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第六届亚太地区循证医学研讨会组委会:欣闻第六届亚太地区循证医学研讨会首次在中国深化医疗体制改革的中部重镇——安徽省芜湖市皖南医学院隆重召开,邀请了世界上最富盛名的高质量医学证据生产的两大非盈利学术组织Cochrane协作网和Campbell协作网前主席、WHO国家临床试验注册平台技术负责人和Cochrane协作网英国中心、南非中心、南亚中心和韩国分中心主任及培训部主任赴会,  相似文献   

(2006年4月16日成都)四川大学校长、中国工程院院士谢和平首先,请让我代表四川大学热情欢迎你们来到美丽的蓉城,来到这个有着110年悠久历史的四川大学,热忱欢迎你们莅临我校华西医院参加第四界亚太地区循证医学研讨会,感谢你们与我们一起交流循证医学的研究工作与经验,在这里,我预祝研讨会取得圆满成功。亲爱的朋友们,众所周知,经过两次强强合并,而今的新四川大学已成立了6年。6年来,新的四川大学紧紧围绕创建高水平研究型综合大学的奋斗目标不断努力,相继启动了“科技跨越行动计划”、“人才强校计划”、“研究生教育创新计划”、“本科教…  相似文献   

The national focus on improving the quality of health care and a growing body of research on quality methods and outcomes have produced both momentum and urgency for action. In a relatively short time, the science of quality methods and outcomes has made substantial strides. Advances in theory development, increasing use of large datasets, and focused studies of major system problems set the stage for change. What we have learned suggests that improving quality will require a complex blend of short-term and long-term action in many areas: building public awareness, improving the science, changing delivery systems, and altering incentives. This paper highlights conclusions and recommendations from the April 2002 Conference on Measuring and Improving Health Care Quality convened by the American Academy of Nursing Expert Panel on Quality Health Care. Strategic priorities for a unified practice, research, and policy agenda to improve quality of health care are identified. Based on critical analysis of research and dialogue among experts and innovators, priorities for action clustered in five areas: (1) The context for the quality agenda; (2) database issues; (3) advancing research; (4) development of clinical information systems; and (5) public visibility. Attention is needed in each of these areas to stimulate ongoing debate and a meaningful agenda for change.  相似文献   

America is under constant threat of terrorist attack. The events of September 11, 2001, demonstrate the reality of the threat, as does the magnitude of the impact the attacks had on the healthcare systems of New York City and Washington, DC. Healthcare facilities and continuing education programs should incorporate training in nuclear, biological, and chemical disaster preparedness to provide the essential foundations for safe and effective health care. Advance training in disaster preparedness provides nurses with valuable training to fill the nationwide need for prepared first responders. American nurses have always responded selflessly to help in times of disaster and the country will be looking to nurses to respond to any future disasters.  相似文献   

Objective: To describe a database of cardiac arrhythmia recordings, useful for the development and testing of ECG rhythm processing or monitoring algorithms and devices.
Methods: The raw data were acquired within the Wisconsin-Dane County emergency medical technician-defibrillation program and contained emergency rhythm recordings of an average length of 30 minutes. The raw data were integrated into a software platform designed for the annotation and visualization of the recordings.
Results: Currently the database contains the following arrhythmia episodes: ventricular fibrillation (56), asystole (65), electromechanical dissociation (31), and other arrhythmias (42). The software, resident on personal computers, also can transmit any of the database recordings, through a digital-to-analog converter board, to a device under test.
Conclusions: The database technique described will provide a useful means of objectively assessing electronic devices for their ability to detect arrhythmias. The database is unique in that it contains lengthy episodes of arrhythmias. The database will be extended to include additional cases.  相似文献   

2019年10月11日至13日,第12届亚洲药物流行病学年会在日本京都召开,来自世界各地33个国家和地区的相关行业的600多名代表参加了本次会议。次年会包括会前课程培训、优秀论文汇报、专题研讨、壁报展示等内容,为参会者提供了良好的学术交流机会,推动了药物流行病学先进方法和技术在全球尤其是在亚太地区的传播与利用,为保障公众用药安全有效提供了技术支持,该次会议首次增加了草药及传统药物专题研讨会。本文对其主要内容进行报道。  相似文献   

由中华医学会检验分会主办的中华医学会检验分会成立30周年庆典大会暨第八次全国检验医学学术会议于2009年11月5-7日在北京国际会议中心隆重召开.此次庆典大会及学术会议在各级领导、专家教授、全体学会委员及众多厂商的共同努力及支持下获得了圆满的成功,在全国乃至参会国家和地区的同行中反响巨大,均对此次会议在会议内容、报告水平、贵宾层次、展台布局、壁报展览、后勤保障等诸多方面给予高度评价,达到了一个新的高度,在许多方面具有创新性.  相似文献   

‘Progress In Vaccination Against Cancer’ (PIVAC) examines the latest advances in tumour immunology and their clinical applications. Previous conferences were held in Blaubeuren, London, Cambridge, Oxford, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Nottingham and Freudenstadt-Lauterbad in the Black Forest. The residential format of these conferences encourages interactions between participants and permits a focussed discussion on the new data and concepts. The main topic of the 5th European PIVAC was the induction and maintenance of an active immune memory against cancer. The results of clinical trials with different cancer vaccines were presented. The correlations between tumour regression and immune response, the role of innate and specific immunity, and ways of enhancing these two arms of the antitumour response were explored. Particular attention was devoted to the presence and function of regulatory T cells as a prelude to improving the design of these trials and understanding why they have produced unimpressive results. A consensus was reached on the need to combine vaccination with strategies for suppressing regulatory T cell function. The immune-escape mechanisms of tumours and the emerging importance of some newly discovered mutations were also fully discussed.  相似文献   

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