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The aim of this study was to elaborate and validate a specific test to evaluate the physical condition of judo players.

Subjects and methods

Twenty-three volunteers, males, aged 22 ± 3.62 years old took part in our experiment. They did the progressive test of Leger et al. (1984), vertical Jump test (Sargent test), Australian shuttle run test and a specific judo test.


The observed results showed significant correlations between muscular power and the number of Uchi-komi on the judo test reference scale (R = 0.52, P < 0.01). Furthermore, there were other correlations between the number of Uchi-komi at the two first sets of specific judo test and the anaerobic power represented by the distance covered in 30s at the Australian shuttle test (R = 0.86, P < 0.01), also between the anaerobic capacity represented by the whole distance covered and the total number of Uchi-komi achieved at the judo test (R = 0.88, P < 0.01).


The test reproduces the physiological characteristics of judo fight. It is a good indicator of the judoka's physical fitness and their cardiovascular adaptation in a physical effort.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of inspiratory-muscle training on performance at different exercise intensity levels in healthy subjects.  相似文献   


Current knowledge

The critical power concept was proposed in the studies carried out by Scherrer from 1954 to 1960. These studies found a linear relationship between the time to exhaustion and the total work performed during a local exercise. The slope of this relationship has the meaning of a critical power, i.e. a power output sustainable during a long time. Y intercept of this relationship has the dimension of an energy store. In 1958, Scherrer proposed the application of the critical power concept to athlete testing in running and swimming. In fact, the time limit–work limit is not perfectly linear as noted by Scherrer. The main consequence of this linear approximation is an overestimation of the true critical power and of the prediction of exhaustion times around critical power. The results of studies rediscovering the application of critical power to general exercises are presented, especially those carried out in Monod's Laboratory showing that critical power is close to a steady state of several physiological parameters, provided that this power if computed with exhaustion times ranging from 4 up to 30 min. The corollary of the unaccuracy of the prediction of exhaustion times is that the computation of critical power is insensitive to large differences in exhaustion times.


Critical power will stay an interesting index of the aptitude to long lasting exercises, especially local exercises. On the other hand, it is unlikely that Y intercept will be used as an index of anaerobic capacity.  相似文献   

Protecting the health of the athlete is the primary goal of the International Olympic Committee's Medical Commission. One of its main objectives is the promotion of safe practices in the training of the elite child athlete. The elite child athlete is one who has superior athletic talent, undergoes specialised training, receives expert coaching and is exposed to early competition. Sport provides a positive environment that may enhance the physical growth and psychological development of children. This unique athlete population has distinct social, emotional and physical needs, which vary depending on the athlete's particular stage of maturation. The elite child athlete requires appropriate training, coaching and competition that ensure a safe and healthy athletic career and promote future well-being. This document reviews the scientific basis of sports training in the child, the special challenges and unique features of training elite children and provides recommendations to parents, coaches, health care providers, sports governing bodies and significant other parties.  相似文献   

Introduction. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the cardiac structure and function in prepubertal highly-trained swimmers and gymnasts. Method. Thirty-five children (10–11 years) were investigated: nine swimmers (S), 15 gymnasts (G) and 11 as a control group (C). The swimmers and gymnasts had trained on average 10 to 12 h/wk for at least 2 years. The subjects were examined at rest by M-mode, bi-dimensional and Doppler analyses according to standard procedures recommended by the American Society of Echocardiography. The following parameters were obtained: left ventricular (LV) internal dimension at end-diastole (LVIDd) and at end-systole —posterior wall and interventricular septal thicknesses -Left ventricular mass (Lvmass) — LV shortening fraction — ejection fraction — peak velocity of early diastolic rapid inflow and of atrial contraction filling — mitral acceleration and deceleration — isovolumic relaxation time. In addition, the cardiac output was evaluated from transaortic Doppler examinations. The heart rate (Hr) was measured simultaneously with all echocardiographic examinations. Results.- The main results show that LV internal diastolic dimensions and LV mass were significantly higher in S than in the other two groups. No differences were however observed between groups regarding cardiac wall thicknesses. Moreover, all values of G were very close to those obtained by C. Both systolic and diastolic functions were normal in the three groups. Finally, the stroke volume (SV) was higher in S than in the other two groups and because of a bradycardia observed among S, the resting cardiac output was similar in the three groups. The higher LVIDd in S still persisted after correction for Hr. A low diastolic period associated with higher LVIDs can probably explain the high SV in S. Conclusion.- Our results strongly suggest that cardiac structure and function adaptations can occur in prepubertal children as a result of an intensive training program prolonged over a long-term period, only if this program is predominantly based on aerobic exercises. Whatever the kind of sport, neither LV systolic nor diastolic functions are affected by training during prepuberty. Further investigations will however be needed in order to better understand diastolic function adaptations to intensive aerobic training in children.  相似文献   



To assess the effects of aerobic training on physical capacities and quality of life in men with metabolic syndrome (Mets), using field evaluation tools.


The physical capacities and the quality of life of eight men with Mets (59.5 ± 4.8 years old) was assessed before and after 8 weeks of aerobic exercise training by the 6 minutes walking test and the quality of life, obesity and dietetics scale.


Aerobic exercise training of 8 weeks improves physical capacities and the psychosocial impact dimension of quality of life in men with Mets, without generating anthropometric modification.  相似文献   

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