particularly severe in which death occurred in two cases. The study group included four women and two men with a mean age of 75 years (range: 7 -79). Vertebral collapse causing neurological deficit was T5, T9, T in two cases, L and L. The mean number of vertebral collapses was three per patient (range: 9). Back pain appeared without traumatism 6 weeks before admission (range: ), Neurological complications appeared.5 weeks after back pain (range: 8). One patient suffered from a paraplegia, three front a paraparesia with bladder dysfunction (n =). In one case there was a severe weakness of the levator muscles of the foot and in another a L femoral neuralgia with severe bowel and bladder dysfunction. X-rays demonstrated backwards displacement of the posterior cortex in three cases, an intravertebral vacuum phenomenon in two cases and a heterogeneous appearance suggesting a malignancy in two cases. Computed tomography, performed in four patients and tomography in one patient, demonstrated fragmentation of the vertebral body in all the cases and vacuum phenomenon in four cases. Magnetic resonance imaging performed in four cases has confirmed the absence of epiduritis and a compression due to bony structures in two cases. A vertebral biopsy was performed in three cases. Osteoporosis was observed in all the cases and in two cases there was also an osteonecrosis. Surgical treatment was performed in three cases and conservative medical treatment in the other cases. After surgical treatment we have observed an absence of improvement of neurological complications in one case, an improvement in another and finally a full recovery in the last case. After conservative treatment we have noted in two cases an absence of improvement of neurological complications and in one case an improvement of neurological deficit. Two patients died (one after medical treatment and another after surgical treatment).  相似文献   

In 990, Anhalt et al described a newly autoimmune billious disease: paraneoplastic pemphigus, in five patients. It was characterized by a distinct set of circulating autoantibodies from those in the sera of patients with pemphigus vulgaris and superficial pemphigus. We report a 7 year-old man with chronic lymphocytic leukemia of years duration who developed a severe mucocutaneous eruption with clinical and immunofluorescence findings of pemphigus vulgaris evolving into an oral bullous lichen planus presentation. Evaluation of his serum confirmed the presence of autoantibodies specific for paraneoplastic pemphigus by indirect immunofluorescence on rat-bladder and immunoprécipitation. Subsequently, additional cases have been reported in the literature. All occured in patients with various neoplastic conditions. These patients present with polymorphous skin lesions and severe erosive oral disease. Histologic examination shows interface dermatitis and keratinocyte necrosis in addition to acantolysis. Direct immunofluorescence may reveal deposition of immunoglobulin and/or complement at the basement membrane as well as deposition on epithelial cell surfaces. Circulating IgG anti-cell-surface antibodies are detectable with both stratified and stratified epithelia as substrates. These antibodies immunoprecipitate a complex of four desmosomal proteins, including desmoplakin I (50 kDa), the bullous pemphigoid antigen (0 kDa), desmoplakin II (0 kDa) and a 90 kDa antigen.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: In medical literature, primary pulmonary hypertension occurs in 0.5% of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients, irrespective of the stage of the HIV disease, and is more frequent in drug users. Plexogenic arteriopathy is the most frequent histological lesion. METHODS: We retrospectively report on nine cases of primary pulmonary hypertension during HIV infection. RESULTS: The subjects were four women and five men, mean age 38 years old. Four of them had been sexually contaminated and five had contracted the disease through intravenous drug use. At the time primary pulmonary hypertension was diagnosed, mean CD4 cell count was 234 +/- 217/mm3 and the viral load was low or undetectable. Primary pulmonary hypertension has been diagnosed an average of 7 months after the first cardiovascular clinical signs had started. Despite anti-coagulant (7/9 cases), vasodilatator (4/9 cases) and/or diuretic (7/9 cases) therapy, the progression of the disease quickly turned out to be negative (seven deaths). CONCLUSION: Diagnosis of primary pulmonary hypertension should be considered when unexplained dyspnea occurs in an HIV-positive patient. At initial evaluation, alterations of hemodynamic parameters are usually less severe than during idiopathic primary pulmonary hypertension, but their progression is quicker and more severe, independent of the patient's immune status. Current data do not allow the determination of whether antiretroviral therapy is active in primary pulmonary hypertension evolution. Therapeutic evaluation with prostacyclin is currently being carried out. While the life expectancy of HIV-infected patients extends, primary pulmonary hypertension occurrence could increase and call for early diagnosis, thus allowing for specific care.  相似文献   

Introduction. – Interferon-alpha (IFNα) used to treat chronic hepatitis C can be responsible for some side effects. We report two cases of sarcoidosis which appeared in patients treated with IFNα and ribavirin for chronic hepatitis C.Exegesis. – A first patient, treated for 5 months with IFNα and ribavirin because of chronic hepatitis C, after the failure of a first treatment with IFNα alone, was hospitalized for dyspnea. The chest X-ray and scanner revealed an interstitial syndrome and mediastinal adenopathies. Biopsies of bronchial spurs revealed epithelioid and giganto-cellular granuloma. After discontinuation of antiviral treatment and starting corticosteroid therapy, the evolution was favourable but viremia reappeared. A second patient with IFNα and ribavirin for 4 months because of chronic hepatitis C (after the failure of a first treatment with IFNα alone) was hospitalized for fever, arthralgias, erythema nodosa and modification of previous skin scars. The biopsy of a scar showed an epithelioid and giganto-cellular granuloma. After discontinuation of antiviral therapy and starting corticosteroid treatment, the evolution was favourable.Conclusion. – Some publications mention occurrence of sarcoidosis during IFNα therapy, occasionally associated with ribavirin, disappearing after discontinuation of the treatment, though sometimes corticotherapy is necessary. The roles of IFNα and ribavirin are discussed.  相似文献   



High blood pressure is public health problems whose assumption of responsibility especially remains difficult at the old subject. Generally it is associated with the other cardiovascular risk factors. We assigned for objectives to determine the prevalence of High blood pressure in the old subject in specialized milieu and to evaluate the cardiovascular risk among these patients.


It is about a longitudinal exploratory study undertaken on 1485 hypertensive of 50 years old and more, selected among 1999 patients received in three health professional trainings of the commune of Lomé, of June 1, 2004 to June 30, 2007. Information had been collected using a card of investigation. Classifications of high blood pressure were those of the JVCVII and the European Society of Cardiology. The data analysis had been made by computer tools.


The prevalence high blood pressure was of 74.29%. We had noted a female prevalence (63.8%) with a sex ratio of 0,57 and one middle age of 62.08 ± 9.3 years. Dyspnea (45.9%), chest pains (16.2%) and palpitations (13.2%) were the principal found symptoms. The various listed risk factors were: the dyslipidemy (58.1%), obesity (36.12%), alcoholism (16.7%) and the diabetes (10.6%). The complications were of order cardiac (87.81%), eyepieces (79.8%), renal (19.86%), neurological (4.92%) and arterial (0.99%). The cardiovascular risk was very high at 58.05% of the patients. The rate of lethality was of 1.9%.


High blood pressure is the cardiovascular risk factor most frequent in our country as from 50 years. Its assumption of responsibility passes by information, the education of the population and requires the mobilization of all the social components.  相似文献   

Acute renal failure following hunger strike has been rarely reported. We report a 47-year-old man, prisoner, who developed an acute renal failure secondary to hypovolemia and major rhabdomyolysis. Failure of hydration with persistence of oliguria and secondary pulmonary edema required hemodialysis with eventually a favorable outcome.  相似文献   

Gastroesophageal reflux is a common disease. Its chronic course, even if mild, is sometimes complicated by erosive oesophagitis. Drug therapy acts against gastric acidity and motility disorders. Treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease has three aims: improvement of symptoms and quality of life, healing erosive lesions and prevention of symptomatic and endoscopie relapses. Non-drug measures are always useful, even if their efficacy is not well established. Initial therapy of a symptomatic reflux or mild oesophagitis is most of the time effective (antacids, prokinetics, H2 receptor antagonists). Proton-pump inhibitors are also effective in healing and preventing severe oesophagitis. Questions about long-term treatment adverse events with powerful acid inhibitors, such as hypergastrinemia and the risk of gastric carcinoid tumours seem to be resolved. Studies are requested to define the optimal long-term maintenance treatment with cisapride, H2 receptor antagonists or proton-pump inhibitors at low doses in prevention of symptomatic and mild oesophagitis relapses.  相似文献   

Purpose. -- There is no consensus in regard to vascular explorations and therapeutical management of Takayasu's arteritis. The objective of this study was therefore to establish the most appropriate vascular explorations and to analyze current treatments.Methods. -- Clinical, biological and morphological findings related to either diagnosis or treatment were retrospectively evaluated in sixteen patients diagnosed with Takayasu's arteritis according to the American College of Rheumatology criteria.Results. -- Median delay between the occurrence of the first symptoms and the diagnosis was 9 months. Aortic lesions and aortic valvular incompetence were more frequent. Statistical analysis showed the existence of a correlation between the lack of relapse and corticosteroid therapy (Fisher exact test, P = 0,021). Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty led to stabilization of vascular lesions. Surgical management led to satisfactory results, except for patients with aortic lesions, as survival was then less than 1 year.Conclusion. -- Early diagnosis is mandatory in patients with Takayasu's arteritis in order to propose appropriate therapy, particularly corticosteroid therapy. Surgery and angioplasty prove to be useful in occlusive forms. Late diagnosis is accompanied by severe aortic lesions and fatal outcome.


Propos. -- Dans le cadre de l'artérite de Takayasu, il n'existe pas de consensus concernant les explorations vasculaires et la prise en charge thérapeutique. L'objectif de notre étude était d'analyser chez 16 malades souffrant d'artérite de Takayasu les méthodes d'exploration les plus adaptées et les traitements employés.Méthodes. -- Seize patients atteints d'artérite de Takayasu selon les critères de l'American College of Rheumatology ont été évalués de façon rétrospective de 1975 à 1997, cliniquement, biologiquement, morphologiquement, sur le plan diagnostic et thérapeutique.Résultats. -- Dans notre série, la médiane de retard diagnostique était de 9 mois. L'atteinte aortique et valvulaire aortique était plus fréquente. Les résultats ont montré l'existence d'une corrélation statistiquement significative entre l'absence de rechute et l'emploi des corticoïdes (test exact de Fisher, p = 0,021). L'utilisation de l'angioplastie a entraîné une stabilisation des lésions. La prise en charge chirurgicale s'est montrée satisfaisante, en dehors des patients ayant une atteinte aortique pour lesquels la survie était inférieure à 1 an.Conclusion. -- L'analyse de notre série montre la nécessité d'un diagnostic précoce afin de proposer une thérapeutique adéquate, en particulier la corticothérapie. La chirurgie et l'angioplastie sont des recours efficaces en cas de forme occlusive. Les formes diagnostiquées tardivement comportent une atteinte aortique sévère dont l'évolution est le plus souvent fatale.  相似文献   

Malignant lymphoma particularly of T phenotype can be associated with specific or non specific cutaneous lesions. These cutaneous manifestations can occur at the onset of the disease being sometimes the revealing sign or they can appear during the course of the lymphoreticular malignancies. Glomerulonephritis was also described in lymphoma. Ki- positive large cell lymphoma was recently identified. A new case is reported with lymphadenopathy and intestinal localisation revealed by cutaneous and mucosal ulcerations principally in the mouth and a focal segmental glomerulonephritis with endo- and extracapillary proliferation. The absence of lymphoma in cutaneous and renal lesions and the clinical presentation support the hypothesis of paraneoplastic manifestations, may be related to a vasculitis.  相似文献   

AimThe objective of the study was to assess the relationship between smoking and the risk of type 2 diabetes.Subject and methodsThis case-control study included 234 cases with newly confirmed diagnoses of type 2 diabetes and 468 controls who were free of the disease in 2001. Cases and controls were matched by gender and age (±5 years). A questionnaire was used to collect information on the possible risk factors of type 2 diabetes. Clinical measurements were taken in accordance with the recommendations of the WHO. Fasting plasma glucose and triglycerides were also measured, and the glucose tolerance test was performed in the controls. The odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for type 2 diabetes were calculated using conditional logistic regression.ResultsThe diabetes cases had significantly less education, more first-degree relatives with a positive family history of diabetes and higher body mass index (BMI) scores compared with the controls. Also, after adjusting for possible confounders, an increased risk of type 2 diabetes was determined for current smokers (OR = 2.41; 95% CI 1.07–5.44) vs. non-smokers. In addition, there was an association between the disease and duration of smoking (OR = 2.47; 95% CI 1.03–5.93 for 40 years or more) vs. non-smokers, and those who had been smokers for 10 or more pack-years had twice the risk of diabetes (OR = 2.17; 95% CI 1.07–4.40) vs. non-smokers. There were no significant associations found between the risk of type 2 diabetes and number of cigarettes smoked per day or stopping smoking.ConclusionOur data confirms that smoking may be an independent risk factor for type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

AimThis randomised study was designed to investigate the impact of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) for 48 h on glycaemic control with a 3-month follow-up in patients with type 1 (T1D) or type 2 (T2D) diabetes.MethodsA total of 48 patients with poor glycaemic control (HbA1c: 8–10.5%) underwent CGM for 48 h using the GlucoDay® system (A. Menarini Diagnostics), after which they were randomly assigned to treatment adjustments based on either their CGM profile (CGM group) or their usual self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG group). HbA1c measurement and 48-h CGM were repeated 3 months later.ResultsAltogether, 34 patients with either T1D (n = 9) or T2D (n = 25) completed the study; seven patients chose to leave the study, and seven patients in the CGM group were excluded because their baseline CGM graphs were not interpretable. HbA1c levels decreased significantly in the CGM group (n = 14, –0.63 ± 0.27%; P = 0.023), but not in the controls (n = 20, –0.28 ± 0.21%; P = 0.30). In T2D patients, the improvement associated with CGM vs SMBG was due to HbA1c decreases (mean: –0.63 ± 0.34%; P = 0.05 vs –0.31 ± 0.29%; P = 0.18, respectively). However, HbA1c did not change significantly with CGM in T1D patients. Comparisons of CGM data at baseline and after 3 months showed no significant changes in glucose control, glucose variability or hypoglycaemia. No major adverse events related to the GlucoDay® system were reported.ConclusionThis is the first randomised study showing that CGM improves glycaemic control in patients with T2D.  相似文献   

AimTo explore the association between baseline levels of insulin-like growth-factor-binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1), a marker of insulin sensitivity, and the development of type 2 diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) in a specifically defined middle-aged population.MethodsThis cross-sectional population-based screening study was conducted in 1989–1990 and included baseline data for 664 non-diabetic subjects aged 40–59 years. Clinical data were collected and blood samples analyzed for blood glucose, serum lipids and insulin. Blood specimens were frozen at baseline and later analyzed for IGF-I, IGFBP-1 and C-reactive protein (CRP). At the follow-up in 2006, the incidence of type 2 diabetes and IGT was reported based on primary-care medical records.ResultsDuring the 17-year observation period, 42 subjects (6.3%) developed type 2 diabetes/IGT. Those in the lowest quintile of IGFBP-1 (≤24 μg/L) at baseline had a diabetes incidence of 12.6% while, in the highest quintile of IGFBP-1 (≥59 μg/L), the incidence was 1.5%. Cox's proportional-hazards model regression analyses were used to determine the incidence of type 2 diabetes/IGT, corrected for age and gender, in relation to IGFBP-1, CRP and waist circumference. Subjects in the lowest IGFBP-1 quintile showed an independently increased risk of type 2 diabetes/IGT [hazards ratio (HR): 3.54; 95% CI 1.18–10.6; P = 0.024]. For CRP and waist circumference, the corresponding figures were HR: 6.81; 95% CI 2.50–18.6; P < 0.001 and HR: 3.33; 95% CI 1.47–7.6; P = 0.004, respectively.ConclusionLow levels of IGFBP-1 predicted the long-term development of type 2 diabetes or IGT in a middle-aged population. The association was independent of CRP and abdominal obesity.  相似文献   

AIM: The purpose of this study was to determine the association between baseline alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels, and future risk of impaired fasting glucose and type 2 diabetes among the employees of a university hospital in Bangkok, Thailand. METHODS: Totally, 2370 and 1619 workers without diabetes and impaired fasting glucose (IFG) at baseline, respectively, who were 35 years or older were followed during 2001-2005. Diagnosis of IFG and type 2 diabetes was based on the fasting plasma glucose levels of 100-125 and greater or equal to 126 mg/dl, respectively. RESULTS: Higher baseline ALT levels were associated with future diabetes risk in an obvious dose-response manner (the OR [95% CI] for the groups with baseline ALT of 17-22, 23-38, and greater than 38 mg/dl comparing to the group with baseline ALT of 1-16 mg/dl were 4.75 [1.25-18.10], 6.14 [1.54-24.45], and 7.19 [1.32-39.16], respectively). Magnitude of association were even higher among those with existing IFG at baseline. The association patterns were consistent for both genders. Concerning the IFG risk, while those who developed IFG had significantly higher baseline ALT levels than those who remained normal at the end of follow-up period, further analyses did not show that baseline ALT was significantly associated with future IFG risk. CONCLUSION: Present study provided supporting evidence from a cohort of Asian subjects about the ALT and future type 2 diabetes risk.  相似文献   

ProblemThere are no studies on the association between high blood pressure and COVID-19 in South Kivu.Objectiveto determine the influence of arterial hypertension on the clinical characteristics and prognosis of COVID-19 patients hospitalized in the city of Bukavu.MethodologyBetween June 2020 and June 2022, an open cohort of hypertensive and non-hypertensive COVID-19 patients admitted to two clinics in the city of Bukavu was formed. The primary endpoint was the occurrence of death. Thus, a prospective modeling of mortality by the Kaplan-Meier estimator was carried out.ResultsAmong the 178 admissions for COVID-19, 68 (38.2%) patients were hypertensive. Compared to non-hypertensives, hypertensive patients were significantly older [61.0 (56.0–71.0) vs. 48.0 (32.7–64.0); p < 0,0001). During the observation period of 1059 patient-days, the incidence of death (3.2/100 patient-days) was non-significantly higher in hypertensive patients (4.3/100 patient-days) (p = 0.06). On the other hand, the independent predictors of death were Sepsis [adjusted HR = 3.7 (1.5–8.7)], CRP > 100 mg/L [adjusted HR = 3.0 (1.2–7, 0)] and SaO2 < 90 % [adjusted HR = 3.9 (1.3–11.8)].ConclusionThis study shows that hypertension was very common in patients admitted for COVID-19 in the city of Bukavu but did not influence the vital prognosis of the latter, thus confirming the finds of most authors who have addressed the question.  相似文献   

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