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A long-standing model postulates that X-chromosome dosage compensation in Drosophila occurs by twofold up-regulation of the single male X, but previous data cannot exclude an alternative model, in which male autosomes are down-regulated to balance gene expression. To distinguish between the two models, we used RNA interference to deplete Male-Specific Lethal (MSL) complexes from male-like tissue culture cells. We found that expression of many genes from the X chromosome decreased, while expression from the autosomes was largely unchanged. We conclude that the primary role of the MSL complex is to up-regulate the male X chromosome.  相似文献   

Most of the human genome encodes neither protein nor known functional RNA, yet available approaches to seek meaningful information in the "noncoding" sequence are limited. The unique biology of the X chromosome, one of which is silenced in mammalian females, can yield clues into sequence motifs involved in chromosome packaging and function. Although autosomal chromatin has some capacity for inactivation, evidence indicates that sequences enriched on the X chromosome render it fully competent for silencing, except in specific regions that escape inactivation. Here we have used a linguistic approach by analyzing the frequency and distribution of nine base-pair genomic "words" throughout the human genome. Results identify previously unknown sequence differences on the human X chromosome. Notably, the dinucleotide repeats [AT]n, [AC]n, and [AG]n are significantly enriched across the X chromosome compared with autosomes. Moreover, a striking enrichment (>10-fold) of [GATA]n is revealed throughout the 10-Mb segment at Xp22 that escapes inactivation, and is confirmed by fluorescence in situ hybridization. A similar enrichment is found in other eutherian genomes. Our findings clearly demonstrate sequence differences relevant to the novel biology and evolution of the X chromosome. Furthermore, they implicate simple sequence repeats, linked to gene regulation and unusual DNA structures, in the regulation and formation of facultative heterochromatin. Results suggest a new paradigm whereby a regional escape from X inactivation is due to the presence of elements that prevent heterochromatinization, rather than the lack of other elements that promote it.  相似文献   

This paper describes genetic mapping studies with several respiration-deficient mutants of Chinese hamster fibroblasts which have a defect in complex I of the electron transport chain (NADH-coenzyme Q reductase). The mutations associated with two different complementation groups map on the X chromosome. In two cases (G14 and G20) karyotypic and isozyme analyses in hybrids have shown that a gene(s) on the mouse Xchromosome complements the mutation(s) in the hamster cell mutant(s). A cosegregation analysis in hybrid cells has shown the corresponding genes to be linked to the HPRTgenes (hamster-mouse hybrids of G14, and hamster-hamster hybrids for G14 and G20). By the same method the defective gene in a third mutant (G4) was also shown to be X-linked. A mutation representing a third complementation group (G11) was shown to be on an autosomal gene. These results provide an explanation for our observation that cells with recessive mutations in complementation groups I and II can be selected at relatively high frequencies.  相似文献   

The expression of common chromosomal fragile sites on human chromosomes has been proposed to be a cytogenetic expression of gene activity. Distinctive patterns of expression of two common fragile sites on the human X chromosome were observed in females. The fragile site at Xp22.31, located in a band region that contains genes which escape X inactivation, was expressed on both X chromosomes. By contrast, the fragile site at Xq22.1, in a region assumed to be subject to X inactivation, was expressed almost exclusively on one X, the active X chromosome. These findings provide evidence that common fragile site expression only occurs in regions with active genes.  相似文献   

Although most males with the fragile-X [fra(X)] syndrome do not reproduce, there are 2 published pedigrees that include affected males who have daughters and who thus appear to have transmitted the fragile-X chromosome to their progeny. In addition, one published fra(X) pedigree includes an apparently normal male who expresses cytogenetically the fra(X) site at high frequency and who has 3 daughters. In the 6 daughters of these 3 males, there is little or no cytogenetic expression of the fra(X). I interpret these pedigrees within the context of my X-inactivation imprinting model of the fra(X) syndrome (Genetics 117:587-599): the cytogenetic manifestation of the imprinted state of the mutant fra(X) chromosome [high percentage of cytogenetic expression] is no longer present in daughters of imprinted males. I propose that the imprinted state is erased when an imprinted fragile-X chromosome is passed through a male. Such erasure in the gender opposite to the gender that established the imprint is in accord with other examples of chromosome imprinting in mammals. Additional data from unpublished fra(X) pedigrees are requested.  相似文献   

The higher prevalence of autism in males than in females suggests the possible involvement of the X chromosome. To test the hypothesis that there are mutations increasing susceptibility to autism on the X chromosome, and in particular the distal portion of the long arm that encompasses the FMRI and MECP2 loci, a genetic linkage study was performed. Twenty-two fragile X-negative families multiplex for autism and related disorders were used for the study. Linkage analysis, for markers in the Xq27-q28 region, using model-free likelihood-based analysis, produced a maximum MLOD of 1.7 for the narrowest diagnostic category of the typical autism/severe autism spectrum, and nonparametric analysis produced a maximum non-parametric lod (NPL) score of 2.1 for a broad phenotype diagnostic model. Thus, this study offers modest support for a susceptibility locus for autism within the Xq27-q28 region. Further genetic investigations of this region are warranted.  相似文献   

Variation in the composition of chromatin has been proposed to generate a 'histone code' that epigenetically regulates gene expression in a variety of eukaryotic systems. As a result of the process of X chromosome inactivation, chromatinon the mammalian inactive X chromosome (Xi) is marked by several modifications, including histone hypoacetylation, trimethylation of lysine 9 on histone H3 (H3TrimK9) and substitution of core histone H2A with the histone variant MacroH2A. H3TrimK9 is a well-studied marker for heterochromatin in many organisms, but the distribution and function of MacroH2A are less clear. Cytologically, the Xi in human cells comprises alternating and largely non-overlapping approximately 10-15 Mb domains marked by MacroH2A and H3TrimK9. To examine the genomic deposition of MacroH2A, H3TrimK9 and acetylated histone H4 modifications on the Xi at higher resolution, we used chromatin immunoprecipitation in combination with a SNP-based assay to distinguish the Xi and active X (Xa) in a diploid female cell line and to determine quantitatively the relative enrichment of these histone code elements on the Xi relative to the Xa. Although we found a majority of sites were enriched for either MacroH2A or H3TrimK9 in a manner consistent with the cytological appearance of the Xi, a range of different histone code types were detected at different sites along the X. These findings suggest that the nature of the heterochromatin histone code associated with X inactivation may be more heterogeneous than previously thought and imply that gene silencing can be achieved by a variety of different epigenetic mechanisms whose genomic, evolutionary or developmental basis is now amenable to investigation.  相似文献   

681例男性不育患者的染色体核型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨染色体异常与男性不育症的关系。方法用常规方法制备外周血淋巴细胞染色体标本,对681例男性不育患者进行染色体G显带核型分析。结果发现异常染色体核型28例,占不育患者总数的4.11%,其中性染色体数目、结构异常者21例,常染色体异常者7例。结论染色体变异对男性生育有重要影响,对久治不愈的不孕不育患者应检查染色体以排除染色体畸变的可能。  相似文献   

Mouse-human hybrid cells that contained an inactive human X chromosome were treated with agents known to alter gene expression and to perturb DNA methylation. 5-Azacytidine greatly increased the rate of derepression of HPRT on the inactive X, while butyrate and dimethyl sulfoxide had smaller effects. Ethionine did not change the rate of derepression. Derepression of two other X-chromosomal loci, PGK and GPD, was also detected. The rate of derepression of PGKwas 20-fold higher than the rate for HPRT. Derepression events at the two loci appeared to be independent. Hybrids expressing derepressed X-chromosomal genes had more variable levels of human enzyme activities when compared to control hybrids. HPRT+ clones did not appear after transfer of purified DNA from a cell hybrid containing an inactive human X into HPRT recipients, but such clones did appear after transfer of DNA from derivative cells in which HPRT had been derepressed.  相似文献   

The hypothesis is set forth that dysregulation of brain-expressed genes on the X chromosome constitutes the major predisposition to autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). This dysregulation, mediated by hypomethylation or hypermethylation of CpG sites within gene promoters, leads to overexpression or partial silencing of one or more brain-expressed genes, which in turn results in an unbalanced production of the proteins responsible for brain structure and function. This hypothesis accommodates the predominantly sporadic occurrence (95%), the male excess (4:1), and the usual absence of malformations or other syndromic manifestations in ASDs.  相似文献   

Male infertility: analysis of the markers and genes on the human Y chromosome   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:10  
The long arm of the human Y chromosome is required for male fertility. Deletions in three different regions can cause severe spermatogenic defects ranging from non-obstructive azoospermia to oligozoospermia. Use of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) may allow Y chromosome defects to be passed from father to son. Thus, numerous reports have stressed the need to offer genetic testing to infertile men who select ICSI and a number of reproductive clinics have begun to do so. The primary objectives of this review were: firstly, to discuss the characteristics of the published set of polymerase chain reaction markers and how these characteristics affect interpretation of Y chromosome deletion analysis and secondly, to summarize the recent literature pertaining to the genes on the Y chromosome.   相似文献   

Fifty-seven Escherichia coli O26 strains isolated from patients in six countries were investigated by PCR restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the flagellin-encoding (fliC) gene (fliC RFLP analysis). The strains were determined by serotyping to belong to five different H types or were nonmotile. The fliC RFLP analysis revealed only two different patterns among the 57 strains. One fliC RFLP pattern was displayed by 54 strains and was identical to that of E. coli H11 reference strain Su4321-41. The other fliC RFLP pattern was observed for three strains and was identical to that for E. coli H32 reference strain K10. The 54 strains with the H11 fliC RFLP pattern included 22 strains of serotype O26:H11, 23 nonmotile strains, and 9 strains that were initially serotyped as H2, H8, H21, and H32 but that were confirmed to express H11 by repeat serotyping. All 54 strains with the H11 fliC RFLP pattern contained the attaching-and-effacing (eae) gene. The three strains with the H32 fliC RFLP pattern belonged to serotype O26:H32, and all were eae negative. The fliC genes of 14 selected E. coli O26:H11 strains isolated between 1964 and 1999 had identical nucleotide sequences. Our results demonstrate that E. coli O26 strains that carry the eae gene belong exclusively to the H11 clonal complex. Since there were no H11 fliC allelic variations among the O26 strains tested, E. coli O26:H11 may have emerged recently. The fliC PCR-RFLP test is a reliable, easy-to-perform, and rapid method for determination of the H types of E. coli O26 isolates.  相似文献   

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