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CONTEXT: The decline over the past decade in the percentage of physicians providing care to charity and Medicaid patients has been attributed to both financial pressure and the changing practice environment. Policymakers should be concerned about these trends, since private physicians are a major source of medical care for low-income persons. This study examines how changes in physicians' practice income, ownership, and size affect their decisions to stop or start treating charity care and Medicaid patients. METHODS: This study uses panel data from four rounds of the Community Tracking Study Physician Survey. The dependent variables are the likelihood of physicians' (1) dropping charity care, (2) starting to provide charity care, (3) no longer accepting new Medicaid patients, and (4) starting to accept new Medicaid patients. The primary independent variables are changes in physicians' practice income, ownership, and practice type/size. Multivariate analysis controls for the effects of other physician practice characteristics, health policies, and health care market factors. FINDINGS: A decline in physicians' income increased the likelihood that a physician would stop accepting new Medicaid patients but had no effect on his or her decision to provide charity care. Those physicians who switched from being owners to employees or from small to larger practices were more likely to drop charity care and to start accepting Medicaid patients, and physicians who made the opposite practice changes did the reverse. CONCLUSIONS: Changes in their income and practice arrangements make physicians less willing to accept Medicaid and uninsured patients. Moreover, physicians moving into different practice arrangements treat charity and Medicaid patients as substitutes rather than as similar types of patients. To reverse these trends, policymakers should consider raising Medicaid reimbursement rates and subsidizing organizations that encourage private physicians to provide charity care.  相似文献   

This paper examines differences in availability, use, and perceived usefulness of disease management programs as reported by generalist and specialist physicians functioning as primary care providers in health plans. Implications of these differences are discussed in terms of the three types of purchasers: private insurers, Medicare, and Medicaid. The design is a cross-sectional mail and telephone mixed-mode survey. The data come from 23 health plans in five states (Florida, New York, Colorado, Pennsylvania, and Washington), including six metropolitan areas: Seattle, New York City, Miami, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and Denver. The study participants are 1,244 generalist and specialist physicians who contracted with health plans as primary care providers. They were drawn from a 2001 mail and telephone survey of 2,105 generalist and 1,693 specialist physicians serving commercial, Medicaid, and Medicare patients. Physician responses about use of disease management for their patients in the health plan and how useful they thought it was were regressed on physician, physician organization, and physician-health plan relationship characteristics. While generalist physicians are likely to report having disease management programs available and using them, specialists vary greatly in their response to the disease management programs. In contrast to physicians associated with commercial plans, implementation of disease management programs among physicians associated with Medicaid plans varied across states. Primary care providers trained in generalist areas of practice are more likely than specialists functioning as primary care providers to report that disease management programs are available and to use them. They also find them more useful than do specialists.  相似文献   

There is evidence to suggest the decline of trusting relationships in modern healthcare systems. The primary aim of this study was to investigate the role of trust in medical transactions in Thailand, using obstetric care as a tracer service. The paper proposes an explanatory framework of trust for further investigation in other healthcare settings. The study site was a 1300-bed tertiary public hospital in Bangkok which it provides two forms of obstetric care: regular obstetric practice (RP) and private obstetric practice (PP). Forty pregnant women were selected and interviewed using a set of guiding questions. A thematic analysis of the interviews was undertaken to generate understanding and develop an explanatory framework. It was found that patients' trust in obstetric services was influenced by their perceptions of risk and uncertainty in pregnancy and childbirth, and that these perceptions were linked to their social class. Social class also influenced the accessibility and affordability of care to patients. Middle class pregnant women with relatively high-level concerns about risk and uncertainty preferred using PP service as a means to achieve interpersonal trust. These women thought that an informal payment would provide the basis for interpersonal trust between themselves and the chosen obstetricians. In practice, however, obstetricians involved in PP rarely acknowledged this reciprocal relationship and hardly expressed the additional courtesy expected by patients. As a result, PP service only created an expensive impersonal trust that was mistaken as interpersonal trust by patients. Negative outcomes from PP often caused disappointment that could eventually lead to medical litigation. The study suggests that there are some negative impacts of PP within the health system. Negative experiences among PP users may undermine trust not only in the specific doctor but also trust in health professionals and hospitals more generally. Steps need to be undertaken to protect and strengthen existing impersonal trust, which combine institutional trust based on good governance and service quality with trust in the professional standard of practice. The explanatory framework developed through this study provides a foundation for further studies of trust in different specialties and care settings.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: National studies report patients with limited English proficiency (LEP) have difficulty finding bilingual physicians; however, it is unclear whether this situation is primarily a result of an inadequate supply of bilingual physicians or a lack of the insurance coverage necessary to gain access to bilingual physicians. In California, 12% of urban residents are Spanish-speaking with some limited proficiency in English. The majority of these residents (67%) are uninsured or on Medicaid. METHODS: In 2001, we performed a mailed survey of a probability sample of primary care and specialist physicians practicing in California. We received 1364 completed questionnaires from 2240 eligible physicians (61%). Physicians were asked about their demographics, practice characteristics, whether they were fluent in Spanish, and whether they had Medicaid or uninsured patients in their practice. RESULTS: Twenty-six percent of primary care and 22% of specialist physicians in the 13 urban study counties reported that they were fluent in Spanish. This represented 146 primary care and 66 specialist physicians who spoke Spanish for every 100,000 Spanish-speaking LEP residents. In contrast to the general population, there were only 48 Spanish-speaking primary care and 29 specialist physician equivalents available for every 100,000 Spanish-speaking LEP patients on Medicaid and even fewer (34 primary care and 4 specialist) Spanish-speaking physician equivalents for every 100,000 Spanish-speaking physician equivalents for uninsured Spanish-speaking LEP patients. CONCLUSION: Although the supply of Spanish-speaking physicians in California is relatively high, the insurance status of LEP Spanish-speaking patients limits their access to the physicians. Addressing health insurance-related barriers to care for those on Medicaid and the uninsured is critical to improving health care for Spanish-speaking LEP patients.  相似文献   

Adequate access to primary care is not universally achieved in many countries, including the United States, particularly for vulnerable populations. In this paper we use multiple years of the U.S.-based Community Tracking Survey to examine whether a variety of physician compensation structures chosen by practices influence the likelihood that the practice takes new patients from a variety of different types of insurance. Specifically, we examine the roles of customer satisfaction and quality measures on the one hand, and individual physician productivity measures on the other hand, in determining whether or not firms are more likely to accept patients who have private insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid. In the United States these different types of insurance mechanisms cover populations with different levels of vulnerability. Medicare (elderly and disabled individuals) and Medicaid (low income households) enrollees commonly have lower ability to pay any cost sharing associated with care, are more likely to have multiple comorbidities (and so be more costly to treat), and may be more sensitive to poor access. Further, these two insurers also generally reimburse less generously than private payors. Thus, if lower reimbursements interact with compensation mechanisms to discourage physician practices from accepting new patients, highly vulnerable populations may be at even greater risk than generally appreciated. We control for the potential endogeneity of incentive choice using a multi-level propensity score method. We find that the compensation incentives chosen by practices are statistically and economically significant predictors for the types of new patients that practices accept. These findings have important implications for both policy makers and private health care systems.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Low salaries and difficult work conditions are perceived as a major barrier to the recruitment of primary care physicians to rural settings. PURPOSE: To examine rural-urban differences in physician work effort, physician characteristics, and practice characteristics, and to determine whether, after adjusting for any observed differences, rural primary care physicians' incomes were lower than those of urban primary care physicians. METHODS: Using survey data from actively practicing office-based general practitioners (1,157), family physicians (1,378), general internists (2,811), or pediatricians (1,752) who responded to the American Medical Association's annual survey of physicians between 1992 and 2002, we used linear regression modeling to determine the association between practicing in a rural (nonmetropolitan) or urban (standard metropolitan statistical area) setting and physicians' annual incomes after controlling for specialty, work effort, provider characteristics, and practice characteristics. FINDINGS: Rural primary care physicians' unadjusted annual incomes were similar to their urban counterparts, but they tended to work longer hours, complete more patient visits, and have a much greater proportion of Medicaid patients. After adjusting for work effort, physician characteristics, and practice characteristics, primary care physicians who practiced in rural settings made $9,585 (5%) less than their urban counterparts (95% confidence intervals: -$14,569, -$4,602, P < .001). In particular, rural practicing general internists and pediatricians experienced lower incomes than did their urban counterparts. CONCLUSIONS: Addressing rural physicians' lower incomes, longer work hours, and greater dependence on Medicaid reimbursement may improve the ability to ensure that an adequate supply of primary care physicians practice in rural settings.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Medicaid managed care is important to health reform at the state level. However, little is known about physician satisfaction with these programs. We sought to measure this satisfaction in Missouri and determine its predictors. METHODS: We surveyed a random sample of primary care physicians participating in Medicaid managed care (n = 670) or traditional Medicaid (n = 670). Primary outcomes measured were physicians' satisfaction Medicaid managed care, traditional Medicaid and commercial managed care. Satisfaction was measured on a 5-point Likert-type scale. RESULTS: The response rate was 52%. Physicians participating in Medicaid managed care were less likely to be satisfied or very satisfied with Medicaid managed care (28.6%) than with commercial managed care (40%) or their previous experience with traditional Medicaid (39.7%). Among physicians participating in traditional Medicaid, 29.8% were satisfied or very satisfied with traditional Medicaid. Physicians participating in Medicaid managed care were less satisfied with clinical autonomy under that system in comparison with their previous experience with traditional Medicaid (relative difference = 10.8%, P =.001). In multiple linear regression analyses, clinical autonomy (R2 = 0.40) was a strong predictor of overall satisfaction with Medicaid managed care. CONCLUSIONS: Enhancing physicians' clinical autonomy may result in improved satisfaction with Medicaid managed care. State Medicaid agencies should include physician satisfaction as a measure of Medicaid managed care plans' quality.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There has been considerable focus on the uninsured from national and state levels. There are also many Americans who have health insurance but are unable to afford their recommended care and are considered underinsured. This purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of underinsurance among patients seen in primary care clinics. METHODS: Patients in 37 primary care practices in 3 practice-based research networks completed a survey to elicit the prevalence of underinsurance among those who had insurance for a full 12 months, including private insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid. Being underinsured was based on patients reporting the delay or omission of recommended care because of their inability to afford it. RESULTS: Of those with insurance for a full year, 36.3% were underinsured. Of those who were underinsured, 50.2% felt that their health suffered because they could not afford recommended care, a rate similar among those who were uninsured. CONCLUSIONS: When evaluating underinsurance in primary care offices, using an experiential definition based on self-reports of patients about their inability to pay for recommended health care despite having insurance, the prevalence is quite high. It is important for the primary care physician to understand that a substantial percentage of their patients may not follow through with their recommendations because of cost, despite having insurance. This also has significant implications when considering health care reform, particularly considering that these patients reported that their health suffered at a rate equal to that of the uninsured.  相似文献   

This study evaluated a method to increase physicians' participation in Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT), a preventive health care program for Medicaid eligible children. Use of EPSDT can improve children's health status and reduce health care costs. Although the potential benefits of EPSDT are clear, the program is underused; low rates of participation by private physicians contribute to underuse. This study targeted a population of 73 primary care physicians in six rural counties in North Carolina where the physician supply, their participation in EPSDT, and use of EPSDT were low. A mailed intervention packet attempted to address barriers to participation perceived by private providers. The packet consisted of a carefully constructed letter, an informative journal article, and an educational pamphlet. Participation in EPSDT screening increased from 15 to 25 private physicians (67 percent), at a cost, on average, of less than $30 per recruited provider. Suggestions are presented for adapting the intervention packet to other settings.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Context: Low salaries and difficult work conditions are perceived as a major barrier to the recruitment of primary care physicians to rural settings. Purpose: To examine rural–urban differences in physician work effort, physician characteristics, and practice characteristics, and to determine whether, after adjusting for any observed differences, rural primary care physicians' incomes were lower than those of urban primary care physicians. Methods: Using survey data from actively practicing office-based general practitioners (1,157), family physicians (1,378), general internists (2,811), or pediatricians (1,752) who responded to the American Medical Association's annual survey of physicians between 1992 and 2002, we used linear regression modeling to determine the association between practicing in a rural (nonmetropolitan) or urban (standard metropolitan statistical area) setting and physicians' annual incomes after controlling for specialty, work effort, provider characteristics, and practice characteristics. Findings: Rural primary care physicians' unadjusted annual incomes were similar to their urban counterparts, but they tended to work longer hours, complete more patient visits, and have a much greater proportion of Medicaid patients. After adjusting for work effort, physician characteristics, and practice characteristics, primary care physicians who practiced in rural settings made $9,585 (5%) less than their urban counterparts (95% confidence intervals: −$14,569, −$4,602, P < .001). In particular, rural practicing general internists and pediatricians experienced lower incomes than did their urban counterparts. Conclusions: Addressing rural physicians' lower incomes, longer work hours, and greater dependence on Medicaid reimbursement may improve the ability to ensure that an adequate supply of primary care physicians practice in rural settings.  相似文献   

Numerous reports document the frictions in health care funding systems, particularly related to the physician-insurer dyad. Efforts to improve efficient patient care by improving interactions between the physician and insurer are ongoing. This article examines one dimension--relationship quality--and demonstrates how attention to building commitment and trust within the relationship has financial benefits. Using a survey of physician practice personnel, commitment and trust are shown to have a positive influence on financial performance metrics. Commitment and trust antecedents are empirically documented. These antecedents provide a starting point for physician practices seeking to enhance their insurer relationships as a mechanism for improved operations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Numerous studies have examined the relationship between physician practice characteristics and electronic health record (EHR) adoption. Little is known about how payer mix influences physicians' decisions to implement EHR systems. PURPOSE: This study examines how different proportions of Medicare, Medicaid, and privately insured patients in physicians' practices influence EHR adoption. METHODOLOGY: Data from a large-scale survey of physician's use of information technologies in Florida were analyzed. Physicians were categorized based on their responses to questions regarding the proportion of patients in their practice that use Medicare, Medicaid, or private insurance products. The binary dependent variable of interest was EHR adoption among physicians. Adjusted odds ratios (ORs) were computed using logistic regression modeling techniques. The model examined the effect of changes in each payer type on EHR adoption, controlling for various practice characteristics. FINDINGS: Physicians with the highest percentage of Medicaid patients in their practices were significantly less likely to indicate using an EHR system when compared with those in the low-volume Medicaid group (OR = 0.690; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.50-0.95). No differences in EHR adoption were detected among physicians in the low, median, and high Medicare volume classifications. Among the private payer classifications, physicians whose practices were in the median group indicated significantly greater EHR use than those with relatively low levels of privately insured patients (OR = 1.62; 95% CI = 1.16-2.27). Those in the high-volume private payer group were also more likely than the low-volume group to have an EHR system, but this trend did not reach statistical significance (OR = 1.44; 95% CI = 0.96-2.16). PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Governmental insurance programs are either not influencing or negatively influencing EHR adoption among physicians in Florida. Given the quality and cost benefits associated with EHR use (particularly for health care payers), policymakers should consider strategies to incentivize or reward EHR adoption among doctors who care for Medicare and Medicaid patients.  相似文献   

D L Hahn  M G Berger 《The Journal of family practice》1990,31(5):492-502; discussion 502-4
The impact of a policy to introduce a simple health maintenance protocol systematically to all patients belonging to a private practice is reported. Results after 18 months' experience in over 1400 patients indicate that (1) physician compliance was excellent (97% of eligible patients were included, and physician time taken to introduce the protocol at the index visit took less than 4 minutes), and (2) patient acceptance (which varied from procedure to procedure) was good to excellent (minimum acceptance: 77% for sigmoidoscopy; maximum acceptance: 97% for cholesterol screening). For patients seen once, acceptance rates for procedures were generally comparable to prior published performance rates for highly selected patient populations. Integration of a simple health maintenance protocol into routine office care of unselected primary care patients was feasible, effective, and acceptable to patients. Patient refusal was a minor barrier to performance of health maintenance.  相似文献   

In the two decades since the inception of the physician assistant concept in the United States, 52 physician assistant training programs have been established. Currently, approximately 16,000 physician assistants are employed by physicians and institutions throughout the country. Established to fill a perceived gap in primary health care delivery in the 1960s, the profession continues to serve mainly in primary care settings, with 43 percent of all physician assistants in family practice clinics. There is a trend, however, for physician assistants to fill health care gaps in other settings, such as long-term care institutions and correctional facilities. The clinical effectiveness of physician assistants has been demonstrated in terms of both quality of care and patient acceptance, and they are adept at adjusting to shifts in the health care marketplace. However, the real determinant of the future of the profession will be economic advantage. Recent changes in Medicare legislation now permit reimbursement for physician assistant services in nursing homes and hospitals, and payment under Medicaid has been approved in one half of the states. Given the cost effectiveness of physician assistants, their demonstrated competence and acceptability, and their adaptability to a variety of settings, the demand for their services is likely to continue.  相似文献   

Since the early 1970s, there have been two primary care networks in Quebec: the traditional one characterized by private practice remunerated on a fee-for-service basis, and the public one comprising 15 percent of physicians and characterized by salaried practice within publicly funded local community health service centers (CLSCs). Using data collected on 616 Quebec generalists, 333 in private practice and 283 in CLSCs, we compared physicians' profiles in both networks. In contrast to their colleagues in private practice, CLSC physicians are younger, more often women, and more often graduates of innovative primary care training programs. They are more sensitive to the biopsychosocial nature of health problems and to giving patients an active role in their care. Significant differences were also observed in physicians' self-reported clinical practices, more so for women than for men. The study suggests that alternative primary care settings attract physicians that are more preventive and socially oriented. As a result, they may contribute to the emergence of a more comprehensive type of medical practice in health care delivery systems.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The placement of welfare advice services in family practice to assist patients with health-related social and economic issues (e.g. disability benefits) has gathered momentum over the last decade in the UK. This expansion of primary care raises a number of issues for practices hosting these services. OBJECTIVES: To gain the views of advice workers and primary care staff about the issues raised in hosting a welfare advice service across 30 practices in inner city Bradford. METHODS: Views were obtained through focus groups with six advice workers, and primary care staff in 14 practices. A questionnaire was also posted to all practice managers asking their opinions about the service. RESULTS: The focus groups highlighted a number of advantages for patients, including improvements in health and quality of life through increased income and reduced stress from social and economic issues. For practice staff, the service provided a resource to refer patients for welfare advice, reducing the time spent dealing with welfare issues, thereby reducing workload. This was confirmed in the questionnaire to practice managers where 72% said the service had saved time for GPs and reception/office staff. The advice workers raised concerns about the perceived level of commitment to the service from some staff at some practices. Practice staff were particularly concerned about the need for feedback about referrals. CONCLUSION: Providing welfare advice in family practice can act as a valuable resource for primary care staff helping to address their patients health-related social and economic needs.  相似文献   

Reconsidering the effect of Medicaid on health care services use.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
OBJECTIVE: Our research compares health care use by Medicaid beneficiaries with that of the uninsured and the privately insured to measure the program's effect on access to care. DATA SOURCES/STUDY SETTING: Data include the 1987 National Medical Expenditure Survey and the Survey of Income and Program Participation for 1984-1988. STUDY DESIGN: We predict annual use of ambulatory care and inpatient hospital care for Medicaid beneficiaries receiving AFDC cash assistance and compare it to what their use would be if uninsured or if covered by private insurance. Comparisons are based on multivariate models of health care use that control for demographic and economic characteristics and for health status. Our model distinguishes among Medicaid beneficiaries on the basis of eligibility to account for the poor health of beneficiaries in some eligibility groups. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: AFDC Medicaid beneficiaries use considerably more ambulatory care and inpatient care than they would if they remained uninsured. Use among the AFDC Medicaid population is about the same as use among otherwise similar, privately insured persons. Use rates differ substantially among different Medicaid beneficiary groups, supporting the expectation that some beneficiary groups are in poor health. CONCLUSIONS: Although Medicaid has increased access to health care services for beneficiaries to rates now comparable to those for the privately insured population, because of lower cost sharing in Medicaid we would expect higher service use than we are finding. This suggests possible barriers to Medicaid patients in receiving the care they demand. Enrollment of less healthy individuals into some Medicaid beneficiary groups suggests that pooled purchasing arrangements that include Medicaid populations must be designed to ensure adequate access for the at-risk populations and, at the same time, to ensure that private employers do not opt out because of high community-rated premiums.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To examine the connection between patients' trust and their attitudes toward seeking care, participating in medical decision making, and adhering to treatment recommendations. METHODS: Data were collected from a national telephone survey of English-speaking adults (N=553) in 1999. Eligibility requirements were some type of public or private health care coverage and having seen a physician or other health professional at least twice in the past 2 years. Five questions on preferred role in medical care were asked. Trust in physicians and satisfaction with care were separately measured using validated scales. RESULTS: The most significant predictor of patients' preferred role in medical care is trust in the medical profession. Views also varied by sex, age, health, education, income, number of visits/years with physician, past dispute with a physician, and satisfaction with care, but many of these bivariate associations were no longer significant in multivariate regression models. Views varied slightly by trust in the specific physician. There were no racial differences. CONCLUSIONS: A strong connection exists between patients' preferred involvement in medical care and trust in the medical profession, but only a slight connection with trust in their own physician. Increased trust in physicians generally is associated with greater willingness to seek care, to follow recommendations of physicians, and to grant them decisional authority. Higher trust in a specific physician is strongly associated only with greater reported adherence. Although higher trust in the medical profession appears to entail a more deferential role by patients, higher trust is also consistent with more active patient roles such as seeking care and adhering to treatment regimens.  相似文献   

Since 2007, San Francisco, California, has transformed its traditional safety-net health care "system"-in reality, an amalgam of a public hospital, private nonprofit hospitals, public and private clinics, and community health centers-into a comprehensive health care program called Healthy San Francisco. The experience offers lessons in how other local safety-net systems can prepare for profound changes under health reform. By July 2010, 53,546 adults had enrolled (70-89 percent of uninsured adults in San Francisco), and satisfaction is high (94 percent). Unnecessary emergency department visits were less common among enrollees (7.9 percent) than among Medicaid managed care recipients (15 percent). These findings indicate that other safety-net systems would do well to invest in information technology, establish primary care homes, increase coordination of care, and improve customer service as provisions of the national health care reform law phase in.  相似文献   

This study was designed to identify the factors that enhance and impede physician participation in a Medicaid managed care program, the Kansas Primary Care Network (PCN). The data for the study were collected in the summer of 1993 through a mail survey of primary care physicians in the PCN service area. Logistic regression and cross tabular analytic techniques were employed for data analysis. The results indicate that physicians who are not receptive to capitation-based reimbursement practices, those who practice in the higher per capita income counties, those who do not compare the PCN reimbursement rates favorably with private insurance rates, and physicians who think that untimely payment and the requirement to document patient referrals for specialty treatment pose problems for them are less likely to participate in the PCN program. Further, the study shows that institutional physicians have larger Medicaid caseloads than solo practitioners, who have larger Medicaid caseloads than single-specialty and multi-specialty group practitioners. Since most of the variables that attain statistical significance in explaining physician participation in the PCN program have to do with money, the study reaffirms the two market theory of the United States' health care delivery system.  相似文献   

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